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Extraordinary Gazettes of 2020

Gazettes Number Date Description Download
2208/26 2020-12-31 Central Bank of Sri Lanka Balance Sheet as at 30th November 2020 (Reserved)
2208/27 2020-12-31 Consumer Affairs Authority - Directs for Hand Sanitizers
2208/28 2020-12-31 Land Acquisition - Ulpothakumbura, Kandy Four Gravets D/S Division, Kandy District (Gurudeniya Road)
2208/29 2020-12-31 Department of Local Government - Uva Province - The meeting of the Haldummulla Pradeshiya Sabha
2208/30 2020-12-31 Land Acquisition - Basnagoda, Ruwanwella D/S Division, Kegalle District
2208/31 2020-12-31 Ministry of Education - Appoint Competent Authority to the Institute of Technology, University of Moratuwa
2208/32 2020-12-31 State Ministry of Gem and Jewellery Related Industries - Order to acquire the Land in D/S Division, Colombo
2208/33 2020-12-31 Presidential Secretariat - Establishment of a Presidential Task Force for Notional Deployment and Vaccination Plan for Covid-19 Vaccine
2208/12 2020-12-30 Presidential Secretariat - Declare the Sri Lanka Ports Authority Services as Essential Public Services
2208/13 2020-12-30 Ministry of Justice - The Council of Legal Education Ordinance (Chapter 276)
2208/14 2020-12-30 Ministry of Labour - Industrial Disputes; K. M. G. Kulasekara Vs. Sri Lanka Transport Board and 3 Other Notices
2208/15 2020-12-30 Ministry of Labour - Industrial Disputes; Jathika Sewaka Sangamaya Vs. Lanka Sugar Company (pvt) Ltd. and 4 Other Notices
2208/16 2020-12-30 Ministry of Defence - Amend the Name List of Uttama Seva Paddakkama (Air Force)
2208/17 2020-12-30 Ministry of Power - Amend the Gaz.Ex.No. 2128/19, Land in D/S Division, Ella
2208/18 2020-12-30 Public Service Commission - 3rd Amendment to the Service Minute of the Sri Lanka Principals Service
2208/19 2020-12-30 Land Title Settlement Department - Horethuduwa, D/S Division, Panadura, Kalutara District - Cad. Map No. 530011 and Other Notices
2208/20 2020-12-30 Governor's Secretariat - Southern Province - Order on Recuring Expenses to Tangalle Urban Council
2208/21 2020-12-30 Governor's Secretariat - Western Province - Order on amend the Schedule of the Entertainment Tax
2208/23 2020-12-30 Land Acquisition - acquired the Lands in D/S Division, Ella, Haldummulla and Mahara
2208/24 2020-12-30 Land Acquisition - Katugoda, Galle Four Gravets D/S Division, Galle District
2208/25 2020-12-30 Land Acquisition - Compensations for the acquisitions of the Lands in D/S Division, Devinuwara
2208/01 2020-12-28 Ministry of Education - A Degree awarding Status : CINEC Campus & Competent Authority : Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute
2208/02 2020-12-28 Land Acquisition - Ambalanwatta D/S Division Meerigama and Makilangamuwa, Gampaha D/S Division, Gampaha District
2208/03 2020-12-28 Department of Census & Statistics - National Consumer Price Index
2208/04 2020-12-28 Ministry of Labour - The Industrial Disputes between Mr. A. W. C. Bandara and Sri Lanka Transport Board
2208/05 2020-12-28 Ministry of Labour - Industrial Disputes ; Ceylon Steel Corporation Vs. Sri Lanka Nidahas Sewaka Sangamaya and three Other Notices
2208/06 2020-12-28 Election Commission - Declare that N. Kalaivani as a member of the Chavakachcheri Pradeshiya Sabha
2208/07 2020-12-28 Ministry of Labour - Industrial Disputes ; J. Thiranagama Vs. Tea Shakthi Fund and Three Other Notices
2208/08 2020-12-28 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange effective from 28.12.2020 to 03.01.2021
2208/09 2020-12-28 Ministry of Labour - Collective Agreement between Lanka Electricity (pvt) Ltd. and Employees Union (43/2018)
2208/10 2020-12-28 Ministry of Labour - Industrial Disputes; Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment Vs. Mes. H. N. K. Silva and three Other Settlement Orders
2208/11 2020-12-28 Ministry of Labour - Industrial Disputes; Boyawanthalawa Tea Estates PLS Vs. Mr. J. W. K. Bandara and three Other Settlement Orders
2207/17 2020-12-27 Election Commission - Filling of a vacancy in the office of member of the Nawalapitiya Urban Council
2207/18 2020-12-27 Sri Lanka Institute of Architects - Regulations of the Sri Lanka Institute of Architects
2207/16 2020-12-26 District Secretariat Rathnapura - Information of the General Public about the Sripada Pilgrimage Season 2020/2021
2207/10 2020-12-24 Uva Provincial Council/Governor’s Office - Naming a Tourist Zone in Ella Divisional Secretary’s Division in Uva Province
2207/11 2020-12-24 Department of Labour - Special Allowance payable to workers in the Cocoa, Cardamom and Pepper growing and manufacturing trade
2207/12 2020-12-24 Central Bank of Sri Lanka - Notification in terms of Section 192 of the Civil Procedure Code to determine the Legal Rate of Interest with effect from 01st January 2021.
2207/13 2020-12-24 Central Bank of Sri Lanka - Notification in terms of Section 30 of the Debt Recovery (Special Provisions) Act, No. 02 of 1990 to determine the Market Rate of Interest with effect from 01st January 2021.
2207/14 2020-12-24 Kamburupitiya D/S Division - Harvest of Cinnamon Plantation of State Lands sale in Auction Ullala & Kirinda of Matara District
2207/15 2020-12-24 Ministry of Finance - Import and Export Control Department : Regulations applicable to the importation of goods which have the date of Bill of Lading/Air Waybill on or after 25 December 2020.
2207/05 2020-12-23 Election Commission - Places where Voter lists an be checked
2207/06 2020-12-23 Ministry of Justice - Code of Criminal Precedure (Special Provisions) Act, No. 2 of 2013
2207/07 2020-12-23 Ministry of Youth and Sports - Regulation made by the Minister of Youth and Sports under Section 41 read with Section 31 of the Sports Law, No. 25 of 1973
2207/08 2020-12-23 Ministry of Finance - Notification made by the Prime Minister and Minister of Finance under Sections 3 and 4 of the Societies Ordinance (Chapter 123)
2207/09 2020-12-23 Department of Local Government, Uva Province - Meeting to elect Chairman to fill the vacant post of Chairman of the Mahiyangana Pradeshiya Sabha
2207/04 2020-12-22 Election Commission - Appoint of Assistant Registering Officers
2207/01 2020-12-21 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange effective from 21.12.2020 to 27.12.2020
2207/02 2020-12-21 Election Commission : Filling of vacancies of members of Chavakachcheri UC, Rathnapura MC, Wanathawilluwa and Akmeemana Pradeshiya Sabhas
2207/03 2020-12-21 Election Commission : Vacation of the Office of members of Angunakolapellessa and Katuwana Pradeshiya Sabhas
2206/23 2020-12-19 Election Commission : Department of Local Government, Northern Province – Notice to convene the meeting for the selection of Mayor/Chairman for Jaffna Municipal Council and Nallur Pradeshiya Sabha
2206/26 2020-12-19 Presidential Secretariat - Enlarging the period of time of Presidential Commission of Inquiry for rendition of the final report on Bomb Explotion occurred on 21st April, 2019.
2206/18 2020-12-18 Department of Fiscal Policy - Strategic Development Project Shangri-la Hotels
2206/19 2020-12-18 Department of Fiscal Policy - Strategic Development Project Sino Lanka Hotels and SPAC Private Limited
2206/20 2020-12-18 Ministry of Education - South Eastern University of Sri Lanka - Addition of new item “(e) Department of Computer Science” to the Schedule II.
2206/21 2020-12-18 Ministry of Finance - Notice under sections 3 and 4 of the Societies Ordinance pertaining to Guwan Thotupala Sancharaka Kaulu Margopadeshaka Saha Riyaduru Sangamaya and Samastha Lanka Bulath Govi Welanda Sangamaya.
2206/22 2020-12-18 Election Commission - Appointed Athureliya Rathana Thero as the Members of Parliament under Article 99A of the Constitution
2206/24 2020-12-18 District Secretariat-Gampaha : Annual Feast of St. Sebastian’s National Shrine, Kandana-2021 will be held under the Covid-19 Quarantine Laws by Health Authorities
2206/25 2020-12-18 Ministry of Finance - Order under Section 22 of the Foreign Exchange Act, No. 12 of 2017
2206/15 2020-12-17 Land Acquisition - Kolonna, Kolonna D/S Division of Ratnapura District and Mathugobe Village, Kotapola D/S Division of Matara District.
2206/17 2020-12-17 Presidential Secretariat - Order by His Excellency the President, to call out all the Members of Armed Forces for Maintenance of public order with effect from December 22, 2020
2206/10 2020-12-16 Department of Trade & Investment Policy - Waive off Special Commodity Levy on importation of Salt
2206/13 2020-12-16 Ministry of Plantation - Specify the Kithul shall be a palm for the purpose of section 63
2206/14 2020-12-16 Presidential Secretariat - Appoint Major General (Retd.) Jagath Alwis and Major General (Retd.) V. R. Silva as Secretaries
2206/16 2020-12-16 Presidential Secretariat - Order by His Excellency the President, in terms of section 2 of the Essential Public Services Act, No. 61 of 1979
2206/07 2020-12-15 Ministry of Ports and Shipping - Amendment to Substitute Schedule Nos. 1-3 of Gazette No. 2195/26 to Acquire a Land for the Sri Lanka Ports Authority
2206/08 2020-12-15 Election Commission - Appointed Kahingalage Chandrawathee as the member of the Rajgama Pradeshiya Sabha
2206/09 2020-12-15 Local Government - Northern Province - To elect a Chairmans of the Vengalacheddikulam Pradeshiya Sabba
2206/11 2020-12-15 Minister of Urban Development and Housing - Cancellation of the Gazette Notifications
2206/12 2020-12-15 Department of Local Government - Central Province - First Meeting to elect the Mayor of the Matale Municipal Council
2206/01 2020-12-14 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange effective from 14.12.2020 to 20.12.2020
2206/02 2020-12-14 Department of Local Government - Uva Province - To elect new Chairmans of the Haldummulla Pradheshiya Sabha and Ella Pradheshiya Sabha.
2206/03 2020-12-14 Department of Trade and Investment Policy - Special Commodity Levy on Potatoes, Clementine, Coconut Oil etc.
2206/04 2020-12-14 Ministry of Defence - List of Air Force Personnel to be awarded with Videsha Seva Padakkama
2206/05 2020-12-14 Ministry of Finance - Import and Export Control Department - Promulgate regulations applicable to importation of goods by the Minister of Finance.
2206/06 2020-12-14 Election Commission - Appointed Elwala Gedara Sithara Dilrukshi Nissanka as the member of the Pallepola Poojapitiya Pradeshiya Sabha
2205/18 2020-12-13 Election Commission - A. D. Vimukthi Daraka Edirisinghe is appointed as a member of Poojapitiya Pradeshiya Sabha
2205/19 2020-12-13 Ministry of Defence - Air Force Act—Amending the Sri Lanka Volunteer Air Force Regulations of 1978 by inserting a Regulation to transfer an Airman to the Volunteer Reserve.
2205/17 2020-12-12 Department of Government Information - Issuance of Media Accreditation - 2021
2205/12 2020-12-11 Divisional Secretariat - Palugaswewa - Acquisition Servitude right of lands for the tunnel tight Canal of Upper Elahera Canal project.
2205/13 2020-12-11 Land Acquisition - Mattumagala, Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District - Makola, Biyagama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Maragaswewa, Hingurakgoda D/S Division, Polonnaruwa District - Vannarpannai, Jaffna D/S Division, Jaffna District
2205/14 2020-12-11 Presidential Secretariat - Amendment of the Subjects and Functions of the Departments, Statutory Institutions and Public Corporations
2205/15 2020-12-11 Presidential Secretariat - Appointment of Secretaries to State Ministries
2205/16 2020-12-11 Thimbirigasyaya Divisional Secretariat - Amended Date for granting claims for compensation. Udapalatha Divisional Secretariat - Hydro Power Project of Moragolla, Gampola.
2205/09 2020-12-09 Ministry of Tourism - Appointing Ceylon Petroleum Corporation as the Service Provider for the provision of aeronautical services at the aerodromes.
2205/10 2020-12-09 Land Acquisition - Attanwala Village in the Laggala Pallegama DS Division and Thelawala in the Moratuwa DS Division.
2205/11 2020-12-09 Ministry of Water Supply - Acquisition of plot of Lands to construct the Rockthenna Estate office, under Hali-ela water supply scheme (extent : 0.0441 Hectare) and water tower, Ground tank and access road, pannala makandura-kuliyapitiya water supply project (Extent : 60 perches and 10 perches)
2205/03 2020-12-08 Public Service Commission - Delegation of Powers by the Public Service Commission
2205/04 2020-12-08 Election Commission - Declaration of the Name of Kanthaiyapillai Suthamathi as a Member of Ninthavur Pradeshiya Sabha
2205/05 2020-12-08 Western Province Provincial Council - Extention of the date to submit report pertaining to Wattala-Mabola Urban Council
2205/06 2020-12-08 Presidential Secretariat - Appointment of Mr. Jayanatha de Silva as Secretary to the Ministry of Technology
2205/07 2020-12-08 Presidential Secretariat - Appointment of Mr. C. D. Wickramaratne as the Inspector General of Police
2205/08 2020-12-08 Election Commission - Filling of Vacancy of Members of the Batticaloa Municipal Council
2205/01 2020-12-07 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange effective from 07.12.2020 to 13.12.2020
2205/02 2020-12-07 Dept. of Local Government - Northern Province Fill the Vacant of Chairman of Vengalacheddikulam Pradeshiya Sabha
2204/29 2020-12-06 Land Acquisition - Ukuwela Village in the Divisional Secretary’s Division of Ukuwela in the District of Matale
2204/23 2020-12-04 Election Commission - Filling of Vacancy of the Members of the Dimbulagala, Minuwangoda and Mahara Pradeshiya Sabhas
2204/24 2020-12-04 Election Commission - Filling of Vacancy of the Members of the Kurunegala Municipal Council, Trincomalee Urban Council and Meerigama Pradeshiya Sabha
2204/25 2020-12-04 Land Acquisition - Getamanna, Beliatta D/S Division, Hambanthota District
2204/26 2020-12-04 Land Acquisition - Gettuwana, Kurunetala D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Nabadagaswewa, Sooriyawewa D/S Division, Hambantota District
2204/27 2020-12-04 Land Acquisition - Dematagoda, Thimbirigasyaya D/S Division and Pelanwatte, Kesbewa D/S Division of Colombo District
2204/28 2020-12-04 Presidential Secretariat - Appointment of State Minister Hon. Sudarshani Fernandopulle, M.P. and Hon. Lohan Rathwaththe, M.P.
2204/18 2020-12-03 Election Commission - Declare that Mr. M. E. R. Fernando as a member of the Negombo Municipal Council
2204/19 2020-12-03 Election Commission - A member of the Muthur Pradeshiya Sabha has vacated his Office of member
2204/20 2020-12-03 Election Commission - Declare the names of Chairman, Vice Chairman and a member of the Divulapitiya Pradeshiya Sabha
2204/21 2020-12-03 Election Commission - Declare the names of the Chairman of Dompe Pradeshiya Sabha and members of Manthai-west, Ja-ela, Kinniya & Ruwanwella Pradeshiya Sabha
2204/22 2020-12-03 Land Acquisition - Aparakka, Devinuwara D/S Division, Matara District - Kapuduwa, Thihagoda D/S Division, Matara District - Salthanagoda, D/S Division, Malimbada
2204/13 2020-12-02 Chief Secretary's Office - Southern Province - Co-operative Societies, which have been Completed Liquidation
2204/14 2020-12-02 Colombo Municipal Council - Budget - 2021 ; Open for Pubic inspections
2204/15 2020-12-02 Ministry of Finance - 4th Amendment to the Service Minute of the Sri Lanka Inland Revenue Service
2204/16 2020-12-02 Election Commission - Declare that Mr. H. M. N. K. Wijebandara as a member of the Minipe Pradeshiya Sabha
2204/17 2020-12-02 Central Province - The Order made under Sections 277(1)(i), 277(1B) (b) of the amended Municipal Council Ordinance (Chapter 252) to be read with Sec. 2 of the Provincial Council (Consequential Provisions) Act, No. 12 of 1989, remove Mr. D. N. Aluvihare, Mayor of the Municipal Council Matale from Office with effect from 02.12.2020
2204/04 2020-12-01 Department of Local Government - Central Province - By - Laws made by the Dambulla Municipal Council
2204/05 2020-12-01 Land Acquisition - Ingiriya, Ingiriya D/S Division, Kalutara District
2204/06 2020-12-01 Land Acquisition - Ambana, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District and Polatthapitiya, Kurunegala D/S Division, Kurunegala District
2204/07 2020-12-01 Land Acquisition - Medemulla,Minuwangoda D/S Division, Gampaha District and Golahela, Kegalle D/S Division, Kegalle District
2204/08 2020-12-01 Land Acquisition - Siyambala Damana, Palugaswewa D/S Division, Anuradhapura District
2204/09 2020-12-01 Land Acquisition - Leloya & Maoya, Laggala-Pallegama D/S Division, Matale District and two amendments of Naula and Yatiyanthota
2204/10 2020-12-01 Land Acquisition - Kekilla Mandiya, Hikkaduwa D/S Division, Galle District and Deewilla, Yatawattha D/S Division, Matale District
2204/11 2020-12-01 Land Acquisition - Aluthkade-East, D/S Division, Colombo ; Meethirigala, D/S Division, Dompe ; and Sinhala Pattuwa, D/S Division, Medirigiriya
2204/12 2020-12-01 Election Commission - Declare that Mr. D. G. M. Kumara as a member of the Nuwaraeliya Municiyal Council
2203/40 2020-11-30 Central Bank of Sri Lanka - Balance sheet as at 31st October 2020
2204/01 2020-11-30 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange effective from 30.11.2020 to 06.12.2020
2204/02 2020-11-30 Ministry of Water Supply - To be acquired for Alupotha Ground Reservoir , the Land in D/S Division, Badalkumbure and two amendment
2204/03 2020-11-30 Land Acquisition - Maussagolla, Ratthota D/S Division, Matale District (Amendment for 2146/34)
2203/37 2020-11-28 Department of Fiscal Policy - Order Under Section 3 of the Ports and Airports Development Levy Act, No. 18 of 2011
2203/38 2020-11-28 Land Acquisition - Welawela, Yatawatta D/S Division, Matale District - Galagama, Yatawatta D/S Division, Malale District
2203/39 2020-11-28 Ministry of Ports & Shipping - Amend to the Ex.Gaz.No. 2195/26 of 29th September 2020
2203/35 2020-11-27 Land Acquisition - Madumana, Galgedewala, Laggala-Pallegama D/S Division,Matale District and Watagodawatta, Nuwaraeliya D/S Division, Nuwaraeliya District
2203/36 2020-11-27 Land Acquisition - Compensations for the acquisitions of the Lands in Dewalawatta, Chilaw and Hiddahandiwatta, Balapitiya
2203/28 2020-11-26 Governor's Office - Western Province - Tax for Entertainment Activities
2203/29 2020-11-26 Land Acquisition - Thalagoda, Naula D/S Division, Matale District and Rambukoluwa, Laggala-Pallegama D/S Division, Matale District
2203/30 2020-11-26 Election Commission - Declare that W. M. G. Kumarihami as a member of the Mahawa Pradeshiya Sabha
2203/31 2020-11-26 Land Acquisition - Halangoda, Ukuwela D/S Division, Matale District
2203/32 2020-11-26 Land Acquisition - Padiyapellella, Walapane D/S Division, Nuwara-Eliya District
2203/33 2020-11-26 Presidential Secretariat - His Excellency the President has Charge Two Ministries, Ministry of Defence & Ministry of Technology. Relinquished Office of the State Ministers with effect From 26.11.2020, Appoint Hon Sarath Weerasekara, MP as Minister of Public Security with effect from 26.11.2020 - Appoint Hon. Chamal Rajapaksha MP as State Minister of National Security Home Affairs and Diaster Management with effect from 26.11.2020
2203/34 2020-11-26 Department of Archaeological - Area Comprising the Delft Island ruin monastry Complex - Archaeological Reserve
2203/20 2020-11-25 Department of Census & Statistics - The National Consumer Price Index - October 2020
2203/21 2020-11-25 Ministry of Labour - Industrial Disputes between ; R. P. A. Sagara Vs SL Ports Authority ; C. P. Samaradheera Vs. Vocational Training Authority, K. P. Premasiri Vs. Sri Lanka Transtport Board
2203/22 2020-11-25 Ministry of Labour - Industrial Disputes between ; K. W. R. Sisira Vs Lanka Electricity Company; S. Widesooriya Vs National Gem & Jewellary Authority; J. R. Sanarakoon Vs SL Airlines Limited
2203/23 2020-11-25 Ministry of Labour - Industrial Disputes between ; P. A. K. Pradeep Vs SL Transport Board; United Tea, Rubber & Local Produce Workers' Union Vs Finlays Colombo Ltd; and I. B. Fernando Vs SL Broadcasting Corporation
2203/24 2020-11-25 Land Acquisition - Pelenwattha, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District
2203/25 2020-11-25 Election Commission - Declare the new members of the Colombo Municipal Council; Galgamuwa Pradeshiya Sabha and Lahugala Pradeshiya Sabha
2203/26 2020-11-25 Land Acquisition - Kirioya, Elahera D/S Division, Polonnaruwa District and amendments D/S Division, Thihagoda and D/S Division, Thimbirigasyaya
2203/27 2020-11-25 Governor's Office - Western Province - Rules of Disciplinary Procedure of the Public Service
2203/08 2020-11-24 Ministry of Education - Service Minute of the Sri Lanka Education Administrative Service 04th Amendment
2203/09 2020-11-24 Election Commission - A member of the Rajgama Pradeshiya Sabha has Vacated his Office of member of That Pradeshiya Sabha
2203/10 2020-11-24 Election Commission - Declare that D. W. B. K. Rohana as a member of the Ambalantota Pradeshiya Sabha
2203/11 2020-11-24 Election Commission - Declare that, D. M. Rathnayaka as a member of the Siyambalanduwa Pradeshiya Sabha
2203/12 2020-11-24 Election Commission - Declare that, M. A. V. Donal Nilantha as a member of the Homagama Pradeshiya Sabha
2203/13 2020-11-24 Election Commission - Declare that, K. Thiruchelvam as a member of the Trincomalee Urban Council
2203/14 2020-11-24 Election Commission - Declare that, Y. G. Nandana as a member of the Wattegama Urban Council
2203/15 2020-11-24 Land Acquisition - Compensation for the acquisition of the Lands in Rambukkana D/S Division, Kegalle District
2203/16 2020-11-24 Ministry of Finance - Strategic Development Projects Act No. 14 of 2008 to Construct five vertical Iconic Towers at the Colombo Port City
2203/17 2020-11-24 Land Acquisition - Kongaswala, Mawathagama D/S Division, Kurunegala District
2203/18 2020-11-24 Land Acquisition - Dehiwala, Dehiwala D/S Division, Colombo District
2203/19 2020-11-24 Land Acquisition - Kotawella & Kanugolla, Rambukkana D/S Division Kegalle District and Watareka, Mawathagama D/S Division, Kurunegala District
2203/01 2020-11-23 Department of Trade & Investment Policy - Surcharge on Petrol, Gas Oil/Diesel, w.e.f. 24.11.2020
2203/02 2020-11-23 Sri Lanka Customs - The Rates of Exchange, effective from 23.11.2020 to 29.11.2020
2203/03 2020-11-23 Department of Fiscal Policy - Fiscal Strategy Statement and Budget, Economic & Fiscal Position Reports - 2021
2203/04 2020-11-23 Department of Local Government - Eastern Province - Declare that the Chairman of Kinniya Pradeshiya Sabha and Vice Chairman of Trincomalee Town & Gravets Pradeshiya Sabha
2203/05 2020-11-23 Urban Development Authority - Approval of the Amendment to the City of Colombo Development Plan
2203/06 2020-11-23 Ministry of Power - Approve the Proposed acquisition of Land in D/S Division, Wattala
2203/07 2020-11-23 Ministry of Defence - Regulations : the Army Pensions and Gratuities Code, 1981 (Amendment)
2202/26 2020-11-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Habarakada, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520011
2202/27 2020-11-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Nagalawewa, Dambulla D/S Division, Matale District and others
2202/28 2020-11-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Ex. Gaz. No. 2137/74 of 23.08.2019 - Cad. Map No. 511009 and others
2202/29 2020-11-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Makuluwa, Four Gravets Galle D/S Division, Galle District - Cad. Map No. 810013 and others
2202/30 2020-11-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Gorakana, Panadura D/S Division, Kalutara District - Cad. Map No. 530012 and others
2202/31 2020-11-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Pohoddaramulla, Kalutara D/S Division, Kalutara District - Cad. Map No. 530014 and others
2202/32 2020-11-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Liyangolla, Siyambalanduwa D/S Division, Monaragala District - Cad. Map No. 72009 and others
2202/33 2020-11-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Karagampitiya, Dehiwala D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520812 and others
2202/34 2020-11-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Pethiyagoda, Rideemaliyadda D/S Division, Badulla District - Cad. Map No. 710012 and others
2202/35 2020-11-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Theladiriya, Balangoda D/S Division, Rathnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620056 and others
2202/36 2020-11-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Rathmalana, Rathmalana D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521002 and others
2202/37 2020-11-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Ruwanpura, Kothmale D/S Division, Nuwaraeliya District - Cad. Map No. 330306 and others
2202/38 2020-11-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Kamburugamuwa North, Weligama D/S Division, Matara District - Cad. Map No. 820069 and others
2202/39 2020-11-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Rangammulla, Wennappuwa D/S Division, Puttalam District
2202/40 2020-11-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Ranawana, Harispaththuwa D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320325 and others
2202/41 2020-11-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Gangodagama, Welipepola D/S Division, Rathnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620142 and others
2202/42 2020-11-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Undurugoda, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520034
2202/43 2020-11-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Homagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001
2202/44 2020-11-21 Department of Trade & Investment Policy - Special Commodity Levy on Yogurt, Red Onion, Garlic, Peas etc., w.e.f. 22.11.2020
2202/19 2020-11-20 Land Acquisition - Redemption of Lands in D/S Division, Kaduwela and Kesbewa
2202/20 2020-11-20 Land Acquisition - Acquired the Lands in D/S Division, Biyagama, Athuraliya and Wanathawilluwa
2202/21 2020-11-20 Land Acquisition - Acquired the Lands in D/S Division, Kesbewa and Kalpitiya
2202/22 2020-11-20 Land Acquisition - Acquired the Lands in D/S Division, Biyagama and Kandaketiya
2202/23 2020-11-20 Land Acquisition - Village of Kodidamam, Thenmaradchi D/S Division, Jaffna District
2202/24 2020-11-20 Office of the Public Service Commission - Delegation of Powers by the Public Service Commission (Concerning the Officers of the Sri Lanka Police Service)
2202/25 2020-11-20 Presidential Secretariat - Amendment to the Gazette Extra Ordinary No. 2187/27 of 09.08.2020 : Duties & Functions
2202/17 2020-11-19 Ministry of Youth & Sports - Amendment relevance to the 2020 : the National Association of Sports Regulations
2202/18 2020-11-19 Land Acquisition - Chankanai East, Valikamam West D/S Division, Jaffna District
2202/09 2020-11-18 Election Commission - A member of the Anuradhapura Municipal Council and a member of the Embilipitiya Urban Council have Vacated their Office of member
2202/10 2020-11-18 National Physical Planning Department - Urban Development Areas : Kolawenigama Raja Maha Vihara and Bingiriya Devagiri Raja Maha Vihara area.
