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Extraordinary Gazettes of 2013

Gazettes Number Date Description Download
1843/09 2013-12-31 Department of Elections - Opening the Register of Electors for Inspection in Electoral Districts Nos. 1 - Colombo 2 - Gampaha 3 - Kalutara, 4- Mahanuwara, 5-Matale, 6-Nuwara Eliya, 7-Galle, 8-Matara, 9-hambantota, 10-Jaffna, 11-Vauni, 12-Batticaloa, 13-Digamadulla, 14- Trincomalee, 15-Kurunegala, 16-Puttalam, 17-Anuradhapura, 18-Polonnaruwa, 19-Balulla, 20-Monaragala, 21-Ratnapura, 22-Kegalle under the Registration of Electors Act, No. 44 of 1980.
1843/10 2013-12-31 Department of Labour - The Cost of Living Index Number for the month of December 2013, applicable to workers in the Cocoa, Cardamom and Pepper Growing and Manufacturing Trade was 176.5 and the special allowance of a normal working day in the month of January 2014 for daily paid Employees is Rs. 542.83
1843/11 2013-12-31 Central Bank of Sri Lanka - Balance sheet as at 30th November, 2013
1843/12 2013-12-31 Land Acquisition - Welikada, Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte D/S Division, Colombo District
1843/13 2013-12-31 Land Acquisition - Gorokganamada, Balangoda D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Amendment to the Notice Published in Gaz. Ex.ord No. 1723/26 of 15.09.2011 by D/S Division, Hikkaduwa
1843/14 2013-12-31 Land Title Settlement Department - Calling for Claims to Land Parcel in Batugedara, Ratnapura D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Cad Map No. 620292 and to 15 Other Land Parcels.
1843/15 2013-12-31 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Hiriwala, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510223
1843/16 2013-12-31 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Homagama, Homagama D/S Division Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001
1843/17 2013-12-31 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Walgama North, Matara D/S Division Matara District - Cad. Map No. 820013
1843/18 2013-12-31 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Meerigama, Meerigama D/S Division Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510200
1843/19 2013-12-31 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Dehipagoda, Udunuwara D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320241
1843/20 2013-12-31 Land Acquisition - Order Nos. 399, 400 and 401 of Galahela, Kegalle D/S Division, Kegalle District - Amendment to the Notice Published in Gaz. Ex.ord No. 1836/7 of 12.11.2013 by D/S Division, Moratuwa.
1843/21 2013-12-31 Land Acquisition - Siyambalawa, Wandurassa, Wasiwewa, Kadawalagedara, Weragala, Kirindigalla, Randenigama, Dirullagoda, Nikaweratiya D/S Division, Kurunegala District
1843/22 2013-12-31 Land Acquisition - Ranna, Tangalle D/S Division, Hambantota District
1843/23 2013-12-31 Presidential Secretariat - Appointed Justice S. I. Imam and Mrs. M. M. Liyanage as Chairman and Vice Chairperson and 06 Other Lawyer Members and 08 Valuer Members for the Board of Review Under the Land Acquisition Act.
1843/24 2013-12-31 Department of Elections - Elected Mr. K. N. Peris as Chairman of the Medawachchiya P/S
1843/25 2013-12-31 Department of Elections - Elected Mr. Bandu Ranawaka as a Member of the Southern Provincial Council from the Administrative District of Matara
1843/01 2013-12-30 Land Acquisition - Thalakolawewa, Wariyapola D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Lellopitiya, Pelmadulla D/S Division, Ratnapura District
1843/02 2013-12-30 Ministry of Defenc and Urban Development - Lists of Naval Personnel recommended for Award of Sri Lanka Armed Service Long Service Medal and Clasp
1843/03 2013-12-30 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange effective from 30.12.2013 to 05.01.2014
1843/04 2013-12-30 Western Province - Order to enforce the Budjet documents for year 2014 of the Pradesiya Sabhas of the Western Provincial Council. Order to enforce the Budjet documents for year 2014 of the Urban Councils of the Western Province.
1843/05 2013-12-30 Land Acquisition - Compensations for the Lands in Kurukulawa and Case Nos. 515/L.A, 513/L.A, 514/L.A of Mattumagala, Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District
1843/06 2013-12-30 Land Acquisition - Compensations for the Lands in Case No. 543/L.A of Kurukulawa Case Nos. 592/L.A, 591/L.A of Kerawalapitiya and Karunagama, Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District
1843/07 2013-12-30 Land Acquisition - Compensations for the Lands in Case No. 516/L.A of Kurukulawa Case Nos. 521/L.A, 541/L.A and 533/L.A of Thuduwegedara, Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District
1843/08 2013-12-30 Central Bank of Sri Lanka - Sri Lanka Deposit Insurance and Liquidity Support Scheme Regulations - Amendment to Regulations No. 1 of 2010
1842/22 2013-12-28 Dep. of Elections - Elected Mr. R. W. Rajapaksha as a member of the Kothmale Pradeshiya Sabha and Mr. Kasudeen Munawwer Khan as a Member of the Kinniya Pradeshiya Sabha
1842/16 2013-12-27 Ministry of Highways, Ports and Shipping - The Shipping Agents, Freight Forwarders, Non-vessel Operating Common Carrier and Contrainer Operators Regulations 2013 that comes into operation with effect from 06.01.2014
1842/17 2013-12-27 Land Acquisition - Kotapola, Kotapola D/S Division, Matara District - Amendment to the Notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 695/17 of 03.01.1992 by Kotapola D/S Division
1842/18 2013-12-27 Dept. of Fiscal Policy - for Reserved
1842/19 2013-12-27 Land Acquisition - Kottawa and Makumbura, Maharagama D/S Division, Colombo District
1842/20 2013-12-27 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Appointed Mr. P. Nawaratne to be the arbitrator for the Settlement of Industrial Dispute between Sri Lanka Nidahas Sewaka Sangamaya, Independent Workers Trade Union and Milco (pvt) Ltd
1842/21 2013-12-27 Consumer Affairs Authority - Direction No. 48 - Direct to Store, Stock or Keep milk powder only in places registered with the Consumer Affairs Authority
1842/09 2013-12-26 Land Acquisition - Mangoda, Medadumbara D/S Division, Kandy District - P.P. Ga 4044 and P.P. 4045 in Hegoda, Hikkaduwa D/S Division, Galle District
1842/10 2013-12-26 Land Acquisition - Buddiyagama and Mandaduwa, Weeraketiya D/S Division, Hambanthota District
1842/11 2013-12-26 Central Province - Proroguins the first Session of the Sixth Council w.e.f. 06.12.2013 & Summoning the Council to meet on 29.01.2014 of Central Province
1842/12 2013-12-26 Nothern Province - Appropriation Statue No. 01 of 2013 of Nothern Provincil Council
1842/13 2013-12-26 Dept. of Elections - Elected Mr. Ranaweera Don Sumana Viviyan as Chairman of the Kesbewa U/C. Elected Mr.Amila Nishantha Kumarasinghe as Chairman of the Peliyagoda U/C
1842/14 2013-12-26 Dept. of Elections - Elected Mr. Ranatunga Arachchige Sarath Nandasiri Ranatunga as Chairman of the Meerigama P/S.
1842/15 2013-12-26 Dept. of Elections - Elected Mr. Abeyguawardana Pahalage Piyal Jayantha as a Member of the Western Provincial Council from the Administrative District of Kalutara
1842/05 2013-12-24 Land Acquisition - Heraliyawala, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Correction slip for Gazette Ex. Ord. No. 1814/58 of 13.06.2013
1842/06 2013-12-24 Land Acquisition - Ihala Thalawa/Moragoda, Thalawa D/S Division, Anuradhapura District
1842/07 2013-12-24 Land Acquisition - Gangalagamuwa, Kalawana D/S Division, Ratnapura District (Conservation of the Sinharaja Reservation)
1842/08 2013-12-24 Presidential Secretariat - Appointment of Mr. G. S. Senarath as the Acting Secretary to the President w.e.f. 24.12.2013 until Mr. L. Weeratunga returns to the Island
1842/01 2013-12-23 Land Acquisition - 01-253 - Sitinamaluwa, Beliatta D/S Division, hambanthota District (H/BLA/2012/401) Widening of a part of (Sitinamaluwa) Hambantota - Beliatta - Tangalle Road - 01-254/1 - L/A GA/NGD/2012/925 - Udugama, Nagoda D/S Division, Galle District - 254/2 - L/A GA/NGD/2012/927, 254/3 - L/A GA/NGD/2012/928, 254/4 - L/A GA/NGD/2012/929, 254/5 - L/A GA/NGD/2012/930 and 254/6 - L/A GA/NGD/2012/931, Aluthwatta, Nagoda D/S Division, Galle District (Section 5)
1842/02 2013-12-23 Ministry of Public Administration and Home Affairs - Minute of the Sri Lanka Administrative Service
1842/03 2013-12-23 Presidetial Secretariat - Amendmend to the (Vestins duties & Functions to the Special Ministers) Duties & Functions of the "Minister of Law & Order (No.69) "
1842/04 2013-12-23 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange effective from 23.12.2013 - 29.12.2013
1841/16 2013-12-20 Land Acquisition - Kottawa, Maharagama D/S Division, Colombo District
1841/17 2013-12-20 Land Acquisition - Shrawasthipura, Nachchaduwa D/S Division, Anuradhapura District - Kaluvilapothana, Ambanpola D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Amendment to the Notice published in Gaz. Exord. No. 1705/30 of 13.05.201 by Ambanpola D/S Division
1841/18 2013-12-20 Land Acquisition - Analaithivu, Kayts D/S Division, Jaffna District - Maberiyathenna, Medadumbara D/S Division, Kandy District
1841/19 2013-12-20 Dept of Inland Revenue - Amendmend to the minute of the Sri Lanka Inland Revenue Service published in Gaz. Ex. No. 1804/50 of 05.04.2013
1841/20 2013-12-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Settlement Orders No. 446 (Badulla) for the Lands in Mahagama, Rideemaliyadda D/S Division, Badulla District
1841/21 2013-12-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Settlement Orders No. 1892 (Kurunegala) for the Lands in Udadiullewa, Ambanpola D/S Division, Kurunegala District
1841/22 2013-12-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Settlement Orders No. 447 (Badulla) for the Lands in Main Area in Binthenna, Rideemaliyadda D/S Division, Badulla District
1841/23 2013-12-20 Ministry of Power & Energy - Order acquire the Land in Pitawala, Ambagamuwa Koralaya D/S Division, Nuwara Eliya District for a Power Transmission Project
1841/24 2013-12-20 Central Bank of Sri Lanka - The Market Rate of Interest shall be 10.34% per annum with effect from 01.01.2014 as determined by the Monetary Board under Debt Recovery (Special Prorisions) Act, No. 2 of 1990
1841/25 2013-12-20 Central Bank of Sri Lanka - The Legal Rate of Interest shall be 10.34% per annum with effect from 01.01.2014 as determined by the Monetary Board under the Monetary Law Act
1841/26 2013-12-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Wellamboda, Udunuwara D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320257
1841/27 2013-12-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Settlement Orders No. 1891 (Kurunegala) for the Lands in Walpaluwa, Ambanpola D/S Division, Kurunegala District
1841/28 2013-12-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Settlement Orders No. 1893 (Kurunegala) for the Lands in Kudamadagalla, Polpithigama D/S Division, Kurunegala District
1841/29 2013-12-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Pirivena, Ratmalana D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521008
1841/30 2013-12-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Pahala Makandura, Pannala D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420500
1841/31 2013-12-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Rawathawaththa, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520201
1841/32 2013-12-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Haragama, Kandy Four Gravets and Gangawata Koralaya D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320289
1841/33 2013-12-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Suwarapola, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521201
1841/34 2013-12-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Uduwana, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520002
1841/35 2013-12-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Bulathgama, Balangoda D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620088
1841/36 2013-12-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Watukaragoda, Balangoda D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620078
1841/37 2013-12-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Calling for Claims to Land Parcel in Dompe D/S Division Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 511001 and to 09 Other Land Parcels
1841/38 2013-12-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Jayamalapura, Udapalatha D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320016
1841/39 2013-12-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Homagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001
1841/40 2013-12-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Dutugemunu, Dehiwala D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520802
1841/41 2013-12-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Meerigama, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510200
1841/42 2013-12-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Panagoda, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520021
1841/43 2013-12-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kandawala, Ratmalana D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521001
1841/44 2013-12-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Indibedda, Morotuwa D/S Division Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520203
1841/45 2013-12-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Villorawatta, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520204
1841/46 2013-12-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kawarakkulama, Maha Wannammaduwa, Poni Mankulama, Thammennawa, Nuwaragam Palatha East D/S Division, Anuradhapura District - Cad. Map No. 110186
1841/11 2013-12-19 Land Acquisition - Galgamuwa, Galgamuwa D/S Division, Kurunegala District - 296 and 251 allotments of lands in Morana, Rideemaliyadda D/S Division, Badulla District - Galthotamulla, Gampaha D/S Division, Gampaha District
1841/12 2013-12-19 Land Acquisition - Etagahawela, Mawathagama D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Kurugama, Wellawaya D/S Division, Moneragala District - Ambepussa, Mahena, Warakapola and Piladuwa, Warakapola D/S Division, Kegalle District - Gangodawila, Maharagama D/S Division, Colombo District
1841/13 2013-12-19 Land Acquisition - Nagolla, Meegahakivula D/S Division, Badulla District - Dehiowita, Urupelewa, Kahanawita, Dickella, Deloluwa, Dehiowita D/S Division, Kegalle District - Heennarangolla, Haliela D/S Division, Badulla District - Cancellation Notice for Order No. 135 of 2011 published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1714/19 of 15.07.2011
1841/14 2013-12-19 Land Acquisition - Ihala Kobeiganei, Kobeiganei D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Correction Notice for the notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1713/14 of 07.07.2011 by Ratnapura D/S Division
1841/15 2013-12-19 Land Acquisition - Compensation for the lands in Wellanagahawatta, Rattota D/S Division, Matale District
1841/08 2013-12-18 Ministrty of Industry and Commerce - Amending the Companies (Fees) Regulations of Auditors published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 14150 of 04.09.1964 - Amending the Societies (Fees) Regulations of Registrations published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. 10703 of 13.09.1954
1841/09 2013-12-18 Dept. of Elections - Elected Mr. Karunanayaka Liyanage Chaminda Kumara Karunanayaka as a member of the Wennappuwa P/S - elected Mr. Kanthan Rasathurai as a member of Pachchilaipalli P/S
1841/10 2013-12-18 Presidential Secretariat - Appointed Mr. R. M. D. B. Meegasmulla as Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture w.e.f. 04.12.2013 and Mr. W. Sakalasuriya as Secretary to the Ministry of Special Projects w.e.f. 09.12.2013
1841/02 2013-12-17 Board of Investments - Identifying as a Strategic Development Project of Queensbury Leisure Ltd. to establish and operate an Integrated Super Luxury Tourist Resort at D. R. Wijewardane Mawatha, Colombo 10
1841/03 2013-12-17 Board of Investments - Identifying as a Strategic Development Project of Waterfront Properties (Private) Limited to establish an Integrated Super Luxury Tourist Resort at Justice Akbar Mawatha, Colombo 02
1841/04 2013-12-17 Board of Investments - Identifying as a Strategic Development Project of Lake Leisure Holding (Private) Limited to establish and operate an integrated Super Luxury Tourist Resort at D. R. Wijewardane Mawatha, Colombo 10
1841/05 2013-12-17 Land Acquisition - Bambaranda Central and Bambaranda South, Dickwella D/S Division, Matara District
1841/06 2013-12-17 Dept. of Elections - Elected Mrs. Dayapathirajage Manjula Kumari Karunathilaka as a member of the Kuliyapitiya P/S
1841/07 2013-12-17 Ministy of Defence and Urban Development - Approval of the Development plan for the Attanagalla Urban Development Area
1841/01 2013-12-16 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange effective from 16.12.2013 - 22.12.2013
1840/41 2013-12-13 Dept. of Elections - Elected Mr. Vimala Senage Dharsana Prasad Vimalasana as Vice Chairman and Mr. Gunathilage Ariyawansa as member of the Vavunia South Sinhala Pradeshiya Sabha - Elected Mr. Athapaththu M. K .B. as a member of the Mawathagama Pradeshiya Sabha - Elected Mr. K. A. Wasantha Wijaya Bandara as a member of the Wariyapola Pradeshiya Sabha - Elected Mr. Wagapedigedara Ajith Thusara Piyadasa as a member of the Yatinuwara Pradeshiya Sabha.
1840/42 2013-12-13 Dept. of Elections - Elected Mr. Rafaideen Mohamed Safarullah as a member of the Mathale Municipal Council
1840/43 2013-12-13 Land Acquisition - Embawalapitiya, Wariyapola D/S Division, Kurunegala District
1840/44 2013-12-13 Uva Province - Appointed Hon. Anura Ravindra Vidangamage as Acting Chief Minister & Minister of Finance Planning etc. from 09.12.2013 till the returninig of Hon. Chief Minister to Sri Lanka.
1840/45 2013-12-13 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Maligathenna, Kandy Four Gravets and Gangawata Koralaya D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320290
1840/46 2013-12-13 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Yaya 15, Rajanganaya D/S Division, Anuradhapura District - Cad. Map No. 110182
1840/47 2013-12-13 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Akarangaha, Divulapitiya D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510127
1840/48 2013-12-13 Land Acquisition - Medagedaragoda and Halpe, Imbulpe D/S Division, Ratnapura District
1840/49 2013-12-13 Land Acquisition - Compensations for 39 Allotments of lands in Imbulpe D/S Division, Ratnapura District
1840/50 2013-12-13 Western Province - Order made for the approval to impose & charge 10% Entertainment Tax on entrance free for entertainment activities No. 12 of 1946.
1840/51 2013-12-13 Ministry of Livestock and Rural Community Development - Service Minute of the Animal Production and Health Services of Sri Lanka effective from 01.01.2006
1840/52 2013-12-13 Consumer Affairs Authority - Direction No. 45 - Mark Retail Price. Direction No. 46 - Not expose for sale labels, Electrical Flexible cords etc. Direction No.47 - Not manufacture or sale etc.
