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Acts of 1981

Act Number Date Description Download
78/1981 1981-12-31 National Resources, Energy and Science Authority of Sri Lanka
75/1981 1981-12-29 Sugarcane Research Institute
76/1981 1981-12-29 National Institute of Plantation Management (Amendment)
77/1981 1981-12-29 Appropriation
73/1981 1981-12-15 Road Development Authority
74/1981 1981-12-15 Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka
72/1981 1981-11-19 Allowances to Plantation Workers
71/1981 1981-11-18 Judicature (Amendment)
70/1981 1981-11-17 Krishnamurti Centre, Sri Lanka (Incorporation)
69/1981 1981-11-12 Turnover Tax
67/1981 1981-11-03 Sri Lanka State Trading Corporations (Amendment)
68/1981 1981-11-03 Sir John Kotalawala Defence Academy
66/1981 1981-10-29 Mahapola Higher Education Scholarship Trust Fund
62/1981 1981-09-28 State Mortgage and Investment Bank (Amendment)
63/1981 1981-09-28 Guides (Amendment)
64/1981 1981-09-28 State Gem Corporation (Amendment)
65/1981 1981-09-28 Assisted Schools & Training Colleges (Special Provisions) (Amendment)
59/1981 1981-09-16 Marine Pollution Prevention
60/1981 1981-09-16 Butchers (Amendment)
56/1981 1981-09-09 Ratnapura District Welfare Fund (Board of Trustees)
57/1981 1981-09-09 Coast Conservation
58/1981 1981-09-09 State Lands (Recovery of Possession) (Amendment)
55/1981 1981-09-03 Institute of Fundamental Studies, Sri Lanka
53/1981 1981-09-02 Shop and Office Employees (Regulation of Employment and Remuneration) (Amendment)
54/1981 1981-09-02 National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency
61/1981 1981-08-31 Municipal Councils and Urban Councils (Amendment)
51/1981 1981-08-28 State Printing Corporation (Amendment)
52/1981 1981-08-28 Maternity Benefits (Amendment)
49/1981 1981-07-24 National Housing (Amendment)
47/1981 1981-07-23 Indo-Ceylon Agreement (Implementation) (Amendment)
48/1981 1981-07-23 S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike National Memorial Foundation (Special Provisions)
46/1981 1981-07-21 Public Servants Welfare Association, Batapola (Incorporation)
45/1981 1981-07-07 Development Councils (Amendment)
42/1981 1981-07-02 Buddhist Temporalities (Amendment)
43/1981 1981-07-02 Sri Lanka Chamber of Small Industry (Incorporation)
44/1981 1981-07-02 Widows' and Orphans' Pension Fund (Amendment)
40/1981 1981-06-10 Inland Revenue (Amendment)
41/1981 1981-06-10 Superior Major of the Silverstro-Benedictine Congregation in Sri Lanka (Incorporation)
39/1981 1981-06-03 Land Reform (Special Provisions)
37/1981 1981-06-02 Finance (Amendment)
38/1981 1981-06-02 Credit Councils (Amendment)
32/1981 1981-05-29 Rest Houses (Amendment)
33/1981 1981-05-29 Municipal Councils (Amendment)
34/1981 1981-05-29 Sri Lanka Foundation (Amendment)
35/1981 1981-05-29 Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Limited (Special Provisions) (Amendment)
36/1981 1981-05-29 Civil Law (Amendment)
30/1981 1981-05-15 National Archives (Amendment)
31/1981 1981-05-15 Surcharge on Income Tax
29/1981 1981-05-07 Agrarian Research and Training Institute (Amendment)
26/1981 1981-05-05 Employees' Provident Fund (Amendment)
27/1981 1981-05-05 Land Development (Amendment)
28/1981 1981-05-05 Chinmaya Mission of Sri Lanka (Incorporation)
25/1981 1981-04-08 Sri Lanka Campus Crusade for Christ (Incorporation)
24/1981 1981-04-03 Kandy Buddhist Association (Incorporation)
23/1981 1981-03-30 Balangoda Sri Sudarshana Vihara Wardhana Samithiya (Incorporation)
21/1981 1981-03-23 Motor Traffic (Amendment)
22/1981 1981-03-23 Air Navigation (Amendment)
20/1981 1981-03-19 Development Councils Elections
15/1981 1981-03-12 Presidential Elections
16/1981 1981-03-12 Census (Amendment)
17/1981 1981-03-12 Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration
18/1981 1981-03-12 Buddhist Temporalities (Amendment)
19/1981 1981-03-12 Ceylon Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research (Amendment)
13/1981 1981-03-05 National Health Development Fund
14/1981 1981-03-05 Land Reform (Amendment)
07/1981 1981-02-27 Referendum
08/1981 1981-02-27 Government Quarters (Recovery of Possession)(Amendment)
09/1981 1981-02-27 Licensing of Shipping Agents (Amendment)
10/1981 1981-02-27 Municipal Councils and Urban Councils (Amendment)
11/1981 1981-02-27 Registration of Persons (Amendment)
12/1981 1981-02-27 Tax Reserve Certificates (Amendment)
04/1981 1981-02-11 Consular Functions
05/1981 1981-02-11 Partition (Amendment)
06/1981 1981-02-11 Transport Board (Amendment)
50/1981 1981-02-11 Firearms (Amendment)
02/1981 1981-01-29 Presidential Elections (Special Provisions)
03/1981 1981-01-29 Institute of Supply Materials Management, Sri Lanka
01/1981 1981-01-22 Parliamentary Elections