2202/11 2020-11-18 Ministry of Lands - Mrs. N. B. I. Nanayakkara as a Land Acquiring Officer
2202/12 2020-11-18 Land Acquisition - Rathwita, Rideegama D/S Division, Kurunegala District
2202/13 2020-11-18 Presidential Secretariat - Call Out all the members of the Armed Forces For the maintenance of Public Order
2202/14 2020-11-18 Presidential Secretariat - A Promotion and a retirement : Sri Lanka Air Force
2202/15 2020-11-18 Land Acquisition - Kotuwegoda, Kaduwela D/S Division, Colombo District
2202/16 2020-11-18 Election Commission - Declare that Mr. N. R. M. P. Nawarathna as Chairman of the Ruwanwella Pradeshiya Sabha
2202/04 2020-11-17 Department of Trade & Investment Policy - Special Commodity Levy on Salmon, Herrings etc., w.e.f. 18.11.2020
2202/05 2020-11-17 Department of Trade & Investment Policy - Revenue Protection Order No. 08 of 2020
2202/06 2020-11-17 Department of Trade & Investment Policy - Order declared that the CESS Shall be Charged, w.e.f. 12.11.2020
2202/07 2020-11-17 Department of Trade & Investment Policy - The Foreign Exchange Act, No. 12 of 2017 : Amend the Gaz.Ex.Nos. 2170/04 & 2182/32
2202/08 2020-11-17 Presidential Secretariat - Essential Public Services Act, No. 61 of 1979. All Services, Work or Labour of any Description Necessary or Required to be done by or in Connection with the Sri Lanka Ports Authority
2202/01 2020-11-16 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange Effective from 16.11.2020 to 22.11.2020
2202/02 2020-11-16 Land Acquisition - Hynford Colony, Pasbage Korale D/S Division, Kandy District and an amendment to the Gaz.Ex.No. 1979/29 D/S Division, Badulla
2202/03 2020-11-16 Ministry of Finance - Strategic Development Projects Act No. 14 of 2008 Exemption from Custom Duty under Custom Ordinance
2201/29 2020-11-14 North Central Province - Removal from Office
2201/28 2020-11-13 Land Acquisition - Deddugoda - North, D/S/Division Galle, four Gravets, Galle District
2201/11 2020-11-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Bogamuwa, D/S Division, Gampaha, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 511800
2201/12 2020-11-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Etthiligoda, Galle four Gravets, Galle District - Cad. Map No. 810017
2201/13 2020-11-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Girithale, D/S/Division Hingurakgoda, Polonnaruwa District - Cad. Map No. 120145
2201/14 2020-11-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Moragaswewa, D/S/Division Hingurakgoda, Polonnaruwa District, - Cad. Map No. 120101
2201/15 2020-11-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Sitinamaluwa, D/S/Division Beliattta, Hambabthota District - Cad. Map No. 830116
2201/16 2020-11-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Jayamalapura, D/S/Division Udapalatha, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320016
2201/17 2020-11-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Siribopura, D/S/Division Hambanthota, District of Hambanthota, - Cad. Map No. 83011
2201/18 2020-11-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Hadirawalana Ihalagama, D/S/Division Kurunegala, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420350
2201/19 2020-11-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Sisilasagama, D/S/Division Hambanthota, District of Hambanthota - Cad. Map No. 830013
2201/20 2020-11-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Weliweeriya - East, D/S/Division Matara, Matara District - Cad. Map No. 820017
2201/21 2020-11-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Pothupitiya, D/S/Division Kalutara, Kalutara District - Cad. Map No. 530084
2201/22 2020-11-12 Land Title Settlement Department Ballapana, D/S/Division Galigamuwa, Kegalla District - Cad. Map No. 610011
2201/23 2020-11-12 Land Title Settlement Department Elapitiwala, D/S/Division Wattala, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 512009
2201/24 2020-11-12 Land Title Settlement Department Mahaloluwa, D/S/Division Dompe, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 511001
2201/25 2020-11-12 Land Title Settlement Department Hitthetiya, D/S/Division Matara, Matara District - Cad. Map No. 820004
2201/26 2020-11-12 Election Commission - Declare that W. I. P. Dayananda as a Member of the Nivithigala Pradeshiya Sabha
2201/27 2020-11-12 Election Commission - New Members of Padaviya, Nuwaragam Palatha - East, Damana and Kekirawa Pradeshiya Sabhas
2201/10 2020-11-11 Land Title Settlement Department - Assennawatta, D/S Division, Divulapitiya, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510018
2201/06 2020-11-10 Department of Fiscal Policy - Revocation, the notification Published in Gaz.Ex.No. 1841/04 and 1847/37
2201/07 2020-11-10 Election Commission - Declare that A. R. T. Wimarshani as a Member of the Warakapola PS and K. Vavikaran as a Member of the Porathivn PS
2201/08 2020-11-10 Consumer Affairs Authority - The Consumer Affairs Authority orders that no Importer, Distributor, Supplier or Trader shall sell, expose, officer or display for sale, or supply for sale the item above the maximum price given below. (Order No. 71)
2201/01 2020-11-09 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange Effective from 09.11.2020 to 15.11.2020
2201/02 2020-11-09 National Physical Planning Department - Declare that "Polonnaruwa Solosmasthana Rajamaha Vihara Sacred Area" as an Urban Development Area
2201/03 2020-11-09 Land Acquisition - Erewwala, Mampe, D/S Division, Kesbewa, Colombo District
2201/04 2020-11-09 Ministry of Education - The Benedict XVI Catholic Institute of Higher Education (Private) Limited as a Degree Awarding Institute
2201/05 2020-11-09 Presidential Secretariat - Enlarged the Period of Political Victimization of Public Officers Commission
2200/08 2020-11-08 Governor's Office Western Province - Entertainment Tax Ordinance - Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte M.C. and Horana U.C.
2200/07 2020-11-06 Kalmunai Municipal Council - Proposed Budget Report - 2020
2200/04 2020-11-05 Local Govt. - Eastern Province - Summon the Meeting to fill the Post of Chairman - Kinniya Pradeshiya Sabha
2200/05 2020-11-05 Election Commission - A Member of the Negombo Urban Council Divulapitiya PS, Meerigama PS, Minuwangoda PS et.c.
2200/06 2020-11-05 Governor's Office of Western Province - The By-Law Relating to Procedure for the Conduct of Business at Meeting of Ja-ela Urban Council
2200/03 2020-11-04 Consumer Affairs Authority - The Consumer Affairs Authority Orders that no Producer / Miller shall sell, expose or offer for Sale or Display for Sale the Varieties of Rice Listed
2200/01 2020-11-02 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange Effective from 02.11.2020 to 08.11.2020
2200/02 2020-11-02 Office of the Governor - Uva Province - Mr. M. T. G. A. N. Lakmal to act as the Provincial Mechanical Director and Six Other appointments of Uva Province
2199/27 2020-10-31 Central Bank of Sri Lanka - Balance Sheet as at 30.11.2020 (Reserved)
2199/26 2020-10-30 Land Acquisition - Thummalai South, D/S Division, Wadamarachchi South-West, Jaffna Distric and Amendments of D/S Division, Badulla, Horana, Homagama
2199/15 2020-10-29 Department of Local Government North-Western Province - Rules for the Preparations and enforcement of MC, UC & PS Budgets-2020 in North-Western Province
2199/16 2020-10-29 Ministry of Justice - Order Under Section 3 of the Judicature Act, No. 02 of 1978 (Judicial Division of Samanthurai)
2199/17 2020-10-29 Ministry of Justice - Order Under Section 3 of the Judicature Act, No. 02 of 1978 (Judicial Division of Gampaha)
2199/18 2020-10-29 Land Acquisition - Pothana, Dambulla, D/S Division, Matale District, Getaamauna, Beliaththa, D/S Division Hambanthota District, Homagama, D/S Division Homagama, Colombo District
2199/19 2020-10-29 Land Acquisition - Bopitiya, D/S Divsion, Akuressa, Matara District, Dahampura D/S Division, Kolonnawa, Colombo District
2199/20 2020-10-29 Imports and Export Control Dept. - The Imports & Exports (Control) Regulations No. 09 of 2020
2199/21 2020-10-29 Department of Fiscal Policy - Amend the Gaz.Ex.No. 2047/02 of 27.11.2017 : (CESS on Food Preparations)
2199/22 2020-10-29 Welikanda Pradeshiya Sabha - Declare that Mr. S. M. A. Pushpa Kumara of the Welikanda Pradeshiya Sabha has Vacated his Office of the member of that Pradeshiya Sabha as he has been ceased to be a member of the United National Party
2199/23 2020-10-29 Dimbulagala Pradeshiya Sabha - Declare that Mr. H. M. L. Priyadarshana of the Dimbulagala Pradeshiya Sabha has Vacated his Office of the member of that Pradeshiya Sabha as he has been ceased to be a member of the United National Party
2199/24 2020-10-29 Dimbulagala Pradeshiya Sabha - Declare that Mr. S. Rathnaweera of the Dimbulagala Pradeshiya Sabha has Vacated his Office of the member of that Pradeshiya Sabha as he has been ceased to be a member of the United National Party
2199/25 2020-10-29 Department of Local Government Uva Province - Rules for the Preparations and enforcement of MC, UC & PS Budgets-2020 in Uva Province
2199/12 2020-10-28 Ministry of Education - Establishment of the Gampaha Wickramarachchi University of Indigenous Medicine
2199/13 2020-10-28 Land Acquisition - Athurugiriya, Kaduwela D/S Division, Colombo District
2199/14 2020-10-28 Department of Fiscal Policy - Amend the Gaz.Ex.No. 2047/02 of 27.11.2017 : (Rates of CESS On Footwear)
2199/09 2020-10-27 Governor's Secretariat of Central Province - Appoint a Commission and Mr. L. Barathidasan to Perform duties of the Chairman of Thalawakele - Lindula Urban Council
2199/10 2020-10-27 State Ministry of Indigenous Medicine Promotion - Service Minute of the Sri Lanka Ayurvedic Medical Service
2199/11 2020-10-27 Presidential Secretariat - Order to acquire the Lands under Urban Development Projects Act
2199/01 2020-10-26 Department of Trade & Investment Policy - Special Commodity Levy on Fish, green gram, mangoesteen etc. w.e.f. 27.10.2020
2199/02 2020-10-26 Department of Fiscal Policy - Order under Ports & Airports Development Levy Act (Medical Equipment - Import & Supply)
2199/03 2020-10-26 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange Effective from 26.10.2020 to 01.11.2020
2199/04 2020-10-26 Election Commission - Declare that Mr. S. P. A. Weerawardana as a member of the Na-ula Pradeshiya Sabha
2199/05 2020-10-26 Election Commission - A member of the Colombo Municipal Council and a member of the Kotapola Pradeshiya Sabha have Vacated their Office of member
2199/06 2020-10-26 Election Commission - Declare that Mr. S. Padmanadan as a member of the Valikamam - North Pradishiya Sabha
2199/07 2020-10-26 Election Commission - Declare that Mr. W. A. K. Wickramasingha as Chairman and Mr. A. Darmakeerthi as Vice Chairman of the Ibbagamuwa Pradishiya Sabha
2199/08 2020-10-26 Ministry of Public Service, PC & LG - Amendment No. 04 to the Service Minute of the Sri Lanka Information and Communication Technology Service
2198/55 2020-10-23 Land Title Settlement Department - Suwarapola, D/S Division, Kesbewa, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521201
2198/56 2020-10-23 Department of Local Government - Eastern Province - Fuel Limits for Councillors of MC, UC & PS in the Eastern Province amending Gaz.Ex.No. 2184/09
2198/57 2020-10-23 Department of Fiscal Policy - Order under Ports & Airports Development Levy Act (Pharmaceutical Accessories)
2198/58 2020-10-23 Ministry of Water Supply - Order to acquire the Land in D/S Division, Nagoda for Proposed Udugama Water Supply Project
2198/59 2020-10-23 Correction to Gazette Ex. No. 2194/57 of 24.09.2020 (Corrected as 2020.11.09 (Inquiry) and 2020.11.02 respectively)
2198/31 2020-10-22 Land Acquisition - Acquired the Lands in D/S Division, Ibbagamuwa, Chilaw, Habaraduwa, Welimada and Thimbirigasyaya
2198/32 2020-10-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Hiththatiya East, D/S Division,Matara District - Cad. Map No. 820004 and others
2198/33 2020-10-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Notice Calling for Claims to Land Parcels Puttalam, D/S Division, Puttalam - Cad. Map No. 410118 and others
2198/34 2020-10-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Notice Calling for Claims to Land Parcels Watthalpola, D/S Division, Panadura, Kalutara District, - Cad. Map No.530024and others
2198/35 2020-10-22 Department of Census and Statistics -National Consumer Price Index - September - 2020
2198/36 2020-10-22 Land Acquisition - Pahalawewa , D/S Division Galewela, Maatale Distirict
2198/37 2020-10-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Kahengama, D/S Division, Kuruwita, Ratnapura District, - Cad. Map No. 620274 and others
2198/38 2020-10-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Thudella, D/S Division, Jaela, Gampaha District, - Cad. Map No. 512200 and others
2198/39 2020-10-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Milidduwa, D/S Division, Four Gravets Galle, Galle District, - Cad. Map No. 810018 and others
2198/40 2020-10-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Koongasthenna, D/S Division, Weligepola, Ratnapura District, - Cad. Map No. 620122 and others
2198/41 2020-10-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Bamunapotha, D/S Division, Kurunegala, Kurunegala District, - Cad. Map No. 420357 and others
2198/42 2020-10-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Walaswewa, D/S Division, Galewela, Matale District, - Cad. Map No. 310085 and others
2198/43 2020-10-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Bogahawewa, D/S Division, Nochchiyagama, Anuradhapura District, - Cad. Map No. 110278 and others
2198/44 2020-10-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Ellakkala, D/S Division, Aththanagalla, Gampaha District, - Cad. Map No. 510601 and others
2198/45 2020-10-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Waththala, D/S Division,Wathtala, Gampaha District, - Cad. Map No. 512000 and others
2198/46 2020-10-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Pahala Makandura, D/S Division, Pannala, Kurunegala District, - Cad. Map No. 420500 and others
2198/47 2020-10-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Palliyagodella, D/S Division, Medirigiriya, Polonnaruwa District, - Cad. Map No. 120063 and others
2198/48 2020-10-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Kondadeniya, D/S Division, Harispaththuwa, Kandy District, - Cad. Map No. 320330 and others
2198/49 2020-10-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Owala, D/S Division, Yatinuwara, Kandy District, - Cad. Map No. 320553 and others
2198/50 2020-10-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Medayaya, D/S Division, Mahiyanganaya, Badulla District, - Cad. Map No. 710082
2198/51 2020-10-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Tholabugolla, D/S Division,Galewela, Matale District, - Cad. Map No. 310085 and others
2198/52 2020-10-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Pokunuwita, D/S Division, Horana, Kalutara District, - Cad. Map No. 530117 and others
2198/53 2020-10-22 Ministry of Agriculture - Amendment to the Gaz.Ex.No. 302/12 of 01.02.1978 (Hadabima - Kandy)
2198/54 2020-10-22 Governor's Office Western Province - Rules relating to procedure for the Conduct of Business at Meetings of the Pradeshiya Sabha
2198/16 2020-10-21 Land Commissioner General's Department - Appointed Land Officers, under Land Development Ordinance
2198/17 2020-10-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Homagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001
2198/18 2020-10-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Homagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001
2198/19 2020-10-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Naiwala, Minuwangoda D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510402
2198/20 2020-10-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Katubedda, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520205
2198/21 2020-10-21 Governor's Office - Western Province - By - Laws on Urban Councils; Kesbewa, Boralesgamuwa, Minuwangoda and Beruwala
2198/22 2020-10-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Etamurungagoda, Harispattuwa D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320315
2198/23 2020-10-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Welipathayaya, Balangoda D/S Division, Rathnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620003
2198/24 2020-10-21 Land Title Settlement Department - C P Pura, Hingurakgoda D/S Division, Polonnaruwa District - Cad. Map No. 120144
2198/25 2020-10-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Uda-Eriyagma, Yatinuwara D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320558
2198/26 2020-10-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Mallawapitiya, Mallawapitiya D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420201
2198/27 2020-10-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Palliyagodella, Medirigiriya D/S Division, Polonnaruwa District - Cad. Map No. 120063
2198/28 2020-10-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Indigaspothana, Thalawa D/S Division, Anuradhapura District - Cad. Map No. 110188
2198/29 2020-10-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Walaswewa, Galewela D/S Division, Matale District - Cad. Map No. 310085
2198/30 2020-10-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Kaludemada, Kothmale D/S Division, Nuwara-eliya District - Cad. Map No. 330308
2198/08 2020-10-20 Department of Local Government - Eastern Province - Summon the meeting to fill the vacancy of Vice Chairman of Trincomalee Town and Gravets P/S
2198/09 2020-10-20 Engineering Council Sri Lanka - Engineering Council, Sri Lanka Rules
2198/10 2020-10-20 Presidential Secretariat - Calling Service Personnel for the Maintenance of Public Order
2198/11 2020-10-20 Land Acquisition - Dambara, Handupelpola and Kindelpitiya, Horana D/S Division, Kalutara District - Handupelpola and Uduwa North, North D/S Division, Kalutara District
2198/12 2020-10-20 Ministry of Water Supply - Constructions of Penaktiyawa Water treatment Plant under Thaldena Meegahakiwula Water Supply Project, Indivitiya Pump House No. 10 under Stage II Ja-ela, Ekala Water disposal project, Halloluwa Booster Pump House
2198/13 2020-10-20 Ministry of Justice - New Constitution for Sri Lanka Invitation for Public Proposals.
2198/14 2020-10-20 Ministry of Water Supply - Constructions of the Access Road and Kannanthota Lower Water Storage Tank under proposed Ruwanwella Water Supply Projects, Ground Sump and Pump House under the proposed Morawaka Water Supply Scheme, Pump House No. X under proposed Unawatuna Waste Water Management Project
2198/15 2020-10-20 Election Commission - K. V. Hansani was elected as the member of the No. 09 Magastota of Nuwara eliya Municipal Council
2198/01 2020-10-19 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange Effective from 19.10.2020 to 25.10.2020
2198/02 2020-10-19 Import and Export Central Department - Import and Exports (Control) Regulations No. 08 of 2020
2198/03 2020-10-19 Ministry of Transport - Temporary Extension of the Validity Period of Driving Licence
2198/04 2020-10-19 Land Acquisition - Thalgamuwa, Aranayaka D/S Division, Kegalle District - Amendment to the Ex.Gaz.No. 1979/20 dated 10.08.2016
2198/05 2020-10-19 Land Acquisition - Pahala Makandura, Pannala D/S Division, Kurunegala District
2198/06 2020-10-19 Ministry of Labour - Industrial Disputes between R. M. P. N. Rayapaksha Vs Sri Lanka Transport Board and M. B. M. Ariyachandra Vs. Sri Lanka Transport Board
2198/07 2020-10-19 Ministry of Defence - Promotion to Captain rank National Cadet Corps
2197/27 2020-10-17 Ministry of Energy - National Policy on Natural Gas
2197/26 2020-10-16 Land Acquisition - Village of Raigamwatta, Ingiriya D/S Division, Kalutara District - Amendment to the Gaz.Ex.No. 2143/44 of 03.10. 2019 D/S Division, Kurunegala
2197/20 2020-10-15 Land Acquisition - Compensations for the acquisitions of the Lands in Gabadagewatta, D/S Division, Matara Four aravets.
2197/21 2020-10-15 Ministry of Water Supply - Constructions of Sewerage Pump House No. 12 of Jaffna Kilinichchi Water Supply and Sanitation, Water Tank of Ruwanwella Water Supply, Pump House No. 06 under Unawatuna Waste Water Management Projects and Errata sheet to the Ex.Gaz.No. 2063/36 dated 22.03.2018
2197/22 2020-10-15 Ministry of Water Supply - Constructions of the access road to Kurunduwaththa Water Tower and Laying of pipe line under stage III of Greater Galle water Supply, Intake and Pump house of Ruwanwella Water Supply, Pump house No. 22 under Unawatuna Waste Water Management Projects and Errata Notice to the Ex.Gaz.No. 2063/26 of 21.03.2018
2197/23 2020-10-15 Ministry of Water Supply - Acquire additional Land for Caretaker quarters and Other buildings of treatment Plant under Gampaha Attanagalla and Minuwangoda Intetrated Waterr Supply, Intake Access road and laying of pipe lines of Medadumbara water Supply , Vilana Udagama Junction to Vilana Udagama Service Reservoir at Kandy North Pathadumbara Integrated Water Supply Projects
2197/24 2020-10-15 Election Commission - Mr. H. B. A. S. Bandara Was elected as the member of the Number 05 Dodanwala of Yatinuwara Pradeshiya Sabha
2197/25 2020-10-15 Ministry of Health - Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid 19) (Preventive Measures) Regulations
2197/14 2020-10-14 Land Acquisition - Serakkuliya, Wanathavilluwa D/S Division, Puttalam District and Pelenwatta, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District
2197/15 2020-10-14 Land Acquisition - Udagama, Udahewaheta D/S Division, Nuwara Eliya District and Meemune Udadumbara D/S Division, Kandy District
2197/16 2020-10-14 Ministry of Labour - Industrial Disputes between, Ceylon Workers Congress and Sri Lanka State Plantation Corporation
2197/17 2020-10-14 Land Acquisition - Udathalawinna, Pathadumbara D/S Division, Kandy District
2197/18 2020-10-14 Land Acquisition - Compensations for the acquisitions of the lands
2197/19 2020-10-14 Election Commission - Arunalu Janatha Peramuna and 5 other Political Parties as recognized Parties; for the Election Purpose
2197/05 2020-10-13 Ministry of Trade - Amend the rate of CESS on Men's boys' Suits, ensembles, jackets, bluzers, trousers etc
2197/06 2020-10-13 Land Acquisition - Ingaradavula, Pannala D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Wathumulla, Walapane D/S Division, Nuwara eliya District
2197/07 2020-10-13 Ministry of Labour - Industrial dispute between water Treatment Plant Technicians Union Vs National water Supply and Drainage Board., Mr. N. Karunatileka Vs Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka
2197/08 2020-10-13 Election Commission - Declare that V. Naventhan as a memberr of the Velanai Pradeshiya Sabha
2197/09 2020-10-13 Land Acquisition - Wanthamulla, Thimibirigasyaya D/S Division, Colombo District and others
2197/10 2020-10-13 Ministry of Finance - Seemasahitha Wayamba Palath Palana Manthree Sansada Samithiya as a Purpose to which the Powers and Facilities
2197/11 2020-10-13 Land Acquisition - Idangoda, Kiriella D/S Division, Rathnapura District
2197/12 2020-10-13 Department of Trade & Investment Policy - Special Commodity Levy on Bónions, Massor dhal, Sardines etc., w.e.f. 14.10.2020
2197/13 2020-10-13 Election Commission - Mr. Weerasinghe Arachchige Don Regee was elected as the member of the ward No. 08 Salamulla of Kolonnawa U. C.