1840/35 2013-12-12 North Western Province - Declaring as developed areas in Puttalam District
1840/36 2013-12-12 Land Acquisition - Wathuruvila, Elpitiya D/S Division, Galle District - Kandegama and Meemure, Udadumbara D/S Division, Kandy District
1840/37 2013-12-12 Land Acquisiton - Makumbura and Gangodawila, Maharagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Gandara, Devinuwara D/S Division, Matara District - Pallegala Debokka, Minipe D/S Division, Kandy District
1840/38 2013-12-12 Central Province - Process of Liquidation of Co-operative Societies in the Central Province and calling for requests and claims
1840/39 2013-12-12 Land Acquisition - Devenuwara, Devinuwara D/S Division, Matara District
1840/40 2013-12-12 Land Acquisition - Pilapitiya and Pethiyagoda, Kelaniya D/S Division, Gampaha District
1840/29 2013-12-11 Land Acquisition - Sheet No. 76 of Supplement 24 in Topo pp 17, Naula D/S Division, Matale District
1840/30 2013-12-11 Ministry of Construction, Engineering Services, Housing & Common /amenities - Declaration of the Administrative boundry of the North Central Province as Regional Development Area. Order to prepare a Regional Development Province.
1840/31 2013-12-11 Land Acquisition - Weurukannala, Wattegama, Bambaranda and Radampola, Dickwella D/S Division, Matara District
1840/32 2013-12-11 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Appointed Mr. Palitha Weerasekara as the Arbitrator for Settlement of the Industrial Dispute between Mr. D. M. Wijeratne and other employees and Sri Lanka Transport Board
1840/33 2013-12-11 Dep. of Elections - Elected Mr. Anuruddha Kachchakaduge Nimal Siriwardena Fernando as Vice Chairman of the Wenappuwa Pradeshiya Sabha. Elected Mr. Herath Pathirannehelage Athula Priyantha Herath as a member of the Naththandiya Pradeshiya Sabha.
1840/34 2013-12-11 Ministry of Public Administration and Home Affairs - Minute of the Public Management Assistants' Service effective from 02.04.2013
1840/20 2013-12-10 Land Acquisition - Sastirikulankulam, Vavuniya D/S Division, Vavuniya District
1840/21 2013-12-10 Land Acquisition - Thalawatta, Alawwa D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Pahala Eeriyagama, Kandy Four Gravets and Gangawata Korale D/S Division, Kandy District - Pilessa Ihalagama, Mawathagama D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Govigawela, Sinhala Town, Diyabubula, Kulangamuwa North, Nagolla, padivita, Welagama, Kumbiyangoda, Maligathenna and Hulangamuwa, Matale D/S Division, Matale District
1840/22 2013-12-10 Land Acquisition - Order Nos. 375 and 376 of Ampitiya Udagama North and South, Ampitiya, Pallegama, Meddegama Ulpatha Kumbura, Wewathenna, Kandy and Gangawata Korale D/S Division, Kandy District - Nebada, Dodangoda D/S Division, Kalutara District - Kotakethana, Godakawela D/S Division, Ratnapura District
1840/23 2013-12-10 Land Acquisition - Palalla, Welipitiya D/S Division, Matara District - Kaluwella, Galle Four Gravets D/S Division, Galle District - Doragamuwa, Pathadumbara D/S Division, Kandy District - Munnessarama, Chilaw D/S Division, Puttalam District
1840/24 2013-12-10 Land Acquisition -Ampitiya Udagama, Kandy and Gangawata Korale D/S Division, Kandy District - Munnessarama, Chilaw D/S Division, Puttalam District - Medapitiya, Doluwa D/S Division, Kandy District
1840/25 2013-12-10 Land Acquisition - Thelangapatha, Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District - Correction Notice to the notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1792/25 of 10.02.2013 by D/S Division Kekirawa
1840/26 2013-12-10 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Declaration of Award to the Industrial Dispute - Mr. D. Jayasena de Silva, Mr. L. D. Ratnapala and Sri Lanka Transport Board
1840/27 2013-12-10 Dep. of Elections - Elected Mr. Hettiarachchilage Nimal Ekanayake Perera as a member of the Puttalam Pradeshiya Sabha. Elected Mr.Laddage Anuskha Priyashantha as a member of the Anamaduwa Pradeshiya Sabha. Elected Mr. Asela Premalal Karunarathne Jayakody Arachchilage as a member of the Anamaduwa Pradeshiya Sabha
1840/28 2013-12-10 Presidential Secretariat - Appointed Mr. Gamini S. Senarath Chief of staff to the president as Acting Secretary to the President w.e.f. 10.12.2013
1840/01 2013-12-09 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka - Sri Lanka Auditing Standards with effect from 01.01.2014. (e-gazette)
1840/02 2013-12-09 Sri Lanka Customs/Public Service Commission - Rates of Exchange Effective from 09.12.2013 to 15.12.2013. Correction Notice to the Service Minute of Sri Lanka Engineering Service Published in Gazette Extraordinary No. 1836/06 of 11.11.2013
1840/03 2013-12-09 Land Acquisition - Bulathkohupitiya, Lewala, Pittiegama, Bulathkohupitiya D/S Division, Kegalle District
1840/04 2013-12-09 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Uduwawala, Harispaththuwa D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320319
1840/05 2013-12-09 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Illawathura, Udapalatha D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320037
1840/06 2013-12-09 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Horethuduwa, Panadura D/S Division, Kalutara District - Cad. Map No. 530011
1840/07 2013-12-09 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Homagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001
1840/08 2013-12-09 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Eppawala, Kadigawa, Katiyawa Road, Koonwewa, Thalawa D/S Division, Anuradhapura District - Cad. Map No. 110007
1840/09 2013-12-09 Ministry of Power & Energy - Order made to acquire Land in Batawala D/S/D Homagama, Colombo District for the construction of a power Transmission Project by President under section 52 of the Sri Lanka Electricity Act. No. 20 of 2009
1840/10 2013-12-09 Civil Aviation Authority - Issuing the checklist of Implementing Standards for he Information of the Aviation Personnel as at 04.12.2013
1840/11 2013-12-09 Forest Department - Order to declare Siyambalawewa Forest in Awudangawa and Kandalama Wewa Forest in Kandala (part) and Kumbukkadanwela, Dambulla D/S Division, Matale District as Reserved Forests - Wantokkawa Forest in Ehelape and Beraliya Galenda Forest in Kiyaduwa, Akuressa D/S Division, Matara District as Conservation Forests - Welihela Forest in Dombagahawela, Siyambalanduwa D/S Division, Moneragala District as a Conservation Forest - Rekewula Forest in Elagamuwa and Udangare Kanda Forest in Madahapola Kanda, Polpitigama D/S Division, Kurunegala District as Reserved Forests
1840/12 2013-12-09 Dept. of Labour and Labour Relations - Declaring of Awards to the Industrial Disputes - Inter Companies Employees Union and Dainty Foods Limited; Mrs. W. N. Gayathri, Mr. R/ M/ M/ I. Ranasinghe, Mr. P. H. Upul Priyantha De Silva, Mr. M. A. R. Prasad and Sri Lanka Telecommunication Regulatory Commission - Sri Lanka Estate Service Company and Agalawatte Plantations P.L.C. and 22 other Plantations P.L.C.S.
1840/13 2013-12-09 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Declaring of Award to the Industrial Dispute - Ceylon Mercantile, Industrial and General Workers' Union and Whittal Boustead Ltd., Mortlake Press and Mr. B. S. N. Mendis
1840/14 2013-12-09 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Nadukaradeniya, Kuruwita D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620276
1840/15 2013-12-09 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Habarakada, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520011
1840/16 2013-12-09 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Jayamalapura, Udapalatha D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320016
1840/17 2013-12-09 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Pelapitigama, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510214
1840/18 2013-12-09 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kandawala, Ratmalana D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521001
1840/19 2013-12-09 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Pohaddaramulla, Kalutara D/S Division, Kalutara District - Cad. Map No. 530014
1839/46 2013-12-06 Dep. of Elections - Elected Mr. Saddathissa Dassanayake as Vice Chairman of the Kandy Gravets & Gangawata Korale P/S. Elected Mr. Mahamadu Smile Seiyadu Kaleel as a member of the Ridigama Pradeshiya Sabha
1839/47 2013-12-06 Dep. of Elections - Elected Mr. Subramaniyam Sathilingam as a member of the Jaffna M/C. Elected Mr. Vallipuram Kandasamy Jeyapalan as a member of the Jaffna M/C.
1839/48 2013-12-06 Land Acquisition - Bandiyamulla, Gampaha D/S Division, Gampaha District - Lemasthota and Ranasinghegama, Diyaluma, Haldummulla D/S Division, Badulla District
1839/49 2013-12-06 Land Acquisition - Madawala, Pathadumbara D/S Division, Kandy District
1839/50 2013-12-06 Central Province - By-law as relating to regulating and controlling Private Teaching Institutions and Levying fees from such institutions, to high roads and by roads and to notice boards in Pasbage Korale P/S
1839/41 2013-12-05 Ministry of Higher Education - Open University of Sri Lanka (Amendment) Ordinance No. 01 of 2013
1839/42 2013-12-05 Public Service Commission - Delegation of Powers by the Public Service Commission in relavant to the Ranks of A. S. P. and a bove with effect from 16.08.2013
1839/43 2013-12-05 Land Acquisition - Kottawa and Makumbura D/S Division Maharagama, Colombo District - Pallewela D/S Division Balangoda, Ratnapura District - Kandegoda D/S Division Balapitiya, Galle District
1839/44 2013-12-05 Land Acquisition - Hiddaula and Hiyarapitiya D/S Division Udunuwara, Kandy District - Kaluwilapothana D/S Division Ambanpola, Kurunegala District
1839/45 2013-12-05 Western Province - Western Province Provincial Road Development Authority (Amendment) Statute No. 5 of 2013
1839/11 2013-12-04 Land Acquisition - Narammala D/S Division Narammala, Kurunegala District
1839/12 2013-12-04 Cancelled by Western Province Chief Minister (Reference No. LDG/09/01/06/U 13 (SPL)
1839/13 2013-12-04 Land Acquisition - Kalutara North, D/S Division Kalutara Kalutara District - Mirihana D/S Division Maharagama Colombo District
1839/14 2013-12-04 Ministry of Construction Engineering Services, Housing and Common Amenities - Acquisition of lands in Nugagahawatta D/S Division Attanagalla Gampaha District and in Guruluketiyahena D/S Division Minipe,Kandy District under the National Housing Development Authority Act No. 17 of 1979
1839/15 2013-12-04 Land Acquisition - Compensation for the land in Yahangala D/S Division Pathadumbara Kandy District
1839/16 2013-12-04 Dep. of Elections - Elected Mr. Rathnayaka Mudiyanselage Wijerathna as a member of the Kantale Pradehsiya Sabha - Elected Mr. Mohomad Sali Mohomad Anas as a member of the Pannala Pradeshiya Sabha
1839/17 2013-12-04 Dept. of Elections - Elected Mr. K. B. Udaysiri as a member of the Trincomalee Urban Council
1839/18 2013-12-04 Land Acquisition - Nupe and Isadeen Town D/S Division Matara Matara District
1839/19 2013-12-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Mampe, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521202
1839/20 2013-12-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Pallegama, Dambulla D/S Division, Matale District - Cad. Map No. 310011
1839/21 2013-12-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Nikapothagama, Kurunegala D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420350
1839/22 2013-12-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Bopitigoda, Weligepola D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620129
1839/23 2013-12-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Magalle, Galle Four Gravets D/S Division, Galle District - Cad. Map No. 810012
1839/24 2013-12-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Suwarapola, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521201
1839/25 2013-12-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Idangapola, Mallwapitiya D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420214
1839/26 2013-12-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kiriwawla, Mallawapitiya D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420214
1839/27 2013-12-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Homagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001
1839/28 2013-12-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Suwarapola, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521201 - Land Parcel Nos. 150, 269 and 361
1839/29 2013-12-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Hangawaththa, Divulapitiya D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510007
1839/30 2013-12-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Rawathawatta, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520201
1839/31 2013-12-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Panagoda, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520021
1839/32 2013-12-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Mudduwa, Ratnapura D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620273
1839/33 2013-12-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Govidhupura, Siyambalanduwa D/S Division, Monaragala District - Cad. Map No. 720003
1839/34 2013-12-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Amendments : Delwagura, Divulapitiya D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510122
1839/35 2013-12-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Diwlankadawala, Medirigiriya D/S Division, Polonnaruwa District - Cad. Map No. 120040
1839/36 2013-12-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kandawala, Ratmalana D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521001
1839/37 2013-12-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Medawelena, Tissamaharamaya D/S Division, Hambanthota District - Cad. Map No. 830068
1839/38 2013-12-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kalalpitiya, Attanagalla D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510600
1839/39 2013-12-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Walgama North, Matara D/S Division, Matara District - Cad. Map No. 820013
1839/40 2013-12-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Yaya 15, Rajanganaya D/S Division, Anuradhapura District - Cad. Map No. 110182
1839/05 2013-12-03 Matale Municipal Council - Opeining of the supplementary Budget for 2013 and Draft Budget for 2014 for public inspection from 05.12.2013
1839/06 2013-12-03 Ministry of Defence and Urban Development - Calling Service Personnel
1839/07 2013-12-03 Land Acquisition - Pitawala, Laggala Pallegama D/S Division, Matale District - Pahala Halmillakotuwa, Kobeigane D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Walpaluwa, Hettipola D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Holyroodwatta, Nuwara Eliya D/S Division, Nuwara Eliya District
1839/08 2013-12-03 Land Acquisition - Asgiriya, Gangawata Korale D/S Division, Kandy District - Mandaduwa, Weeraketiya D/S Division, Hambantota District - Kumbuka, Horana D/S Division, Kalutara District
1839/09 2013-12-03 Land Acquisition - Pallai, Pachchilaipalli D/S Division, Kilinochchi District
1839/10 2013-12-03 Land Acquisition - Mangoda, Medadumbara D/S Division, Kandy District
1839/01 2013-12-02 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Appointed Mr. T. Piyasoma as the arbitrator for the Industrial Dispute between Free Trade Zones & General Services Employees' Union and Ansell Lanka (Pvt.) Limited - Revocation of order made to appoint Mr. M. D. K. Kulatunge and order made to appoint Mr. S. M. S. Jayawardane as the arbitrator for the Industrial Dispute between Mr. Fazley Azhar and Medsource (Pvt.) Ltd.
1839/02 2013-12-02 Land Acquisition - Badulupitiya, Badulla D/S Division, Badulla District - Mattuwilnadu, Poonakari D/S Division, Kilinochchi District
1839/03 2013-12-02 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange Effective from 02.12.2013 to 08.12.2013
1839/04 2013-12-02 Department of Elections - Elected Mr. Pathiraja Mudiyanselage Punchi Bandara Pathiraja Weththewa as Vice Chairman of the Alawwa Pradeshiya Sabha
1838/60 2013-12-01 Deparment of Census and Statistics - The Colombo Consumers' Price Index for the month of November 2013 was 176.5
1838/53 2013-11-29 Central Bank of Sri Lanka - Balance sheet as at 31st October, 2013
1838/54 2013-11-29 Dept. of Labour - The Cost of Living Index Number for the month of November, 2013, applicable to workers in the Cocoa, Cardamom and pepper growing and manufacturing trade was 176.5 and the Special allowance payable to workers is Rs. 542.83 for a normal working day in the month of December, 2013
1838/55 2013-11-29 Central Province - By-Laws - relating to parking Hiring Motor Vehicles; - relating to high roads and by-roads belonging to Matale Pradeshiya Sabha; - relating to regulating, controlling and lavying fees on crematoriums and - relating to notice boads of Matale Pradeshiya Sabha
1838/56 2013-11-29 Central Province - By-Laws - relating to parking hiring cars and Motor Vehicles and - relating to offensive trades, dangerous trades and, offen sive and dangerous trades or business of Patha Hewaheta Pradeshiya Sabha
1838/57 2013-11-29 Land Acquisition - Nupe-Kadeveediya East and West, Thudawa East, Matara D/S Division, Matara District
1838/58 2013-11-29 Land Acquisition - Thawaluwila, Ambalantota D/S Division, Hambanthota District - Alankulama, Nuwaragam Palatha D/S Division, Anuradhapura District - Amendment to the notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1828/28 of 20.09.2013 by Malimbada D/S Division
1838/59 2013-11-29 Land Acquisition - Holembalawe, Kobeigane, Kurunegala District - Thalangalla, Thawalama D/S Division, Galle District
1838/31 2013-11-28 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Balagalla, Divulapitiya D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510006
1838/32 2013-11-28 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Amendments Ratmalana, Ratmalana D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 510003
1838/33 2013-11-28 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Calling for claims to property of intestate in Homagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001
1838/34 2013-11-28 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Calling for claims to land parcel in Kongaha, D/S Division galle Four Gravets, Galle District - Cad. Map No. 810026 and 12 other land parcels
1838/35 2013-11-28 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Calliing for claims to property of intestate in Delwagura, Divulapitiya D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510122 and to another property
1838/36 2013-11-28 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Calliing for claims to property of intestate in Moratuwella D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520214 and to another property
1838/37 2013-11-28 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kithsirigama, Thambuththegama D/S Division, Anuradhapura District - Cad. Map No. 110071
1838/38 2013-11-28 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Pethiyagoda, Rideemaliyadda D/S Division, Badulla District - Cad. Map No. 710012
1838/39 2013-11-28 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Pahala Makandura, Pannala D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420500
1838/40 2013-11-28 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Udugama, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510243
1838/41 2013-11-28 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Hanchapola, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510202
1838/42 2013-11-28 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Dalupothegedera, Rideegama D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420046
1838/43 2013-11-28 Land Title Settlement Dept - Allagala, Tissamaharamaya D/S Division, Hambanthota District - Cad. Map No. 830017
1838/44 2013-11-28 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Damahana, Balangoda D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620058
1838/45 2013-11-28 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Walgama North, Matara D/S Division, Matara District - Cad. Map No. 820013
1838/46 2013-11-28 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Viranagama, Mahiyanganaya D/S Division, Badulla District - Cad. Map No. 710023
1838/47 2013-11-28 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Horethuduwa, Panadura D/S Division, Kalutara District - Cad. Map No. 530011
1838/48 2013-11-28 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kamburugamuwa South, Weligama D/S Division, Matara District - Cad. Map No. 820070
1838/49 2013-11-28 Land Acquisition - Pugoda Meniklanda, Dompe D/S Division, Gampaha District
1838/50 2013-11-28 Land Acquisition - Sigharamulla, Kelaniya D/S Division, Gampaha District - Amendment to the notice published in Gaz. Exord. No. 1693/17 of 18.02.2011 by D/S Division Mahara - Munneswarm, Chilaw D/S Division, Puttalam District
1838/51 2013-11-28 Land Acquisition - Amendment to the Notice Published in Gaz. Ex.ord. No. 1819_6 of 16.07.2013 by D/S Division Yakkalamulla - Horana, Horana D/S Division, Kalutara District
1838/52 2013-11-28 Department of Elections - Elected Mr. Aliyar Umarkatha Jabeer as Chairman of the Irakkamam P/S - Elected Mr. Welliwela Gedara Chaminda Sanath as Chairman of the Naula P/S - Elected Mr. Beruwala Arachchige Ruwan Smarawickrama as a Member of the Naula P/S - Elected Mr. Carder Meera Sahiubu Mohamed Rafeek as a Member of the Biyagama P/S.
