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Acts of 1987

Act Number Date Description Download
51/1987 1987-12-30 Appropriation
49/1987 1987-12-24 Urban Development Authority (Amendment)
50/1987 1987-12-24 Superior Courts Complex Board of Management
48/1987 1987-12-11 Transplantation of Human Tissues
47/1987 1987-12-09 Sri Lanka Council for Agricultural Research Policy
46/1987 1987-11-30 Sri Lanka Working Journalists' Association (Incorporation)
44/1987 1987-11-25 Arts Council of Ceylon (Amendment)
45/1987 1987-11-25 Citizenship (Amendment)
43/1987 1987-11-24 Local Authorities (Special Provisions)
42/1987 1987-11-14 Provincial Councils
39/1987 1987-10-23 Rubber Research (Amendment)
40/1987 1987-10-23 Coconut Development (Amendment)
41/1987 1987-10-23 Board of Trustees of the Lalith Authulathmudali Educational Trust Balangoda (Incorporation)
37/1987 1987-09-23 Parliament (Powers and Privileges) (Amendment)
38/1987 1987-09-23 Licensing of Clubs (Amendment)
36/1987 1987-07-27 Securities Council
32/1987 1987-06-25 Partition (Amendment)
33/1987 1987-06-25 National Savings Bank (Amendment)
34/1987 1987-06-25 Private Omnibus Services (Amendment)
35/1987 1987-06-25 Municipal Councils (Amendment)
31/1987 1987-06-16 Control of Publications on Horse - Racing (Repeal)
30/1987 1987-06-04 Medical (Amendment)
28/1987 1987-06-02 Imports and Exports (Control) (Amendment)
29/1987 1987-06-02 Rehabilitation of Persons, Properties and Industries Authority
25/1987 1987-05-21 Cosmetics Devices and Drugs (Amendment)
26/1987 1987-05-21 National Health Development Fund (Amendment)
27/1987 1987-05-21 Mortgage (Amendment)
22/1987 1987-05-15 Conversion of Public Corporation or Government Owned Business Undertaking into Public Companies
23/1987 1987-05-15 Conversion of Government Owned Business undertaking into Public Corporations
24/1987 1987-05-15 Local Authorities Elections (Amendment)
15/1987 1987-04-16 Pradeshiya Sabhas
16/1987 1987-04-16 Local Government Service (Amendment)
17/1987 1987-04-16 Local Authorities (Special Provisions) (Amendment)
18/1987 1987-04-16 Urban Councils (Amendment)
19/1987 1987-04-16 Municipal Councils (Amendment)
20/1987 1987-04-16 Local Authorities Elections (Amendment)
21/1987 1987-04-16 Development Councils
14/1987 1987-04-10 Air Navigation (Amendment)
12/1987 1987-03-24 Farmers' Pension and Social Security Benefit Scheme
10/1987 1987-03-13 Seva Vanitha Movment of Sri Lanka (Incorporation)
11/1987 1987-03-13 Deepavyapta Boast Lama Samaja Sanvidhanaya (Incorporation)
03/1987 1987-01-30 Public Contracts
04/1987 1987-01-30 National Apprenticeship (Amendment)
06/1987 1987-01-30 Partition (Amendment)
09/1987 1987-01-30 Turnover Tax (Amendment)
01/1987 1987-01-22 Fair Trading Commission
02/1987 1987-01-22 Tourist Development (Amendment)