2197/01 2020-10-12 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange Effective from 12.10.2020 to 18.10.2020
2197/02 2020-10-12 Land Acquisition - Pubbiliya, Thumpane D/S Division, Kandy District - Dhodankumbura, Thumpane D/S Division, Kandy District - Gunadaha, Thumpane D/S Division, Kandy District
2197/03 2020-10-12 Department of Fiscal Policy - Excise Duty on Beverages, w.e.f. 13.10.2020
2197/04 2020-10-12 Ministry of Trade - Anti-dumping and Countervailing Duties Act, No. 2 of 2018 and, Safeguard Measures Act, No. 03 of 2018
2196/57 2020-10-10 Election Commission - Declare that Saundaranayagam as a Member of the Yatawatta Pradeshiya Sabha
2196/58 2020-10-10 Election Commission - Declare that M. F. Nushna as a Member of the Ninthavur Pradeshiya Sabha
2196/59 2020-10-10 Election Commission - Mr. E. W. S. B. Ekanayaka has Vacated hisn Office of the Minipe Pradeshiya Sabha
2196/49 2020-10-09 Foreign Ministry - Appoinment of Consul General of the Republic of India
2196/50 2020-10-09 Kandy Four Gravets and Gangawata Korale - By Laws - Mahanuwara Kadawath Sathara and Gangawata Korale Pradeshiya Sabha
2196/51 2020-10-09 Telecommiunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka - Radio and Telecommiunications Terminal Equipment (RTTE) Type approval Rules - 2020
2196/52 2020-10-09 Land Acquisition - Gunadaha, Thumpane D/S Division, Kandy District - Mawathagama, Anamaduwa D/S Division, Puttalam District - Amendment to the Ex.Gaz.No. 2061/40 at 08.03.2018
2196/53 2020-10-09 Land Acquisition - Palle Kandewala, Ibbagamuwa D/S Division, Kurunegala District
2196/54 2020-10-09 Land Acquisition - The Land Compensations of Kavabuwaththa alias Dungalewathta, Hitigahathenna, Baligalapitiya and Aswedduma Kumbura, Thumpane D/S Division, Kandy District and Galkaru Mudune Watta, Thumpane D/S Division, Kandy District
2196/55 2020-10-09 Registrar General's Department - The List to Notaries in Sri Lanka - 2019
2196/56 2020-10-09 Ministry of Labour - Award made to the Industrial dispute between T. Nelson A. Fernando Vs Sri Lanka Transport Board
2196/42 2020-10-08 Ministry of Public Service, PC & LG - 5th Amendment to the Service Minute of the Sri Lanka Planning Service
2196/43 2020-10-08 Election Commission - Declare that A. W. Rodreego as a member of the Minuwangoda PS
2196/44 2020-10-08 Election Commission - Declare that K. Kajenthiran as a member of the Valikamam Eest PS
2196/45 2020-10-08 Election Commission - Declare that M. A. U. N. S. T. Fernando as a member of the Deraniyagala PS
2196/46 2020-10-08 Election Commission - Declare that V. Rasanayagam as a member of the Velani PS
2196/47 2020-10-08 Land Acquisition - Mathagal , VeliKamam South west Jatffna District, Bisowela, Galigamuwa D/S Divison, Kegalle District
2196/48 2020-10-08 Ministry of Defence - The Sri Lanka Armed Service Long Service Medal and Clesp - Sri Lanka Naval Ferce
2196/35 2020-10-07 Land Acquisition - Palle Aparekka, Devinuwara D/S Division, Matara District
2196/36 2020-10-07 Land Acquisition - Kirulapona, Thimbirigasyaya D/S Division, Colombo District - Gonapeenuwala-West, Gonapeenuwala D/S Division, Galle District - Pahala Karagahamuna, Mahara D/S Division, Gampaha District
2196/37 2020-10-07 Ministry of Water Supply - Maswila D/S Division, Bandaragama, Kaluthara Illukpitiya, D/S Division, Kotapola, Matara (Morawaka Project) Oyapahala D/S Division, Matale, Matale (Visal Matale) Hawpe, D/S Division, Imaduwa, Galle
2196/38 2020-10-07 Ministry of Water Supply - Kurunduwatta, D/S Division, Akmeemana, Galle (Mahagalle III) Nahalla, D/S Divison, Madurawala, Kaluthara (Kolemodara) Hiyare, D/S Division, Akmeemana Galle (Mahagalle III) Amendment 2064/07, 26.03.2018 Ruwanwella Water Supply Progect
2196/39 2020-10-07 Election Commission - Declare that S. Sellakanthan and S. Jeyaseelan as members of the Valikaman North Pradeshiya Sabha
2196/40 2020-10-07 Ministry of Education - Degree Awarding Institute : KAATSU - Highly Advanced Medical Technology Training Centre (Pvt.) Limited
2196/41 2020-10-07 Land Acquisition - Malgamuwa, Pannala D/S Division, Kurunegala District
2196/06 2020-10-06 Land Acquisition - Mediwaka, Udadumbara D/S Division, Kandy District
2196/07 2020-10-06 Land Acquisition - Compensation for the Acquisition of Land in Valikamam North (Kanksanthurai water Supply Project)
2196/08 2020-10-06 Land Title Settlement Department - Kumbuka, Horana D/S Division, Kalutara District - Cad. Map No. 530176 and others
2196/09 2020-10-06 Land Title Settlement Department - Udaalndeniya, Udunuwara D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320237 and others
2196/10 2020-10-06 Land Acquisition - Bibile, Bibile D/S Division, Monaragala District
2196/11 2020-10-06 Land Title Settlement Department - Gotabhayapara, Tissamaharama D/S Division, Hambantota District - Cad. Map No. 830078
2196/12 2020-10-06 Land Title Settlement Department - Maligathenna, Kandy Four Gravets and Gangawata Koralaya D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320290 and Others
2196/13 2020-10-06 Land Title Settlement Department - Thiththapajjala, Harispattuwa D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320331
2196/14 2020-10-06 Land Title Settlement Department - Indigaspothana, Mirihenegama, Kohobakadawala, Pahalatalawa, Thalawa D/S Division, Anuradhapura District - Cad. Map No. 110188
2196/15 2020-10-06 Land Title Settlement Department - Doratiyawa, Hallawapitiya D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420226
2196/16 2020-10-06 Election Commission - Declare that R. H. R. T. de Silva as a member of the Ambalangoda Pradeshiya Sabha
2196/17 2020-10-06 Election Commission - Declare that K. H. N. Darshanie as a member of the Nagoda Pradeshiya Sabha
2196/18 2020-10-06 Election Commission - Declare that V. Anbalahan as a member of the Muthur Pradeshiya Sabha
2196/19 2020-10-06 Election Commission - Mr. Sesath Gedara Rohana Dharmasena of the Padaviya Pradeshiya sabha has Vacated His Office
2196/20 2020-10-06 Land Title Settlement Department - Tissamaharamaya, Tissamaharamaya D/S Division, Hambantota District - Cad. Map No. 830067 and others
2196/21 2020-10-06 Land Title Settlement Department - Jayamalapura, Udapalatha D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320016 and others
2196/22 2020-10-06 Department of Trade and Investment Policy - Regulations made under Section 29 read with Section 7 of the Foreign Exchange Act, No. 12 of 2017 Central Bank of Sri Lanka
2196/23 2020-10-06 Land Acquisition - Bandarabatawala, Attanagalla D/S Division, Gampaha District
2196/24 2020-10-06 Ministry of Labour - Industrial Disputes Between Mr. P. T. Ranjeth Vs National Transport Medical Institute and Mr. P. D. P. Sisila Kumara Vs Ceylon Electricity Board
2196/25 2020-10-06 Department of Labour, Labour Standards Division - Special allowance Payable to workers in the Cocoa, Cardamon and Pepper Growing and Manufacturing Trade
2196/26 2020-10-06 Presidential Secretariat - Appointed Hon. A. Fernando and 4 others as State Ministers
2196/27 2020-10-06 Presidential Secretariat - The Assignment of Subjects and Functions & Departments, State Corporations and Statutory Institutions to the Ministers Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 2194/74 of 25.09.2020
2196/28 2020-10-06 Presidential Secretariat - Establishing a Presidential Task Force for development Priorities and Self-employment and to meet Smallish economic Livelihood needs of those engaged in Traditional vocation etc.
2196/29 2020-10-06 Land Title Settlement Department - Samanpura, Lunugamwehera D/S Division, Hambanthota District - Cad. Map No. 830049
2196/30 2020-10-06 Land Title Settlement Department - Suwarapola, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521201
2196/31 2020-10-06 Land Title Settlement Department - Geewana, Galigamuwa D/S Division, Kegalle District - Cad. Map No. 610017
2196/32 2020-10-06 Land Title Settlement Department - Sooriyapaluwa, Mahara D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510810
2196/33 2020-10-06 Land Title Settlement Department - Harakgalegama, Katana D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 511200
2196/34 2020-10-06 Central Bank of Sri Lanka - Cancel the Licence Issued to TKS Finance Limited, w.e.f. 19.09.2019
2196/01 2020-10-05 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange, effective from 05.10.2020 to 11.10.2020
2196/02 2020-10-05 Land Acquisition - Velanai-East D/S/Division Island South, Jaffna District and Belumgala, D/S/Division Udunuwara, Kandy District
2196/03 2020-10-05 Land Acquisition - Akurugoda, D/S Division,Malimbada, Matara District, Haliyala, D/S Division Udadumbara, Kandy District, Karambaketiya D/S Division Udadumbara, Kandy District
2196/04 2020-10-05 Land Acquisition - Paragahadeniya, Mawathagama D/S Division, Kurunegala District
2196/05 2020-10-05 Department of Local Governor, Central Province - Imposed Entertainment Tax in Kandy Four Gravets and Gangawata Korale PS area
2195/37 2020-10-02 Land Acquisition - Narahenpita, Thimbirigasyaya D/S Division, Colombo District
2195/38 2020-10-02 Election Commission - Declare that W. N. Kumara as a member of the Horana Pradeshiya Sabha
2195/39 2020-10-02 Land Acquisition - Damme, Elapatha D/S Division, Rathnapura District and Boossa, Hikkaduwa D/S Division, Galle District
2195/28 2020-09-30 Supreme Court of Sri Lanka - Supreme Court Rules - 2018
2195/29 2020-09-30 Department of Trade and Investment Policy - Special Commodity Levy on Butter, Kurakkan flour, Mustard Seed, Salt
2195/30 2020-09-30 Central Bank of Sri Lanka - Balance Sheet as at 31.08.2020
2195/31 2020-09-30 Land Acquisition - Pallewela, Mirigama D/S Division, Gampaha District
2195/32 2020-09-30 Ministry of Water Supply - Construction of access road to Andiambalama Water Tower under Katana Water Supply Project Construction of the Pump House No. 12 under stage 2 of Ja-Ela, Ekala Waste Water Disposal Project
2195/33 2020-09-30 Ministry of Labour - Industrial Disputes between Mr. Roshan Gnanapriya Agampodi and 02 others Vs. Urban Settlement Development Authority, Mr. C. D. Thilakarathna Vs. Lumiera Textiles (Pvt.) Limited, Ceylon Estate Staff''s Union Vs. R. P. C. Plantations Management Services (Pvt.) Ltd., and 03 others
2195/34 2020-09-30 Office of the Governor, Uva Province - Appointments has been Mrs.R. M. S. D. Rathnayake and 18 others for Uva Province Institutions
2195/35 2020-09-30 Ministry of Education - Proposed building to be constructed in the Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, Faculty of Engineering University of Moratuwa
2195/36 2020-09-30 Ministry of Education - Appoint Dr. C. S. Lewangamage to be the Competent Authority - University of Moratuwa
2195/18 2020-09-29 Land Acquisition - Madawala, Mahameegaswewa, Palugaswewa D/S Division, Anuradhapura District
2195/19 2020-09-29 Land Acquisition - Kumbukgahamulla, Udubaddawa D/S Division, Kurunegala District
2195/20 2020-09-29 Land Title Settlement Department - Aluthgama, Bogamuwa, Gampaha D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 511800
2195/21 2020-09-29 Land Title Settlement Department - Ballapana, Udabage, Galigamuwa D/S Division, Kegalle District - Cad. Map No. 61008
2195/22 2020-09-29 Land Title Settlement Department - Kendawalamadittha, Kandy Four Gravets and Gangawata Korale D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320294
2195/23 2020-09-29 Land Acquisition - Rathmalawita, Gampaha D/S Division, Gampaha District
2195/24 2020-09-29 Land Acquisition - Kossinna, Ganemulla, Gampaha D/S Division, Gampaha District
2195/25 2020-09-29 Election Commission - Declare S. Wijekumar as a member of the Kundasale Pradeshiya Sabha
2195/26 2020-09-29 Ministry of Ports & Shipping - Acquire the Land in D/S Division, Valikamam North for business Purpose
2195/27 2020-09-29 Land Acquisition - Hanwella, Badulla D/S Division, Badulla District - Hunuwala-North, Opanayaka D/S Division, Rathnapura District and others
2195/01 2020-09-28 Election Commission - Declare that J. Salistan as a member of the Vavuniya Urban Council
2195/02 2020-09-28 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange, effective from 28.09.2020 to 04.10.2020
2195/03 2020-09-28 Election Commission - Declare that N. Pushpalatha as a member of the Vengalacheddikulam P/S
2195/04 2020-09-28 Election Commission - Declare that S. Adamwawa and A. A. Wahidu as members of the Ninthavur P/S
2195/05 2020-09-28 Ministry of Water Supply - Acquire the land in Wilgamuwa, Matale District, for Hibiliyakada Water Supply Project
2195/06 2020-09-28 Land Acquisition - Elapatha, Elapaha D/S Division, Rathnapura District
2195/07 2020-09-28 Land Acquisition - Uduwawala, Harispattuwa D/S Division, Kandy District and Amendments Akuressa, Pannala D/S Division, Kurunegala District
2195/08 2020-09-28 Ministry of Lands - Appoint acquiring Officer, Rambukkana D/S Division
2195/09 2020-09-28 Land Acquisition - Divest the allotment in Kotawella, Rambukkana D/S Division, Kegalle District
2195/10 2020-09-28 Land Acquisition - Kendawala, Ibbagamuwa D/S Division, Kurunegala District (142/2020)
2195/11 2020-09-28 Land Title Settlement Department - Sooriyapaluwa, Mahara D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510810
2195/12 2020-09-28 Land Title Settlement Department - Kaldemulla, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520213
2195/13 2020-09-28 Land Title Settlement Department - Homagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001
2195/14 2020-09-28 Ministry of Defence - Award the Karyakshama Seva Vibushanaya 2019 - (Armed Forces) (K. P. Nugegoda, J. D. C. G. Jayasinghe, T. T. P. Silva)
2195/15 2020-09-28 Election Commission - A member of the Kolonnawa Urban Council has vacated his office
2195/16 2020-09-28 State Ministry of Home Affairs - Regulations of Nawam Maha Perhera of Puwawatta Kshesthrarama Purana Viharaya, Maliduwa, Akuressa
2194/69 2020-09-25 Land Title Settlement Department - Notice Calling for claims to Land Parcels Palagala D/S Division
2194/70 2020-09-25 Ministry of Defence - Award the Videsha Seva Padakkama to the Air Force Officer
2194/71 2020-09-25 Land Acquisition - Hiriwala, Mirigama D/S Division, Gampaha District
2194/72 2020-09-25 Ministry of Education - International College of Business and Technology Limited as a Degree Awarding Institute
2194/73 2020-09-25 Consumer Affairs Authority - Maximum Retail Price given for Coconut, This Order shall come into effect from 25th September 2020
2194/74 2020-09-25 Presidential Secretariat - The Assignment of Subjects and Functions & Departments, State Corporations and Statutory Institutions to the Ministers
2194/75 2020-09-25 Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka - Estimated Expenditure Budget - 2021
2194/55 2020-09-24 Governor's Secretariat of Sabaragamuwa - Appoint Hon. H. M. R. A. Kumara to inquire the functions
2194/56 2020-09-24 Land Acquisition - Mabima, Biyagama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Amendment to the Ex. Gaz. No. 2188/38 of 13.08.2020
2194/57 2020-09-24 Land Acquisition - Assedduma, Kuliyapitiya -West D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Kottawattai, Vadamarachchy North D/S Division Jaffna District
2194/58 2020-09-24 Ministry of Finance - "Podujana Kala Paura"as a purpose to which the Powers and Facilities of that Ordinance
2194/59 2020-09-24 Land Acquisition - Bogahawewa, Kumbukwewa, Padaviya D/S Division, Anuradhapura District - Balayawewa, Padaviya D/S Division, Anuradhapura District - Maithripura, Padaviya D/S Division, Anuradhapura District - Ruwanpura, Padaviya D/S Division, Anuradhapura District
2194/60 2020-09-24 Election Commission - Mr. D. G. J. R. Pushpakumara of the Seethawakapura Urban Council has vacated his office
2194/61 2020-09-24 Land Acquisition - Randawela, Naula D/S Division, Matale District - Vee oya, Yatiyantota D/S Division, Kegalle District - Ganepola, Yatiyanthota D/S Division, Kegalle District
2194/62 2020-09-24 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Moratuwella, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520214
2194/63 2020-09-24 Land Title Settlement Department - Notice calling for claims to property of Intestate
2194/64 2020-09-24 Land Title Settlement Department - Ullalapola, Diulapitiya D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510011 and others
2194/65 2020-09-24 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Ex. Gaz. No. 1966/08 of 10.05.2016 and others - Cad. Map No. 521001 and other amendments
2194/66 2020-09-24 Land Title Settlement Department - Yatiyalpathana North, Hingurakgoda D/S Division, Polonnaruwa District - Cad. Map No. 120156
2194/67 2020-09-24 Land Title Settlement Department - Homagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001 and others
2194/68 2020-09-24 Land Title Settlement Department - Notice calling for claims to property of Intestate - Homagama D/S Division and others
2194/35 2020-09-23 Land Title Settlement Department - Mailawalana, Dompe D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 511000 and others
2194/36 2020-09-23 Land Title Settlement Department - Wewala, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521250
2194/37 2020-09-23 Land Title Settlement Department - Pothana, Dambulla D/S Division, Matale District - Cad. Map No. 310017 and others
2194/38 2020-09-23 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Ex. Gaz. No. 1805/31 of 10th April 2013 and others
2194/39 2020-09-23 Land Title Settlement Department - Puttalam, Puttalam D/S Division, Puttalam District - Cad. Map No. 410111 and others
2194/40 2020-09-23 Land Title Settlement Department - Udalupola, Rideegama D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420057 and others
2194/41 2020-09-23 Land Title Settlement Department - Waththala, Waththla D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 512000 and others
2194/42 2020-09-23 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Ex. Gaz. No. 1756/12 of 04.05.2012 and others Amendment
2194/43 2020-09-23 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Ex. Gaz. No. 2033/21 of 22.08.2017
2194/44 2020-09-23 Land Title Settlement Department - Urapana, Divulapitiya D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510066
2194/45 2020-09-23 Land Title Settlement Department - Indibedda, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520203 and others
2194/46 2020-09-23 Land Acquisition - Galewela, Galewela D/S Division, Mathale District - Danduyaya, Galewela D/S Division, Mathale District - Kadanegedara, Pannala D/S Division, Kurunegala District
2194/47 2020-09-23 Land Acquisition - Kuradipuwal, Wanathavillu D/S Division, Puttalam District, Heyanthuduwa, Biyagama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Wawalgama, Horana D/S Division, Kalutara District
2194/48 2020-09-23 Land Acquisition - Koongasthenna, Katuwana D/S Division, Hambanthota District
2194/49 2020-09-23 Consumer Affairs Authority - Order under Section 20(5) - Order No. 68
2194/50 2020-09-23 Dept. of Inland Revenue - Inland Revenue Act, No. 24 of 2017 - Notice under Section 1950
2194/51 2020-09-23 Ministry of Labour - Industrial Disputes between Mr. A. L. Wijesundara and Mrs. S. P. A. K.Lanka Samarakoon Vs. Lumiere Textiles Private Limited and Others
2194/52 2020-09-23 Presidential Secretariat - Construction of Medical Faculty of University of Moratuwa
2194/53 2020-09-23 Presidential Secretariat - Construction of a Hydropower Plant as a Power Generation Project
2194/54 2020-09-23 Ministry of Youth & Sports - Amend the Regulations - Control participants in Sports representing Sri Lanka
2194/08 2020-09-22 Ministry of Labour - Industrial Dispute between Mr. W. A. S. Wettasinghe vs. The Ceylon Railway uniform staff Benevolent Fund and 2 others and Mr. A. K. P. Mahinda Vs. Sri Lanka Transport Board
2194/09 2020-09-22 Land Acquisition - Kapuduwa, Thihagoda D/S Division, Matara District., Kahawatta, Beliatta D/S Division, Hambanthota District - Thalamporuwa, Agunukolapelessa D/S Division, Hambanthota District - Walakanda, Krirnda Puhulwella D/S Division, Matara District
2194/10 2020-09-22 Land Acquisition - Bajjankele, Kirinda Puhulwella D/S Division, Matara District - Kadaweduwa, Thihagoda D/S Division, Matara District - Mahanthe, Beliatta D/S Division, Hambanthota District - Mahaheella, Beliatta D/S Division, Hambanthota District
2194/11 2020-09-22 Department of Census and Statistics -National Consumer Price Index - August 2020
2194/12 2020-09-22 Presidential Secretariat - Calling Service Personnel for the maintenance of public order
2194/13 2020-09-22 Land Acquisition - Wahlkada 08, Kabithigollewa D/S Division, Anuradhapura District
2194/14 2020-09-22 Land Acquisition - Mahawatta, Colombo D/S Division, Colombo District
2194/15 2020-09-22 Land Acquisition - Bemmulla, Kadaoluwawa, Heendeniya, Dadagamuwa, Pattigoda and Paramulla, Attanagalla D/S Division, Gampaha District
2194/16 2020-09-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Pituwala, Elpitiya D/S Division, Galle District - Cad. Map No. 810757 and others
2194/17 2020-09-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Kondadeniya, Harispaththuwa D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320330 and others
2194/18 2020-09-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Notice calling for claims to land parcels Raththnapitiya, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521221 and others
2194/19 2020-09-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Bogahwaththa, Dompe D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 511009 and others
2194/20 2020-09-22 Land Acquisition - Bediyamulla, Gampaha D/S Division, Gampaha District
2194/21 2020-09-22 Land Acquisition - Kudagama North, Rambukkana D/S Division, Kegalle District - Udanvita, Rambukkana D/S Division, Kegalle District
2194/22 2020-09-22 Land Acquisition - Point pedro, Vadamarachchi North D/S Division, Jaffna District
2194/23 2020-09-22 Land Acquisition - The Land Compensation of Wilgamuwa, Alawwa D/S Division, Kurunegala District
2194/24 2020-09-22 Election Commission - Declare that V. Gnanenthiran and Y. A. Sauntharanathan as members of the Nallur Pradeshiya Sabha
2194/25 2020-09-22 Land Acquisition - Kattange, Pelmadulla D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Dodanduwa, Hikkaduwa D/S Division, Galle District
2194/26 2020-09-22 Ministry of Defence - Award the Karayakshma Seva Padakkama for the year 2019 - Volunteer Forces Sri Lanka Army
2194/27 2020-09-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Uyana, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520207
2194/28 2020-09-22 Land Commissioner General's Department - Cancelled of the Ex.Gaz.No. 2192/36 of 10.09.2020
2194/29 2020-09-22 Presidential Secretariat - Appointed as members of the Presidential Task Force for Education Affairs
2194/30 2020-09-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Kaburugamuwa North, Weligama D/S Division, Matara District - Cad. Map No. 820069 and others
2194/31 2020-09-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Assennawatta, Divulapitiya D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510018 and others
2194/32 2020-09-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Pothupitigama, Nuwaragam Palatha East D/S Division, Anuradhapura District - Cad. Map No. 110192 and others
2194/33 2020-09-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Ex. Gaz. No. 2094/16 of 23.10.2018 - Cad. Map No. 520205
2194/34 2020-09-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Morathuwa, Kesbawa, Divulapitiya, Minuwangoda, Rideegama, Dambulla D/S Division, Colombo,Gampaha, Kurunegala, Mathale District - Cad. Map No. 520205
2194/01 2020-09-21 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange effective from 21.09.2020 to 27.09.2020
2194/02 2020-09-21 Election Commission - Declare that J. D. A. Sriyani as a member of the Karandiniya Pradeshiya Sabha
2194/03 2020-09-21 Dept. of Labour, Labour Standards Division - Special Allowance payable to workers in the Cocoa, Cardaman and pepper growing and Manufacturing trade
2194/04 2020-09-21 Ministry of Youth and Sports - Regulations made by the Minister of Sports
2194/05 2020-09-21 Department of Trade and Investment - Revenue Protection Order No. 07/2020
2194/06 2020-09-21 Department of Fiscal Policy - Fee at Mattala & Rathmalana Amending Gaz.Ex.No. 2134/05 of 29.07.2019
2194/07 2020-09-21 Presidential Secretariat - Appointed as members of the Presidential Tusk Force for Economic Rivival and Poverty Alleviation
2193/37 2020-09-18 Land Acquisition - Kitalella, Ella D/S Division, Badulla District - Chunnakam, Valikaman South D/S Division, Jaffna District - Girakaduwa, Pathadumbara D/S Division, Kandy District