1838/13 2013-11-27 Land Acquisition - Galwala (ward 07) Hambanthota D/S Division, Hambanthota District
1838/14 2013-11-27 Land Title SettlementDept. - Pitipana North, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520006
1838/15 2013-11-27 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Homagama, Homagama D/S Divison, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001 - Land Parcel No. 28
1838/16 2013-11-27 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Amendments - Siyambalagoda, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520022
1838/17 2013-11-27 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Homagama, Homagama D/S Divison, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001 - Land Parcel Nos. 199 and 470
1838/18 2013-11-27 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Meerigama, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510200
1838/19 2013-11-27 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Amendments - Kotakedeniya, Udunuwara D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320238
1838/20 2013-11-27 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kosgoda, Kurvita D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620275 - Cad Map No. 620275
1838/21 2013-11-27 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Walgama North, Matara D/S Division, Matara District - Cad. Map No. 820013
1838/22 2013-11-27 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kirimetithenna, Balangoda D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620066
1838/23 2013-11-27 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Pohaddaramulla, Kalutara D/S Division, Kalutara District - Cad. Map No. 530014 - Land Parcel Nos. 7, 177, 178, 196 and 197
1838/24 2013-11-27 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Pohaddaramulla, Kalutara D/S Division, Kalutara District- Cad. Map No. 530014 - Land Parcel No. 29
1838/25 2013-11-27 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Dehipagoda, Udunuwara, D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320241
1838/26 2013-11-27 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Wages Board for the Coconut Growing Trade under Sec 29(3) of the Wages Boards Ordinance - with effect from 01.12.2013
1838/27 2013-11-27 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Appointed Mr. R. S. Ariyapperuma as the arbitrator for the industrial dispute between Mr. S. R. S. K. Ratnasiri and Sri Lanka Transport Board
1838/28 2013-11-27 Land Acquisiton - Malwattegama D/S Division Uva Paranagama, Badulla District - Buruthakanda D/S Division Sooriyawewa Hambanthota District - Thellippalai East D/S Division Walikamam North Jaffna District
1838/29 2013-11-27 Central Bank of Sri Lanka - Finance Companies (Corporate Governance Amendment Direction No. 6 of 2013
1838/30 2013-11-27 Presidetial Secretariat - Appointment of Hon. S.M. Chandrasena M.P. as Minister of Special Projects
1838/08 2013-11-26 Department of Fiscal Policy - Agreement between the Govt. of Sri Lanka and the Govt. of State of Palestine for affording relief from double taxation and prevention of Fiscal evasion
1838/09 2013-11-26 Department of Fiscal Policy - Agreement between the Govt. of Sri Lanka and the Govt. of Grand Duchy of Lusembourg for affording relief from double taxation and prevention of Fiscal evasion
1838/10 2013-11-26 Land Acquisition - Compensation for the land in Mattumagala Kerawalapitiya D/S Division Gamapaha District
1838/11 2013-11-26 Western Province & Sabaragamuwa Province - Regulations on the usage of modern technology in order to regulate the transportation services of Private buses in service within W/P - Amendment to the notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. no. 1835/10 of 05.11.2013 by Sabaragamuwa Provincial Council
1838/12 2013-11-26 Ministry of Healthcare and Nutrition - Amendment to the Food (Adoption of Standards) Regulations 2008 published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1589/34 of 20.02.2009
1838/01 2013-11-25 Land Acquisition - Hunnasgiriya D/S Division Ududumbara Kandy District - Pusse-Ela D/S Division Ududumbara Kandy District - Karambaketiya D/S Division Ududumbara Kandy District - Medawala D/S Division Harispattuwa, Kandy District - Dodangoda D/S Division Dodangoda Kalutara District
1838/02 2013-11-25 Department of Elections - Elected Mr. Sarambage Sugathadasa as a Member of the Katuwana P/S. Elected Mr. Imbulahitiya Gamachchi Mahinda as the Chairman of the Katuwana P/S. Elected Mr. S.K.Jayantha Pushpakumara as the Chairman of the Rattota P/S
1838/03 2013-11-25 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Refusing the arbitraters Decision by the Ceylon Heavy Industries and Construction Company
1838/04 2013-11-25 Land Acquisition - Wewura Kannala D/S Division Dikwella, Matara District (MR/DKW/2012/457-Lot C), wewurakannala, D/S Division Dikwella, Matara District (MR/DKW/212/455-Lot A), Bambaranda Central/South D/S Division Dikwella, Matara District (MR/DKW/2012/609 Lot A and E) - Pathegama Central D/S Division Dickwella Matara District (MR/DKw2012/456 Lot A/B) (Matara Kataragama New Railway Project)
1838/05 2013-11-25 Land Acquisition - Nungamuwa/Rankethdiwela D/S Division Mawanella Kegalle (KE/MWN/2011/133 - 41 Blocks Mawanella Alternative Road District) Matara Estate D/S Division Kandy/Gaga wata Korale Kandy District (Maha/MHN/2012/13 - Lot A road A Broadening Villages) (section 5)
1838/06 2013-11-25 Department of Elections - Elected Mr.Mari Ramanathan Balakrishnan as a Member of the Nuwara Eliya M/C
1838/07 2013-11-25 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange Effective from 25.11.2013 to 01.12.2013
1837/46 2013-11-22 Dept, of Fiscal Policy - Order to exempt from payment of Ports and Airports Development Levy of importing articles such as petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals etc.
1837/47 2013-11-22 Ministry of Land & Land Development - The Land Acquisition (payment of compensation) Regulations 2013 made under Land Acquisition Act (Chapter 460). Appointing Land acquisition & resettlement commitees (LARC) to assess the market value of compensation of Land acquired for specified projects such as Expressway projects & appointing L.A. & special committes (super LARC for approved purposes)
1837/48 2013-11-22 Land Acquisition - Amendment to the Notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1827/7 of 10.09.2013 of Arama (East of Maoya), Aranayake D/S Division, Kegalle District - Udapitiya, Deltota D/S Division, Kandy District
1837/49 2013-11-22 Colombo Municipal Council - Opening of the Budget for 2014 of the Colombo Municipal Council to public inspection from 26.11.2013 to 04.12.2013
1837/50 2013-11-22 Central Province - Appointing Mr. Y. M. Y. Yapa Bandara (SLAS II) as the over looking Directer of the Department of Rural Development - Central Province
1837/51 2013-11-22 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Repudiation of Collective Agreement No. 60 of 2010 entered into the Industrial Dispute between Mascon Mesh Industries (Pvt.) Ltd. and Inter Company Employees' Union
1837/52 2013-11-22 Land Acquisition - Moragalla and Kaluwamodara, Beruwala D/S Division, Kalutara District
1837/53 2013-11-22 Southern Province - Pawn Brokers of the Southern Province Provincial Council Statute No. 1 of 2013
1837/54 2013-11-22 Land Acquisition - Karambeketiya, Kobonilla, Ududumbara D/S Division, Kandy District - Thawalanthenna, Panwila D/S Division, Kandy District - Pitawala, Laggala Pallegama, Matale District
1837/55 2013-11-22 Land Acquisition - Matugama, Horawala, Welipenna, Lechchanduwa, Moonamalewatta, Matugama D/S Division, Kalutara District - Mapalana, Kamburupitiya D/S Division, Matara District - Maharagama, Maharagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Amendment to the Notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 628/18 of 01.10.1991
1837/56 2013-11-22 Land Acquisition - Thalangama North and South, Kaduwela D/S Division, Colombo District - Meemure, Ududumbara D/S Division, Kandy District - Pathana, Hikkaduwa D/S Division, Galle District - Moonamalegama, Madurugama, Mahawa D/S Division, Kurunegala District
1837/57 2013-11-22 Land Acquisition - Mahaiyawa, Mapanawathura, Kandy Four Gravets and Gangawata Korale D/S Division, Kandy District - Pitawala Cad. Map No. Ma/LGG/2006/310, P.P. No. Ma 1502, P.P. No. Ma 1501, Laggala Pallegama D/S Division, Matale District - Hikkaduwa, Hikkaduwa D/S Division, Galle District
1837/58 2013-11-22 Land Acquisition - Meemure F.P.P. No. 14, P.P. Maha 3063, and Karambaketiya, Ududumbara D/S Division, Kandy District - Land Redemption of Kekirigoda, Galboda Korale D/S Division, Kegalle District - Land Redemption of Kaludewala, Panadura D/S Division, Kalutara District
1837/59 2013-11-22 Land Acquisition - Pepiliyana, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District - Boralesgamuwa, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District
1837/60 2013-11-22 Land Acquisition - Boralesgamuwa, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District
1837/25 2013-11-21 Dept, of Trade & Investment Policy - Order to altering the rates of import duty of some articles under Revenue Protection Act, No. 19 of 1962
1837/26 2013-11-21 Dept. of Trade & Investment Policy - Order to impose a Special Commodity Levy for the Commodity Items Fish, Dhal etc., valid for 04 months commencing from 22.11.2013 under Special Commodity Levy Act 48 of 2007
1837/27 2013-11-21 Dept. of Trade & Investment Policy - Order to inform the public of the Depreciation Table for the valuation of used Motor Vehicles with effect from 22.11.2013
1837/28 2013-11-21 Dept, of Trade & Investment Policy - Order to remove the surcharge of 100% on Customs Import Duty payable on import Gold and recind the Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1815/15 of 20.06.2013 with effect from 22.11.2013
1837/29 2013-11-21 Dept. of Fiscal Policy - Order to declare the Excise Duty on articles such as Waters, Cigars, etc. under Excise (Special Provisions) Act, No. 13 of 1989 with effect from 22.11.2013
1837/30 2013-11-21 Dept. of Fiscal Policy - Order to declare an Import cess under the Sri Lanka Export Development Act, No. 40 of 1979 with effect from 22.11.2013
1837/31 2013-11-21 Dept, of Fiscal Policy - Order to declare an Export cess based on the F.O.B. value of the Exports or any specific Rate mentioned under Sri Lanka Export Development Act, No. 40 of 1979 with effect from 22.11.2013
1837/32 2013-11-21 Dept. of Fiscal Policy - Fiscal Management Report - 2014 including Fiscal Strategy Statement - 2014 and Budget, Economic and Fiscal Position Report - 2014 available for inspection at Govt. Publication Bureau
1837/33 2013-11-21 Land Acquisition - Lulwatta, Karambapitiya - P.P. No. Maha 6162 and No. 5740, Meemure, Ududumbara D/S Division, Kandy District
1837/34 2013-11-21 Land Acquisition - Karambapitiya - P.P. No. Maha 5671, No. 5605 and Map No. Maha/UDD/2004/338, Meemure, Ududumbara D/S Division, Kandy District
1837/35 2013-11-21 Land Acquisition - Pannila, Kahawaththa D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Hunnasgiriya, Ududumbara D/S Division, Kandy District - Pitawala - Cad. Map No. Ma/LGG/2006/284 and No. Ma/LGG/2006/283, Laggala-Pallegama D/S Division, Matale District
1837/36 2013-11-21 Land Acquisition - Pusse Ela, Meemure, Hunnasgiriya, Kaikawala, Ududumbura D/S Division, Kandy District
1837/37 2013-11-21 Land Acquisition - Kobonilla, Kandegama (Part), Meemure, Ududumbara D/S Division, Kandy District
1837/38 2013-11-21 Land Acquisition - Kaludewala, Parawaththa, Matale D/S Division, Matale District - Nuwara Eliya West, Hadenhill and Karambaketiya, Nuwara Eliya D/S Division, Nuwara Eliya District
1837/39 2013-11-21 Land Acquisition - Kayts, Karampan and Naranthanai, Islands North Kayts D/S Division, Jaffna District
1837/40 2013-11-21 Land Acquisition - Compensations for the lands in Tangalle D/S Division, Hambanthota District
1837/41 2013-11-21 Dept. of Import and Export Control - Amending the Special Import License Regulation published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1813/14 of 05.06.2013
1837/42 2013-11-21 Land Acquisition - Elkaduwa, Ukuwela D/S Division, Matale District - Weliwaranagolla, Laggala-Pallegama D/S Division, Matale District
1837/43 2013-11-21 Land Acquisition - Fort (Ward No. 20-Fort), Colombo D/S Division, Colombo District
1837/44 2013-11-21 Department of Elections - Elected Mr. Patabandi Wasam Baduge Gamini Wijayananda Senadeera as a member of the Alawwa Pradeshiya Sabha. Elected Mr. Ajith Kumara Bandara as a member of the Rattota Pradeshiya Sabha
1837/45 2013-11-21 Department of Elections - Elected Mr. Shakthivel Pratheepan as a member of the Jaffna Municipal Council. Elected Mr. Karthgesu Thillaiambalam as a member of the Jaffna Municipal Council.