2193/38 2020-09-18 Land Acquisition - Chundikuli, Jaffna D/S Division, Jaffna District - Alupathakadahena, Kandy Four Gravets and Gangawata Korale D/S Division, Kandy District
2193/39 2020-09-18 Land Acquisition - Correction Notice to the Ex. Gaz. No. 2177/13 of 29.05.2020 - Jaffna Town, Jaffna D/S Division, Jaffna District - Hiridenikanda, Matara D/S Division, Matara District - Pinnagolla, Patahewaheta D/S Division, Kandy District
2193/40 2020-09-18 Land Acquisition - Homagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Gangodawila, Maharagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Marathuwela, Udahewaheta D/S Division, Nuwara Eliya District
2193/41 2020-09-18 Land Acquisition - Aluthwewa, Galewela D/S Division, Mathale District - Udagama, Warakalavita, Hanguranketha D/S Division, Nuwaraeliya District - Warakalavita, Hanguranketha D/S Division, Nuwara Eliya District
2193/42 2020-09-18 Land Acquisition - Lalpe, Hakmana D/S Division, Matara District - Mahahena, Kothmale D/S DIvison, Nuwaraeliya District - Moragolla, Galewela D/S Division, Mathale District
2193/43 2020-09-18 Land Acquisition - Morahenagama, Ambagamuwa Korale D/S Division, Nuwara Eliya District - Yatipiyangala, Udapalatha D/S Division Kandy District
2193/44 2020-09-18 Land Acquisition - Punchinaidegama, Ganewatta D/S Division, Kurunegala District Kalatuwakela, Ganewatta D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Correction Notice to the Ex. Gaz. No. 2165/48 of 05.03.2020
2193/45 2020-09-18 Land Acquisition - Horagolla, Gampaha D/S Divison, Gampaha District
2193/46 2020-09-18 Land Acquisition - Dematagoda, Thimbirigasyaya D/S Divison, Colombo District
2193/47 2020-09-18 Governor's Office - Western Province - Extended the period of Investigation of Single Person Inquiry Board
2193/48 2020-09-18 Land Acquisition - Kanduruwela, Thamankaduwa D/S Division, Polonnaruwa District - Gallealla, Thamankaduwa D/S Division, Polonnaruwa District - Kanduruwela, Thamankaduwa D/S Division, Polonnaruwa District and 20 others
2193/49 2020-09-18 Land Acquisition - Lunuketiyamadiththa, Kundasale D/S Division, Kandy District
2193/50 2020-09-18 Land Acquisition - Thennagama, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Kiriweldola, Kotapola D/S Division, Matara District
2193/51 2020-09-18 Land Acquisition - Weragampita, Matara D/S Division, Matara District - Newwaligama, Ambagamuwa Koralaya D/S Division, Nuwaraeliya District - Weliwaranagolla, Laggala D/S Division, Pallegama Matale District
2193/52 2020-09-18 Governor's Secretariat - Sabaragamuwa - Revenue-Expenditure Estimates from 01.01.2020 up to 31.12.2020
2193/53 2020-09-18 Ministry of Labour - The Industrial Dispute between Richard Pieris Exports Plc. Vs. The Ceylon Mercantile Industrial and General Workers' Union (E only)
2193/54 2020-09-18 Ministry of Defence - Award of Desha Puthra Sammanaya Year 2019 - Sri Lanka Naval Force
2193/55 2020-09-18 Ministry of Youth and Sports - Sports Law No. 25 of 1973
2193/56 2020-09-18 Governors Secretariat - Sabaragamuwa - "This Gazette Extraordinary has been cancelled" - Appoint Hon. H. M. Rohana Anura Kumara for Single Person Tribunal of Inquiry
2193/32 2020-09-17 Land Acquisition - The Land Compensation of Sooriyapaluwa North, Mahara D/S Division, Gampaha District
2193/33 2020-09-17 Land Acquisition - Gatamana, Beliatta D/S Division, Hambantota District - Amendment to the Ex. Gaz. No. 2109/26, 08.02.2019 - Mahaheella, Beliatta D/S Division, Hambantota District
2193/34 2020-09-17 Legal Affairs Department - Especially the Registeration of authorized Societies under the Societies Ordinance
2193/35 2020-09-17 Election Commission - Declare that Mr. A. R. A. Kumara of the Nuwaraeliya Municipal Council has vacated his office
2193/36 2020-09-17 Election Commission - Declare that M. A. M. Siyath as a member of the Manmunai Pattu P/S - Declare that M. M. A. Rahuman and A. M. Fizer as member of the Kattankudy UC
2193/10 2020-09-16 Department of Trade and Investment Policy - Revenue Protection Order on Lubricating Oils (Base Oils) Lubricants etc. ( Revenue Protection Order No. 02/2020)
2193/11 2020-09-16 Department of Trade and Investment Policy - Revenue Protection Order on Rock Lobster and Other Sea Crawfish etc. (Revenue Protection Order No. 03)
2193/12 2020-09-16 Department of Trade and Investment Policy - Revenue Protection Order as Petrol having Octane No. of 92 and No. of 95 and etc. (Revenue Protection Order No. 04/2020)
2193/13 2020-09-16 Department of Trade and Investment Policy - Food Preparations not elsewhere Specified or Included ( Revenue Protection Order No. 05/2020)
2193/14 2020-09-16 Department of Trade and Investment Policy - Dried leguminous Vegetables, shelled whether or not Skinned or Split (Revenue Protection Order No. 06/2020)
2193/15 2020-09-16 Land Acquisition - Padiyapelella, Hanguranketha D/S Division, Nuwara-Eliya District - amendments to the Ex. Gaz. No. 2094/1 of 22.10.2018, Ex. Gaz. No. 2122/17 of 08.05.2019, 2087/16 of 03.09.2018
2193/16 2020-09-16 Ministry of Defence - Award of Videshaswa Padakkama to the Airforce Personnel
2193/17 2020-09-16 Ministry of Defence - Award of the Sri Lanka Services Long Service Medal 4 Clasp to the Neval Personnel
2193/18 2020-09-16 Ministry of Water Supply - Construction of the Water treatment Plant under Imaduwa Water Supply Scheme - Expansion of the road leading to the Deniyaya Water Supply Project
2193/19 2020-09-16 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Ex. Gaz. No. 1616/18 of 24.08.2009 - Cad. Map No. 21001 and others
2193/20 2020-09-16 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Ex. Gaz. No. 1710/05 of 13.06.2011 - Cad. Map No. 520209 and others
2193/21 2020-09-16 Land Title Settlement Department - Ballapanaudabage, Galigamuwa D/S Division, Kegalle District - Cad. Map No. 610008 and others
2193/22 2020-09-16 Land Title Settlement Department - Moragollagama, Wariyapola D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420911 and others
2193/23 2020-09-16 Ministry of Education - Appointment of Competent Authority of Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute
2193/24 2020-09-16 Land Title Settlement Department - Kamburugamuwa, Weligama D/S Division, Matara District - Cad. Map No. 820081
2193/25 2020-09-16 Presidential Secretariat - (This Gazette has been cancelled) Appointed as members of the Presidential Task Force for Education Affairs in the Sri Lanka
2193/26 2020-09-16 Land Acquisition - The Land Compensations of Sillugalatennemukalana, Rambukkana D/S Division, Kegalle District - Peragahatennehena, Rambukkana D/S Division, Kegalle District - Dehigahalandahena, Rambukkana D/S Division, Kegalle District
2193/27 2020-09-16 District Secretariat of Ratnapura - The Esala Perahera Festival of Historic Sankapala Raja Maha Viharaya - 2020
2193/28 2020-09-16 Election Commission - Declare that N. A. M. Asam as a member of the Kalumunai Municipal Council
2193/29 2020-09-16 Land Acquisition - Ganegama, Warakapola D/S Division, Kegalle District
2193/30 2020-09-16 Office of the Public Service Commission - Delegation of Powers by the Public Service Commission in terms of Article 57(1) of the Constitution
2193/31 2020-09-16 State Minister of Indigenous Medicine Promotion, Rural and Ayurvedic Hospitals Development & Community Health - Appointment of members for the Homeopathic Medical Council
2193/08 2020-09-15 Election Commission - Declare that R. M. N. N. Wijayarathna as a member of the Badulla Municipal Council
2193/09 2020-09-15 Import and Export Control Department - Imports and Exports (Control) Regulation No. 07 of 2020
2193/01 2020-09-14 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange effective from 14.09.2020 to 20.09.2020
2193/02 2020-09-14 Land Title Settlement Department - Wiranagama, Mahiyanganaya D/S Division, Badulla District - Cad. Map No. 710023
2193/03 2020-09-14 Land Title Settlement Department - Lunuwila, Wennappuwa D/S Division, Puttalam District - Cad. Map No. 410001
2193/04 2020-09-14 Land Title Settlement Department - Ballapana, Galigamuwa D/S Division, Kegalle District - Cad. Map No. 610008
2193/05 2020-09-14 Land Acquisition - Pilimathalawa (Arambegama-west 165) Yatinuwara D/S Division, Kandy District
2193/06 2020-09-14 Chief Secretary's Office - Southern Province - Amendment to the Procedural Rules imposed Under 1049 (12) of the Finance (Amendment) Statute No. 01 of 2018 of the Souther Provincial Council
2193/07 2020-09-14 Ministry of Health - 1st Amendment of Service Minute of the Public Health Management Assistants Service
2192/61 2020-09-11 Ministry of Education - Appointment of Competent Authority - University of Visual and Performing Arts
2192/62 2020-09-11 Land Acquisition - Yatiwehara, Kurunegala D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Walasmulla, Walasmulla D/S Division, Hambantota District
2192/63 2020-09-11 Ministry of Education - Order made under Section 27(1) - University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
2192/64 2020-09-11 Ministry of Education - Order made under Section 27(1) - University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka
2192/65 2020-09-11 Land Title Settlement Department - Maligathanna D/S Division, Kandy Katawath Hathara and gangawata Koralaya - Cad. Map No. 320290 and others
2192/66 2020-09-11 Land Title Settlement Department - Palliyagodella, Medirigiriya D/S Division, Polonnaruwa District - Cad. Map No. 120063 and others
2192/67 2020-09-11 Land Title Settlement Department - Kiribathkumbura, Yatinuwara D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320552 and others
2192/68 2020-09-11 Land Title Settlement Department - Pothupitiya, Kalutara D/S Division, Katutara District - Cad. Map No. 530016 and others
2192/69 2020-09-11 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Ex.Gaz.No. 1852/64 of 07.03.2014 - Cad. Map No. 520213 and others
2192/70 2020-09-11 Land Title Settlement Department - Harangala, Kothmale D/S Division, Nuwara eliya District - Cad. Map No. 330329 and others
2192/71 2020-09-11 Presidential Secretariat - Appoint Mr. Raya Kollure and Mr. A. Y. M. Muzammil as Hon. Provincil Governors for North Western and Uva Province, Uva and North Western Provincial Governors Mr. Raya Kollure and A. Y. M. Muzammil have Resigned
2192/72 2020-09-11 Land Acquisition - Magammana, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Walasmulla, Walasmulla D/S Division, Hambantota District
2192/36 2020-09-10 Land Commissioner General's Department - Expedite the issuance of legal documents to choose who have occupied or developed state lands without any documents
2192/37 2020-09-10 Land Title Settlement Department - Arunagama, Medirigiriya D/S Division, Polonnaruwa District - Cad. Map No. 120086 and others
2192/38 2020-09-10 Land Title Settlement Department - Samanpura, Lunugamwehera D/S Division, Hambanthota District - Cad. Map No. 830049
2192/39 2020-09-10 Land Title Settlement Department - Notice calling for claims to property of Intestate, Moratuwa D/S Division and others
2192/40 2020-09-10 Land Title Settlement Department - Pethiyagoda, Rideemaliyadda D/S Division, Badulla District - Cad. Map No. 710012 and others
2192/41 2020-09-10 Land Title Settlement Department - Nivithigala, Nivithigala D/S Division, Rathnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620400 and others
2192/42 2020-09-10 Land Title Settlement Department - Hiththatiya, Matara D/S Division, Matara District - Cad. Map No. 82004 and others
2192/43 2020-09-10 Land Title Settlement Department - Moragaswewa, Hingurakgoda D/S Diviison, Polonnaruwa District - Cad. Map No. 120101 and others
2192/44 2020-09-10 Central Bank of Sri Lanka - Winding up of Central Investments & Finance Limited
2192/45 2020-09-10 Kalmunai Municipal Council - Notice Pertaining to the Amendments fro the Levy for Solid Waste Disposal Management Service Provided within the Limits of Kalmunai Municipal Council
2192/46 2020-09-10 Land Title Settlement Department - Kohuwala, Dehiwala D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520801 and others
2192/47 2020-09-10 Land Title Settlement Department - Notice calling for claims to Land Parcels Palagala D/S Division - Cad. Map No. 110749 and others
2192/48 2020-09-10 Land Title Settlement Department - Kahengama, Kuruwita D/S Division, Ratnapura - Cad. Map No. 620274 and others
2192/49 2020-09-10 Land Acquisition - Amendment to the Ex. Gaz. No. 2160/9 of 27.01.2020 - Amendment to the Ex. Gaz. No. 2178/3 of 01.06.2020
2192/50 2020-09-10 Land Title Settlement Department - Rambadagalla, Rideegama D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420111
2192/51 2020-09-10 Land Title Settlement Department - Kosgoda, Kuruvita D/S Division, Rathnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620275
2192/52 2020-09-10 Election Commission - Declare that R. A. S. Madusanka as a Member of the Kalutara P/S
2192/53 2020-09-10 Election Commission - Declare that S. Kanakaraththinam as a Member of the Alayadivembu P/S
2192/54 2020-09-10 Election Commission - Declare that S. Kamalaruban as a member of the Batticaloa Municipal Council
2192/55 2020-09-10 Land Title Settlement Department - Ullalapola, Diwulapitiya D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510011 and others
2192/56 2020-09-10 Land Title Settlement Department - Etamurungagoda, Marispaththuwa D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320315 and others
2192/57 2020-09-10 Divisional Secretariat - Hambantota - Binara Maha Perahera Orders of Galvila Purana Rajamaha Viharaya
2192/58 2020-09-10 Land Acquisition - Ganegama, Kamburupitiya D/S Division, Matara District - Gathara East, Kamburupitiya D/S Division, Matara District - Winchfield Park Watta, Udadumbara D/S Division, Kandy District
2192/59 2020-09-10 National Police Commission - Procedural Rules on appointment, promotion and transfer of Police Officers
2192/60 2020-09-10 Land Acquisition - Kiriweldola, Kotapola D/S Division, Matara District - Hikkaduwa, Hikkaduwa D/S Division, Galle District - Kandala, Hikkaduwa D/S Division, Galle District
2192/26 2020-09-09 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 2049/54 of 14.12.2017, Panadura D/S Division, and other amendments
2192/27 2020-09-09 Land Title Settlement Department - Suwarapola, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521201
2192/28 2020-09-09 Land Title Settlement Department - Pohoddaramulla, Kalutara D/S Division, Kalutara District - Cad. Map No. 530014
2192/29 2020-09-09 Land Title Settlement Department - Calling for claims to land parcel in Mahara and other land parcels
2192/30 2020-09-09 Land Title Settlement Department - Kudawaskaduwa, Kalutara D/S Division, Kalutara District - Cad. Map No. 530086
2192/31 2020-09-09 Land Title Settlement Department - Pokunuwita, Horana D/S Division, Kalutara District - Cad. Map No. 530177
2192/32 2020-09-09 Land Acquisition - Havana, Mallawapitiya D/S Division, Kurunegala District and two amendments to the Gaz. Ex. No. 2164/57 and 2166/2, Valikamum North D/S Division
2192/33 2020-09-09 Land Title Settlement Department - Calling for claims to land parcels in Dambulla, Mallawapitiya and Galewela D/S Divisions
2192/34 2020-09-09 Land Title Settlement Department - Mallawapitiya, Mallawapitiya D/S Divisions, Kurunegala District - Cad Map No. 420201
2192/35 2020-09-09 Land Title Settlement Department - Elpitiwala, Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad Map No. 512009
2192/11 2020-09-08 Land Acquisition - Kahatapitiya, Horama D/S Division, Kalutara Districe - Uduwa, Kahatapitiya and Kananvila, Horana D/S Division, Kalutara Districe
2192/12 2020-09-08 State Ministry of Internal Security, Home Affairs and Disaster Management - Additional Bank Holidays - 2021
2192/13 2020-09-08 Land Title Settlement Department - Sitinamaluwa, Beliatta D/S Division, Hambanthota District - Cad. Map No. 830116 and others
2192/14 2020-09-08 Land Title Settlement Department - Gangoda, Udunuwara D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320341
2192/15 2020-09-08 Land Title Settlement Department - Akaravita, Gampaha D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 511804 and others
2192/16 2020-09-08 Land Title Settlement Department - Jeewana, Galigamuwa D/S Division, Kegalle District - Cad. Map No.610017 and others
2192/17 2020-09-08 Land Title Settlement Department - Kandumulla and Warapalana, Mahara D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No.510805 and others
2192/18 2020-09-08 Land Title Settlement Department - Notice calling for claims to property of intestate Kesbewa D/S Division and others
2192/19 2020-09-08 Land Title Settlement Department - Medagammedda, Udapaltha D/S Division, Kandy District - 320233
2192/20 2020-09-08 Land Title settlement Department - Mampe, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521202 and others
2192/21 2020-09-08 State Ministry Aviation and Development of Export Zones - Amend to the Charges for the Use of Acrodromes Katunayaka (BIA), Mattala (MRIA) and Ratmalana International Air Port
2192/22 2020-09-08 Election Commission - Amend to the Ex.Gaz.No. 2061/42-24 of 09 March 2018
2192/23 2020-09-08 Land Title Settlement Department - Maligathenna, Kandy Four Gravets D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320290
2192/24 2020-09-08 Land Title Settlement Department - Adukkana, Kurunegala D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420351
2192/25 2020-09-08 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 2012/46 of 31.03.2017, Minuwangoda D/S Division, and other amendments
2192/01 2020-09-07 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange Effective from 07.09.2020 to 13.09.2020
2192/02 2020-09-07 Governor's Secretaries - Appointment Mrs. W. M. R. N. Aluwihare as a Assistant Secretary, Provincial Ministry of Youth Affiar, Women's Affairs & Rural Development of the Ministry of the Central Province and 12 other
2192/03 2020-09-07 Election Commission - Declare that U. G. R. Gamage as a member of the Polonnaruwa Municipal Council
2192/04 2020-09-07 Election Commission - Declare that M. W. Gunasekera as a member of the Sri Jayawardhanapura Kotte Mnicipal Council
2192/05 2020-09-07 Election Commission - Declare that H. G. L. Sarath Kumara as a member of the Rambukkana P/S
2192/06 2020-09-07 Land Acquisition - Land compensation of Palleha Kapugedara watta, Imbilpe D/S Division, Rathnapura District and Daradawatta, Imbulpe D/S Division, Rathnapura District
2192/07 2020-09-07 Land Title Settlement Department - Walpola, Katuna D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 511205 and others
2192/08 2020-09-07 Divisional Secretariat - The Annual Perahera Festival of Uggal Aluthnuwara Katharagama Devalaya - 2020 - The Annual Perahera Feshtival of Bolthube Saman Devalaya - 2020
2192/09 2020-09-07 Mediation Board Commission - Notice calling for Nominations for the Appointments of Mediators
2192/10 2020-09-07 Dept. of Local Government - Eastern Province - Declared A. M. M. Nausad and A. Ananda as Chairman for the Navithanveli and Sammanthurai P/S
2191/38 2020-09-04 Sri Lanka Police - Publication for the purpose of keeping Tangalle old Prison
2191/39 2020-09-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kandaliyaddapaluwa, Mahara D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510811 and others
2191/40 2020-09-04 Land Acquisition - Karasnagala, Attanagalla D/S Division, Gampaha District
2191/41 2020-09-04 Ministry of Youth and Sports - Cancel the Registration of the Ballroom Dancers Federation of Sri Lanka
2191/42 2020-09-04 Ministry of Labour - Award made to the Industrial Disputes between N. V. F. Corayai Vs Ceylon Petroleum Corporation, M. I. M. Rizvi and Including 51 Employees Vs. Ceylon Bank (P.C.C.) and Other Notices
2191/43 2020-09-04 Divisional Secretarial - Kothmale - Perahera Festival of Kothmale Morape Sri Kataragama Devalaya 2020
2191/44 2020-09-04 Ministry of Power - Approve the Proposed acquisition of the Lands required by the Ceylon Electricity Board - Dehiovita D/S Division
2191/45 2020-09-04 Presidential Secretariat - Extention of the term of the Presidential Commission of Inquiry
2191/26 2020-09-03 Dept. of Trade & Investment Policy - Special Commodity Levy on Fish, Fresh or chilled, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat, Jack and horse Mackerel etc. - Reserved
2191/27 2020-09-03 Office of the Governor Uva Province - Appointments of Chairman of the U.P. Library Service Board and U.P. Road Passenger Transport Services Authority
2191/28 2020-09-03 Land Acquisition - Wellewela, Haliela D/S Division, Badulla District and an amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 2022/22 of 07.06.2017 Medirigiriya D/S Division
2191/29 2020-09-03 Land Title Settlement Department - Hiththetiya, Matara D/S Diviison, Matara District
2191/30 2020-09-03 Land Title Settlement Department - Durakanda, Balangoda D/S Division, Rathnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620097
2191/31 2020-09-03 Land Title Settlement Department - Uyana, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520207
2191/32 2020-09-03 Land Title Settlement Department - Kohuwala, Dehiwala D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520801
2191/33 2020-09-03 Land Title Settlement Department - Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 512000
2191/34 2020-09-03 Presidential Secretariat - Appoint Hon. A. D. Susil Premajayanth M.P. as the State Minister of Education Retir Opens Universities ant Distauce Learning
2191/35 2020-09-03 Election Commission - Declare that J. Bernard as a member of the Vavuniya Urban Council
2191/36 2020-09-03 Election Commission - Declare that P. Ramakrishnan as a member of the Vavuniya South Tamil Pradeshiya Sabha
2191/37 2020-09-03 Election Commission - Declare that S. L. Muhammathu as a member of the Akkaraipattu Municipal Council
2191/12 2020-09-02 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Ex. Gaz. No. 2039/11 of 04.10.2017 - Cad. Map No. 520006 and other amendments
2191/13 2020-09-02 Land Title Settlement Department - Palliyagodella, Medirigiriya D/S Division, Polonnaruwa District - Cad. Map No. 120063 and others
2191/14 2020-09-02 Land Title Settlement Department - Notice calling for claims to land parcels - Kebithigollewa D/S Division - Cad. Map No. 110388 and others
2191/15 2020-09-02 Land Title Settlement Department - Nelliya, Wariyapola D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420923 and others
2191/16 2020-09-02 Land Title Settlement Department - Sitinamaluwa, Beliatta D/S Division, Hambanthota District - Cad. Map No. 830116 and others
2191/17 2020-09-02 Land Title Settlement Department - Rajanganaya, Rajanganaya D/S Division, Anuradhapura District - Cad. Map No. 110777 and others
2191/18 2020-09-02 Land Title Settlement Department - Yatiyalpathana, Hingurakgoda D/S Division, Polonnaruwa District - Cad. Map No. 120156 and others
2191/19 2020-09-02 Land Title Settlement Department - Radawana, Dompe D/S Division, Gampaha District
2191/20 2020-09-02 Land Title Settlement Department - Sitinamaluwa, Beliatta D/S Division, Hambantota District - Cad. Map No. 830116 and others
2191/21 2020-09-02 Land Title Settlement Department - Handagiriya, Weligepola D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620185 and othres
2191/22 2020-09-02 Land Title Settlement Department - Pasiyawewa, Minuwangoda D/S Division, Polonnaruwa District - Cad. Map No. 120139 and othres
2191/23 2020-09-02 Election Commission - Declare that M. N. M. Nawsar as a member of the Attanagalla P/S
2191/24 2020-09-02 Land Acquisition - Compensation for the acquisitions of the land in Kolonnawa D/S Division
2191/25 2020-09-02 Department of Fiscal Policy - Ports and Airports Development Levy Act. No. 18 of 2011 (Reserved)
2191/01 2020-08-31 Reserved by Central Bank of Sri Lanka
2191/02 2020-08-31 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange effective From 31.08.2020 to 06.09.2020
2191/03 2020-08-31 Land Acquisition - Nawagamuwa, Rambukkana D/S Division, Kegalle District, Koongala East, Hakmana D/S Division, Matara District and Amendment to the Gaz.Ex.No. 2164/64 D/S Division, Valikamum - North
2191/04 2020-08-31 Land Acquisition - Namaluwa, Dompe D/S Division, Gampaha District, Kapugama, Devinuwara D/S Division, Matara District and Amendment to the Gaz.Ex.No. 2164/02, D/S Division, Thihagoda
2191/05 2020-08-31 Election Commission - Declare that I. A. K. Rahman as a member of the Colombo Municipal Council
2191/06 2020-08-31 Public Service Commission - Amendment No. 03 for Service Minute of the Sri Lanka Information and Communication Technology Service
2191/07 2020-08-31 Chief Secretary's Office - North Western Province - Establishment of Department of Industrial Development - North Western Province
2191/08 2020-08-31 Governor's Secretariat, Sabaragamuwa - Financial Statments - 2020
2191/09 2020-08-31 Land Acquisition - Wahalkada, Horoupathana D/S Division, Anuradhapura District
2191/10 2020-08-31 Land Acquisition - Malwana, Galigamuwa D/S Division, Kegalle District
2191/11 2020-08-31 Land Title Settlement Department - Henagama, Balangoda D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620008 and others
2190/39 2020-08-28 Land Title Settlement Department - Notice calling for claims to property of intestate - Panadura D/S Division
2190/40 2020-08-28 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Ex. Gaz. No. 1834/01 of 28.10.2013 - Rathmalana D/S Division and others
2190/41 2020-08-28 Land Title Settlement Department - Sandagiripura, Thissamaharamaya D/S Division, Hambantota District - Cad. Map No. 830076
2190/42 2020-08-28 Land Title Settlement Department - Kahengama, Kuruwita D/S Division, Rathnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620283 and others
2190/43 2020-08-28 Land Title Settlement Department - Kondadeniya, Harispaththuwa D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320330 and others
2190/44 2020-08-28 Land Title Settlement Department - Kalalpitiya, Aththanagalla D/S Diviison, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510600
2190/45 2020-08-28 Land Title Settlement Department - Yalegoda, Udunuwara D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320285
2190/46 2020-08-28 Land Title Settlement Department - Kambarugamuwa, Weligama D/S Division Matara District - Cad. Map No. 820069 and others
2190/47 2020-08-28 Land Title Settlement Department - Notice calling for claims to lands parcels - Pannala D/S Division - Cad. Map No. 420586 and others
2190/48 2020-08-28 Vavuniya Souath Sinhala P/S - Approving standard by-laws which are to Nothern Province p/s - 2019 and 2020
2190/49 2020-08-28 Land Title Settlement Department - Magalla, Four Gravets Galle D/S Division, Galle District - Cad. Map No. 810012 and others
2190/50 2020-08-28 Land Title Settlement Department - Kotawila, Weligama D/S Division, Matara District - Cad. Map No. 820073 and others
2190/51 2020-08-28 Election Commission - Declare that M. Vickneswaran as a Member of the Navithanveli Pradeshiya Sabha
2190/52 2020-08-28 Chief Secretary's Office - Central Province - Name list of License Holders of Pawn Brokers in the Central Province
2190/29 2020-08-27 Land Acquisition - Winchifield Park Watta, Udadumbara D/S Division, Kandy District - Kotikapola, Mawathagama D/S Division, Kurunegala District
2190/30 2020-08-27 Land Acquisition - Uduwa, Horana D/S Division, Kalutara District
2190/31 2020-08-27 Land Title Settlement Department - Balangoda, Balangoda D/S Division, Rathnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620077 and others and others
2190/32 2020-08-27 Land Acquisition - Amunuwela, Laggala Pallegama D/S Division, Matale District
2190/33 2020-08-27 Ministry of Lands - Amendment to the Land acquisition (Payment of Compensation) Regulation 2013
2190/34 2020-08-27 State Min. of Skills Development, Vocational Education, Research & Innovation - Regulations made under Section 204 of the Intellectual Property Act, No. 36 of 2003 (Revision of Fees of the National Intellectual Property office as 27.11.2019
2190/35 2020-08-27 Land Title Settlement Department - Hinguruwewa, Thalawa D/S Division, Anuradhapura District - Cad. Map No. 110150 and others
2190/36 2020-08-27 Land Acquisition - Liyankobulla Watta, Udadumbara D/S Division, Kandy District
2190/37 2020-08-27 Land Title Settlement Department - Notice calling for claims to property of intestate - Homagama D/S Division and others
2190/38 2020-08-27 Department of Local Government Eastern Province - Declare that A. M. Nahfar as Chairman of Koralaipattu Pradeshiya Sabha - Batticaloa District
2190/24 2020-08-25 Central Province Provincial Council - Appoint Mrss Sarojini Kusala Weerawardena to Inquire and report Within 3 months time from the dated whether the Mayor Municipal Council Matale
2190/25 2020-08-25 Governor's Office, Western Province - Rules that applicable in formulating and implementing the Development Plans relevant for the Financial Year
2190/26 2020-08-25 Ministry of Public Service, P.C & L. G. - Amendment No. 06 - Service Minute of the Sri Lanka Engineering Service
2190/27 2020-08-25 Legal Affairs Department - Lanka Sancharaka Prawahana Sewaka Sangamaya, Published Under the Societies Ordinance
2190/28 2020-08-25 Land Acquisition - Thalawa, Haliela D/S Division, Badulla District and Karannagoda, Elapatha D/S Division, Rathnapura District
2190/01 2020-08-24 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange effective from 24.08.2020 to 30.08.2020
2190/02 2020-08-24 Land Title Settlement Department - Notice Calling for Claims to property at Intestate D/S Division,Homagama and others
2190/03 2020-08-24 Land Title Settlement Department - Pitipana South D/S Division,Homagama, Colombo District Cad. Map No. 520007 and others
2190/04 2020-08-24 Land Title Settlement Department - Thudella, D/S Division,Ja-ela, Gampaha District Cad. Map No. 512202 and others
2190/05 2020-08-24 Land Title Settlement Department - Etamurungagoda D/S Division, Harispaththuwa Kandy District Cad. Map No. 320315 and others
2190/06 2020-08-24 Land Title Settlement Department - Rojasangama, D/S Division, Kothmale, Nuwaraeliya District Cad. Map No. 330353 and others
2190/07 2020-08-24 Land Acquisition - Sulthnagoda East, Malimbada D/S Division, Matara District
2190/08 2020-08-24 Land Acquisition - Kelanimulla, Kolonnawa D/S Division, Colombo District
2190/09 2020-08-24 Land Title Settlement Department - Mabodala, Minuwangoda D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510401 and others
2190/10 2020-08-24 Land Title Settlement Department - Mallanda, Kothmale D/S Division, Nuwaraeliya District - Cad. Map No. 330300 and others
2190/11 2020-08-24 Land Title Settlement Department - Notice calling for claims to land parcels, Galenbinudunuwea D/S Division - Cad. Map No. 110532 and others
2190/12 2020-08-24 Land Title Settlement Department - Palliyagodella, Medirigiriya D/S Division, Polonnaruwa District - Cad. Map No. 120063 and others
2190/13 2020-08-24 Office of the Cabinet Ministers - Appointments of Secretaries to State Ministries
2190/14 2020-08-24 Land Title Settlement Department - Arewwala, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District
2190/15 2020-08-24 Land Acquisition - Kudagama, Rambukkana D/S Division, Kegalle District
2190/16 2020-08-24 Land Acquisition - Dombemada, Rambukkana D/S Division, Kegalle District
2190/17 2020-08-24 Presidential Secretariat - Appointed as members of the Presidential Task Force for Archaeological Heritage Management in the Eastern Province
2190/18 2020-08-24 Presidential Secretariat - Appointed as members of the Presidential Task Force for build a secure Country, disciplined, virtuous and lawful society
2190/19 2020-08-24 Department of Local Government W. P. - Announce that a meeting in View of Selecting a new Mayor for the Vacated Mayor's Position of Sri Jayawardhanapura Kotte Municipal Council
2190/20 2020-08-24 Land Acquisition - Thambilipitiya, Galigamuwa D/S Division, Kegalle District
2190/21 2020-08-24 Land Acquisition - Homapola, Pallepola D/S Division, Matale District
2190/22 2020-08-24 Land Title Settlement Department - Balagalla, Divulapitiya D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510006 and others
2190/23 2020-08-24 Land Title Settlement Department - Pallewela, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510220
2189/57 2020-08-23 Department of Trade and Investment Policy - Waive - off, special Commodity Levy on Jack & Horse Mackerel w.e.f. 22.08.2020
2189/52 2020-08-22 Department of Census and Statistic - National Consumer Price Index - July 2020
2189/53 2020-08-22 National Physical Planning - Declare that Sacrifice City of the Ambulgamuwa Rajamaha Vihara Area
2189/54 2020-08-22 Land Acquisition - Gathara, Kamburupitiya D/S Division , Matara District
2189/55 2020-08-22 Election Commission - Declare that N. K. V. M. A. Hemantha as a member of the Matara Pradesiya Sabha
2189/56 2020-08-22 Election Commission - Declare that A. Thavakumaran as a Chairman of the Puthukkudiyiruppu Pradesiya Sabha
2189/39 2020-08-21 Department of Trade and Investment Policy - Waive - off, special Commodity Levy on Jack & Horse Mackerel w.e.f. 22.08.2020
2189/40 2020-08-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Kaburugamuwa, Weligama D/S Division, Matara District - Cad. Map No. 820069 and others
2189/41 2020-08-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Sisilasagama, Hambantota D/S Division, Hambantota District - Cad. Map No. 830013 and others
2189/42 2020-08-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Andiambalama, Katana D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 511201 and others
2189/43 2020-08-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Badagamuwa, Mallawapitiya D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420211
2189/44 2020-08-21 Land Title Settlement Department -Pohaddaramulla, Kalutara D/S Division, Kalutara District - Cad. Map No. 530014
2189/45 2020-08-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Hunupolagedara, Rideegama D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420058
2189/46 2020-08-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Theppanawa Pahalagama, Kuruwita D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620280
2189/47 2020-08-21 Department of Fiscal Policy - Excise Duty On food Preparation, Waters, Beverages, Vegetable Juices etc.
2189/48 2020-08-21 Election Commission - Declare that B. M. I. S. D. Basnayaka as a member of the Vavuniya North P/S
2189/49 2020-08-21 Election Commission - Declare that R. Yokesari as a member of the Navithenveli P/S
2189/50 2020-08-21 Land Acquisition - Egodawaththa, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District - Nawinna, Maharagama D/S Division, Colombo District
2189/51 2020-08-21 Land Acquisition - Winchfield Park Watta, Udadumbara D/S Division, Kandy District
2189/29 2020-08-20 Land Title Settlement Department - Ilukmodara, Kandy Kadawath Hathara and Gangawata Koralaya D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad Map No. 3203070 and others
2189/30 2020-08-20 Land Title Settlement Department - Notice Calling For Claims to Land Parcels D/S Division, Rathnapura - Cad Map No. 620334 and others
2189/31 2020-08-20 Land Title Settlement Department - Etamurungagoda D/S Division, Harispaththuwa Kandy District - Cad Map No. 320315 and others
2189/32 2020-08-20 Land Title Settlement Department - Akarawita, Gampaha D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad Map No. 511804 and others
2189/33 2020-08-20 Land Title Settlement Department - Notice Calling for Claims to Land Parcels D/S Division, Deraniyagala - Cad Map No. 610567 and others
2189/34 2020-08-20 Land Title Settlement Department - Ekala Kurunduwatta, Ja-ela D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad Map No. 512206 and others
2189/35 2020-08-20 Land Title Settlement Department - Kapumulugada, Hikkaduwa D/S Division, Galle District
2189/36 2020-08-20 Election Commission - Declare That N. Saththiyaseelan and U. Latha as Members of the Valikaman East P.S.
2189/37 2020-08-20 Land Acquisition - Hawpe, Athuraliya D/S Division, Matara District
2189/38 2020-08-20 Land Acquisition - Karunagama, Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District - Kerawalapitiya, Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District
2189/08 2020-08-19 Land Acquisition - Palle Gettuwana, Mallawapitiya D/S Division, Kurunegala District
2189/09 2020-08-19 Land Acquisition - Mehiella, Mallawapitiya D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Amendment to the Ex. Gaz. No. 2162/13 of 10.02.2020 - Amendment to the Ex. Gaz. No. 2166/06 of 10.03.2020
2189/10 2020-08-19 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 2165/26 of 104.03.2020 - Cad Map No. 520210 and others
2189/11 2020-08-19 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Waralupe, Ratnapura D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Cad. Map. No. 620301 and others
2189/12 2020-08-19 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kiribathkumbura, Yatinuwara D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map. No. 320552 and others
2189/13 2020-08-19 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Etawarahena, Dambulla D/S Division, Matale District - Cad. Map. No. 310018 and others
2189/14 2020-08-19 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Hanchapola, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map. No. 510202 and others
2189/15 2020-08-19 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kiribathkumbura, Yatinuwara D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map. No. 320552 and others
2189/16 2020-08-19 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Notice calling for claims to land parcels - Kotawehera D/S Division - Cad. Map. No.421157 and others
2189/17 2020-08-19 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Gampola East, Udapalatha D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map. No.320104
2189/18 2020-08-19 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Lunuwila, Wennappuwa D/S Division, Puttalam District - Cad. Map. No. 410001 and others
2189/19 2020-08-19 Presidential Secretariat - Calling Service Personnel for the Maintenance of Public Order
2189/20 2020-08-19 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kondadeniya, Harispaththuwa D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map. No. 320330 and others
2189/21 2020-08-19 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Gorakana, Pandura D/S Division, Kalutara District - Cad. Map. No. 530012 and others
2189/22 2020-08-19 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Mampe, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map. No. 521202 and others
2189/23 2020-08-19 This gazette has been cancelled - Ministry of Urban Development Water Supply and Housing Facilities - Construction of Matale Water treatment plant of Greator Matale Water Supply Project Construction of Narampanawa Booster Pump House of Kundasale-Haragama Water Supply Project
2189/24 2020-08-19 Land Acquisition - Orugodawatta, Meethotamulla Kolonnawa D/S Division, Colombo District
2189/25 2020-08-19 Land Acquisition - Kolonnawa, Kolonnawa D/S Division, Colombo District - Godauda, Dickwella , Matara District - Wawurukanna, Dickwella D/S Division, Matara District
2189/26 2020-08-19 Divisional Secretariat, Hanguranketha - Published of the Hanguranketha Sri maha Vishnu Devala Perahera - 2020
2189/27 2020-08-19 Land Acquisition - Karandagahamada, Meeggahatiula, Balulla District
2189/28 2020-08-19 Ministry of Justice, Human Rights and Legal Relations - Incorporation of the Sri Narayana Dharma Sangam Colombo
2189/07 2020-08-18 Colombo Municipal Council - Narahenpita, Thibirigasyaya D/S Division, Colombo District
2189/01 2020-08-17 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange effective from 17.08.2020 to 23.08.2020
2189/02 2020-08-17 Sri Lanka Institute of Architects - List of "Chartered Architects" "Architects" and "Architectural Licentiaties" Registered in the ARB for the year 2020
2189/03 2020-08-17 Land Acquisition - Vahari, Koralai Pattu North D/S Division , Batticaloa District
2189/04 2020-08-17 Import and Export Control Department - Import and Export (Control) Regulations No. 05 of 2020
2189/05 2020-08-17 Import and Export Control Department - Import and Export (Control) Regulations No. 06 of 2020
2189/06 2020-08-17 Dept. of Local Government - Eastern Province - Notice on summon of Meeting
2188/46 2020-08-14 Election Commission - Names - Elected as Members of Parliament , under Article 99A
2188/47 2020-08-14 Land Acquisition - Divest the allotment in Thalangama South, Kaduwela D/S Division, Colombo District
2188/48 2020-08-14 Chief Secretaries Office - Southern Province - Pradeshiya Sabha Bentota - Entertainment Tax Ordinance
2188/49 2020-08-14 Land Acquisition - E 402 B, Maoya, Laggala D/S Division, Matale District
2188/50 2020-08-14 Dept. of Trade & Investment Policy - Special Commodity Levy on other potatoes - Reserved
2188/51 2020-08-14 Land Acquisition - Thoddaweli, Mannar Town D/S Division, Mannar District
2188/32 2020-08-13 Land Acquisition - Lihinivehera, Rideegama D/S Division, Kurunegala District
2188/33 2020-08-13 This Gazette has been cancelled - Ministry of Youth and Sports - Control Participants in Sports representing Sri Lanka
2188/34 2020-08-13 Department of Labour, Labour Standards Division - Special allowance payable to workers in the Cocoa, Cardamom and Pepper Growing and Manufacturing Trade
2188/35 2020-08-13 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 1814/30 of 11.06.2013 - Cad Map No. 520207 and other amendments
2188/36 2020-08-13 Ministry of Skills Development, Employment and Labour Relations - Award made to the Industrial Disputes between N. V. D. Ranasingha, K. K. Ajith Sisira Vs. SLTB and W. Jayantha Weerasiri Vs. University of Kelaniya - Revocation the order of Gaz. Ex. No. 1224/32 of 21.02.2002 CMV Vs. Kamart
2188/37 2020-08-13 Ministry of Skills Development, Employment and Labour Relations - Award made to the Industrial Disputes between M. W. A. S. B. Rambukwella Vs. Industrial Development Board of Ceylon (E Only)
2188/38 2020-08-13 Land Acquisition - Mawarala, Pasgoda D/S Division, Matara District - Wariyapola, Ukuwela D/S Division, Matale District - Correction Notice for the Gaz. Ex. No. 2139/52 of 04.09.2019
2188/39 2020-08-13 Presidential Secretariat - Summon Parliament to meet in the Chamber of Parliament
2188/40 2020-08-13 Presidential Secretariat - Appointed Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa MP, to the Office of Prime Minister
2188/41 2020-08-13 Presidential Secretariat - Appoint Mr. Gamini Sedara Senarath as Secretary to the Prime Minister
2188/42 2020-08-13 Presidential Secretariat - Appoint the Ministers
2188/43 2020-08-13 Presidential Secretariat - Appoint the State Ministers
2188/44 2020-08-13 Presidential Secretariat - Appoint Mr. W. M. D. J. Fernando as Secretary to the Cabinet of Ministers
2188/45 2020-08-13 Presidential Secretariat - Appointments of Secretaries to Ministries
2188/16 2020-08-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Moragollagama, Wariyapola D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420911 and others
2188/17 2020-08-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Etamurungagoda, Harispatthuwa D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320315 and others
2188/18 2020-08-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Samanpura, Lunugamwehera Hambanthota District - Cad. Map No. 830049
2188/19 2020-08-12 Land Acquisition - Madawalamulla South, Galle Four Gravets, Galle District
2188/20 2020-08-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Wegiriya, Udunuwara D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320243 and others
2188/21 2020-08-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Moragollagama, Wariyapola D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420911 and others
2188/22 2020-08-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Kiribathkubura, Yatinuwara D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320552 and others
2188/23 2020-08-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Mahaloluwa, Dompe D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 511001 and others
2188/24 2020-08-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Jayamalapura, Udaplalatha D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320016 and others
2188/25 2020-08-12 Land Title Settlement Department -Nainamadama, Wenappuwa D/S Division, Puttalam District - Cad. Map No. 410036
2188/26 2020-08-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Kalalpitiya, Attanagalla D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510600 and others
2188/27 2020-08-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Sippikulama, Hambanthota D/S Division, Hambanthota District - Cad. Map No. 830111 and others
2188/28 2020-08-12 Land Acquisition - Wadiyagoda, Mawathagama D/S Division, Kurunegala District
2188/29 2020-08-12 Divisional Secretariat - Kotapola - Esala Festival of Gatabaruwa Raja Maha Viharaya - 2020
2188/30 2020-08-12 Ministry of Power and Energy - Order of the Proposed acquisition of the Lands required by the Ceylon Elecricity Board
2188/31 2020-08-12 Consumer Affairs Authority - Production Information of all Manufacture importers and traders shall be legible printed
2188/14 2020-08-11 Land Acquisition - Madinnagoda, Moragasmulla ,Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte D/S Division, Colombo District - Madinnagoda, Welikada, Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte D/S Division, Colombo District
2188/15 2020-08-11 Divisional Secretariat - Badulla - Annual Perahara of Badulla Katharagama Devalaya - 2020
2188/01 2020-08-10 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange from 10.08.2020 to 16.08.2020
2188/02 2020-08-10 Election Commission - Members elected to the Parliament (under Article 99A) - 2020
2188/03 2020-08-10 Divisional Secretariat of Monaragala - The Annual Esala Feast of Kotabowa Kuda Katharagama Devalaya of Uva-Wellassa-2020
2188/04 2020-08-10 Land Acquisition - Katukele, Kandy Four Gravets & Gangawata Korale D/S Division, Kandy District
2188/05 2020-08-10 Department of Forest Conservation - Declare Akkarasiyaya Forest as Akkarasiyaya Reserved Forest
2188/06 2020-08-10 Dept of Forest Conservation - Declare the Baraniwala Athura Forest as Baraniwala Athura Reserved Forest and 10 other Notices
2188/07 2020-08-10 Department of Forest Conservation - Declare the Sengala Forest as Senagala Reserved Forest and 04 other Notices
2188/08 2020-08-10 Department of Forest Conservation - Declare the Diyangaswela Mangrove Forest as Diyangaswela Mangrove Reserved Forest
2188/09 2020-08-10 Department of Forest Conservation - Declare the Kawdarimunai Mangrove Forest as Kawdarimunai Mangrove Reserved Forest
2188/10 2020-08-10 Department of Forest Conservation - Declare the Thennamaramvadi Mangrove Forest as Thennamaramvadi Mangrove Reservef Forest and 05 other Notices
2188/11 2020-08-10 Ministry of Skills Development, Employment & Labour Relations - Award made to the Industrial Disputes between Inter Company Employes Union and Bogala Graphite Lanka Limited
2188/12 2020-08-10 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka - Financial Statments for the year ended 31st December 2019
2188/13 2020-08-10 Ministry of Skills Development, Employment and Labour Relations - Award made to the Industrial Dispute between CMU and Richard Peiris Export Limited
2187/27 2020-08-09 Presidential Secretariat - Duties & Functions - 2020
2187/25 2020-08-08 Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs - Competent Authority to Sri Lanka Bodybuilding & Fitness Federation
2187/26 2020-08-08 Election Commission - Elected Members of Parliament for the Electoral Districts - 2020
2187/20 2020-08-07 Land Acquisition - New Town, Rathnapura D/S Division, Rathnapura District
2187/21 2020-08-07 Land Acquisition - Katuwawala, Kesbawa D/S Division, Colombo District
2187/22 2020-08-07 Land Acquisition - Gangodawila, Maharagama D/S Division, Colombo District
2187/23 2020-08-07 Land Acquisition - Gangodawila, Maharagama D/S Division, Colombo District (9591)
2187/24 2020-08-07 Land Acquisition - Boralesgamuwa, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo
2187/19 2020-08-06 Land Acquisition - Guruwela, Laggala D/S Division, Matale District
2187/16 2020-08-05 Dept. of Local Government Eastern Province - Appointed the Chairman of Thambalagamam & Aalayadivembu P/S in Trincomalee
2187/17 2020-08-05 Land Acquisition - Village of Homagama, Homagama D/S DIvision, Colombo District
2187/18 2020-08-05 Land Acquisition - Gonawa, Weerambugedara D/S Division, Kurunegala District and an amendment to the Gaz. Ex.No. 1948/57, Weligama D/S Division
2187/03 2020-08-04 Land Title Settlement Department - Ranawana, Harispattuwa D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320325
2187/04 2020-08-04 Land Title Settlement Department -Udupila, Weligama D/S Division, Matara District - Cad. Map No. 820083
2187/05 2020-08-04 Land Title Settlement Department -Etamurungagoda, Harispattuwa D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320315
2187/06 2020-08-04 Land Title Settlement Department - Calling for claims to land parcel in Kesbewa D/S Division, and other land parcels
2187/07 2020-08-04 Land Title Settlement Department - Settlement order No. 119, Puttukkudiyiruppu D/S Division, Mullaitivu