1837/09 2013-11-20 Land Acquisition - Gonoruwa (Pahala Andarawewa) and Indiwewa, Hambanthota D/S Division, Hambanthota District - Kahaduwa, Elpitiya D/S Division, Galle District - Ambandandegama, Bandarawela D/S Division, Badulla District
1837/10 2013-11-20 Western Province - The indigenous Medical Statute No. 3 of 2013 of Western Provincial Council
1837/11 2013-11-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Amendments - Kandawalamadiththa D/S Division Kandy Four Gravets and Gangawata Korale, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320294
1837/12 2013-11-20 Land and Title Settlement Dept. - Calling for claims to property of intestate in Kaluaggala Pahalagama, Divulapitiya D/S Division, Gamapaha District - Cad. Map No.510024 to 04 other properties
1837/13 2013-11-20 Dept, of Fiscal Policy - Agreement between the Govt. of Belarus and the Govt. of Sri Lanka for the avoidance of double Taxation and the prevention of Fiscal Evassion with respect to Taxes on Income
1837/14 2013-11-20 Dept, of Fiscal Policy - Agreement between the Govt. of Sri Lanka and the Govt. of Seychelles for the avoidance of Double taxation and the prevention of Fiscal Evassion with respect to Taxes on Income
1837/15 2013-11-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Padawgama D/S Division Lunugamwehera, Hambanthota District - Cad. Map No. 330041
1837/16 2013-11-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kalalpitiya, Aththanagalla D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510600
1837/17 2013-11-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Polkumbura, Udapalatha D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320055
1837/18 2013-11-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Inamaluwa, Dambulla D/S Division, Matale District - Cad. Map No. 310009
1837/19 2013-11-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Amendments: Barawaya, Siyambalanduwa D/S Division, Monaragala District - Cad. Map No. 720016
1837/20 2013-11-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Magalla, Galle Four Gravets D/S Division, Galle District - Cad. Map No. 810012
1837/21 2013-11-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Deddugoda North, Galle Four Gravets D/S Division, Galle District - Cad. Map No. 810022
1837/22 2013-11-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Ihalagorakaoya, Kothmale D/S Division, Nuwara Eliya District - Cad. Map No. 330302
1837/23 2013-11-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Amendments: Telawala, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520208
1837/24 2013-11-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Amendments: Dehipagoda, Udunuwara D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 3202418
1837/08 2013-11-19 Ministry of Health - Amendments to the Minute on the Nursing Officers' Service published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1684/18 of 14.12.2010
1837/01 2013-11-18 Land Acquisition - Miyanavita and Gabbele D/S Division Kahawaththa, Ratnapura District - Padiyathalawa D/S Division Padiyathalawa, Ampara District - Padiyathalwa, D/S Division Padiyathalwa, Ampara District - Amendment to the notice published in Gaz Ex-ord: No. 1718/17 of 10.08.2011 by D/S Division Mahara
1837/02 2013-11-18 Land Acquisition - Kudabelungala and Getadula, Ambanpola D/S Division, Kurunegala District
1837/03 2013-11-18 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange Effective from 18.11.2013 to 24.11.2013
1837/04 2013-11-18 Land Acquisition - Malwala, Ratnapura D/S Division, Ratnapura District
1837/05 2013-11-18 Ministry of Labour and labour Relations - Award for the Industrial Dispute between Miss Udla Indrani Dodangoda and Land Reform Commission
1837/06 2013-11-18 Land Acquisition - Pannipitiya, Maharagama D/S Division, Colombo District
1837/07 2013-11-18 Hambantota Municple Council - Opening of the Programmed Budget for 2014 of Hambantota Municipal Council for public inspection from 22.11.2013 to 02.12.2013
1836/41 2013-11-16 Dept. of Trade and Investment Policy - Order to impose a Special Commodity Levy for Potatoes, Red Onions and B'Onions with effect from 17.11.2013 for a period of 04 months
1836/18 2013-11-14 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Polkumbura, Udapalatha D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320055
1836/19 2013-11-14 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Amendments : Katubedda, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520205
1836/20 2013-11-14 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Rawathawatta, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520201
1836/21 2013-11-14 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Moratumulla, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520202
1836/22 2013-11-14 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Calling for claims to land parcel in Naywala, Munuwangoda D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510402 and to 09 other land parcels
1836/23 2013-11-14 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Mallanda, Kothmale D/S Division, Nuwara Eliya District - Cad. Map No. 330300
1836/24 2013-11-14 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Maligatanna, Kandy Four Gravets and Gangawata Koralaya D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320290
1836/25 2013-11-14 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Divulankadawala, Yudhaganawa, Hingurakgoda D/S Division, Polonnaruwa District - Cad. Map No. 120040
1836/26 2013-11-14 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Meerigama, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510200
1836/27 2013-11-14 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Horethuduwa, Panadura D/S Division, Kalutara District - Cad. Map No. 530011
1836/28 2013-11-14 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Pitipana North, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520006
1836/29 2013-11-14 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Balagalla, Divulapitiya D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510006
1836/30 2013-11-14 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kandanda, Siyambalanduwa D/S Division, Monaragala District - Cad. Map No. 720014
1836/31 2013-11-14 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Dutugamunu, Dehiwala D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520802
1836/32 2013-11-14 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Mailawalana, Dompe D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 511000
1836/33 2013-11-14 Land Acquisiton - Arama (East of Maoya) D/S Division Aranayake, Kegalle District - Malabe D/S Division Kaduwela, Colombo District
1836/34 2013-11-14 Land Acquisiton - Neeraliyadda, Singandaluwa and Namamuwawa D/S Division Rasnayakapura, Kurunegala District - Penetiyana D/S Division Welipitiya, Matara District
1836/35 2013-11-14 Ministry of Water Supply and Drinage Board - Land Acquisiton - Udagangoda, D/S Division, D/S Division Dikwella, Matara District for the Radampala Water Supply Scheme - Uduwara D/S Divison Ella Badulla District for Badulla -Ella Integrated Water Supply Scheme - Pallewela and Ellawatta D/S Division Balangoda, Ratnapura District and Correction Notice to the NOrice published in Gaz. Ex. ord. No. 1791/35 of 04.01.2013 of Kolonna Balangoda Water Supply Scheme
1836/36 2013-11-14 Ministry of Water Supply & Drainage - Correction Notice to the Notice published in Gazette Ex. No. 1792/10 of 09.01.2013 - Gazette Ex. No. 1710/08 of 13.06.2011and No. 1743/10 of 31.01.2012 fof Mannar Water Supply Schem. - Kitalagama D/S/D - Thihagoda - Matara District for Matara Stage IV Water Supply Scheme
1836/37 2013-11-14 Ministry of Water Supply and Drainage - Kotikapla D/S Division Mawathagama, Kurunegala District for the Kotikapola Intake Well/Pump House and for laying of distributing pipe lines of Mawathagama Water Supply Scheme - Correction Notice to the notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No, 1755/3 of 23.04.2013 of Habarana Water Supply scheme
1836/38 2013-11-14 Ministry of Water Supply and Drainage - Bisowela D/S Division Galigamuwa, Kegalle District for project of supplying water to Galigamuwa new industrial Zone - Kaludewala D/S Division Matale, Matale District for Greater Matale Water Supply Scheme - Medawala D/S Division Harispattuwa, Kandy District and Correction Notice to Notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord No. 1802/6 of 18.03.2013 for Kandy and Suburban Water Supply Scheme
1836/39 2013-11-14 Uva Province - Appointed Mrs. D. G. Elvitigala Retired Officer of SLEAS as Deputy Direction of Education to Education Department of Uva Province and 28 Other Officers
1836/40 2013-11-14 Colombo Municipal Council - The Road located at Dr. Danister de Silva Mawatha of Dematagoda Municipal ward named as "Mihindu Senpura Mawatha"
1836/13 2013-11-13 North Western Province - Irrigation Statute of the North Western Provincial Council
1836/14 2013-11-13 Urban Development Authority - The Declaration of the Bandarawela Municipal Council Area of Badulla District as an Urban Development Area
1836/15 2013-11-13 Ministry of Botanical Garden and Public Recreation - The Declaration of the Dry Zone Botanic Garden at Mirrijjawila, Hambanthota as a National Botanic Garden w.e.f 14.11.2013
1836/16 2013-11-13 Ministry of Water Supply and Drainage - Acquisition of Lands for construction of the Water Treatment plant in Dadalla D/S Division Galle Four Gravets, Galle District and for the laying of distributing pipe lines from Madawala New Service Reservoir to Hadeniya in Niyambepola D/S Division Thumpane, Kandy District
1836/17 2013-11-13 Department of Elections - Appointed the Assistant Registration Officers under Sec. 8(1) of the Registration of Electors Act No. 44 of 1980
1836/07 2013-11-12 Land Acquisition - Thalangama North, Kaduwela D/S Division, Colombo District - Lakshapathiya, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Modara, Colombo D/S Division, Colombo District
1836/08 2013-11-12 Land Acquisition - Kalanimulla, Kolonnawa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cancellation of the allotment of Land in Divithotawela, Welimada D/S Division, Badulla District - Redemption Notice for the allotment of Land in Bombuwala, Dodangoda D/S Division, Kalutara District
1836/09 2013-11-12 Land Acquisition - Iluppankulama, Mannar D/S Division, Mannar District
1836/10 2013-11-12 Land Acquisition - Kendelagama, Badulla D/S Division, Badulla District - Pahala Balalla, Maho D/S Division, Kurunegala District
1836/11 2013-11-12 Ministry of Land and Land Development - Appointing 02 Officers for Gampaha District and 03 Officers for Gampaha and Colombo District to expedite the land acquisitions of Highway Projects under the R.D.A.
1836/12 2013-11-12 Department of Elections - Vacated the office of member of Kotmale Pradeshiya Sabha by Mr. Rauf Mohomed Hilmi
1836/01 2013-11-11 Land Acquisition. - Diyabubula D/S Division Matale, Matale Matale District - Puwakdandawa D/S Division Beliatta, Hambanthota District
1836/02 2013-11-11 Land Acquisition - Rilawala, Kahathuduwa West, Kahathuduwa North and Kahathuduwa East D/S Division Homagama Colombo District
1836/03 2013-11-11 Land Acquisition - Ihala Thalawa, Moragoda D/S Division Thalawa, Anuradhapura District
1836/04 2013-11-11 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange Effective from 11.11.2013 to 17.11.2013
1836/05 2013-11-11 Dept of Elections - Elected Mr. Delkandura Arachchige Dharmasena as the Chirman and Mrs. Hetti Arachchilge Sunethra Kumarihami as a Member of the Kandy Gravets and Gangawata Korale Pradeshiya Sabha
1836/06 2013-11-11 Ministry of Public Administration and Home Affairs - The Service Minute of Sri Lanka Engineering Service Effected from 01.01.2006
1835/23 2013-11-08 Land Acquisition - Compensations for 22 allotments of lands in Kaduwela D/S Division, Colombo District
1835/24 2013-11-08 Land Acquisition - Dehipagoda, Udunuwara D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320241
1835/25 2013-11-08 Land Acquisition - Abhatapura and Mihindupura, Lunugamvehera D/S Division, Hambanthota District - Cad. Map No. 830027
1835/26 2013-11-08 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Calling for claims to 20 land parcels including palutawa (Block 03), Dambulla D/S Division, Matale District - Cad. Map No. 310040
1835/27 2013-11-08 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Sangharama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520019
1835/28 2013-11-08 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Wathumulla, Ratmalana D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521009
1835/29 2013-11-08 Department of Trade and Investment Policy - Revenue Protection Order No. 02/2013 - Import duties shall be levied and paid on Buttermilk, Yogurt etc., whey Cheese etc., Beer and whiskies etc., tobacco and substitutes and pneumatic tyres, Motor vehicles etc., under the Customs Ordinance
1835/30 2013-11-08 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Amendments: Pitipana, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520006
1835/31 2013-11-08 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Marapola, Minuwangoda D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510405
1835/32 2013-11-08 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Udagama, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510243
1835/33 2013-11-08 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Pahala Makadura, Pannala D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420500
1835/34 2013-11-08 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Walgama North, Matara D/S Division, Matara District - Cad. Map No. 820013
1835/35 2013-11-08 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Ambana, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510216
1835/36 2013-11-08 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Parana Halpe, Divulapitiya D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510026
1835/37 2013-11-08 Land Acquisition. - Nimalagama, Ingiriya D/S Division, Kalutara District
1835/38 2013-11-08 Land Acquisition - Notice to cancel the notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1123/16 of 16.03.2000 and validate the notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1808/1 of 29.04.2013 for lands in Gampaha D/S Division - P.P. Gam 3559
1835/19 2013-11-07 Uva Province - Appointing Hon. Anura Ravindra Vidanagamage as Acting Chief Minister and Minister of Finance and Planning etc. from 24.10.2013 till Hon. Chief Minister Shashindra Rajapaksha returns to Sri Lanka
1835/20 2013-11-07 Ministry of Highways (R.D.A.) - Land Acquisition - Railawala, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Nawadagala, Elpitiya D/S Division, Galle District - Liyanagoda, Dodangoda D/S Division, Kalutara District
1835/21 2013-11-07 Ministry of Highways (R.D.A.) - Land Acquisition - Yatadolawatta and Keeraththidiya, Matugama D/S Division, Kalutara District - Raddegoda, Millaniya D/S Division, Kalutara District
1835/22 2013-11-07 Public Service Commission - Appointing Mrs. J. M. C. M. Jayawardene Menike, Class I of the S.L.A.S. as Senior Asst. Secretary to the Minister of Transport with 07 other Appointments - Appointing Mr. L. B. S. B. Dayaratne, Special Grade of the S.L.A.S. as Addl. Secretary (Bimsaviya) the Minister of Land & Land Development with 16 Other Appointments
1835/13 2013-11-06 Land Acquisition - Podikkattuwa, Ambanpola D/S Division, Kurunegala District
1835/14 2013-11-06 Land Acquisition - Getadiula and Mahadivulwewa, Ambanpola D/S Division, Kurunegala District
1835/15 2013-11-06 Land Acquisition - Bulathsinhala and Pahala Welgama, Bulathsinhala D/S Division, Kalutara District - Malwatta, Ganga Ihala Korale D/S Division, Kandy District - Balagala, Harispattuwa D/S Division, Kandy District
1835/16 2013-11-06 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Calling for claims to property of intestate in Habarakada, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 52001
1835/17 2013-11-06 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Calling for claims to property of intestate in Debarawewa, Thissamaharamaya D/S Division, Hambantota District - Cad. Map No. 830100 and 03 other properties in Moratuwa D/S Division
1835/18 2013-11-06 Northern Province - Summoning to meet the Second Session of First Council of Northern Province on 11.11.2013
1835/07 2013-11-05 Land Acquisition - Compensations for the Lands in Mattumagala and Kerawalapitiya - Case Nos. 523/L.A. and 524/L.A., Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District
1835/08 2013-11-05 Department of Elections - Mr. Dasanayaka Mudiyasnselage Gamini Dasanayaka vacated the office of member of the Variyapola P/S
1835/09 2013-11-05 Ministry of Defence & Urban Development - Order to declare that the land in Polduwa, Battaramulla D/S/D Kaduwela, Colombo District urgently required for widening & develop the existing road for Waters Edge Hotel area
1835/10 2013-11-05 Sabaragamuwa Province - Orders to declare of the Banks to which the stamp duty be paid and the relevant certificates for the payments
1835/11 2013-11-05 Land Acquisition - Golahela, Nilmalgoda, Meepitiya and Pallewela, Kegalle D/S Division, Kegalle District
1835/12 2013-11-05 Presidential Secretariat - Directive to Don. Herbert Neville Piyadigama Esq. and 20 others of establishment of a special Agency to advice and Assist the Government in the formulation of a National Wage Policy
1835/01 2013-11-04 Land Acquisition - Aluthwatta, Nagoda D/S Division, Galle District (Distributing lands under Broadering Villages) - Kalumuththuketiyawatta, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District (Establishment of the 11th Signal Corp of S.L. Army)
1835/02 2013-11-04 Land Acquisition - Compensation for the Lot No. 5 and 7 of Dewatagaha Kumbura Tekkawatta in Minuwangoda D/S Division, Gampaha District (Case No. SP/2885/07 - District Court Negombo)
1835/03 2013-11-04 Land Acquisition - Kadawala, Maho D/S Division, Kurunegala District (49 Blocks) (Construction of Padeniya-Anuradhapura Road) - Imbulgodayagama, Maho D/S Division, Kurunegala District (Construction of Padeniya-Anuradhapura Road) - Padiyathalawa, Padiyathalawa D/S Division, Ampara District (Construction of Office and Stores of the Padiyathalawa Water Supply Project) - Amendment for the Gazette Extraordinary No. 1650/28 of 22/04/2010
1835/04 2013-11-04 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange effective from 04.11.2013 to 10.11.2013
1835/05 2013-11-04 Land Acquisition - Pulungupitiya, Ratnapura D/S Division, Ratnapura District (Broadering of Ratnapura Bandaranayaka Mawatha and Ayurvedic Junction)
1835/06 2013-11-04 The Institue of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka - Statement of Alternative Treatment (SOAT) on Right-to-use of land on lease with effect from 1st January 2012 -Publication under Section 4(2) of Sri Lanka Accounting and Auditing Standards Act No. 15 of 1995
1834/38 2013-11-01 Department of Census and Statistics - The Colombo Consumers' Price Index Computed by the Department of Census and Statistics for the Month of October, 2013 was 176.1
1834/39 2013-11-01 Road Development Authority - Land Acquisition - Chenakudirippu, Puttalam D/S Division, Puttalam District - Buisowela, Galigamuwa D/S Division, Kegalle District
1834/40 2013-11-01 Land Acquisition - Arewwala and Siddamulla, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District
1834/41 2013-11-01 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relation - Award for the Industrial Dispute between Mr. R. M. T. Rajapaksha and Sri Lanka Transport Board
1834/42 2013-11-01 Land Acquisition - Pothgoda, Pathahewaheta, Kandy District - Talalla, Devinuwara D/S Divison, Matara District
1834/43 2013-11-01 Land Acquisition - Unuwinna, Pathahewaheta D/S Division, Kandy District - Mukalangamuwa and Ambalangamuwa, Katana D/S Division, Gampaha District
1834/44 2013-11-01 Land Acquisition - Galboda-West P.P. No. Mara 2119, Aluthvidiya-West - P.P. No. Mara 2131 and Galboda-West and Aluth Vidiya - P.P. No. Mara 2132 of Weligama D/S Division, Matara District
1834/45 2013-11-01 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Haragama, Kandy Four Gravets and Gangawata Koralaya D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320319
1834/46 2013-11-01 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Uduwawala, Harispaththuwa D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320289
1834/47 2013-11-01 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Ranawana, Harispaththuwa D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320324
1834/48 2013-11-01 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Siyambalagoda, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520022 - File No. 5286B- Homagama
1834/49 2013-11-01 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Mabodala, Minuwangoda D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510401
1834/50 2013-11-01 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kosgoda, Kuruvita D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620275
1834/51 2013-11-01 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kamburugamuwa South, Weligama D/S Division, Matara District - Cad. Map No. 820070
1834/52 2013-11-01 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Galpaya, Weligepola D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620180
1834/53 2013-11-01 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Magammana, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520004
1834/54 2013-11-01 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Indebadda, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520203
1834/55 2013-11-01 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Panagoda, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520021
1834/56 2013-11-01 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Pohaddaramulla, Kaluthara D/S Division, Kaluthara District - Cad. Map No. 530014
1834/57 2013-11-01 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kotakedeniya, Udunuwara D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320238
1834/58 2013-11-01 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Siyambalagoda, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 52002 - File No. 5279 - Homagama
1834/59 2013-11-01 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Amendments - Wallavilamulla, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510295
1834/60 2013-11-01 Department of Elections - Elected Mr. Nagalingam Dharmarajah as a member of the Vavuniya North Pradeshiya Sabha and Mr. Sanmugalingam Sabesan as a member of the Valikamam West Pradeshiya Sabha
1834/61 2013-11-01 Department of Elections - Elected Mr. Kadiah Thangarajasingham as a member of the Jaffna Municipal Council
1834/62 2013-11-01 Ministry of Defence and Urban Development - Calling Service Personnel
1834/29 2013-10-31 Central Bank of Sri Lanka - Balance sheet as at 30th September 2013
1834/30 2013-10-31 Department of Labour - The Cost of Living Index Number for the Month of October 2013, applicable to workers in the Cocoa, Cinnamom and Pepper Growing and Manufacturing Trade was 176.1 - The Special Allowance of a normal working day in the Month of November for the Workers Male/Female in the Cocoa, Cardamom and Pepper Growing and Manufacturing Trade is Rs. 541.21
1834/31 2013-10-31 Land Acquisition - Pattiyawela and Kunjawatta, Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District
1834/32 2013-10-31 Ministry of Land and Land Development - Cancellation of Appointments, of Mr. A. Sivaswamy of Jaffna District and 02 other officers, made under Regulation No. 2013/4 of Land Acquisition Act (Chapter 460)
1834/33 2013-10-31 Land Acquisition - Rilawala, Homagama, D/S Division, Colombo District - Keliyawelena Gannoruwa, Hambantota D/S Division, Hambantota District - Madawala, Thumpane D/S Division, Kandy District - Hokandara, Kaduwela D/S Division, Colombo District
1834/34 2013-10-31 Land Acquisition - Nawammahara, Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District - Wellampitiya, Dahampura, Sinhapura, Kiththampahuwa, Megoda Kolonnawa, Kolonnawa D/S Division, Colombo District - Nugegoda, Sri Jayawardanapura Kotte D/S Division, Colombo District - Thalawakele, Nuwaraeliya D/S Division, Nuwaraeliya District
1834/35 2013-10-31 Land Acquisition - Redemption Notices for the Lands in Divitura, Athuraliya D/S Division, Matara District - Bandaragama, Bandaragama D/S Division, Kalutara District - Kalubowila, Dehiwala D/S Division, Colombo District and Devinuwara, Devinuwara D/S Division, Matara District
1834/36 2013-10-31 Ministry of Defence and Urban Development - List of Naval Personnel recommended for award of Sri Lanka Armed Service Long Service Medal and Clasp
1834/37 2013-10-31 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - The Award for the Industrial Dispute between Mr. D. K. Wijesekera and K. G. Investment Limited
1834/20 2013-10-30 Board of Investment of Sri Lanka - Revocation of Notification under section 3(2) and order under section 3(4) of strategic Development Projects Act No. 14 of 2008 published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1819/29 of 18.07.2013 and No. 1829/24 of 23.11.2013 relevant to Lake Leisure Holdings (Pvt.) Ltd.
1834/21 2013-10-30 Board of Investment of Sri Lanka - Revocation of Notification under section 3(2) and order under section 3(4) of strategic Development Projects Act No. 14 of 2008 published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1819/30 of 18.07.2013 and No. 1829/23 of 23.11.2013 relevent to Waterfront Properties (Pvt.) Ltd.