2187/08 2020-08-04 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 1985/13 of 20.09.2016 Gampaha D/S Division and other amendments
2187/09 2020-08-04 Land Title Settlement Department - Mahasenpura, Thissamaharama D/S Division, Hambanthota District - Cad. Map No. 830077
2187/10 2020-08-04 Land Title Settlement Department - Ranawana, Harispattuwa D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320325
2187/11 2020-08-04 District Secretariat of Gampaha - The Annual Feast of the our Lady's Ragama Lanka Basillica Church, 2020
2187/12 2020-08-04 Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka - Names that granted Certificate of Exemption ( Electricity)
2187/13 2020-08-04 Land Acquisition - Aparekka, Devinuwara D/S Division, and Sulthangoda, Malimbada D/S Division, Matara District
2187/14 2020-08-04 Reserved by the Election Commission
2187/15 2020-08-04 Reserved by the Election Commission
2187/01 2020-08-03 Sri Lanka Castoms - Rates of Exchange effective from 03.08.2020 to 09.08.2020
2187/02 2020-08-03 Presidential Secretariat - Summon the New Parliament to meet on 20th day of August 2020
2186/47 2020-08-01 Election Commission - Parliamentary Elections Act, No. 01 of 1981 Notice Under Section 25(3)
2186/48 2020-08-01 Election Commission - Parliamentary Elections Act, No. 01 of 1981 Notice Under Section 25(3)
2186/29 2020-07-31 Securities & Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka - The Unit Trust Code for Sri Lanka Real Estate Investment Trusts, No. 1 of 2020
2186/30 2020-07-31 Reserved by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka
2186/31 2020-07-31 Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs - Orders under the Sports Act, Appoint Director General to the National Federation for cycling as temporary amendment Regulations of the National Association of Sports
2186/32 2020-07-31 Department of Trade and Investment Policy - Impose Special Commodity levy Sprats, B'onion etc. (Reserved)
2186/33 2020-07-31 Land Title Settlement Department - Suddathissapura, Lunugamwehera D/S Division, Hambanthota District - Cad. Map No. 830061
2186/34 2020-07-31 Land Title Settlement Department - Kalukanda, Weligepola D/S Division, Rathnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620153
2186/35 2020-07-31 Land Title Settlement Department - Mallawapitiya, Mallawapitiya D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420201
2186/36 2020-07-31 Land Title Settlement Department - Magammana, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520003
2186/37 2020-07-31 Land Title Settlement Department - Mallawapitiya, Mallawapitiya D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420201
2186/38 2020-07-31 Land Acquisition - Mathugama, Mathugama D/S Division, Kalutara District Thirunagar, Jaffna D/S Division, Jaffna District - Illukpitiya, Ambalangoda D/S Division, Galle District
2186/39 2020-07-31 Land Acquisition - Godagama, Matara D/S Division, Matara District
2186/40 2020-07-31 Ministry of Skill Development, Employment and Labour Relations - Collective Agreement entered into between Lanka Tiles PLC and Inter Company Employees Union
2186/41 2020-07-31 Ministry of Skills Development, Employmant and Labour Relations - Collective Agreement entered into between International Distillers Ltd. and the Food, Bevarages and Tobacco industries Employees union and 02 Other Collective Agreements
2186/42 2020-07-31 Ministry of Skills Development, Employmant and Labour Relations - Collective Agreement entered into between Pradeshiya Sanwardhana Bank and the Ceylon Bank Employees Union and 03 Other Collective Agreements
2186/43 2020-07-31 Ministry of Skills Development, Employmant and Labour Relations - Collective Agreement entered into between Associated Motor ways (pvt) Ltd. and Free Trade Zones and General Services Employees Union and 03 Other Collective Agreements
2186/44 2020-07-31 Land Title Settlement Department - Calling for Claims to Property of Intestate in Meerigama & Other Properties
2186/45 2020-07-31 Land Title Settlement Department - Hewanegedara, Galigamuwa D/S Division, Kegalle District - Cad. Map No. 610022
2186/46 2020-07-31 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Gaz.Ex.No. 1907/70 of 27.03.2015 D/S Division, Morotuwa
2186/22 2020-07-30 Dept. of Local Government Eastern Province - Notice on summon meeting of under the Local Authorities Election Amendment Act
2186/23 2020-07-30 Land Acquisition - Pallewela, Galewela D/S Division, Matale District - Nikawahara, Galewela D/S Division, Matale District
2186/24 2020-07-30 Land Acquisition - Arawwala, Paligedara, Makuluduwa Naampamunuwa and Maviththara, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District
2186/25 2020-07-30 Governer's Office - Western l Province - The Rules of Procurement Activities related to the Fund of the Western Provincial Councial
2186/26 2020-07-30 Land Acquisition - Aparekka, Devinuwara D/S Division, Matara District
2186/27 2020-07-30 Ministry of Higher Education, Technology & Innovations - Amendment to the Gaz.Ex.No. 2164/53 of 27.02.2020 University of Sri Jayawardanapura
2186/28 2020-07-30 Ministry of Higher Education, Technology & Innovations - Amendment to the Gaz.Ex.No. 2160/42 of 30.01.2020 - University of Colombo
2186/16 2020-07-29 Election Commission - Declare that M. A. Sirimal as a member of the Galle Municipal Council
2186/17 2020-07-29 Consumer Affairs Authority - Maximum Charges for Medical Tests ( NSI Antigen, FBC) in Laboratories
2186/18 2020-07-29 Divisional Secretariat - Matara Four Gravets - Annual Festival of Mother's Church - Matara
2186/19 2020-07-29 Land Acquisition - Athuparayaya, Dambulla D/S Division, Matale District - Panliyadda, Ibbagamuwa D/S Division, Kurunegala District
2186/20 2020-07-29 Land Acquisition - Danduyaya, Galewela D/S Division, Matale District - Yapagama, Galewela D/S Division, Matale District
2186/21 2020-07-29 Land Acquisition - Anwarana, Mawanella D/S Division, Kegalle District - Kandawala, Rathmalana D/S Division, Colombo District - Correction notice to the Gaz. Ex. No. 1940/10 of 11.11.2015 - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 1844/72 of 10.01.2014
2186/10 2020-07-28 Land Acquisition - Moragammana, Aranayaka D/S Division, Kegalle District and an amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 1986/04, Baddegama D/S Division
2186/11 2020-07-28 Land Acquisition - Dehiwala, Dehiwala D/S Division, Colombo District
2186/12 2020-07-28 Land Acquisition - Village of Narahenpita, Thimbirigasyaya D/S Division, Colombo District
2186/13 2020-07-28 Land Acquisition - Pamankada, Thimbirigasyaya D/S Division, Colombo District
2186/14 2020-07-28 Land Acquisition - Wanathamulla, Thimbirigasyaya and Meethotamulla, Kolonnawa D/S Division, Colombo District
2186/15 2020-07-28 Land Acquisition - Maharagama, Wellawaya D/S Division, Monaragala District
2186/01 2020-07-27 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange effective from 27.07.2020 to 02.08.2020
2186/02 2020-07-27 Reserved for Election Commission
2186/06 2020-07-27 Reserved for Election Commission
2186/07 2020-07-27 Election Commission - Special Notification Issued by the Election Commission
2186/08 2020-07-27 Election Commission - Location of the Polling Stations and Special Polling Stations reserved for Female Voters
2186/09 2020-07-27 Land Acquisition - Mahaaragama, Wellawaya D/S Division, Monaragala District
2185/68 2020-07-24 Land Acquisition - Welewaththa Kitthampahuwa and Wellampitiya, Kolonmawa D/S Division, Colombo District, Correction Notice to the Gaz.Ex.No. 2088/30 of 12.09.2018
2185/69 2020-07-24 Land Acquisition - Modara, Colombo D/S Division, Colombo District
2185/70 2020-07-24 Department of Fiscal Policy - Pre-Election Budgetary Position Report - 2020
2185/71 2020-07-24 Department of Fiscal Policy - Final Budget Position Report - Annual Report of Ministry of Finance - 2019
2185/72 2020-07-24 Land Acquisition - Gangodawila, Sri Jayawardnepura Kotte D/S Division, Colombo District, Amendment to the Gaz.Ex.No. 2141/17 of 18.09.2019
2185/73 2020-07-24 Land Acquisition - Palliyadda, Ibbagamuwa D/S Division, Kurunegala District
2185/74 2020-07-24 Ministry of Urban Development, Water Supply and Housing Facilities - Jaffna Urban Development Area
2185/52 2020-07-23 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Mailawalana, Dompe D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 511000
2185/53 2020-07-23 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Mahawela, Ridigama D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420140
2185/54 2020-07-23 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kithulpe, Kuruvita D/S Division, Rathnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620284
2185/55 2020-07-23 Election Commission - Assistant Returning Officers - Parliament Election - 2020
2185/56 2020-07-23 Reserved for Election Commission
2185/57 2020-07-23 Reserved for Election Commission
2185/58 2020-07-23 Reserved for Election Commission
2185/59 2020-07-23 Reserved for Election Commission
2185/60 2020-07-23 Land Acquisition - Getamanna, Beliatta D/S Division, Hambanthota District - Kapudoowa, Thihagoda D/S Division, Matara District
2185/61 2020-07-23 Land Acquisition - Viharagala, Sooriyawewa D/S Division, Hambanthota District
2185/62 2020-07-23 Land Acquisition - Gallajgama, Ehetuwewa D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Palliyabadda, Ibbagamuwa D/S Division, Kurunegala District
2185/63 2020-07-23 Dept. of Co-operative Development - Cancelation of Liquidatary- Central Province Co-operative Societies
2185/64 2020-07-23 Land Acquisition - Thalangama North, Kaduwela D/S Division, Colombo District
2185/65 2020-07-23 Land Acquisition - Kaluganga, Laggala - Pallegama D/S Division, Matale District
2185/66 2020-07-23 Land Acquisition - Maharagama, Wellawaya D/S Division, Monaragala District
2185/67 2020-07-23 Consumer Affairs Authority - Commands to traders and distributors that Locally Produced rice or Paddy Should not be used directly for animal teed Production or storage of animal feed Production etc.
2185/42 2020-07-22 Department of Census and Statistics - National Consumer Price Index - June 2020
2185/43 2020-07-22 Election Commission - Declare that S. A. S. Ubaidulla as a member of the Medadumbara Pradeshiya Sabha
2185/44 2020-07-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Pothupitigama, Nuwaragam Palatha East D/S Division, Anuradhapura District - Cad. Map No. 110192 and others
2185/45 2020-07-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Notice calling for claims to land parcels, Walaswewa (Block 16) Galewela D/S Division, Matale District - Cad. Map No. 310085 and others
2185/46 2020-07-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Willorawatta, Moratuwa D/S Division,Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520204 and others
2185/47 2020-07-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Raddalgoda, Meerigama D/S Division,Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510228 and others
2185/48 2020-07-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Pokunuwila, Horana D/S Division, Kalutara District - Cad. Map No. 530177 and others
2185/49 2020-07-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Notice calling for claims to parcels Kirillawela, Mahara D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510822
2185/50 2020-07-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 1661/20 of 07.07.2010 - Cad. Map No. 520008 and other amendments
2185/51 2020-07-22 Land Title Settlement Department - Rathmalana, Rathmalana D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No.521003
2185/32 2020-07-21 Land Acquisition - Habarana, Palugaswewa D/S Division, Anuradhapura District - Thibirigaswewa, Higurakgoda D/S Division, Polonnaruwa District
2185/33 2020-07-21 Land Acquisition - Nawapadeniya, Dambulla D/S Division, Matale District - Godunna, Kandeketiya D/S Division, Badulla District - Mabima, Biyagama D/S Division, Gampaha District
2185/34 2020-07-21 Land Acquisition - Pallewela, Balangoda D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Panaliya, Polgahawela D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Malayawelliya, Ohilaw D/S Division, Puttalam District - Angulana, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District
2185/35 2020-07-21 Land Acquisition - Pelawaththa, Walallawita D/S Division, Kaluthara District - Hennathota, Hikkaduwa D/S Division, Galle District - Kahadiwela, Polgahawela D/S Division, Kurunegala District
2185/36 2020-07-21 Land Acquisition - Malambe, Kaduwela D/S Division, Colombo District
2185/37 2020-07-21 Presidential Secretariat - Call out Armed Forces for the maintenance of public order, under the Public Security Ordinance
2185/38 2020-07-21 Land Acquisition - Pihilladeniya, Pathadumbara D/S Division, Kandy District - Udathalawinna, Pathadumbara D/S Division, Kandy District
2185/39 2020-07-21 Divisional Secretariat - Kamburupitiya - Annual Esala Festival 2020 of Ilangamgoda Ancient Rajamaha Viharaya, Saupgoda Kamburupitiya
2185/40 2020-07-21 Land Acquisition - Pitigala North, Niyagama D/S Division, Galle District
2185/41 2020-07-21 Presidential Secretariat - The remit of the Presidential Task Force to broaden (for Covid - 19)
2185/01 2020-07-20 Sri Lanka Customs - Rate of Exchange effective from 20.07.2020 to 26.07.2020
2185/02 2020-07-20 Land Acquisition - Walgama - West, Biyagama D/S Division, Gampaha District
2185/03 2020-07-20 Land Acquisition - Marumulla, Benthota D/S Division, Galle District
2185/04 2020-07-20 Land Title Settlement Department - Gangodagama, Weligepola D/S Division, Rathnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620162
2185/05 2020-07-20 Land Title Settlement Department - Rawathawatta, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520201
2185/06 2020-07-20 Land Title Settlement Department - Calling for claims to land parcel in Padaviya D/S Division, Anuradhapura and other land parcels
2185/07 2020-07-20 Land Title Settlement Department - Udammita, Attangalla D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510611
2185/08 2020-07-20 Land Title Settlement Department - Dehipagoda, Udunuwara D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320241
2185/09 2020-07-20 Land Title Settlement Department - Maligaspe, Galle Four Gravets D/S Division, Galle District - Cad. Map. No. 810019
2185/10 2020-07-20 Land Title Settlement Department - Kudagammana, Divulapitiya D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map. No. 510010
2185/11 2020-07-20 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 1845/25 of 19.05.2014, Moratuwa D/S Division and other amendments
2185/12 2020-07-20 Land Title Settlement Department - Ethaoya, Ratnapura D/S Division, Rathnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620290
2185/13 2020-07-20 Land Title Settlement Department - Nalawalana, Pannala D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420507
2185/14 2020-07-20 Presidential Secretariat - Appoint the Head of the Sri Lanka Navy with effect from 15.07.2020
2185/15 2020-07-20 Land Title Settlement Department - Karamada, Udunuwara, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320249 and others
2185/16 2020-07-20 Land Acquisition - Aluthgama Bogamuwa, Gampaha D/S Division, Gampaha District
2185/17 2020-07-20 Land Title Settlement Department - Attidiya, Rathmalana D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521002 and others
2185/18 2020-07-20 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 1854/24 of 19.03.2014 - Cad. Map No. 510303 and other amendments
2185/19 2020-07-20 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 1864/21 of 26.05.2014 - Cad. Map No. 520028 and other amendments
2185/20 2020-07-20 Land Acquisition - Arambekade, Thumpane D/S Division, Kandy District - Nealpitiya, Naula D/S Division, Matale District and Egaloya, Bulathsinghala D/S Division, Kalutara District
2185/21 2020-07-20 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Gaz.Ex.No. 1805/32 of 10.04.2013 - Cad. Map No. 520202 and Other Amendments
2185/22 2020-07-20 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Gaz.Ex.No. 2130/26 of 03.07.2019 - Cad. Map No. 820047 and Other Amendments
2185/23 2020-07-20 Land Title Settlement Department - Kibulapitiya, Katana D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 511211
2185/24 2020-07-20 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 2144/49 of 10/10/2019 Cad. Map. No. 520811 and other Amendments
2185/25 2020-07-20 Land Title Settlement Department - Cheena Koratuwa, Galle Kadawath Sathara D/S Division, Galle District - Cad. Map No. 810030
2185/26 2020-07-20 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Gaz.Ex.No. 2142/48 of 25.09.2019 Cad. Map. No. 521202 and Otherr Amendments
2185/27 2020-07-20 Land Title Settlement Department - Pituwala, Elpitiya D/S Division, Galle District - Cad. Map No. 810755 and Others
2185/28 2020-07-20 Land Title Settlement Department - Aluthgama, Gampaha D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 511800 and Others
2185/29 2020-07-20 Land Title Settlement Department - Mallanda, Kothmale D/S Division, Nuwara-Eliya District - Cad. Map No. 330300 and Others
2185/30 2020-07-20 Land Title Settlement Department - Rohanapura, Tissamaharamaya D/S Division, Hambantota District - Cad. Map No. 830071 and Others
2185/31 2020-07-20 Land Acquisition - Pahala Yagoda, Gampaha D/S Division, Gampaha District
2184/53 2020-07-18 Department of Trade & Investment Policy - Special Commodity Levy on Maldive Fish, Termeric etc., w.e.f. 19.07.2020
2184/34 2020-07-17 Ministry of Health & Indigenous Medical Services - The Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID 19) (Elections) Regulations, No. 1 of 2020
2184/35 2020-07-17 Land Title Settlement Department - Village of Puttalam, Puttalam D/S Division, Puttalam District - Cad. Map No. 410411 and other Title Settlements
2184/36 2020-07-17 Land Title Settlement Department - Nelliya, Wariyapola D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420923
2184/37 2020-07-17 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 1786/15 of 29.11.2012, Pannala D/S Division and other amendments
2184/38 2020-07-17 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 1834/48 of 01.11.2013, Homagama D/S Division and other amendments
2184/39 2020-07-17 Land Acquisition - Palle Aparakka, Devinuwara D/S Division, Matara District
2184/40 2020-07-17 Land Acquisition - Walakanda, Kirinda-Puhulwella D/S Division and Kadawedduwa, Thihagoda D/S Division, Matara District
2184/41 2020-07-17 Land Acquisition - Divest the allotment in Malambe, Kaduwela D/S Division, Colombo District
2184/42 2020-07-17 Land Acquisition - Diyathure, Ibbagamuwa D/S Division, Kurunegala District and Pothana, Dambulla D/S Division, Matale District
2184/43 2020-07-17 Land Acquisition - Hangomuwa, Puswellegama & Thalgodapitiya, Ibbagamuwa D/S Division, Kurunegala District
2184/44 2020-07-17 Land Acquisition - Ipalawa,Daramitipola, Ibbagamuwa D/S Division, Kurunegala District and Divulgaskotuwa, Galewela D/S Division, Matale District
2184/45 2020-07-17 Land Acquisition - Imbulpitiya, Ukuwela D/S Division, Matale District and two amendments Ambagamuwa D/S Division, Korale & Land Development Authority
2184/46 2020-07-17 Land Acquisition - Hungangoda, Matara D/S Division, Matara District and two amendments in Laggala & Attanagalla D/S Divisions
2184/47 2020-07-17 Land Acquisition - Kandegedara, Ibbagamuwa D/S Division, Kurunegala District and Beligamuwa, Galewela D/S Division, Matale District
2184/48 2020-07-17 Election Commission - Declare that S. Vijayanandan as a member of the Valikamum South Pradeshiya Sabha
2184/49 2020-07-17 District Secretariat of Rathnapura - The Esala Festival of Saparagamuwa Maha Saman Devalaya - 2020
2184/50 2020-07-17 Land Acquisition - Haldummulla Town, Haldummulla D/S Division, Badulla District
2184/51 2020-07-17 Election Commission - Additional Media Guidelines
2184/52 2020-07-17 Election Commission - Additional Code of Conduct
2184/21 2020-07-16 Import and Export Control Department - Import and Export (Control) Regulation No. 4 of 2020
2184/22 2020-07-16 Land Acquisition - Koddady, Jaffna D/S Division, Jaffna District, Kurunagar west, Jaffna D/S Division, Jaffna District
2184/23 2020-07-16 Ministry of Lands and Land Development - Appointed Mr. D. M. Somarathne as Land Acquiring Officer for Orugodawatta- Ambatale Road Project Mattakkuliya Bridge Approach Road Project and Koswatta Junction Widening Praject
2184/24 2020-07-16 Land Acquisition - Napagoda, Koongasdeniya, Nawagamuwa and Wedagama, Aththanagalla D/S Division, Gampaha District - Kalalpitiya and 343 A Wedagama, Aththanagalla D/S Division, Gampaha District - Nittabuwa and Kangasdeniya, Atathanagalla D/S Division, Gampaha District
2184/25 2020-07-16 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 2160/01 of 27.01.2020 - Moratuwa D/S Division - Cad. Map No. 520201 and others
2184/26 2020-07-16 Land Title Settlement Department - Kondadeniya, Harispattuwa D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320330 and others
2184/27 2020-07-16 Land Title Settlement Department - Uduwawala, Harispattuwa D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320319 and others
2184/28 2020-07-16 Land Title Settlement Department - Pethiyagoda, Redeemaliyadda D/S Division, Badulla District - Cad. Map No. 710012 and others
2184/29 2020-07-16 Land Title Settlement Department - Pitakanda Janapadaya, Doluwa D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320045 and others
2184/30 2020-07-16 Land Title Settlement Department - Kadawala, Rathmalana D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521001 and others
2184/31 2020-07-16 Land Title Settlement Department - Ihala Makandura, Pannala D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420501 and others
2184/32 2020-07-16 Land Title Settlement Department - Homagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001 and others
2184/33 2020-07-16 Ministry of Urban Development, Water Supply and Housing Facilities - Construction of Polpithigama Water Tower of Deduruoya Water Supply Project - Construction of Udubaddawa OIC Office of Bingiriya Udubaddawa Water Supply Project
2184/13 2020-07-15 Land Acquisition - Wanathamulla, Thimbirigasyaya D/S Division, Colombo District
2184/14 2020-07-15 Department of Labour - Special Allowance to workers in the Cocoa, Cardamom & Papper growing & Manufacturing Trade - January to April, 2020
2184/15 2020-07-15 Ministry of Industrial Export & Investment Promotion - The Project to set up the CIFC at Prot City premises in Colombo
2184/16 2020-07-15 Land Acquisition - Pepiliyana, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District
2184/17 2020-07-15 Election Commission - Appointment of ARO for Parliamentary Election -2020
2184/18 2020-07-15 Election Commission - Amendment to the Ex.Gaz.No. 2172/03 of 20.06.2020
2184/19 2020-07-15 Election Commission - Voting at another Polling Station on Behalf of Voters who appear to be unable to Cast ballots at their Polling Station
2184/20 2020-07-15 Reserved for Election Commission
2184/11 2020-07-14 Election Commission - Declare that K. T. De Silva as a member of the Karandeniya Pradeshiya Sabha
2184/12 2020-07-14 Ministry of Lands & Land Development - Named Mr. H. Thilakawardhane as land Acquiring Officer
2184/01 2020-07-13 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange effective from 13.07.2020 to 19.07.2020
2184/02 2020-07-13 Election Commission - Declare that P. Sudaharan as a member of the Haldummulla Pradeshiya Sabha
2184/03 2020-07-13 Land Acquisition - Padiyapalalle, Walapane D/S Division, Nuwaraeliya District
2184/04 2020-07-13 Office of the Governor, Uva Province - Appointed Mr. K. B. Medawala as Chairman of the Uva Provincial Library Service Board, Appointed Mr. K. S. Lumara as member and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Uva Provincial Road Passenger Transport Services Authority
2184/05 2020-07-13 Land Acquisition - Pathegama, Dikwella D/S Division, Matara District - Ethipola, Yatawatta D/S Division, Matale District
2184/06 2020-07-13 Land Acquisition - Bogawanthalawa, Ambagamuwa Koralaya D/S Division, Nuwaraeliya District - Hatton Poolbank Estate, Ambagamuwa Koralaya D/S Division, Nuwaraeliya District
2184/07 2020-07-13 Land Acquisition - Lakshapathiya, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District
2184/08 2020-07-13 Land Acquisition - Arawwala, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District - Mampe, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District
2184/09 2020-07-13 Department of Local Government - Eastern Province - Regulation of allowances to the MC,, Regulation of allowances to the UC,. Regulation of allowances to the PS.