1834/22 2013-10-30 Ministry of Defence and Urban Development - Subsequent Amendment to the United Nations Security Council Resolution (UN SCR) 1267 (Consolidated List) under Regulation 4(2)(b) of the United Nations Regulations No. 2 of 2012
1834/23 2013-10-30 Department of Elections - Elected Mr. Koranees De Koralayalage Sanjeewa Prasanna Kumara as a member of the Udubaddawa Pradeshiya Sabha - Elected Mr. Kayilasapillai Sriskanthan as a memebr of the Velanai Pradeshiya Sabha
1834/24 2013-10-30 Ministry of Defence and Urban Development - Order to declare that the Lands in Paragammana and Golahela, Kegalle District, are urgently required for the purposes of relocate the Kegalle Bus Depot and development of Kegalle Urban Park respectively
1834/25 2013-10-30 Ministry of Defence and Urban Development - Sri Lanka Armed Services Long Service Medal and Clasp to the Air Force Personnel
1834/26 2013-10-30 Land Acquisition - Heyyanthuduwa, Biyagama D/S Division, Gampaha District
1834/27 2013-10-30 Western Province - Regulations formulated for the Three Wheelers and Taxis (Cabs) used for passenger transport services within the Western Province - Correction Notice for the notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1829/32 of 25.09.2013
1834/28 2013-10-30 Western Province - Regulations formulated for the private vehicles used for passenger carriage services and school children transport services within the Western Province
1834/16 2013-10-29 Land Acquisition - Wadumulla, Balapitiya D/S Division, Galle District - Amendments for the Notice Nos. 107, 108, 109 and 110 published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1828/21 of 18.09.2013 - Amendments for the Notice Nos. 111, 112 and 113 published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1828/22 of 18.09.2013 by Ambagamuwa Korale D/S Division
1834/17 2013-10-29 Land Acquisition - Compensations for the 25 Allotments of Lands in Mahara D/S Division, Gampaha District
1834/18 2013-10-29 Land Acquisition - Kaliyapura, Hambanthota D/S Division, Hambanthota District - Ampe and Hathnapitiya, Galigamuwa D/S Division, Kegalle District
1834/19 2013-10-29 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Collective Agreements No. 26 of 2012 for the Industrial Dispute between Bank of Ceylon and Ceylon Bank Employees' Union and No. 06 of 2011 for the Industrial Dispute between Agro Technica Limited and the United Tea, Rubber and Local Produce Workers' Union
1834/01 2013-10-28 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kandawala, Ratmalana D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521001
1834/02 2013-10-28 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Rawathawatta, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520201
1834/03 2013-10-28 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange effective from 28.10.2013 - 03.11.2013
1834/04 2013-10-28 Land Acquisition - Compensations for the Lands in Heenkenda Case Nos. 537/L.A. and 623/L.A.; Mattumagala, Galudupita, Mattumagala and Thuduwegedara, Wattala D/S Divison, Gampaha District
1834/05 2013-10-28 Land Acquisition - Compensations for the Lands in Karunagama, Magammana, Kurukulawa, Galudupira, Mattumagala in Wattala D/S Divison, Gampaha District
1834/06 2013-10-28 Land Acquisition - Compensations for the Lands in Kurukulawa - Case Nos. SP/326, SP/3268, SP/3265 and Thuduwegedara Case Nos. Sp/3263, SP/3263, Wattala D/S Divison, Gampaha District
1834/07 2013-10-28 Land Acquisition - Compensations for the Lands in Kurukulawa, Galudupita Case Nos. 511/L.A., 509/L.A., 547/L.A., 536/L.A. Wattala D/S Divison, Gampaha District
1834/08 2013-10-28 Land Acquisition - Udupeellegoda, Wepathaira, Kebiliyapola and Gammedapitiya, Hakmana D/S Division, Matara District
1834/09 2013-10-28 Ministry of Defence & Urban Development - Order to declare the lands situated in the ward No. 7, Madampitiya & No. 6 Bluemendal in D/S/D - Colombo District urgently required for the purpose of carrying out as Urban Development Project
1834/10 2013-10-28 Ministry of Public Administration & Home Affairs - Minute of Government Librarians' Service Revision No. 1 for the minute published in Gaz. Ex. No. 1620/22 of 24/09/2009
1834/11 2013-10-28 Dept. of Elections - Elected Mr. Punchi Banda Dissanayake as a Member the North Central Province Provincial Council from the Administrative District of Anuradhapure
1834/12 2013-10-28 Dept. of Elections - Elected Mr. S. Bandara as a Member of the Galgamuwa P/S
1834/13 2013-10-28 Forest Department - Order to declare - *525 Hec. and 312 Hec. of State Lands in Manthai West D/S Division, Mannar District as Vidattaltivu and Falakaimunai Reserved Forests respectively *Elahera Forest in Elahera D/S Division, Polonnaruwa District; Weddakanda forest in Rambewa D/S Division, Aliththana Forest in Tirappane D/S Division, Weddakanda Forest (Extra Part) in Kabithigollewa D/S Division, Anuradhapura District; Weerakkulicholei Forest in Karuwalagaswewa D/S Division, Siyambalagashena Forest and Aadigama Forest in Mahakumbukkadawala D/S Division, Mullegama Forest in Nawagaththegama D/S Division, Puttalam District as Reserved Forests
1834/14 2013-10-28 Forest Department - Order to decalre - the Part of the Bogawanthalawa Adam's Peak Reserved Forest in Ambagamuwa D/S Division, Nuwara Eliya District as Conservation Forest - Iharakanda Forest in Kahawatta D/S Division as Reserved Forest and Devalekele Forest in Kuruvita D/S Division as Conservation Foerst in Ratnapura District - Bogahawewa Forest, Kandulugala Kanda Forest, Samaguliya Forest in Tissamaharama D/S Division - Mapitikanda alias Mapitigama Forest in Katuwana D/S Division, Hambanthota District as Reserved Forests
1834/15 2013-10-28 Central Province - By-Laws Relating to obtaining information for Levying Taxes and 07 other Fields of Pasbage Korale Pradeshiya Sabha
1833/29 2013-10-25 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Definitions for the awards to the Industrial Disputes between Mr. P. K. Prajitha and Asia Capital Limited and between Mr. S. D. S. A. Raymond and Asia Capital Limited
1833/30 2013-10-25 Land Acquisition - Talawakelle, Nuwara-eliya D/S Division, Nuwara-eliya District
1833/31 2013-10-25 Land Acquisition - Kalanimulla, Kolonnawa D/S Division, Colombo District
1833/32 2013-10-25 Land Acquisition - Uguressagaha Arawa, Imbulpe D/S Division, Ratnapura District
1833/22 2013-10-24 Land Acquisition - Niriella, Elapatha D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Uduwara, Millaniya D/S Division, Kalutara District - Pallewela, Balangoda D/S Division, Ratnapura District
1833/23 2013-10-24 Dept. of Elections - Elected Mr. Inthirarsa Thuseekaran as a Member of the Vadamaradchi South-West P/S
1833/24 2013-10-24 Land Acquisition - Ikiriwewa, Musalpitiya, Thammennagama, Koonwewa, Mahabellankadawela and Eriyagama, Tambuttegama D/S Division, Anuradhapura District
1833/25 2013-10-24 Land Acquisition - Pabahinna and Nawangoda, Imbulpe D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Amendment to the notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1812/9 of 28.05.2013 by Bope-Poddala D/S Division
1833/26 2013-10-24 Ministry of Finance and Planning - Amendment to the Rules made by the Sri Lanka Railway Uniform Staff Benevolent Fund
1833/27 2013-10-24 Ministry of Transport - Amended by the report of the fourth schedule of the Motor Traffic (Miscellaneous) Regulations 1957
1833/28 2013-10-24 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Collective Agreements entered into between Ceylon Oxygen Limited and the Jathika Sewaka Sangamaya and between Asian Paints (Lanka) Limited and Samastha Lanka Welanda Ha Karmantha Kamkaru Sangamaya
1833/07 2013-10-23 Land Acquisition - Compensations for 17 allotments of lands in Biyagama D/S Division, Gampaha District
1833/08 2013-10-23 Land Acquisition - Dimiyawa, Elapatha D/S Division, Rathnapura District
1833/09 2013-10-23 Land Acquisition - Kollupitiya and Narahenpita, Thimbirigasyaya D/S Division, Colombo District
1833/10 2013-10-23 Central Province - Appointed Mr. M. S. Premawansha, SLASI and 04 others as Secretaries to the Central Province Chief Ministry and Other Ministries
1833/11 2013-10-23 Geological Survey & Mines Bureau - Regulations made to amend the Mining (Licensing) Regulations No. 1 of 1993 published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 794/23 of 26.11.1993
1833/12 2013-10-23 Geological Survey and Mines Bureau - Identifying the Areas in Vakaneri, Aralaganwila, Maha Oya, Padiyathalawa, Pankulam, Nilavely and Trincomalee being reserved areas for the exploration for or the mining of , all minerals
1833/13 2013-10-23 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Miyandeniya, Rideegama D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420127
1833/14 2013-10-23 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Pitipana North, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520006
1833/15 2013-10-23 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Godagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520017
1833/16 2013-10-23 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kuri Kotuwa, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510251
1833/17 2013-10-23 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Notices calling for claims to properties of intestate in Divulapitiya D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510085
1833/18 2013-10-23 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Dehipagoda, Udunuwara D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320241
1833/19 2013-10-23 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Homagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001
1833/20 2013-10-23 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Nikapotagama, Kurunegala D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420350
1833/21 2013-10-23 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Sandalankawa , Pannala D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420505
1833/06 2013-10-22 Dept. of Elections - Elected Mr. Disanayake Mudiyanselage Dhanuka Ishara Rathnayake as a Member of the Hingurakgoda P/S
1833/01 2013-10-21 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations -Collective Agreements No. 17 of 2013 between Ceylon Oxygen Limited and Jathika Sewaka Sangamaya; No. 27 of 2011 between Finaly Colombo PLC and the Food Beverages and Tobacco Industries Employees' Union; No. 41 of 2011 between Chas P. Hayley and Company (Private) Limited and the United Tea Rubber and Local Produce Worker's Union
1833/02 2013-10-21 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Memorandum of understanding No. 3 of 2013 for the Industrial Dispute between I. D. Lanka Ltd., and Food Beverages and Tobacco Industries Employees' Union; Repudiation of a Collective Agreement between Employers' Federation of Ceylon and Ceylon Mercantile, Industrial and General Workers' Union (CMU) - Collectice Agreements No. 35 of 2012 between Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC and the Ceylon Bank Employees' Union and No. 15 of 2013 between Coca-Cola Beverages Sri Lanka Limited and Food Beverages and Tobacco Industries Employees' Union
1833/03 2013-10-21 Central Province - Appointed Chairman and 07 other Members under Passenger Transport Statute No. 1 of 2000 of the Central Provincial Council
1833/04 2013-10-21 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange effective from 21.10.2013 to 27.10.2013
1833/05 2013-10-21 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - The Decision of minimum rate of wages applicable to a worker shall be Rs. 750 per day made by the Wages Board for the Paddy Hulling Trade
1832/21 2013-10-17 Northern Province - Cancellation of the Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1832/20 of 15.10.2013 and appointed Hon. Kanagasabapathy Visvalingam Wigneswaran and 04 other Ministers of the Northern Provincial Council with effect from 11.10.2013
1832/22 2013-10-17 Board of Invesment - Order to declare that ptroject to set up a Refinary to import raw Sugar for refining & sale in the Local & export market in the free-port area of the Hambanthota Port in the Sourthern Prvince under Sub-sec (4) of sec. 3 of Strategic Development projects Acts No. 14 of 2008 (Lanka Sugar Refinary Company (Pvt) Ltd.
1832/23 2013-10-17 Dept. of Elections - Elected Mr. S.P. Sirisena as a Member of the Thanamalwila P/C
1832/24 2013-10-17 Central Province - Summoning the First session of the Sixth Central Provincial Council Meeting on 09.10.2013. Summoning the 2nd session of the Sixth Central Provincial Council Meeting on 17.10.2013
1832/25 2013-10-17 Central Province - Appointed Hon. Sarath Ekanayake as the Chief Minister of the Central Province with effect from 03.10.2013. Appointed Hon. Sarath Ekanayake, Hon. Bandula Senarath Bandara Yalegama, Hon. Ramasamy Muttiah, Hon. Ediriweera Weerawardana & Hon. Pramitha Bandara Thennakoon as the the Minister of the Central Provincial Council.
1832/26 2013-10-17 Uva Province - Appointed Mr. Rajarathnam Gnanasekaram as a Member of the Uva Provincial Councial from 10.10.2013 for 2 Years.
1832/27 2013-10-17 Presidential Secretariat - Appointed Hon. Rohitha Piyatissa Abeygunawardena, MP & Hon. Nirmala Kothalawala, MP for the Subject of Highways, Ports & Shipping. Amended 3 Headings of the Notification Published in Gaz. Ex. No. 1681/3 of 22.11.2010 w.e.f. 15.10.2013
1832/28 2013-10-17 Ministry of Ports & Highways - The National Thoroughfares (Colombo-Katunayake User fee National Highway) Regulations No. 1 of 2013, applicable to the section from Peliyagoda to Katunayake
1832/29 2013-10-17 Land Acquisition - Niriella, Elapatha D/S Division, Rathnapura District
1832/30 2013-10-17 Land Acquisition - Wellamadama and Welegoda, Matara Four Gravets D/S Division, Matara District - Mailagastenna, Haliela D/S Division, Badulla District
1832/31 2013-10-17 Land Acquisition - Manipay, Sandilipay D/S Division, Jaffna District
1832/32 2013-10-17 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Appointed Mr. K. R. M. N. Lawrence as Arbitrator to arbitrate the Industrial Dispute between Mr. D. Wimalasena and Sri Lanka Transport Board and Mr. Palitha Weerasekera as Arbitrator to arbitrate the Industrial Dispute between Mr. J. Meegahawatta, T. T. S. Chandrakumara, Mr. W. Dayananda and Ceylon Petroleum Storage Terminal Limited
1832/33 2013-10-17 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - The Awards for the Industrial Disputes between Mr. C. Wickramasinghe and Sri Lanka Transport Board and between Mrs. H. N. H. Hennayaka and Ceylon Electricity Board
1832/34 2013-10-17 Land Acquisition - Compensations for Lands in Mattumagola and Kerawalapitiya Case Nos. SP/3192, SP/3191, SP/3190 and SP/3189, Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District
1832/17 2013-10-15 Land Acquisition - Demanagammana, Pelmadulla D/S Division, Rathnapura District
1832/18 2013-10-15 Land Acquisition - Pepiliyana, Divulapitiya, Boralesgamuwa, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District
1832/19 2013-10-15 Northern Province - Summoning the first session of the First Northern Provincial Council Meeting on 25.10.2013
1832/20 2013-10-15 Northern Province - Appointed Hon. Kanagasabapathy Visvalingam Wigneswaran and 04 other Ministers of the Northern Provincial Council with effect from 11.10.2013
1832/02 2013-10-14 Land Acquisition - Compensations for the land in Nawammahara, Case No. 506/L.A. and Galudupita - Case Nos. 508/L.A., 550/L.A., 512/L.A., Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District
1832/03 2013-10-14 Land Acquisition - Compensations for the land in Thuduwegedara, Case No. 542/L.A. 585/LA and 582/LA and 549/LA, , Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District
1832/04 2013-10-14 Land Acquisition - Compensations for the land in Nawammahara, Case No. 584/L.A, Mattumagala, Thuduwegedara - Case No. 545/LA and 520/LA, Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District
1832/05 2013-10-14 Land Acquisition - Compensations for the lands in Kurukulawa, Case No. 552/L.A. 553/LA and mattumagala - Case Nos. 538/LA, 535/LA. Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District
1832/06 2013-10-14 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange effective from 14.10.2013 to 20.10.2013
1832/07 2013-10-14 Land Acquisition - Compensation for the land in Dedduwawala, Beliatta D/S Division, Hambantota District
1832/08 2013-10-14 Land Acquisition - Thalwatta, Badalkumbura D/S Division, Moneragala District - Pattiwila, Biyagama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Ihalagoda, Akmeemana D/S Division, Galle District - 9 Allotments of P.P.K. 4410, 4269 and 4405, Dodangoda D/S Division, Kalutara District
1832/09 2013-10-14 Land Acquisition - Godakawela, Godakawela D/S Division, Rathnapura District
1832/10 2013-10-14 Land Acquisition - Compensation for the 49 Allotments of Lands in Balangoda D/S Division, Rathnapura District
1832/11 2013-10-14 Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources - Amending the Fishing (Import and Export) Regulations 2010, published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1665/16 of 04.08.2010
1832/12 2013-10-14 Land Acquisition - Compensation for the lands in Mattumagala, Kerawalapitiya - Case Nos. SP/3194, SP/3195, SP/3197, SP/3198 in Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District
1832/13 2013-10-14 Land Acquisition - Compensation for the lands in Mattumagala, Kerawalapitiya - Case Nos. SP/3193, SP/3199, SP/3200 in Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District
1832/14 2013-10-14 Land Acquisition - Compensation for the lands in Mattumagala, Kerawalapitiya - Case Nos. 555/L.A., 556/L.A., 557/L.A., 559/L.A., 560/L.A., 561/L.A., 562/L.A., 563/L.A. in Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District
1832/15 2013-10-14 Land Acquisition - Mabola & Kerawalapitiya D/S/D Wattala, Gampaha District
1832/16 2013-10-14 Presidetial Secretariat - Appointment of Deputy Ministers w.e.f. 10.10.2013
1831/28 2013-10-11 Land Acquisition - Halbarawa, Kolonnawa D/S Division, Colombo District
1831/29 2013-10-11 Dept. of Elections - Elected Mr. Diganahena Gedara Sameen Mohamed Mihurar as a Member of the Akurana P/S - Elected Mr. Makevita Liyanage Sarathchandra as a Member of the Thamankaduwa P/S - Elected Mr. Ranjith Anushka Gunasekaraas a Member of the Akmeemana P/S
1831/30 2013-10-11 Ministry of Labour & Labour Relations - The Decisions of the Wages Board for the Engineering Trade made under Section 30 of the Wages Boards Ordinance
1831/31 2013-10-11 Ministry of Ports and Highways - Order to designate the "Colombo - Katunayake National Highway", designated as an "Expressway", to be an "User Fee National Highway"
1831/32 2013-10-11 Department of Elections - Vacated the office of member of Yatinuwara P/S by Mr. Herath Pathirajage Jayawardhana Walgampaya
1832/01 2013-10-11 Land Acquisition - Compensations for the lands in Nawannahara - Case No. 544/L.A., 504/L.A. and 507/L.A. and Galudupita - Case no. 505/L.A., Wattara D/S Division, Gampaha District
1831/27 2013-10-10 Central Province Provincial Council - Cancellation of the Membership of Mr. Wathgama gamaralalage Ranasinghe Chairman/Member & 04 other Members appointed to the Director Board af the passenger transport Services Authority of Central Province
1831/14 2013-10-09 Land Acquisition - Kohuwala, Seelawela, Dutugamunu, Dehiwala D/S Division, Colombo District
1831/15 2013-10-09 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Amendment: Koralawella, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520215
1831/16 2013-10-09 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Angulana, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520212
1831/17 2013-10-09 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Mabodala, Minuwangoda D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510401
1831/18 2013-10-09 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Walpita, Divulapitiya D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510004
1831/19 2013-10-09 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Panana, Weligepola D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620231
1831/20 2013-10-09 Dept. of Archaeology - Order to declare the Monument situated within the Premises of Daladawaththa Purana Viharaya in Talpitiya Panadura as a Protected Monument.
1831/21 2013-10-09 Land Acquisition -Welikada D/S Division Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte, Colombo District - Land rdemption Notice for the Land in Hirikete, D/S Division Rideegama, Kurunegala District
1831/22 2013-10-09 Ministry of Labour & Labour Relations - Wages Board for the Brick & Tile Manufacturing Trade. Wages Board for the Liquor & Vinigar Trade. Wages Board for the Tea Export TradeTrade. Wages Board for the Flowers Ornamental PlantsTrade. Wages Board for the Vegitables & Fruits growing & Export Trade. Wages Board for the Building Trade.
1831/23 2013-10-09 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Revocation of order made on 16.03.2009 and appoint Mr. S. Virithamulla to be the arbitrator for the settlement of the Industrial Dispute between the Ceylon Mercantile Industrial and General Workers Union (CMU) and Richard Pieris Exports Limited
1831/24 2013-10-09 Land Acquisition - Puwakdandawa and Deduwawela, Beliatta D/S Division, Hambantota District
1831/25 2013-10-09 Dept. of Elections - Elected Mr. Galhena Kankanamge Gunadasa as a Member of the Hikkaduwa U/C
1831/26 2013-10-09 Dept. of Elections - Elected Mr. Arachchi Rathnayake Mudiyanselage Sidney Rathnayake as a Member of the Pathadumbara P/S
1831/07 2013-10-08 Central Bank of Sri Lanka - Finance Companies (Writing Off of Accomadations) Direction No. 2 of 2013 made by the Monetary Board of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka
1831/08 2013-10-08 Central Bank of Sri Lanka - Finance Companies (Debt Instruments) Direction No. 3 of 2013 issued by the Monetary Board of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka
1831/09 2013-10-08 Central Bank of Sri Lanka - Finance Companies (Liquid Assets) Direction No. 4 of 2013 issued by the Monetary Board of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka
1831/10 2013-10-08 Central Bank of Sri Lanka - Finance Companies (Interest Rates) Direction No. 5 of 2013 Issued by the Monetary Board of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka
1831/11 2013-10-08 Ministry of Defence and Urban Development - List of Naval Personnel recommended for Award of Sri Lanka Armed Service Long Service Medal and Clasp
1831/12 2013-10-08 Land Acquisition - Pudukudiyirippu, Potkeni, Paddimendu, Koviladi, Kunjarappanthidal, Nayanmarthidal, Nadupirappanthidal, Mulliadi, Thambalangamuwa D/S Division, Trincomalee District
1831/13 2013-10-08 North Western Province - Summon the sixth Provincial Council of the North Western Province to meet on 11.10.2013
1831/01 2013-10-07 Northern Provincial Council - Appointed Mr. K. V. Wigneswarn as the Chief Minister of Northern Province with effect from 01.10.2013
1831/02 2013-10-07 Ministry of Sports - Order to direct Mrs. M. D. Rajani Jayakodi , the Director General of the Department of Sports Development to Convene and conduct the meetings of relating new office bearers for 04 sports Associations
1831/03 2013-10-07 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange effective from 07.10.2013 - 13.10.2013
1831/04 2013-10-07 Land Acquisition - Kondadeniya and Attaragama, Harispattuwa D/S Division, Kandy District - Denawaka Pathakada, Pelmadulla D/S Division, Ratnapura District
1831/05 2013-10-07 Land Acquisition - F.V.P. 261, Weeraketiya D/S Division, Hambanthota District
1831/06 2013-10-07 North-Western Province - Appointed Hons. J. Dayasiri Padmakumara Jayasekara, H. M. D. B. Herath, R. P. D. Gunadasa Dehigama, K. Sanath Nishantha Perera and K. R. M. Sandhya Samantha Kumara Rajapaksha as Hon. Ministers of the New Mini Cabinet of the North-Western Province
1830/50 2013-10-04 Land Acquisition - Narammala, D/S Division Narammala, Kurunegala, Kurunegala District - Kottawa and Makumbura D/S Division Maharagama Colombo District - Megoda Kolonnawa Wennawatta, Bopeththa and Mahabuthgamuwa D/S Division Kolonnawa, Colombo District - Nagoda D/S Division Kalutara, Kalutara District
1830/51 2013-10-04 Land Acquisition - Werahera and Boralesgamuwa, D/S Division Kesbewa Colombo District - Gangodawila, Kottwawa, Gangodawila and Pepliyana D/S Diviison Maharagama Colombo District
1830/52 2013-10-04 Land Acquisition - Holabalewa D/S Division Kobeigane, Kurunegala District - Redemption Notice for Medawal D/S Division Thumpane Kandy District and Nawala D/S Division Nugegoda, Colombo District
1830/53 2013-10-04 Land Acquisition - Pallepitiya D/S Division Ganga Ihala Korale, Kandy District - Correction Notice for the notice published in Ex- Ord.No. 1825/28 of 29.08.2013 by D/S Division Naula - Kondagamulla and Kibulapitiya D/S Division Katana Gampaha District
1830/43 2013-10-03 Ministry of Defence and Urban Development -Calling Service Personnel
1830/44 2013-10-03 Central Bank of Sri Lanka - Issuing a Licence to Siyapatha Finance Ltd., authorising to carry on finance business under Finance Business Act, No. 42 of 2011
1830/45 2013-10-03 Land Acquisition - Olagama, Balapitiya D/S Division, Galle District - Mathugobe, Kotapola D/S Division, Matara District
1830/46 2013-10-03 Ministry of Defence and Urban Development - Land Acquisition - Gangodawila, Sri Jayawardhanapura Kotte, Bellantara D/S Division - Kesbewa and Dehiwala, Divulapitiya and Bellanthara D/S Division - Kesbewa, Pepiliyana and Bellanthara D/S Division - Kesbewa, Boralesgamuwa D/S Division - Kesbewa D/S Division in Colombo District
1830/47 2013-10-03 Ministry of Defence and Urban Development - Land Acquisition - 38 and 44 Allotments in Boralesgamuwa, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District - Gangodawila, Sri Jayawardhanapura Kotte D/S Division Colombo District - Pepiliyana and Kalubowila, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District
1830/48 2013-10-03 Ministry of Defence and Urban Development - Land Acquisition - Bellanthara, Pepiliyana and Divulpitiya, Kesbewa and Maharagama D/S Division, Colombo District
1830/49 2013-10-03 Land Acquisition - Peradeniya, Kandy Four Gravets and Gangawata Korale D/S Division, Kandy District - Wedamulla, Kelaniya D/S Division, Gampaha District -Narammala, Narammala D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Paththalagedara, Thalgasmote, Hiripitiya, Aththanagalla D/S Division, Gampaha District
1830/33 2013-10-02 Dept. of Elections - Revision of Registers of Electors in 22 Electoral Districts under Sec. 13(2) of Registration of Electors Act No. 44 of 1980
1830/34 2013-10-02 Road Development Authority - Land Acquisition - Kurunegala Town, Kurunegala D/S Division, Kurunegala District
1830/35 2013-10-02 Land Acquisition - Mellapotta, Punchinaidegama and Deegithawa, Wariyapola D/S Division, Kurunegala District
1830/36 2013-10-02 Land Acquisition - Pangollamada, Akurana D/S Division, Kandy District - Kirimetimulla, Malimbada D/S Division, Matara District
1830/37 2013-10-02 Dept. of Elections - Vacated the office of member of Biyagama P/S by Mr. Amarasinghe Arachchilage Amal Udayaruwan
1830/38 2013-10-02 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Idangapola, Mallawapitiya D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420214
1830/39 2013-10-02 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Uduwawala, Harispaththuwa D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320319
1830/40 2013-10-02 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kandawala, Rathmalana D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521001
1830/41 2013-10-02 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Mount Lavinia, Rathmalana D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521004
1830/42 2013-10-02 National Water Supply & Drainage Board - Order to embody the provisions of the voluntary transfer scheme of the water supply undertaking of the Akuressa P/S
1830/14 2013-10-01 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Magalle, Galle Four Gravets D/S Division, Galle District - Cad. Map No. 310012
1830/15 2013-10-01 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Maththegoda, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520008 File No. 5531 - Homagama
1830/16 2013-10-01 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Amendments - Maththegoda, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520008 - File No. 5388 - Amendments
1830/17 2013-10-01 Land Acquisition. - Ethoya, Rathnapura D/S Division, Rathnapura District - Udawaradamana, Matale D/S Division, Matale District
1830/18 2013-10-01 Land Acquisition - Manikhorouwa, Ralapanawa and Nawanagaraya, Medirigiriya D/S Division, Polonnaruwa District
1830/19 2013-10-01 Land Acquisition. - Nawanagaraya and Gemunupura, Medirigiriya D/S Division, Polonnaruwa District
1830/20 2013-10-01 Land Acquisition. - Thalawatta and Veddawala, Ruwanwella D/S Division, Kegalle District
1830/21 2013-10-01 Land Acquisition - Redemption of land in Ayagama, Ayagama D/S Division, Rathnapura District
1830/22 2013-10-01 Dept. of Census and Statistics -Colombo Consumer's Price Index for the month of September, 2013 was 175.8
1830/23 2013-10-01 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Final Orders for the Allotments of land in Mehanithalawa, Ehetuwewa D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Settlement Order No. 1890 (Kurunegala)
1830/24 2013-10-01 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Final Orders for the Allotments of land in Poroththukadawala, Galgamuwa D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Settlement Order No. 1888 (Kurunegala)
1830/25 2013-10-01 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Final Orders for the Allotments of land in Alpitiya, Madulla D/S Division, Monaragala District - Settlement Order No. 173 (Monaragala)
1830/26 2013-10-01 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Final Orders for the Allotments of land in Walminnewa, , Ehetuwewa D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Settlement Order No. 1883 (Kurunegala)
1830/27 2013-10-01 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Final Orders for the Allotments of land in Hatangala, Weligepola D/S Division, Rathnapura District - Settlement Order No. 680 (Rathnapura)
1830/28 2013-10-01 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Final Orders for the Allotments of land in Galapitadegane, Galgamuwa D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Settlement Order No. 1887 (Kurunegala)
1830/29 2013-10-01 Land Acquisition - Gemunupura, Suhadapura, Thissapura and Kawuduluwewa (Yaya 2), Kawuduluwewa (Yaya 4), Medirigiriya D/S Division, Polonnaruwa District
1830/30 2013-10-01 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Final Orders for the Allotments of land in Warataggama, Ehetuwewa D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Settlement Order No. 1885 (Kurunegala)
1830/31 2013-10-01 Land Acquisition - Mirijjawaila, Hambanthota D/S Division, Hambanthota District
1830/32 2013-10-01 Mediation Board Commission - Appointed Panels of Mediators for 04 Mediation Board Areas in Gampaha District and Other 28
1830/01 2013-09-30 Dept. of Dept. of Labour - The Cost of Living index Number for the Month of September 2013 applicable to the workers is 175.8 and the Special Allowance payable to the workers is Rs. 540 for a normal working day in the month of October 2013 in the Cocoa, Cardamom and Pepper Growing and Manufacturing Trade
1830/02 2013-09-30 Central Bank of Sri Lanka - Balance Sheet as at 31st August, 2013
1830/03 2013-09-30 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange effective from 30.09.2013 to 06.10.2013
1830/04 2013-09-30 Land Acquisition - Kothalawala D/S Division Kaduwela, Colombo Division
1830/05 2013-09-30 Road Development Authority - L/A - Puwakpitiya, D/S/D Seethawaka (Hanwella) Colombo District. (Broading the Colombo - Ratnapura - Wellawaya Road 36-60 Km)
1830/06 2013-09-30 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Final Orders for the Allotments of Land in Baranankattuwa Part, Arachchikattuwa D/S Division, Puttalam District
1830/07 2013-09-30 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Callaing for Claims to property of Intestate in Udapalatha Cad. Map No. 320058 and Moratuwa Cad. Map No. 520214 and two other Properties
1830/08 2013-09-30 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Final Orders for the Allotments of Land in Gampola (Part), Giribawa D/S Division, Kurunegala District
1830/09 2013-09-30 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Homagama, Homagma D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001 File No. 5235 - Homagama
1830/10 2013-09-30 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Homagama, Homagma D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001 File No. 5403 - Homagama
1830/11 2013-09-30 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Final Orders for the Allotments of Land in Pallegama, Laggala Pallegama D/S Division, Matale District
1830/12 2013-09-30 Land Acquisiton - Ambathale, Malgama, Mulleriyawa and Belagama, Kolonnawa D/S Division, Colombo District
1830/13 2013-09-30 Dept. of Elections - Elected Mr. Thalagawaththe Don Jayathissa and Mr. Apanayake Nimal Piyatissa of United People's Freedom Alliance as Members of Central Provincial Council - Elected Mr. Iyoob Asmin and Ms. Marykmala of Northern Provincial Council - Elected Mr. Asuramana Pejjalage Keerthirathne and Mr. N. T. M. M. Thahir of United People's Freedom Alliance as Members of North Western Provincial Council
1829/38 2013-09-27 Marine Environment Production Authority - Amendment to the notice published in Gaz. Exordinary No. 1816/37 of 28.06.2013
1829/39 2013-09-27 Dept. of Trade and Investment Policy - Customs (Overtime, Cargo Examination Fees and Customs Information and Communication Technology Fund) Regulations 2007
1829/34 2013-09-26 Land Acquisition - Bambaranda South, Dickwella D/S Division, Matara District - Mirihana, Sri Jayawardhanapura D/S Division, Colombo District - Amendment to the notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. no. 1812/11 of 28.05.2013 by Thumpane D/S Division - amendment to the notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1555/8 of 24.06.2008 and No. 1545/6 of 16.04.2008
1829/35 2013-09-26 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Appointed Mr. R. S. Ariyapperuma as an Arbitrator for the Industrial Dispute - Mr. K. C. De Silva and RDA
1829/36 2013-09-26 Ministry of Higher Education - Order to amend the order of recognizing the South Asian Institute of Technology and Medicine (Pvt.) Ltd. (SAITM)
1829/37 2013-09-26 Land Acquisition - Rajakanduruwela and Welimada D/S Division Welimada, Badulla District - Udaeriyagama D/S Division Yatinuwara Kandy District
1829/30 2013-09-25 Land Acquisition - Holombuwa, Galigamuwa D/S Division, Kegalle District
1829/31 2013-09-25 Dept. of Elections - Elected Mr. Hamsa Lebbe Irsad as a member of the Palagala P/S
1829/32 2013-09-25 Western Province - Rules made for Business Names statute of Trade, Corporation and Non Incorporated Trade Institutions of Western Province No. 5 of 2011
1829/33 2013-09-25 Dept. of Elections - Cancellation of the Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1829/28 of 24.09.2013 and The Names of Candidates elected as Memebrs of the Central Province, Northern Province and North-Western Province Provincial Councils
1829/26 2013-09-24 Dept. of Fiscal Policy. - Order to declare a cess for Natural Sands with effect from 25.09.2013 under Sec. 14 of Sri Lanka Export Development Act, No. 40 of 1979
1829/27 2013-09-24 Dept. of Elections - Filling of a vacancy in the Office of Chairman of the Mawanella Pradeshiya sabha under section 65A(1) of the Local Authorities Elections Ordinance (Chap 262)
1829/28 2013-09-24 Cancelled by the Election Department (Reference No. PCE/2013/03)
1829/29 2013-09-24 Ministry of Telecommunication and Information Technology. - Order to appoint the 23.10.2013 as the date on which the provisions of Sec. 18 and Sec. 20(1) of Electronic Transactions Act No. 19 of 2006, comes into operation - Order to designate the Information and Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka (ICTA) as the Certification Authority for the purposes of Act No. 19 of 2006
1829/01 2013-09-23 Land Acquisition - Belummahara, Gampaha D/S Division, Gampaha District
1829/02 2013-09-23 Land Title Settlement Department - Calling for claims to the land in Ratmalana D/S Division - Cad. Map No. 521001 and 08 other Land Parcels
1829/03 2013-09-23 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange effective from 23.09.2013 to 29.09.2013
1829/04 2013-09-23 Ministry of Public Administration and Home Affairs - Order to declare that the day, 15.04.2014, as an additional bank holiday under Sec. 11(1)(b) of the Holidays Act, No. 29 of 1971
1829/05 2013-09-23 Land Title Settlement Department - Katubedda, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520205
1829/06 2013-09-23 Land Title Settlement Department - Calling for claims to the land in Dambulla D/S Division - Cad. Map No. 310049 and 16 other Land Parcels
1829/07 2013-09-23 Land Title Settlement Department - Compensation for the land in Galudupita, Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District
1829/08 2013-09-23 Land Title Settlement Department - Calling for claims to the land in Matara D/S Division - Cad. Map No. 820033and 16 other Land Parcels
1829/09 2013-09-23 Land Title Settlement Department - Pirivena, Ratmalana D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521008
1829/10 2013-09-23 Land Title Settlement Department - Suwarapola, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521201
1829/11 2013-09-23 Land Title Settlement Department - Ratmalana, Ratmalana D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521003
1829/12 2013-09-23 Land Title Settlement Department - Homagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 52001 - File No. 5286 - Homagama
1829/13 2013-09-23 Land Title Settlement Department - Horethuduwa, Panadura D/S Division, Kalutara District - Cad. Map No. 530011
1829/14 2013-09-23 Land Title Settlement Department - Homagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001 - File Nos. 5014, 5009, 5006, 2676 - Homagama
1829/15 2013-09-23 Land Title Settlement Department - Kudamake, Udapalatha D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320015
1829/16 2013-09-23 Land Title Settlement Department - Dehipagoda, Udunuwara D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320241
1829/17 2013-09-23 Land Title Settlement Department - Homagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001 - File No. 5114 - Homagama
1829/18 2013-09-23 Land Title Settlement Department - Idangapola, Mallawapitiya D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420214 - File No. 5281 - Mallawapitiya
1829/19 2013-09-23 Land Title Settlement Department - Panagoda, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520021
1829/20 2013-09-23 Land Title Settlement Department - Idangapola, Mallawapitiya D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420214 - File No. 5200 - Mallawapitiya
1829/21 2013-09-23 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendments - Naranvita, Doluwa D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320027
1829/22 2013-09-23 Land Title Settlement Department - Rawathawaththa, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520201
1829/23 2013-09-23 Board of Investment of Sri Lanka - Order to declare the Approval for a Strategic Development Project of an Integrated Resorts at Glennie Street and Justice Akbar Mawatha, Colombo 2, to Waterfront Properties (Pvt.) Ltd.