2184/10 2020-07-13 Land Acquisition - Thumbowila, Kesbewa D/S Diviison, Colombo District, Ihala Hanwella, Seethawaka D/S Division, Colombo District - Korakkankadu, Kandamali D/S Division, Kilinochchi District
2183/44 2020-07-10 Department of Trade and Investment Policy - Special Commodity Levy on Coconut Oil (Reserved)
2183/45 2020-07-10 Land Acquisition - Delgahakanda, Horana D/S Division, Kalutara District
2183/46 2020-07-10 Land Acquisition - Wattala, Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District
2183/47 2020-07-10 Ministry of Skills Development Employment and Labour Relations - Award made to the Industrial Dispute between H. N. Perera and L. L. Kodituwakku Vs. Ceylon Petroleum Corporation
2183/48 2020-07-10 Office of the Governor - Uva Province - Appointed as 3 members for Road Passenger Transport Services Authority, Provincial Library Services and Rent Board of Uva Province
2183/49 2020-07-10 Land Acquisition - Andalla, Tissamaharama D/S Division, Hambanthota District
2183/50 2020-07-10 Land Acquisition - Magamure, Kamburupitiya D/S Division, Matara District
2183/51 2020-07-10 Land Acquisition - Kowana, Mallawapitiya D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Palle Gattuwana, Mallawapitiya D/S Division, Kurunegala District
2183/52 2020-07-10 Land Acquisition - Mehiella, Mallawapitiya D/S Division, Kurunegala District
2183/34 2020-07-09 Ministry of Skills Development Employment and Labour Relations - Revocation of order under the Industrial Disputes Act the published in the Gaz. Ex. No. 1951/08 of 25.01.2016 , Mr. H. Jayathunga and National Paper Company Ltd., and 04 other Notices
2183/35 2020-07-09 Ministry of Skills Development Employment and Labour Relations - Industrial Disputes between Mr. M. S. G. Nawalaella vs. Lumiere Textiles (pvt.) Ltd., and 03 other notices
2183/36 2020-07-09 Ministry of Skills Development Employment and Labour Relations - Industrial Disputes between Mr. U. P. S. Nelundeniya vs. Ceylon Fisheries Harbour Corporation and 03 other Notices
2183/37 2020-07-09 Ministry of skills Development Employment and Labour Relations - Revocation of order under the Industrial Disputes Act that publish in the Gaz. Ex. No. 2083/16 of 09.08.2018. Mr. H. K. Nimal vs. State Engineering Corporation of Sri Lanka and 03 other Notices
2183/38 2020-07-09 Land Acquisition - Alupathakada Mullepihilla, Kandy Four Gravets and Gangawata Korale D/S Division, Kandy District - Kobillapathana, Madadumbara D/S Division, Kandy District
2183/39 2020-07-09 Election Commission - Declare that H. N. M. M. Sifak as a member of the Puttalam Urban Council
2183/40 2020-07-09 Election Commission - A member of the Alayadivembu P/S has vacated his office (of member of that P/S)
2183/41 2020-07-09 Ministry of Defence - Order under section 34 - Registration of persons Act
2183/42 2020-07-09 Land Acquisition - Ihala Weerakandiyana, Udubaddawa D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Rathmalana, Rathmalana D/S Division, Colombo District
2183/43 2020-07-09 Presidential Secretariat - Appointed as Members of the Task Force on Sri Lanka's Education Affairs
2183/24 2020-07-08 Land Acquisition - Parabawila, Polgahawela D/S Divison, Kurunegala District - Walagammulla, Polgahawela D/S Division, Kurunegala District
2183/25 2020-07-08 Land Acquisition - Keluwana, Thumpane D/S Division, Kandy District
2183/26 2020-07-08 Presidential Secretariat - Enlarge the Six Months Period of Inquire in to Political Victimization of Public Officers Employees of State Corporations Members of the Armed Forces and the Police Service
2183/27 2020-07-08 Department of Trade and Investment Policy - Revenue Protection order on Dried leguminous Vegetables and others
2183/28 2020-07-08 Land Acquisition - Revision to the Gaz. Ex. No. 2162/13 of 10.02.2020 Hatharaliyadda D/S Division, Medapehilla, Naula D/S Division, Matale District
2183/29 2020-07-08 Ministry of skills Development and Labour Relations - Industrial Disputes between Mr. Dinuka Perera vs. Central Investment and Finance PLC and other 04 notices
2183/30 2020-07-08 Ministry of Skills Development Employment and Labour Relations - Industrial Disputes between Mr. K. Thiyagaraja vs. Tissa Resort (pvt) Litd., and 04 other Notices
2183/31 2020-07-08 Governors' Secretariat - Sabaragamuwa - Revenue Expenditure Estimates from 01.01.2020 up to 31.05.2020
2183/32 2020-07-08 Governors' Secretariat - Sabaragamuwa - Revenue Expenditure Estimates from 01.01.2020 up to 31.08.2020
2183/33 2020-07-08 Governors' Secretariat - Sabaragamuwa - Fourth Supplementary Financial Statement - 2019
2183/21 2020-07-07 Presidential Secretariat - Appointed as members of the Presidential Task Force for Archaeological Heritage Management in the Eastern Province
2183/22 2020-07-07 Presidential Secretariat - Appointed as members of the Presidential Task Force to build a Secure Country Disciplined Virtuous and Lawful Society
2183/23 2020-07-07 Election Commission - Declare that H. M. Somawathi as a member of the Badalkumbura PS
2183/01 2020-07-06 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange effective from 06.07.2020 to 12.07.2020
2183/02 2020-07-06 Land Title Settlement Department - Pethiyagoda, Rideemaliyadda D/S Division, Badulla District - Cad. Map No. 710012
2183/03 2020-07-06 Land Title Settlement Department - Calling for claims to land parcel in Ja-ela D/S Division & other land parcels
2183/04 2020-07-06 Land Title Settlement Department - Sisilasagama, Hamanthota D/S Division, Hambanthota District - Cad. Map No. 830013
2183/05 2020-07-06 Land Title Settlement Department - Lunuwila, Wennappuwa D/S Division, Puttalam District - Cad. Map No. 410001
2183/06 2020-07-06 Land Title Settlement Department - Thammennagama, Thambuttegama D/S Division, Anuradhapura District - Cad. Map No. 110053
2183/07 2020-07-06 Land Title Settlement Department - Nikapothagama, Kurunegala D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420350
2183/08 2020-07-06 Land Title Settlement Department - Hitthetiya, Matara D/S Division, Matara District
2183/09 2020-07-06 Land Title Settlement Department - Etamurungagoda, Harispattuwa D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320315
2183/10 2020-07-06 Land Title Settlement Department -Weheragala, Rajanganaya D/S Division, Anuradhapura District - Cad. Map No. 110032
2183/11 2020-07-06 Land Title Settlement Department - Walaswewa, Galewela D/S Division, Matale District - Cad. Map No. 310085
2183/12 2020-07-06 Land Title Settlement Department -Magalle, Galle Four Gravets D/S Division, Galle District - Cad. Map No. 810012
2183/13 2020-07-06 Land Title Settlement Department - Sitinamaluwa, Beliatta D/S Division, ZHambanthota District - Cad. Map No. 830116
2183/14 2020-07-06 Land Acquisition - Lassegama, Deraniyagala D/S Division, Kegalle District - Correction Notice for the Gaz. Ex.No. 1983/07 of 05.09.2016
2183/15 2020-07-06 This Gazette has been cancelled - Ministry of Tourism and Aviation - Order appoint the Ceylon Petroleum Corporation as the Service Provider for the Provision of aeronautical Service
2183/16 2020-07-06 Ministry of Defence - Award the Prashansaneeya Seva Vibhushanaya and the Prasansaneeya Seva Padakkama - Sri Lanka Navy
2183/17 2020-07-06 Land Acquisition - Haudugala, Polgahawela D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Mahakanda, Kandy Kadawath Sathara and Gangawata Korale D/S Division, Kandy District
2183/18 2020-07-06 Election Commission - Declare that K. S. D. Kaluthota as a Member of the Ipalogama P/S
2183/19 2020-07-06 Election Commission - Declare that F. M. Sifan as a Member of the Kalmunai Municipal Council
2183/20 2020-07-06 Ministry of Skills Development, Employment and Labour Relations - Service Minute of the Sri Lanka Technical Education Service
2182/39 2020-07-03 Department of Local Government - North Central Province - Regulations on accounting of Financial Administration of MC/UC/PS
2182/40 2020-07-03 Ministry of Higher Education, Technology & Innovations - New entry of the Department of Environmental & Industrial Sciences - University of Peradeniya
2182/41 2020-07-03 Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs - New Sport - Teqball
2182/42 2020-07-03 Land Acquisition - Isurumuniya, Nuwaragampalatha-Central D/S Division, Anuradhapura District
2182/43 2020-07-03 Land Acquisition - Padivitawelagama, Matale D/S Division, Matale District
2182/44 2020-07-03 Ministry of Urban Department Water Supply - Order to acquire the land for Kundasale-Haragama Water Project in Kandy Four Gravets D/S Division
2182/45 2020-07-03 Election Commission - Declare that W. M. C. Wickramasinghe as a member of the Pannala Pradeshiya Sabha
2182/46 2020-07-03 Election Commission - Declare that K. Weerasingam and K. Kokilamalar as a members of the Pannala Pradeshiya Sabha
2182/47 2020-07-03 Election Commission - Declare that V. Thiresmani as a members of the Porativu Pattu Pradeshiya Sabha
2182/48 2020-07-03 Election Commission - Declare that P. K. K. Samarasinghe as a members of the Ja-ela Urban Council
2182/49 2020-07-03 Chief Secretary's Office - Southern Province - Delegation of powers assigned to the Registrar of the Co-operative Societies
2182/37 2020-07-02 Department Trade and Investment Policy - Suspend making payments through Outward investment Accounts - Reserved
2182/38 2020-07-02 Ministry of Justice, Human Rights & Legal Reforms - the Judicial District of Batticaloa (Batticaloa, Eravur, Kalawanchikudy)
2182/23 2020-07-01 Land Acquisition - Chankanai-East, Valikamum West D/S Division, Jaffana District
2182/24 2020-07-01 Land Title Settlement Department - Calling for claims to property of Intestate in Moratuwa D/S Division, and other properties
2182/25 2020-07-01 Land Title Settlement Department - Calling for claims to property of Intestate in Moratuwa D/S Division, and other properties
2182/26 2020-07-01 Land Title Settlement Department - Homagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001
2182/27 2020-07-01 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 1666/31 of 12.08.2010, Moratuwa & other amendments
2182/28 2020-07-01 Land Title Settlement Department - Dummaladeniya East, Wennappuwa D/S Division, Puttalam District - Cad. Map No. 410030
2182/29 2020-07-01 Land Title Settlement Department - Homagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001
2182/30 2020-07-01 Land Title Settlement Department - Thalatuwa, Kurunegala D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420352
2182/31 2020-07-01 Land Title Settlement Department - Kosetadeniya, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510217
2182/32 2020-07-01 Department of Trade & Investment - Regulations issued on "Special Deposit Accounts"
2182/33 2020-07-01 Department of Trade and Investment Policy - Purposes, Limits, terms & Conditions for Import & Export of Foreign currency or Sri Lanka currency
2182/34 2020-07-01 Ministry of Education, Technology & Innovations - Appointment of Competent Authority to the Institute of Technology, University of Moratuwa
2182/35 2020-07-01 Land Acquisition - Pallemaluwa, Hanguranketha D/S Division, Nuwaraeliya District
2182/36 2020-07-01 Public Service Commission - Service Minute of the Teacher Advisors Service
2182/10 2020-06-30 Import and Export Control Department - The Import & Export (Control) Regulations, No.03 of 2020 (Reserved)
2182/11 2020-06-30 Central Bank of Sri Lanka - Balance Sheet as at 31.06.2020 - Reserved
2182/12 2020-06-30 Ministry of Urban Development, Water Supply & Housing Facilities - The Construction Industry Development Rules - 2020
2182/13 2020-06-30 Land Acquisition - Kaluattanagolla, Hanguranketha D/S Division, Nuwaraeliya District - an amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 2165/9 Dehiwala D/S Division
2182/14 2020-06-30 Ministry of Skills Department, Employment & Labour Relations - Industrial Disputes between, Inter Company Employees Union Vs. Agio Tobacco Processing Company (pvt.) Ltd. and two Other Notices
2182/15 2020-06-30 Ministry of Skills Department, Employment & Labour Relations - Cease the Interpritation: Ansell Lanka (pvt.) Ltd. Vs. Free Trade Zones & General Services Employees Union
2182/16 2020-06-30 Land Acquisition - Nimalagama, Ingiriya D/S Division, Kalutara District
2182/17 2020-06-30 Election Commission - Declare that A. D. Fairoos as a member of the Kattankudy Urban Council
2182/18 2020-06-30 Land Settlement Department - Megodakalugamuwa, Doluwa D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320013
2182/19 2020-06-30 Land Settlement Department - Wattala, Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 512000
2182/20 2020-06-30 Land Settlement Department - Calling for Claims to Land Parcel in D/S Division, Galewela, Matale District and Other Land Parcels
2182/21 2020-06-30 Ministry of Industrial Export and Investment Promotion - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 2178/21 of 03.06.2020 (Reserved)
2182/22 2020-06-30 Ministry of Industrial Export and Investment Promotion - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 2178/21 of 03.06.2020 (Reserved)
2182/01 2020-06-29 Sri Lanka Customs - Rate of Exchange with effect from 29.06.2020 to 05.07.2020
2182/02 2020-06-29 Dept. of Local Government Eastern Province - Notice of Summon of meeting under Local Authorities Elections (Amendment) Act 22/2012
2182/03 2020-06-29 Land Acquisition - Diddeniya, Medagoda, Pujapitiya D/S Division, Kandy District
2182/04 2020-06-29 Land Acquisition - Rambuke Ela, Akurana D/S Division, Kandy District - Dippitiya Akurana D/S Division, Kandy District
2182/05 2020-06-29 Ministry of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation - Appoint the Competent Authority for the Gampaha Wickramarachchi Aurveda Institute
2182/06 2020-06-29 Ministry of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation - Appoint the Competent Authority, University of the Visual and Performing Arts
2182/07 2020-06-29 Ministry of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation - Appoint the Competent Authority, Institute of Technology University of Moratuwa
2182/08 2020-06-29 Ministry of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation - Appoint the Competent Authority, University of Jaffna
2182/09 2020-06-29 Election Commission - Elected as a member Mr. A. W. M. Shihan of the Kotidawatta Mulleriyawa Pradeshiya Sabha
2181/32 2020-06-27 Election Commission - Declare that P. Barath at a Member of the Vavuniya North P/S
2181/23 2020-06-26 Dept. of Trade and Investment Policy - Special Commodity levy on Vegetable Oils Crude Oil etc., valid for period of 06 months commencing from 27.06.2020 - Reserved
2181/24 2020-06-26 Dept. of Trade & Investment Policy - Special Commodity levy on fats and oil (Margarine) valid for period of 06 months commending from 27.06.2020 - Reserved
2181/25 2020-06-26 Ministry of Mahaweli, Agriculture and Irrigation - Declare the Moragahakanda, Kaluganga Mahaweli, 'F' Zone as a sustainable Development Area
2181/26 2020-06-26 Land Acquisition - Udumulla, Kolonnawa D/S Division, Colombo District, Endana, Kahawatta D/S Division, Rathnapura District and Yodagama, Rambukkana D/S Division, Kegalle District
2181/27 2020-06-26 Land Acquisition - Kaikawala, Benthota D/S Division, Galle District - Udadelthota, Pathahewaheta D/S Division, Kandy District and an amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 2060/19 Kandy Four Gravets D/S Division
2181/28 2020-06-26 Ministry of Urban Development Water Supply and Housing Facilities - Order to acquire the land for Basnagoda Reservoir Project in Welikandamulla , Attanagalla D/S Division, Gampaha District
2181/29 2020-06-26 Land Acquisition - Pothanagama, Ganewatta D/S Division, Kurunegala District, Mundel, Mundel D/S Division, Puttalam District and Warahena, Benthota D/S Division, Galle District
2181/30 2020-06-26 District Secretariat of Matara - Annual Esala Festival of Sri Vishnu Maha Devalaya, Devinuwara
2181/31 2020-06-26 Land Acquisition - Walpola, Vatawatta D/S Division, Matale District
2181/20 2020-06-25 Land Acquisition - Medagama, Hanguranketha, Nuwaraeliya District and Five other amendments in Maharagama D/S Divisions, Yatawattha and Dehiowita
2181/21 2020-06-25 Ministry of Urban Development, Water Supply and Housing Facilities - The Construction Industry Development Regulations of 2020
2181/22 2020-06-25 Ministry of Public Admin, Home Affairs - Public & Bank Holidays - 2021
2181/13 2020-06-24 Department of Trade and Investment Policy - Special Commodity levy and surcharge on Imported goods (petrol, gas oil/diesel) with effect from 24th June 2020, for a period of two months
2181/14 2020-06-24 Divisional Secretariat - Kamburupitiya - 35th Higher Ordination Ceremony of Sri Rohana Sanga Sabha of Kamburupitiya D/S Division, Matara District will be held from 24th to 27th of July 2020
2181/15 2020-06-24 Ministry of Finance, Economic and Policy Development - Appointed Dr. Indumathie Ranjanadevi Bandara Director of Census and Statistics as Superintendent of Census to Superintend the taking of the Census directed to be taken in 2021
2181/16 2020-06-24 Ministry of Defence - Award the Uttama Seva Padakkama for the year 2018
2181/17 2020-06-24 Ministry of Defence - Establishment of Department of Multi Purpose Development Task Force
2181/18 2020-06-24 Land Acquisition - Mirihana, Maharagama D/S Division, Colombo - Mutuval, Aluthmawatha, Colombo D/S Division, Colombo District
2181/19 2020-06-24 Land Acquisition - Diddheripotha, Mulatiyana D/S Division, Matara District
2181/05 2020-06-23 Dept. of Census & Statistics - National Consumer Price Index May 2020
2181/06 2020-06-23 Governor's Office- Central Province - Delegation of Power under the Central Provincial Council Co-operative Societies
2181/07 2020-06-23 Election Commission - Declare that K. Jeyathasan as a member of the Karaitivu P/S
2181/08 2020-06-23 Election Commission - Dclare that K. Ethirveerasingam as a member of the Vadamarachchi South West P.S.
2181/09 2020-06-23 Land Title Settlement Department - Karagampitiya, Dehiwala D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520811 and others
2181/10 2020-06-23 Land Title Settlement Department - Mabodala, Minuwangoda D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510401 and others
2181/11 2020-06-23 Land Title Settlement Department - Mampe, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521202 and others
2181/12 2020-06-23 Ministry of Urban Development, Water Supply and Housing Facilities - Construction of Waste Water Treatment Plan under Galle City limits Waste Water Management Project and Construction of access road to the Pump House Water Reservoir and laying of pipe line under stage III of Greater Galle Water Supply Project
2181/01 2020-06-22 Sri Lanka Customs - Rate of Exchange effecive from 22.06.2020 to 28.06.2020
2181/02 2020-06-22 Election Commission - Declare that A. G. D. R. Premalal as a member of the Panduwasnuwaqra P/S
2181/03 2020-06-22 Election Commission - Declare that H. M. Azmy as a member of the Pathadumbara P/S
2181/04 2020-06-22 Land Acquisition - Elagamuwa, Na-ula D/S Division, Matale District - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 2153/04 of 09.12.2019 Hingurakgoda D/S Division
2180/40 2020-06-21 Elections Commission - Declare that F. F. Sameeha as a Member of the Akkaraipattu M/C
2180/41 2020-06-21 Elections Commission - Declare that S. S. Sasikumar as a Member of the Karaitivu P/S. and Declare that K. Kumarasiri as a Member of the Karaitivu P/S
2180/42 2020-06-21 Elections Commission - Declare that M. S. M. Mohideen as a Member of he Kattankudy U/C
2180/43 2020-06-21 Elections Commission - Declare that K. Vijayakumar as a Member of the Puthukkudyirupu P/S
2180/39 2020-06-20 Election Commission - Declare that L. E. S, Rathnayaka as a member of the Welivitiya - Divithura Pradeshiya Sabha
2180/32 2020-06-19 Land Acquisition - Thalalla, Devinuwara D/S Division, Matara District
2180/33 2020-06-19 Presidential Secretariat - Call out members of the Armed Forces for the maintenance of Public Order
2180/34 2020-06-19 Land Acquisition - Madupitiya, Bandanagama D/S Division, Kalutara District and amendment to the Gaz.Ex.No. 2157/24, D/S Division, Haliela
2180/35 2020-06-19 Ministry of Public Administration - Extended retirement age for the Medical Officers
2180/36 2020-06-19 Governers Secretariat Central Province - Delegation of Powers - Co-operative Socities
2180/37 2020-06-19 Election Commission - Declare that S. Manisegar as a member of the Koralaipattu Pradeshiya Sabha
2180/38 2020-06-19 Election Commission - Declare that T. Sharanga as a member of the Alayadivembu Pradeshiya Sabha
2180/27 2020-06-18 Land Acquisition - Gongwela, Matale D/S Division, Matale District Malwatta, Maligatenna D/S Division, Matale District - Kumbiyangoda, Matale D/S Division, Matale District - Malwatta, Division No. 5, Maligatenna, Matale D/S Division, Matale District
2180/28 2020-06-18 Land Acquisition - Malandiya, Deraniyagala D/S Division, Kegalle District - Arandara, Galigamuwa D/S Division, Kegalle District
2180/29 2020-06-18 Land Acquisition - Welladura, Kahawatta D/S Division, Rathnapura District
2180/30 2020-06-18 Presidential Secretariat - Appoint Hon. Mahinda Rajapaksa Prime minister as the Minister of Community Empowerment and Eastate Infrastructure Development
2180/31 2020-06-18 Department of Trade & Investment Policy - Customs duty on Food preparations, beverages, cigars, asbestos etc., with effect from 19.06.2020 (Reserved)
2180/20 2020-06-17 Civil Aviation Authority - The checklist of the Implementing Standards, as at 31.12.2019, issued under the Civil Aviation Act
2180/21 2020-06-17 Department of Fiscal Policy - Amend to the Ex. Gaz. No. 2147/72 of 31.10.2019
2180/22 2020-06-17 Provincial Public Service Commission Western Provincial - Amendment No. 4 - Western Provincial Public Management Assistant Service Minute
2180/23 2020-06-17 Land Acquisition - Mudagamuwa, Attanagalla D/S Division, Gampaha District - Amendment to the Gaz.Ex.No. 2164/64 of 28.02.2020 D/S Divison, Yatawatta
2180/24 2020-06-17 Land Acquisition - Dambagasera, Dickwella D/S Division, Matara District - Welathudawa, Bulathkohupitiya D/S Divison, Kegalle District
2180/25 2020-06-17 Land Acquisition - Pallegama, Galewela D/S Division, Matale District - Nikawehere, Galewela D/S Divison, Matale District
2180/26 2020-06-17 Ministry of Transport Services Management - Temporary Extension of the Validity Period of Driving License
2180/10 2020-06-16 Department of Trade and Investment Policy - Reserved - Special Commodity Levy on Vegetable Fats and Oils and their and others
2180/11 2020-06-16 Department of Trade and Investment Policy - Reserved - Special Commodity Levy on Clementines - Fresh, Clementines - Dried and others
2180/12 2020-06-16 Ministry of Higher Education - Order made to appoint Competent Authority to the University of Vocational Technology
2180/13 2020-06-16 Land Acquisition - Compensations for the acquisitions of the land in Minuwangoda D/S Division
2180/14 2020-06-16 Land Acquisition - Makilangamuwa, Gampaha D/S Division, Gampaha District
2180/15 2020-06-16 Land Acquisition - Kossinna & Rathmalawita, Gampaha D/S Division, Gampaha District
2180/16 2020-06-16 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 1905/20 of 11.03.2015 & other amendments
2180/17 2020-06-16 Land Title Settlement Department - Calling for claims to property of intestate in Homagama D/S Division and other properties
2180/18 2020-06-16 Election Department - Inclusion the name of Jeevan Thondaman as a candidate, nominated for the Parliament Election, 2020
2180/19 2020-06-16 Central Bank of Sri Lanka - Regulations made by the Monetary Board of Sri Lanka
2180/01 2020-06-15 Dept. of Customs - Rates of Exchange effective from 15th June 2020 to 21st June 2020
2180/02 2020-06-15 Land Acquisition - Madinnagoda, Welikada, Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte D/S Division, Colombo District - Orugodawatta and Meethotamulla, Kolonnawa D/S Division, Colombo District
2180/03 2020-06-15 Land Acquisition - Wadullawatta, Kolonnawa D/S Division, Colombo District - Ibbagamuwa and Pahalapidivilla, Ibbagamuwa D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Correction Notice for the Gaz. Ex. No. 2076/36 of 22.06.2018
2180/04 2020-06-15 Land Acquisition - Godunna, Kandaketiya D/S Division, Badulla District - Halpathota, Baddegama D/S Division, Galle District
2180/05 2020-06-15 Land Acquisition - Palle Aparekka, Devinuwara D/S Division, Matara District
2180/06 2020-06-15 Land Acquisition - Kambarawa, Naula D/S Division, Matale District - Maragamuwa and Pubbiliya, Naula D/S Division, Matale District
2180/07 2020-06-15 Ministry of Urban Development Water Supply and Housing Facilities - Construction of Rambuke Ela Pump House of North Pathadubara Integrated Water Supply Project and laying of Transmission pipe lines from vilana Udagama to Rambuke Ela Service Reservoir of Kandy North Pathadumbra Integrated Water Supply Project
2180/08 2020-06-15 Land Acquisition - Meddegama, Dompe D/S Division, Gampaha District and Kirulapone, Thibirigasyaya D/S Division, Colombo District
2180/09 2020-06-15 Elections Commission - Declare that G. S. Athugalpe as the member of the Udapalatha Pradesiya Sabha
2179/22 2020-06-12 Election Commission - Declare that M. Sasikumar as a member of the Panwila Pradeshiya Sabha
2179/23 2020-06-12 Election Commission - Declare that E. C. S. De Zoysa and P. S. W. Vithanage as a members of Kalutara Urban Council
2179/24 2020-06-12 Land Title Settlement Department . - Walahamulla, Rideegama D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420050
2179/25 2020-06-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Hewapola, Mallawapitiya D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420223
2179/26 2020-06-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Pethiyagoda, Rideemaliyadda D/S Division, Badulla District - Cad. Map No.710012