1829/24 2013-09-23 Board of Investment of Sri Lanka - Order to declare the Approval for a Strategic Development Project of an Integrated Resort at D. R. Wijewardena Mawatha, Colombo to Lake Leisure Holdings (Pvt.) Ltd.
1829/25 2013-09-23 Presidential Secretariat - Appointed Mr. Gamini S. Senarath Chief of staff to the President as Acting Secretary to the President w.e.f. 22.09.2013 until Mr. Lalith Weeratunga Secretary to the President returns to the Island
1828/26 2013-09-20 Land Acquisition - Kurunduwinna, Mahaoya D/S Division, Ampara District - Katunayaka, Katana-Demanhandiya D/S Division, Gampaha District
1828/27 2013-09-20 Dept. of Elections - Appointment of Mr. R. P. Noel Dasantha Steewan as a Member of the Mawanella P/S
1828/28 2013-09-20 Land Acquisition - Horagoda, Udukawa, Malimbada D/S Division, Matara District
1828/29 2013-09-20 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Collective Agreement to the Industrial Dispute between Bogala Graphite Lanka PLC and Inter Company Employees Union
1828/30 2013-09-20 Land Acquisition - MR/DVN/2013/128, MR/DVN/2013/129 and MR/DVN/2013/132 in Naotunna, Devinuwara D/S Division, Matara District
1828/31 2013-09-20 Divisional Secretariat - Weligama - Auction calling for the Coconut Harvest in the State Land in Kotawila, Weligama D/S Division, Matara District
1828/12 2013-09-18 Ministry of Labour & Labour Relations - Refusing the Award given by the Arbitrator by the Tea Small Holdings Development Authority, Award date 27th March 2013 (1813/13 of 05.06.2012) (10-69). Publishing the Award given by the Arbitrator for Industrial Dispute between Sri Lanka Telecom & Telecomunications officers Society (Award date 12th August 2013) (10-70)
1828/13 2013-09-18 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Award for the Industrial Dispute between Ceylon Federation of Trade Unions and National Housing Development Authority
1828/14 2013-09-18 Land Acquisition - MR/DVN/2013/131, MR/DVN/2013/133 and MR/DVN/2013/130 in Wawwa, Devinuwara D/S Division, Matara District
1828/15 2013-09-18 Land Acquisition - Mathugobe, Kotapola D/S Division, Matara District - Nagoda, Kalutara D/S Division, Kalutara District - Puttalam Thenna, Puttalam D/S Division, Puttalam District - Orugodawatta, Wellampitiya, Dahampura, Kolonnawa D/S Division, Colombo District - Correction Notice for the notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1610/27 of 17.07.2009 by Weerambu Gedara D/S Division
1828/16 2013-09-18 Land Acquisition - Mullanai, Welikamam South West D/S Division, Jaffna District
1828/17 2013-09-18 Land Acquisition -Kahengama, Kuruwita and Nivitigala, Nivitigala D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Aluthwewa, Thanamalwila and Kolongollehena, Siyambalanduwa D/S Division, Moneragala District
1828/18 2013-09-18 Land Acquisition - Gangodawila, Maharagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Meethirigala, Dompe D/S Division, Gampaha District
1828/19 2013-09-18 Land Acquisition - Compensation to the land in Maliduwa, Akuressa D/S Division, Matara District
1828/20 2013-09-18 Land Acquisition - Pamankada East, Thimbirigasyaya D/S Division, Colombo District - Vijithapura, Ipalogama D/S Division, Anuradhapura District
1828/21 2013-09-18 Land Acquisition - Lot Nos. 1091, 1093 and 1087, 1089 and 1086 in Morahenagama, Ambagamuwa Korale D/S Division, Nuwara Eliya District - Polpitiya, Ambagamuwa Korale D/S Division, Nuwara Eliya District
1828/22 2013-09-18 Land Acquisition - Lot Nos. 1016 and 1021, 1024, 1027 in Pitawala, Morahenagama, Ambagamuwa Korale D/S Division, Nuwara Eliya District
1828/23 2013-09-18 Ministry of Plantation Industries - List of Thurusaviya Societies, Regional Thurusaviya Societies and Sri Lanka Rubber Holdings Development Federation
1828/24 2013-09-18 North Central Province - Rules and Regulations (Amendment) of Rules and Regulations of North Central Province - Road Passengers Transport Authority
1828/25 2013-09-18 Forest Department - Murungahaitikanda Natural Forest, Divulwewa Natural Forest (a part) as Reserved Forests and Galapitagala Forest as Conservation Forest in Anuradhapura District - Ethiliwewa Dabeyaya Batalahela Forest in Monaragala District as Reserved Forest - Tambalegala and Miriswatta Madiyagala Forests in Ampara District as Reserved Forests
1828/09 2013-09-17 Department of Fiscal Policy. - Agreement between the Governments of Sri Lanka and India for the avoidance of double Taxation and prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on income
1828/10 2013-09-17 Land Acquisition. - Wellawa, Hadirawalana, Pahala Rangana, Pahala Waraddana, Mahakandegama, Maraluwawa and Muththettugala, Kurunegala D/S Division, Kurunegala District
1828/11 2013-09-17 Presitential Secretariat - His Excellency the President has been appointed Mr. Gamini S. Senarath Chief of staff to the President as Acting Secretary to the President w.e.f. 17.09.2013 until Mr. Lalith Weeratunga Secretary to the President returns to the Island
1828/01 2013-09-16 Dept. of Elections -Provincial Councils Election of Centra, Nothern & North Western - 2013, Revision of a Polling Station No. 54 of Polling Division Udunuwara of Kandy Administrative District. Revision of a Polling Station No. 63 of Polling Division Mannar of Mannar Administrative District. Revision of a Polling Station No. 52 of Polling Division Vavuniya of Vavuniya Administrative District.
1828/02 2013-09-16 Department of Elections - Jaffna, Killinochchi, Mannar, Vavunia, Mullaitivu, Kurunegala and Puttalam for the Provincial Councils Elections of Central, Northern and North Wettern Provincial Cauncils -2013
1828/03 2013-09-16 Land Acquisition - Madapatha D/S Division Kesbewa, Colombo District - Amendments to the Notices Published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1758/24 of 17.05.2012 by D/S Division Nawalapitiya, No. 1789/16 of 18.12.2012 and No. 1596/16 of 08.04.2009 by D/S Division Mawathagama, No. 1822/18 of 07.08.2013 by D/S Division Kesbewa
1828/04 2013-09-16 Sri Lanka Customs -Rates of Exchange effective From 16.09.2013 to 22.09.2013
1828/05 2013-09-16 Land Acquisition -Kahagalla D/s Division Warakapola, Kegalle District - Pitiwella D/S Division Hikkaduwa, Galle District - Pungudathivu West D/S Division Velanai, Jaffna District
1828/06 2013-09-16 Land Acquisition -MR/MTR/2013/138, MR/MTR/2013/139, MR/MTR/2013/137 of Wewahamanduwa D/S Division Matara Four Gravets, Matara District - Kuliyapitiya D/S Division Polgahawela, Kurunegala District
1828/07 2013-09-16 Ministry of Ports and Highways -Order to declare that Colombo - Katunayake National Highway as an Expressway
1828/08 2013-09-16 Mediation Boards Commission -Calling for Nominations for Chairmen and Mediators for Panels of Mediators in Colombo and 11 Other Administrative Districts
1827/24 2013-09-13 Land Acquisition - Ja-ela, Ja-ela D/S Division, Gampaha District
1827/25 2013-09-13 Dept. of Elections - Polling Stations which are located outside of the Administrative District where the Voters are registered
1827/26 2013-09-13 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kamburugamuwa South, Weligama D/S Division, Matara Distict - Cad. Map No. 820070
1827/27 2013-09-13 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Digadura, Balangoda D/S Division, Ratnapura Distict - Cad. Map No. 620061
1827/28 2013-09-13 Land Title Settlement Dept. -Kalalpitiya, Aththanagalla D/S Division, Gampaha Distict - Cad. Map No. 510600
1827/29 2013-09-13 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Dalupothegedara, Rideegama D/S Division, Kurunegala Distict - Cad. Map No. 420046
1827/30 2013-09-13 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Barawawila, Divulapitiya D/S Division, Gampaha Distict - Cad. Map No. 510012
1827/31 2013-09-13 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Pethiyagoda, Rideemaliyadda D/S Division, Badulla Distict - Cad. Map No. 710012
1827/32 2013-09-13 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kosgoda, Kuruvita D/S Division, Ratnapura Distict - Cad. Map No. 620275
1827/33 2013-09-13 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Viranagama, Mahiyanganaya D/S Division, Badulla Distict - Cad. Map No. 710023
1827/34 2013-09-13 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Gaspe, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha Distict - Cad. Map No. 510213
1827/35 2013-09-13 Land Acquisition - Ma/LGG/2009/44 and Ma/LGG/2009/203 in Weliwaranagolla, Laggala, Pallegama D/S Division, Matale District
1827/36 2013-09-13 Land Acquisition - Sinharamulla, Kelaniya and Gonawala, Kelaniya and Biyagama D/S Division, Gampaha District
1827/37 2013-09-13 Ministry of National Heritage - Order under Antiquities Ordinance to appoint the 31 members to the Advisory Committee
1827/22 2013-09-12 Land Acquisition - Compensation to the Land in Pilassa, Mawathagama D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Compensation to the Land in Hewapola, Mallawapitiya D/S Division, Kurunegala District
1827/23 2013-09-12 Land Acquisition - Makumbura, Maharagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Matale Town and Udugama, Matale D/S Division, Matale District - Gunnepana, Kundasale D/S Division, Kandy District
1827/10 2013-09-11 Land Acquisition - Elagama, Naula D/S Division, Matale District
1827/11 2013-09-11 Ministry of Labour & Labour Relations - Ceasing the Award of the Arbitrator according to the notice of Repudiation by Asia Capital PLC. (Binding on Mr. S. D. S. U. A. Raymond)
1827/12 2013-09-11 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Appointed Mr. P. Navaratne as Arbitrator for the Industrial Dispute between Mrs. W. P. Perera and Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka
1827/13 2013-09-11 Land Acquisition - Nivithigala, Nivithigala D/S Division, Ratnapura District
1827/14 2013-09-11 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Mabodala, Minuwangoda D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510401
1827/15 2013-09-11 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Magalla, Galle Four Gravets D/S Division, Galle District - Cad. Map No. 810012
1827/16 2013-09-11 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Medawalana, Thissamaharamaya D/S Division, Hambanthota District - Cad. Map No. 830068
1827/17 2013-09-11 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Calling for claims to property of intestate in Homagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001
1827/18 2013-09-11 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Calling for claims to property of intestate in Keppetiwalana, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510201
1827/19 2013-09-11 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Calling for claims to property of intestate in Thelawala, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520208
1827/20 2013-09-11 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Suwarapola, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521201
1827/21 2013-09-11 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kaburagalla, Aththanagalla D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510633
1827/06 2013-09-10 Land Acquisition -Wahalakananke D/S Division Welipitiya, Matara District - Meethotamulla D/S Division Kolonnawa, Colombo District
1827/07 2013-09-10 Land Acquisition - Ambitillaketiyehena D/S Division Udadumbara, Kandy District -Arama and Arama (East of Maoya) D/S Division Aranayake, Kegalle District
1827/08 2013-09-10 Land Acquisition - Gangodawila D/S Division Maharagama, Colombo District - Boralesgamuwa and Divulpitiya, D/S Division Kesbewa, Colombo District
1827/09 2013-09-10 Sabaragamuwa Province - Liquidation of 11 Co-operative Societies Under the Co-operative Societies Statute No. 03 of 2007
1827/01 2013-09-09 Land Acquisition - Talawakelle, Nuwara Eliya D/S Division, Nuwara Eliya District - Nil-oba, Mahaoya D/S Division, Ampara District
1827/02 2013-09-09 Land Acquisition - Ulapanegama, Ganga Ihala Korale D/S Division, Kandy District - Correction Notice for the notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1816/29 of 27.06.2013
1827/03 2013-09-09 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange effective from 09.09.2013 - 15.09.2013
1827/04 2013-09-09 Land Acquisition - Compensation for the land in Kurukulawa, Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District
1827/05 2013-09-09 Presidential Secretariat - Presidential Directive to newly Constituted Board of 17 members for the National Research Council & Hithanandura Janake de Silva Esquire as Chairman
1826/37 2013-09-06 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Appointed Mr. Palitha Weerasekara as an Arbitrator - Industrial Dispute - Mr. D. B. Dissanayake and Ceylong Electricity Board - Appointed Mr. S. Kariyawasam as an Arbitrator - Industrial Dispute - Mr. A. M. N. A. D. Rohitha Premalal and Mahaweli Authority
1826/38 2013-09-06 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - The Award - Industrial Disputes - CMU and South Asia Gateway Terminals (Pvt.) Ltd. / Inter Orient Logistics (Pvt.) Ltd. - Mr. C. D. Lankeshwara and SLTB - Messers. N. P. Balasooriya/R.A.D. Nihal/H. A. Jagathchandra and SLTB
1826/39 2013-09-06 Land Acquisition. - Gongalla, Medakumbura, Halpola, Kotmale D/S Division, NuwaraEliya District
1826/40 2013-09-06 Land Acquisition - Compensation for the land Tholaberiara in Nakulugamuwa north, Beliatta D/S Division, Hambanthota District
1826/33 2013-09-05 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Lakshapathiaya, D/S Division Moratuwa, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520210
1826/34 2013-09-05 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Homagama D/S Division Homagama, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001
1826/35 2013-09-05 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Pathagama D/S Division Kuruvita, Ratnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620277
1826/36 2013-09-05 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Uduwawala D/S Division Harispaththuwa Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320319
1826/14 2013-09-04 Land Acquisition - Wijebahukanda D/S Division Kothmale, Nuwaraeliya District - Imaduwa D/S Division Imaduwa, Galle District
1826/15 2013-09-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Mampe D/S Division Kdsbewa, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521202
1826/16 2013-09-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Mudduwa, D/S Division Ratnapura, Ratnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620273
1826/17 2013-09-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Homagama D/S Division Homagama Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001
1826/18 2013-09-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Mahanagapura D/S Division Lunugamvehera, Hambanthota District - Cad. Map No. 830024
1826/19 2013-09-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Waradala D/S Division Diulapiriya Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510001
1826/20 2013-09-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Calling for claims to property of intestate in Homagama D/S Division Homagama Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001
1826/21 2013-09-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Lakshapathiya D/S Division Moratuwa, Colombo District Colombo - Cad. Map No. 520210
1826/22 2013-09-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Katubedda D/S Division Moratuwa, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520205
1826/23 2013-09-04 Western Province - Pre-School Statute No. 01 of 2013
1826/24 2013-09-04 Uva Province - Orders made under Road statute No. 2 of 2010 and Uva Provincial Co-operative Employees Commission Statute No. 04 of 2010
1826/25 2013-09-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Panagoda, D/S Division Homagama Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520021
1826/26 2013-09-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Udalupola, Rideegama D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420057
1826/27 2013-09-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Haragama, Kandy Four Gravets and Gangawata Korale D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No.320289
1826/28 2013-09-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Ihala Makandura, Pannala D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420501
1826/29 2013-09-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Koswatta, Rideegama D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420169
1826/30 2013-09-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Pohaddaramulla, Kalutara D/S Division, Kalutara District - Cad. Map No. 530014
1826/31 2013-09-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Amendments - Haragama, Kandy Four Gravets and Gangawata Korale D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320289
1826/32 2013-09-04 Land Title Settlement Dept. -Udumalwaththa, Kurunegala D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420350
1826/04 2013-09-03 Land Acquisition - Pahamunupanna, Kahawatta D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Madampe, Walawkade, Horamula, Kottala, Weralugahamula and Rakwana, Godakawela D/S Division, Ratnapura District
1826/05 2013-09-03 Land Acquisition - Kumburegammedda, Raththota D/S Division, Matale District - Rankothdivela, Mawanella D/S Division, Kegalle District - Imaduwa, Paragoda, Imaduwa D/S Division, Galle District - Weediyawatta, Galthotamulla, Gampaha D/S Division, Gampaha District
1826/06 2013-09-03 Land Acquisition - Waturuwila, Elpitiya D/S Division, Galle District - Erawwala, Siddhimulla, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District - Welahanduwa, Akmeemana D/S Division, Galle District - Correction Notice for the Notice of Order No. 98 of 2011 published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1708/24 of 02.06.2011 - Land Redemption - Maharagama, Maharagama D/S Division, Colombo District
1826/07 2013-09-03 Department of Elections - Elected Mr.Widana Arachchilage Padmasiri Hemachandra as Vice Chairman of the Medirigiriya Pradeshiya Sabha
1826/08 2013-09-03 Land Acquisition - Naranthanai East and Naranthanai North: Naranthanai North West, Naranthanai and Naranthanai North; Narathaanai East, Naranthani Centre and Naranthanai North, Karmpon East, Karampon East and Kayts, Kayts, D/S Division Islands North Kayts Jaffna D/S Division - Godapola D/S Division Raththota Matale District
1826/09 2013-09-03 Land Acquisition - Compensation for 21 Allotments of Lands in Mahara D/S Divison, Gampaha District
1826/10 2013-09-03 Land Acquisition - Advance Tracing Nos. MR/DVN/2012/463, MR/DVN/2012/467, MR/DVN/2012/464 of Talalla South and Naotunna, Devinuwara D/S Division Matara District
1826/11 2013-09-03 Uva Province - Appoint Hon. R. M. Kumarasiri Rathnayake as Acting Minister of Agriculture, etc of Uva Province
1826/12 2013-09-03 Land Acquisition - Egodayagama, Brahmanagama and Etha Be Wala, Maho D/S Division, Kurunegala