2179/27 2020-06-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Etamurungagoda, Harispattuwa D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No.320315
2179/28 2020-06-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Dagonna, Divulapitiya D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510080
2179/29 2020-06-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Madapatha, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521204
2179/30 2020-06-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Calling for claims to property of intestate in Moratuwa D/S Division and other properties
2179/31 2020-06-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 1670/28 of 09.09.2010, Moratuwa D/S Division and other amendments
2179/32 2020-06-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 2102/48 of 21.12.2018, Meerigama D/S Division and other amendments
2179/33 2020-06-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 2059/68 of 23.02.2018, Kesbewa D/S Division and other amendments
2179/34 2020-06-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Meegasthenna, Rideegama D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 920047
2179/35 2020-06-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Arungama, Medirigiriya D/S Division, Polonnaruwa District - Cad. Map No. 120086
2179/36 2020-06-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Mudduwa, Rathnapura D/S Division, Rathnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620278
2179/37 2020-06-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Nawana, Divulapitiya D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510056
2179/38 2020-06-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Kondadeniya, Harispattuwa D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320330
2179/39 2020-06-12 Land Title Settlement Department . - Kapumulugoda, Hikkaduwa D/S Division, Galle District - Cad. Map No. 810150
2179/40 2020-06-12 Ministry of Skills Development, Employment & Labour Relations - Award made to the Industrial Dispute between A. T. C. Ceylon (pvt) Ltd. & Nidahas Welanda Kalapa Saha Podusewa Sewaka Sangamaya ; and Rejection of the decision given by the arbitrator to the Industrial Dispute between Mr. G. H. Udaya Saman and Sri Lanka Standards Institute
2179/13 2020-06-10 Land Acquisition - Kolonnawa, Kolonnawa D/S Division, Colombo District
2179/14 2020-06-10 Land Acquisition - Walpolamulla, Laggala-Pallegama D/S Division, Matale District
2179/15 2020-06-10 Ministry of Urban Development, Water Supply - Order to acquire the lands in Baddegama D/S Division, Gangaihala Korale, Walasmulla & Welivitiya for Water Supply Projects
2179/16 2020-06-10 Land Acquisition - Ihala Walpola, Ibbagamuwa D/S Division, Kurunegala District
2179/17 2020-06-10 Election Commission - Parliament Election will be held on 05.08.2020 (Amending the Gaz. Ex. No. 2172/03)
2179/18 2020-06-10 Election Commission - Declare that P. L. Pemasiri as a member of the Ambalanthota Pradeshiya Sabha
2179/19 2020-06-10 Election Commission - Declare that P. Kalaivani as a member of the Koralaipattu Pradeshiya Sabha
2179/20 2020-06-10 Election Commission - A member of the Panduwasnuwara Pradeshiya Sabha has Vacated his Office of the member
2179/21 2020-06-10 Ministry of Local Government - Western Province P.C.- Entertainment Tax For the Years 2019 and 2020
2179/07 2020-06-09 Election Commission - Poll Gazette - Parliament Election 2020 ; (Names of Political Parites, Preferential Numbers & Polling Stations)
2179/08 2020-06-09 Land Acquisition - Etampitiya, Haliela D/S Division, Badulla District
2179/09 2020-06-09 Department of Fiscal Policy - Reserved - Amendment to the Ex. Gaz. No. 2173/11 of 30.04.2020
2179/10 2020-06-09 Land Acquisition - Pubbiliya, Dodamkumbura & Gunadaha, Thumpane D/S Division, Kandy District
2179/11 2020-06-09 Land Acquisition - Mahanthe, Mahaheella, Beliatta D/S Division, Hambanthota District and Bajankele, Kirinda D/S Division - Puhulwella, Matara District
2179/12 2020-06-09 Ministry of Power and Energy - Order to acquire the land in Rathnelumwalayaya, Thissamaharama D/S Division, Hambanthota District
2179/01 2020-06-08 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange effective from 08.06.2020 to 14.06.2020
2179/02 2020-06-08 Governor's Office - Western Province - Extending the period of investigation of single person inquiry
2179/03 2020-06-08 Land Acquisition - Ingiriya, Ingiriya D/S Division, Kalutara District
2179/04 2020-06-08 Office of the Public Service Commission - Appointed to the Committee for the Education Service Sector Constituting three members for a period of one year
2179/05 2020-06-08 Office of the Public Service Commission - Appointed to the Committee for the Health Service Sector constituting three members for a period of one year
2179/06 2020-06-08 Land Acquisition - Pasyala, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District
2178/29 2020-06-06 Elections Commission - Directions to prevent the misuse of movable or immovable properties - Parliament Election 2020
2178/26 2020-06-04 Ministry of Skills Development, Employment & Labour Relations - Award made to the Industrial Disputes between D. I. H. A. Yatawara and Sri Lanka Foreign Employment Bureau
2178/27 2020-06-04 Ministry of Urban Dept. Water Supply - Owitiyawattha, D/S/D Negambo, Gampaha District - for Negombo Waste Water Recycling Project
2178/28 2020-06-04 Land Acquisition - Kopay, Valikamam East D/S Division, Jaffna District
2178/19 2020-06-03 Land Acquisition - Bayogama & Pedigama, Ganewatta D/S Division, Kurunegala District
2178/20 2020-06-03 Land Acquisition - Godunna, Kandeketiya D/S Division, and Galanihagama, Uva Paranagama D/S Division, District of Badulla
2178/21 2020-06-03 Ministry of Industrial, Export and Investment Promotion - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 2047/2 of 27.11.2017 (Reserved)
2178/22 2020-06-03 Ministry of Justice, Human Right & Legal Reforms - Authorize the Incorporation of the 'Ginigathena Sri Mangala Vinayagar Temple Trust' Trustees
2178/23 2020-06-03 Elections Commission - Directions to prevent the misuse of movable and immovable properties - Parliament Election 2020 - This Gazette has been cancelled
2178/24 2020-06-03 Election Commission - The Media Guidelines - Parliament Election 2020 - made by the Election Commission
2178/25 2020-06-03 Election Commission - Code of Conduct - Parliament Election
2178/15 2020-06-02 Dept. of Fiscal Policy - Replace the rate of Excise Duty on Palm oil/tallow fatty acids
2178/16 2020-06-02 Ministry of Home Affairs - Full Moon Poya - Holydays for the Year 2021
2178/17 2020-06-02 Presidential Secretariat - The Presidential Task Force for Archaeological Heritage Management in Eastean Province
2178/18 2020-06-02 Presidential Secretariat - The Presidential Task Force to build a Secure Country
2178/01 2020-06-01 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange w.e.f. 01.06.2020 to 07.06.2020
2178/02 2020-06-01 Land Acquisition - Kandepitawala, Laggala-Pallegama D/S Division, Matale District
2178/03 2020-06-01 Land Acquisition - Atharagalla, Kundasale D/S Division, Kandy District and Mathugobe, Kotapola D/S Division, Matara District
2178/04 2020-06-01 Department of Fiscal Policy - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 2164/72 dated 01/03/2020 (Reserved)
2178/05 2020-06-01 Governor's Secretariat - Annual Financial Statment and Revenue - Expenditure Estimates of Sabaragamuwa Province
2178/06 2020-06-01 Governor's Secretariat - Fifth Supplyment Financial Statement, 2019 of Sabaragamuwa Province
2178/07 2020-06-01 Land Title Settlement Department - Kohuwala, Dehiwala D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520801
2178/08 2020-06-01 Land Title Settlement Department - Aluthgama, Gampaha D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 511800
2178/09 2020-06-01 Land Title Settlement Department - Kendawalamaditta, Kandy Four Gravets and Gangawata Korale D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320294
2178/10 2020-06-01 Land Title Settlement Department - Dehipagoda, Udunuwara D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320241
2178/11 2020-06-01 Land Title Settlement Department - Katiyawa, Thalawa D/S Division, Anuradhapura District - Cad. Map No. 110109
2178/12 2020-06-01 Land Title Settlement Department - Bogamuwa, Gampaha D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 511800
2178/13 2020-06-01 Election Commission - Revision of registers of electors for the yeas 2020
2178/14 2020-06-01 Land Acquisition - Magamure, Kanburupitiya D/S Division, Matara District
2177/19 2020-05-31 Central Bank of Sri Lanka - Balance Sheet as at 30.04.2020 - Reserved
2177/12 2020-05-29 Land Acquisition - Welapura, Kalutara D/S Division, Kalutara District and 3 Other notices
2177/13 2020-05-29 Land Acquisition - Udathalawinna, Pathadumbara D/S Division, Kandy District, Nikagolla, Yatawatta D/S Division, Matale District
2177/14 2020-05-29 Land Acquisition - Udukumbalwela, Ella D/S Division, Badulla District, Kurundugolla, Harispattuwa D/S Divison, Kandy District, Rambegama, Ganewatta D/S Division, Kurunegala District
2177/15 2020-05-29 Land Acquisition - Divest an allotment in D/S Division, Kelaniya Published in Gaz.Ex.No. 8815 of 25.07.1995
2177/16 2020-05-29 Land Acquisition - Moragasmulla, Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte D/S Division, Colombo District, Kotuwegoda, Kaduwela D/S Division, Colombo District
2177/17 2020-05-29 Ministry of Lands & Land Development - Cancelled the appointments made under Land Acquisitions Act
2177/18 2020-05-29 Land Acquisition - Eriyagolla, Dehiowita D/S Division, Kegalle District Amendment to the Gaz.Ex.No. 2079/6 of 09.07.2018 D/S Division, Dehioweta and Others
2177/09 2020-05-28 Consumer Affairs Authority - Maximum Retail Price of Rice
2177/10 2020-05-28 Legal Affairs Department - The Societies Ordinance
2177/11 2020-05-28 Central Bank of Sri Lanka - Cancel the Licence issued to the Finance Company PLC
2177/08 2020-05-27 Ministry of Sports & Youth Affairs - Amendment to the Gaz.Ex.No. 2166/09 that Published Notional Association of Sports Regulations
2177/02 2020-05-26 Reserved - Department of Fiscal Policy - Luxury Tax on Motor Vehicles (Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 2147/72 of 31.10.2019)
2177/03 2020-05-26 Ministry of Power & Energy - LED Lamps, Regulations - No. 02 of 2019
2177/04 2020-05-26 Department of Fiscal Policy - Amendment to the Ex. Gaz. No. 2152/32 of 05.12.2019 (Reserved)
2177/05 2020-05-26 Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka - Impose Annual Levy, under Electricity Act. (20/2009)
2177/06 2020-05-26 Election Commission - Two members of the Kalutara Urban Council, have Vacated their Office of Member
2177/07 2020-05-26 Presidential Secretariat - Ms. S. M. Mohamed and 6 others appointed as Secretaries to Ministries
2177/01 2020-05-25 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange w.e.f. 25.05.2020 to 31.05.2020
2176/25 2020-05-23 Election Commission - Declare that M. P. Anthonipillei as a member of the Delft Pradeshiya Sabha
2176/26 2020-05-23 Election Commission - Declare that A. L. M. Ahsan as a member of the Muthur Pradeshiya Sabha
2176/19 2020-05-22 Import & Export Control Dept. - The Imports & Exports (Control) Regulations No. 02 of 2020 - reviving the National Economy
2176/20 2020-05-22 Department of Trade and Investment Policy - Order of waive off - Special Commodity Levy on Jack & horse mackerel
2176/21 2020-05-22 Land Acquisition - Kandegedara, Ibbagamuwa D/S Division, Kurunegala District
2176/22 2020-05-22 Election Commission - Declare that S. D. Peiris as a member of the Colombo Municipal Council
2176/23 2020-05-22 Presidential Secretariat - Amendment to the Gaz.Ex.No. 2153/12 of 10.2.2019 which Published Duties & Functions
2176/24 2020-05-22 Election Commission - A member of the Panwila Pradeshiya Sabha has Vacated his Office of Member
2176/15 2020-05-21 Election Commission - Declare that P. Paskaran as a member of the Manmunai South-West Pradeshiya Sabha
2176/16 2020-05-21 Election Commission - Declare that A. R. M. Nawasdeen as a member of the Colombo Municipal Council
2176/17 2020-05-21 Presidential Secretariat - Call out all the members of the Armed Forces for the maintenance of Public Order
2176/18 2020-05-21 Dept. of Trade & Investment Policy - Special Commodity Levy on Yogurt, Red Onions, Peas etc., w.e.f . 22.05.2020
2176/12 2020-05-20 Land Acquisition - Borella, Thimbirigasyaya D/S Division, Colombo District
2176/13 2020-05-20 Ministry of Industrial Export and Investment Promotion - Reserved - Amendment to the Sri Lanka Export Development Act
2176/14 2020-05-20 Land Acquisition - Kalapaluwawa, Kolonnawa D/S Division, Colombo District
2176/05 2020-05-19 Ministry of Urban Development, Water Supply and Housing Facilities - Transferring the Water Supply Scheme of Bandarawela Municipal Council to the National Water Supply and Drainage Board under Section 64(1) of National Water Supply Supply and Drainage Board Act, No. 02 of 1974
2176/06 2020-05-19 Ministry of Transport Services Management - Temporary Extention of the Validity period of Driving Licence
2176/07 2020-05-19 Ministry of Defence - Awarding the Videsa Seva Padakkama
2176/08 2020-05-19 Ministry of Defence - Award of the Sri Lanka Armed Services Long Service Medal and Clasp
2176/09 2020-05-19 Ministry of Defence - Award of the Sri Lanka Armed Services Long Service Medal
2176/10 2020-05-19 Department of Fiscal Policy - Amendment to the Ex. Gaz. No. 2152/32 of 05.12.2019
2176/11 2020-05-19 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka - SLAUS 315 - identifying and assessing risks of material misstatement
2176/01 2020-05-18 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange w.e.f. 18.05.2020 to 24.05.2020
2176/02 2020-05-18 Ministry of Higher Education - Appointment of Competent Authorities to the University of Visual and Performing Arts and Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute
2176/03 2020-05-18 Election Commission - Declare that K. N. Serasinghe as a memberr of the Colombo Municipal Council
2176/04 2020-05-18 Governor's Office - Western Province -- The Order made See. 185 of Pradeshiya Sabha Act. No. 15 of 1987 read with See. 2 of Provincial Councial (Consequential Provisions) Act, No. 12 of 1989
2175/05 2020-05-15 Election Commission - Declare that M. P. Silva as a member of the Panadura Urban Council
2175/03 2020-05-14 Ministry of Defence - Award to the Videsha Seva Padakkama to the Air Force Officer
2175/04 2020-05-14 Office of the Governor Uva Province - Appointed Secretaries to the Uva Province with effect from 27.12.2019
2175/02 2020-05-12 The Supreme Court - The Court of Appeal Rules - 2020
2175/01 2020-05-11 Sri Lanka Customs - The Rates of Exchange effective from 11.05.2020 to 17.05.2020
2174/07 2020-05-07 Department of Trade and Investment Policy - Special Commodity Levy on Sprats, Mangoesteen, etc.
2174/04 2020-05-06 Supreme Court - The Supreme Court Rules
2174/05 2020-05-06 President Secretariate - Appointed as the member of the Task Force For Economic Revival and Poverty Alleviation (appoint MAS Holding Vice Chairman Mr. Sherad Amalean as a member of the Task Force)
2174/03 2020-05-05 Ministry of Baddhsasana Cultural and Religions Affairs - Declaring the Extent of Sacred Land belonging to the Historical Olaboduwa Sri Jayawardanarama Rajamaha Viharaya as a Sacred Area
2174/01 2020-05-04 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange w.e.f. 04.05.2020 to 10.05.2020
2174/02 2020-05-04 Ministry of Mahaweli Agriculture Arrigation and Rural Development Fixing a Certified Price to Purchase 16 Crops as per the Cabinet Decision
2173/09 2020-04-30 Consumer Affairs Authority - Remove "Mysore Dhal" and "Canned Fish" From Order No. 61 Published in Gazette Extraordinary No. 2167/09 on 17.03.2020
2173/10 2020-04-30 Central Banke of Sri Lanka - Balance Sheet as at 31.03.2020 - Reserved
2173/11 2020-04-30 Department of Fiscal Policy - Amend the Schedule 1 of the Excise Notification No. 988, Ex. Gaz. No. 1956/19 of 02/03/2016 (Reserved)
2173/12 2020-04-30 Department of Trade and Investment Policy - The Order made under Section 02 of the Special Commodity Levy Act No. 48 of 2007 and Published in the Extraordinary Gazette Notification No. 2160/63 of 01.02.2020 in hes respect of B'onions (HS Code 0708-10-20) is rescinded with effect From 1st May, 2020
2173/13 2020-04-30 Ministry of Education Sports and Youth Affairs - National of Sports Published in the Gazette Extraordinary No. 1990/23 Dated 27th October 2016 are Amended only in relevance to the Year 2020
2173/08 2020-04-29 Election Commission - Declare that Ruwani Damayanthi Thisera as member of the Dompe Pradeshiya Sabha
2173/05 2020-04-28 Election Commission - Declare that Mrs. U Pragash, She has Ceased to be a member of the United People's Freedom Alliance to the Colombo Municipal council
2173/06 2020-04-28 The Consumer Affairs Authority - The Consumer Affairs Authority do here by rescind Order Nos 52 and 53 Published in Gazette Extraordinary No. 2092/64 on 12.10.2018
2173/07 2020-04-28 President Secretariate - Appointment of a President Task Force of members For Sri Lanka Education affairs
2173/01 2020-04-27 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange with effect From 2020.04.27 to 2020.05.03
2173/02 2020-04-27 Election Commission - Declare that O. M. Rathnaweera as member of the Colombo Municipal Council
2173/03 2020-04-27 Election Commission - Declare that A. A. S Gunarathna as member of the Karandeniya Pradeshiya Sabha
2173/04 2020-04-27 President Secretariate - Appointment of a President Task Force to Study and Provide Instructions on measures to be taken by all Armed Force to Prevent Corona virus Infections among members of the Tri Forces
2172/06 2020-04-22 Department of Trade and Investment Policy - Order From 23rd April, 2020 the Director General of Customs to demand and Levy on Petrol, Gas oil / Disel, Other Disel
2172/07 2020-04-22 Department of Trade and Investment Policy - Amended Gazette Extraordinary No. 2166/35 of 13th March 2020
2172/08 2020-04-22 President Secretariat - Orders Call out members of the Armed forces for the Maintenance of Public Orders
2172/09 2020-04-22 President Secretariat - Establishment of the President Task Force for Economic Revival and Poverty Alleviation
2172/10 2020-04-22 Ministry of Finance Economic and Policy Development - Amendment to the Ex. Gaz. No. 2152/32 of 15.12.2019
2172/05 2020-04-21 Consumer Affairs Authority - Maximum Retail Price for Turmeric Pander Per 1 Kg Rs. 750 effect from 21.04.2020
2172/01 2020-04-20 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange effective From 20.04.2020 to 26.04.2020
2172/02 2020-04-20 Election Commission - Directives : Authorities Should avoid Promoting Parties, groups or Candidates
2172/03 2020-04-20 Election Commission - Election to elect the members of Parliament will be held on 20th June, 2020
2172/04 2020-04-20 Reserved by Election Commission
2171/02 2020-04-16 Department of Trade and Investment Policy - Special Commodity Levy on Fresh Orange and Fresh Apples
2171/03 2020-04-16 Department of Trade and Investment Policy - Special Commodity Levy on Coconut Oil
2171/04 2020-04-16 Department of Trade and Investment Policy - Customs Notifications Revenue Protection Order
2171/05 2020-04-16 Import and Export Control Department - Import and Export Control Act
2171/06 2020-04-16 Dept. of Fiscal Policy - Amendment to the Ports and Airports Development Levy
2171/07 2020-04-16 Reserved by Import & Expert Control Department
2171/08 2020-04-16 Reserved by Department of Trade and Investment Policy
2171/01 2020-04-13 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange with effect From 13.04.2020 to 19.04.2020
2170/08 2020-04-11 Ministry of Health and Indigenous Medical Services - Regulations made under the Quarantine and Prevention of Diseases Ordinance
2170/09 2020-04-11 Ministry of Health and Indigenous Medical Services - The Medical Devices (Availability withing Sri Lanka) Regulations, No. 2 of 2020, Published in the Gazette Extraordinary No. 2167/17 of March 20, 2020
2170/07 2020-04-10 Consumer Affairs Authority - Maximum Retail Prices on rice with effect from 10 th April 2020
2170/05 2020-04-09 Department of Trade and Investment Policy - Order to Impose Special Commodity levy on Vegetable oils (Hs Heading 15.07, 15.11, 15.12, 15.13) are rescinded withe effect from 10.04.2020
2170/06 2020-04-09 Department of Trade and Investment Policy - Revenu Protection Act. No. 19 of 1962 is Published for the Information of the general Public
2170/02 2020-04-08 President Secretariat - Amendment Gazette Extraordinary No. 2153/12 of 10 th December 2019 (Duties and Functions)
2170/03 2020-04-08 President Secretariat - Commission of Inquiry Act, (Chapter 393) enlarge by Six months from 09 th April 2020 to 09 th October 2020 (Investigate and Inquire in to ETI Finance Ltd.
2170/04 2020-04-08 Ministry of Finance - Foreign exchange regulations No. 12 of 2017
2170/01 2020-04-06 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of exchange with effect from 06.04.2020 to 12.04.2020
2169/04 2020-04-03 Reserved by President Secretariat
2169/05 2020-04-03 Central Bank of Sri Lanka - Balance sheet as at 29.02.2020
2169/03 2020-04-02 Department of Trade and Investment Policy - Foreign Exchange regulations, Act No. 12 of 2017
2169/02 2020-03-31 President Secretariat - The appointment of a President Task Farce of Sri Lanka Education
2169/01 2020-03-30 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of exchange with effect from 30.03.2020 to 01.04.2020
2168/09 2020-03-27 Department of Fiscal Policy (Ministry of Finance) - Amended the Finance Regulations No. 1 of 2017, Gazette Extraordinary No. 2044/21 of 07th November 2017
2168/10 2020-03-27 Ministry of Defence - Amendments to the Consolidated List under regulation 4(2)(B) united nations regulations No. 2 of 2012
2168/07 2020-03-26 Department of Trade & Investment Policy - Special Commodity Levy on Potatoes
2168/08 2020-03-26 President Secretariat - The appointment of a Presidential Task Force to direct Coordinate and monitor the delivery of Continuous Services for the Sustenance of Overall Commiunity life
2168/06 2020-03-25 Ministry of Health and Indigenous Medical Services - Quarantine and Prevention of Diseases Ordinance (Chapter 222)
2168/04 2020-03-24 President Secretariat - Appoint the Persons as Honourable Provincial Governors Mr. Mahipala Herath, North Central Province from 23.03.2020 and Mr. W. D. R. M. James Goonethileke Western Province from 24.03.2020
2168/05 2020-03-24 President Secretariat - Appointment of S. B. Divarathne Esquire, Retired Deputy Secretary to the Treasury and Sumedha Perera Esquire, Retired Major General as the Co-Chairman of the Task Force for Poverty Eradication and Livelihood Development as established by the said Presidential Directive
2168/01 2020-03-23 President Secretariat - Orders call out all the members of the Armed Forces for the maintenance of Public Orders
2168/02 2020-03-23 President Secretariat - Hon. (Ms.) S. Arambepola and Hon. T. Vitharana Esquire, Hon. Provincial Governors have resigned their Offices under Article 154 B (3) of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
2168/03 2020-03-23 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of exchange with effect from 23.03.2020 to 29.03.2020
2167/19 2020-03-21 Elections Commission - Election Commission here by announces that the Poll for the election in the Electoral districts Outbreak 25th April, 2020 in Sri lanka due to the Covid -19
2167/20 2020-03-21 Reserved by Election Commission
2167/21 2020-03-21 Reserved by Department of Elections
2167/22 2020-03-21 Reserved by Department of Elections
2167/12 2020-03-20 Elections Commission - The Election of Members of the Parliament is Contested in Each of the Electoral Districts
2167/13 2020-03-20 Election Commission - The list of Persons Qualified to be elected as member of Parliament
2167/14 2020-03-20 Reserved by Election Commission
2167/15 2020-03-20 Elections Commission - General Election for the election of members of Parliament Notice under Section 24(1) Election Act. No. 1 of 1981
2167/16 2020-03-20 National Medicines Regulatory Authority - The amendment of the Pricing of Medical Devices Regulations No. 1 of 2020 Gaz.Ex.No. 2167/01 of March 16, 2020
2167/17 2020-03-20 National Medicines Regulatory Authority - A Person Shall not export or re-export from Sri Lanka any Medical Devices
2167/18 2020-03-20 Ministry of Health - Regulation under Quarantine and Prevention of diseases Ordinance (Re-Corona Virus)
2167/10 2020-03-18 Department of Trade & Investment Policy - Special Commodity Levy Act No. 43 of 2007
2167/11 2020-03-18 Department of Trade & Investment Policy - Special Commodity Levy Act
2167/04 2020-03-17 Central Bank of Sri Lanka - Amendment to Regulation "D" Reserved requirement that Published in Gazette Extraordinary No. 2111/50 of 22 nd of February 2019 (monetary Law Act)
2167/05 2020-03-17 President Secretariat - Commission of Inquiry Act. (Chapter 393) Enlarge by Six Months from 20th March 2020 to 20th September 2020
2167/06 2020-03-17 President Secretariat - Amendment, Gazette Extraordinary No. 2153/12 of 10th December 2019 Duties and Functions
2167/07 2020-03-17 Ministry of Public Administration Home Affairs - Order declare 17th 18th and 19th of 2020 as Public Holidays to Support Quarantine Process on Corona Virus.This Holiday will be Extending if Necessary
2167/08 2020-03-17 Ministry of Transport Services Management - Temporary Extension of the Validity Period of Driving Licence
2167/09 2020-03-17 Consumer Affairs Authority - Order No. 61 Issued Under Sec. - 20(5) of the Consumer Affairs Authority Act. (Mysore Dhal, Big Onion, Canned Fish)