1826/13 2013-09-03 Ministry of Defence and Urban Development -Calling Service Personnel
1826/02 2013-09-02 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange effective from 02.09.2013 to 08.09.2013
1826/03 2013-09-02 Ministry of Investment Promotion - Order to declare to acres of land called Mawarala Watte, Pasgoda D/S Division, Matara District is required for the purpose of the Board of Investment of Sri Lanka
1825/40 2013-09-01 Telecommunication Regulatory Commission - Policy and Regulatory Framework for Next Generation Network for implementation by Telecom Operators
1826/01 2013-09-01 Dept. of Labour - Calling objections to the proposals of the Wages Boards for the Coconut Growing Trade and the Flowers, Ornamental Plants, Vegetables and Fruits Growing and Export Trade under the Wages Board Ordinance
1825/30 2013-08-30 Civil Aviation Authority - Notice under the Air Navigation Regulation 196 to inform the public that F-Airways Ltd. seeking an Air Operator Certificate to engage in air service operations
1825/31 2013-08-30 Department of Labour -The Cost of Living Index No. for the Month of August, 2013 for Tea; Cocoa, Cardamam and Pepper; Rubber Growing and Manufacturing Trade was 176.2 - Special Allowance payable to workers in the Cocoa, Cardamom and Pepper growing and manufacturing trade for the month of September, 2013 is Rs. 541.62 for a normal working day
1825/32 2013-08-30 Dept. of Central Bank of Sri Lanka - Balance Sheet as at 31.07.2013
1825/33 2013-08-30 Land Acquisition - Meegahakiula, Meegahakiula D/S Division, Badulla District
1825/34 2013-08-30 Land Acquisition - Koonkadawala, Serumurewewa, Karambe, Ambanpola D/S Division, Kuruenegala District
1825/35 2013-08-30 Land Acquisition - Paligedara, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District - Henegama, Mahara D/S Division, Gampaha District
1825/36 2013-08-30 Dept. of Elections - Elected Mr. Ranaweera Arachchilage Neil Indika as a Member of the Wattala P/S
1825/37 2013-08-30 North Central Province - Power deligation order to Mrs. Jayasinghe Arachchilage Hemalatha Under co-operate societies Amendment Statute No. 01 of 2011
1825/38 2013-08-30 Ministry of Sports - Regulations made by the Minister of Sports under Sec. 41 & read with Sec. 31 of the Sports law No. 25 of 1973
1825/25 2013-08-29 Western Province - Rural Development Statute of the Western Province Provincial Council No. 2 of 2013
1825/26 2013-08-29 Land Acquisition - Dorawaka, Warakapola D/S Division, Kegalle District - Correction notice for the notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1369/24 of 03.12.2003 by Chilaw D/S Division - Cancelled the Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1728/14 of 19.10.2011, by Horana D/S Division - Galagedara, Thumpane D/S Division, Kandy District - Amendment to the notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1530/27 of 03.01.2008 by Thumpane D/S Division
1825/27 2013-08-29 Land Acquisition - Siyambalawehera, Ibbagamuwa D/S Division, Kurunegala District
1825/28 2013-08-29 Land Acquisition - 89 allotments and 18 allotments of land in Nawaneliya, Naula D/S Division, Kurunegala District
1825/29 2013-08-29 Western Province - Appointed - Hon. Udaya Prabath Gammanpila as Acting Minister of Transport, Sports etc. w.e.f. 25.01.2013. Hon. Angage Jagath Thilakasiri Perera as Acting Minister of Transport w.e.f. 09.02.2013 & Actg. Minister of Road Development etc. w.e.f. 25.02.2013. Hon. Angage Jagath Thilakasiri Perera as Acting Chief Minister w.e.f. 28.02.2013 & Actg. Minister of Finance & Planning etc. w.e.f. 28.02.2013. Hon. Hewa Matarage Upali Kodikara as Acting Minister of Agriculture etc. w.e.f. 28.02.2013. Hon. Anthony Nimal Lansa as Acting Minister of Agriculture etc. w.e.f. 11.03.2013 & Upali Kodikara as Acting Minister of Health etc. w.e.f. 11.03.2013. Hon. Angage Jagath Thilakasiri Perera as Acting Minister of Transport w.e.f. 29.03.2013 & Hon. Upali Kodikara as Acting Minister of Development etc. w.e.f. 10.04.2013. Hon. Angage Jagath Thilakasiri Perera as Acting Chief Minister w.e.f. 12.05.2013 & Acting Minister of Finance & Planning, etc. w.e.f. 12.05.2013. Hon. Angage Jagath Thilakasiri Perera as Acting Chief Minister w.e.f. 19.06.2013 & Acting Minister of Finance, etc. w.e.f. 19.06.2013. Hon. Hewa Matarage Upali Kodikara as Acting Minister of Road Development etc. w.e.f. 19.06.2013
1825/16 2013-08-28 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Pothupitiya, Kaluthara D/S Division, Kaluthara District - Cad. Map No. 530018
1825/17 2013-08-28 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Jakaduwa, Rideegama D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420073
1825/18 2013-08-28 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Siyambalagoda, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520022
1825/19 2013-08-28 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Haragama, Kandy Kadawath Sathara and Gangawata Koralaya D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320289
1825/20 2013-08-28 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Catting for Claims to Minuwangoda - Cad. Map No. 510408 and II Other Land Parcels
1825/21 2013-08-28 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Ahuliyadda, Weligepola D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620128
1825/22 2013-08-28 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Karandagollawatta, Rideegama D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420045
1825/23 2013-08-28 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Nikapothagama D/S Division Kuranegala, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420350
1825/24 2013-08-28 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Pallegama D/S Division Dambulla, Mathale District - Cad. Map No. 310011
1825/08 2013-08-27 Presidential Secretariat - Appoint Major General (Rtd.) N. Mallawaarachchi as Secretary to the Ministry of Law & Order from 19.08.2013
1825/09 2013-08-27 Presidential Secretariat - Appoint Mr. Gamini S. Senarath, Chief of Staff to the President as Acting Secretary to the President w.e.f. 25.08.2013 until Mr. Lalith Weeratunga returns to the Island
1825/10 2013-08-27 Land Reform Commission - Statutory Determination under Sec. 19 of the Land Reform Law, No. 1 of 1972 - Udugama, Nagoda D/S Division, Galle District
1825/11 2013-08-27 Land Reform Commission - Statutory Determination under Sec. 19 of the Land Reform Law, No. 1 of 1972 - Marakkalamulla, Kurunegala District
1825/12 2013-08-27 Land Acquisition - Pu/Karu/2012/234, Pu/Karu/2012/235 of Aluthgama, Dangaswewa, Saliyawewa, Kalaoya and Dangaswewa, Kalaoya, Karuwalagaswewa D/S Division, Puttalam District
1825/13 2013-08-27 Land Acquisition - Ranavarapitiya, Karuwalagaswewa D/S Division, Puttalam District
1825/14 2013-08-27 Land Acquisition - Beddewewa, Nabadagaswewa, Mahara, Buruthakanda, Nugekanda, Sooriyawewa D/S Division, Hambanthota District - Wellawatta, Thimbirigasyaya D/S Division, Colombo District - Gorokgahamada, Balangoda D/S Division, Ratnapura District
1825/15 2013-08-27 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Appointed Mr. S. M. S. Jayawardana to arbitrate the Industrial Dispute between Mr. H. D. K. S. Gunasekera and Jaya Container Terminals Limited - Appointed Mr. S. Virithamulla to arbitrate the Industrial Dispute between Mr. E. P. R. A. Emil and Affno (Pvt.) Ltd.
1825/01 2013-08-26 Land Acquisition - Karasnagala, Attanagalla D/S Division, Gampaha District - Kundasale, Kundasale D/S Division, Kandy District
1825/02 2013-08-26 Land Acquisition - Bowalawatta, Kandy Gangawata Korale D/S Division, Kandy District - Mathugobe, Kotagala D/S Division, Matara District
1825/03 2013-08-26 Land Acquisition - Hewalwela, Kuruwambe, Bibile and Nainawela, Bibile D/S Division, Monaragala District
1825/04 2013-08-26 Sri Lanka Customs - Ministry of Higher Education - Dept. of Inland Revenue - Rates of Exchange effective from 26.08.2013 to 01.09.2013 - Amendment to the notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1818/7 of 09.07.2013 by the Ministry of Higher Education - Amendment to the notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1804/50 of 05.04.2013 by the Department of Inland Revenue
1825/05 2013-08-26 Land Acquisition - Compensation for Lands in Heenkenda-SP/3251 and SP/3253, Galudupita, Kerawalapitiya in Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District
1825/06 2013-08-26 Land Acquisition - Compensation for the Lands Mattumagala - SP/3260 and SP/3261, Thuduwegedara, Kurukulawa in Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District
1825/07 2013-08-26 Ministry of Ports & Highways - Order to declare the Building Limit alongside the National Highway for Galle Port Access under sec. 42 of the National Thoroughfare Act, No. 40 of 2008
1824/31 2013-08-24 Dept. of Election - Elected Mr. Poruthotage Sunil Fernando as Vice Chairman of Puttlam P/S - Mr. W. M. Karunadasa vacated his office of member of the P/S of Thanamalvila
1824/23 2013-08-23 Dept. of National Budget - Order under Section 15 of the Finance Act No. 12 of 2013 to impose a Crop Insurance Levy
1824/24 2013-08-23 Dept. of Trade and Investment Policy - Revenue Protection order No. 01/2013 under the Customs Ordinance
1824/25 2013-08-23 Land Acquisition - Slave Island (CO/CoI/2012/977), Colombo D/S Division, Colombo District - Slave Island (CO/CoI/2012/576), Colombo D/S Division, Colombo District
1824/26 2013-08-23 Land Acquisition - Thalawathugoda (CO/CoII/MAH/99/207), Maharagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Kelaniya-Gonawala (GAM/Kela/2011/187), Kelaniya D/S Division, Gampaha District
1824/27 2013-08-23 Land Acquisition - Mayakaduwa (GA/IMD/2012/2013-Block A), Imaduwa D/S Division, Galle District - Niwithigala (R/Nvi/2012/14), Niwithigala D/S Division, Ratnapura District
1824/28 2013-08-23 Western Province P/C - Amendment to the Gazette 1795/29 of 30.01.2013 (Extension of Inquiry Period from 17th July - 17th October)
1824/29 2013-08-23 Western Province P/C - Amendment to the Gazette 1795/30 of 30.01.2013 (Extension of Inquiry Period from 17th July - 17th October)
1824/30 2013-08-23 Western Province P/C - Amendment to the Gazette 1811/4 of 21.05.2013 (Extension of Inquiry Period from 09th August - 09th November)
1824/06 2013-08-22 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kalundewa, Dambulla D/S Division, Mathale District - Cad. Map No. 310029
1824/07 2013-08-22 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Udugama, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510243
1824/08 2013-08-22 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Wikiliya, Balangoda D/S Division, Rathnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620059
1824/09 2013-08-22 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Sagabogama, Udunuwara D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320286
1824/10 2013-08-22 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Idangapola, Mallawapitiya D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420214
1824/11 2013-08-22 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Panagoda, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520021
1824/12 2013-08-22 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Rajanganaya, Rajanganaya D/S Division, Anuradhapura District - Cad. Map No. 10019
1824/13 2013-08-22 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Ellakkala, Aththanagalla D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510601
1824/14 2013-08-22 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Calling for claims to Property of Intestate - Badullegama, Weligepola D/S Division, Rathnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620167 and 03 other properties
1824/15 2013-08-22 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Calling for claims to Property of Intestate - Eastern Damwelkatuwa, Divulapitiya D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510129 and 05 other properties
1824/16 2013-08-22 Land Title Settlement Dept. -Amendments - Katuwellegama, Divulapitiya D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510078
1824/17 2013-08-22 Ministry of Ports and Highway - Land Acquisition - Makumbura, Maharagama D/S Division, Colombo District
1824/18 2013-08-22 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Award to the Industrial Dispute - Mr. P. G. Seneviratne and Ceylon Petroleum Storage Terminals Ltd.
1824/19 2013-08-22 Dept. of Elections - Elected Mr. Nalin Chaminda Thilakarathna Muthunayakega - Member of Bingiriya P/S
1824/20 2013-08-22 Forest Dept. - Kokebe Forest and Nambakde Natural Forest in Kahatagasdigiliya D/S Division, Anuradhapura District as Reserved Forests - Semawa Forest in Medawachchiya D/S Division, Anuradhapura District as Conservation Forest - Rahatankanda Forest in Buttala D/S Division, Monaragala District as Conservation Forest - Bogahapelessa Forest Haldummulla D/S Division, Badulla District as Reserved Forest
1824/21 2013-08-22 Ministry of Higher Education - Specified Authority (Powers relating to Recognition of Institute as Degree Awarding Institutes) - Rules No. 1 of 2013 made under Sec. 137 of the Universities Act No. 16 of 1978
1824/22 2013-08-22 Dept. of Trade and Investment Policy - Order to impose a Special Commodity Levy to Potatoes and B'Onions under Sec. 2 of Special Commodity Levy Act, No. 48 of 2007
1824/03 2013-08-21 Ministry of Public Administration and Home Affairs - Registration of Deaths (Temporary Provision) Act, No. 19 of 2013 - Extention of the effective period of operation by two years.
1824/04 2013-08-21 Divisional Secretariat, Weligama - Auction Notice for the Coconut Harvest in the State Land of Kendaketiyawatta, Weligama D/S Division, Matara District
1824/05 2013-08-21 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Amendment to Kirimetithenna, Balangoda D/S Division, Rathnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620066
1824/01 2013-08-19 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange effective from 19.08.2013 to 25.08.2013
1824/02 2013-08-19 Land Acquisition - Unuwinna, Pathahewaheta D/S Division, Kandy District - Correction Notice for the notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1815/13 of 20.06.2013 by Kesbewa D/S Division
1823/68 2013-08-16 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Wages Board for the Ice, Aerated Waters, Fruit Juice and Jam Manufacturing Trade
1823/69 2013-08-16 Land Acquisition - Katunayaka-South and Bandarawatta, Mukalangamuwa, Katana D/S Division, Gampaha District
1823/70 2013-08-16 Presidential Secretariat - Amending the Subjects and Functions of the Ministries
1823/71 2013-08-16 Land Acquisition - Ambagahawatta, Panadura D/S Division, Kalutara District - Pamankada, Thimbirigasyaya D/S Division, Colombo District - Correction notice for the notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1651/11 of 29.04.2010 by Panadura D/S Division
1823/72 2013-08-16 Land Acquisition - Mount Lavinia, Ratmalana D/S Division, Colombo District
1823/73 2013-08-16 Department of Archaeology - The Antiquities Ordinance (Chapter 188) - Declaring 170 buildings as ancient monuments
1823/74 2013-08-16 Ministry of Defence and Urban Development - Subsequent amendments to the Consolidated List under Regulation 4(2)(b) of the United Nations Regulations No. 2 of 2012
1823/75 2013-08-16 Department of Elections - Elected Mr. Palliya Gurugei Don Lakshman Chandrarathna Abeywardana as a member of the Weeraketiya Pradeshiya Sabha
1823/25 2013-08-15 Land Acquisition - Nagasena and Kotagala, Nuwara Eliya D/S Division, Nuwara Eliya District
1823/26 2013-08-15 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendments - Sandalankawa, Pannala D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420505
1823/27 2013-08-15 Land Title Settlement Department - Diwulankadawala, Medirigiriya D/S Division, Polonnaruwa District - Cad. Map No. 120040
1823/28 2013-08-15 Land Title Settlement Department - Haragama, Kandy Four Gravets and Gangawata Koralaya D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320289
1823/29 2013-08-15 Land Title Settlement Department - Godagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520017
1823/30 2013-08-15 Land Title Settlement Department - Kahengama, Kuruvita D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620274
1823/31 2013-08-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Meerigama, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510200
1823/32 2013-08-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kosgoda, Kuruvita D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620275
1823/33 2013-08-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Mallanda, Kothmale D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 330300
1823/34 2013-08-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Attidiya North, Ratmalana D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521010
1823/35 2013-08-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Weligepola, Weligepola D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620117
1823/36 2013-08-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kandepola, Rideegama D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420071
1823/37 2013-08-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Lakshapathiya, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520210
1823/38 2013-08-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Uduwawala, Harispaththuwa D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320319
1823/39 2013-08-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Dehipagoda, Udunuwara D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320241
1823/40 2013-08-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Amendments - Dagonna, Divulapitiya D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510080
1823/41 2013-08-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Mount Lavinia, Rathmalana D/S Divison, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521004
1823/42 2013-08-15 Presidential Secretariat - Appointed Maxwell Parakrama Paranagama esquire, Madam Dimingu Badathuruge Priyanthi Suranjana Vidyaratne and Madam Mano Ramanathan as Commissioners of the President to the Presidential Commission of inquire to Investigate and Report on disappeared persons during the Second Elam War period
1823/43 2013-08-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Indibedda, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520203
1823/44 2013-08-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kavisigamuwa, Rideegama D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420066
1823/45 2013-08-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Allagala, Thissamaharamaya D/S Division, Hambanthota District - Cad. Map No. 830017
1823/46 2013-08-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Ovitigama, Kuruvita D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620281
1823/47 2013-08-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Watarappala, Rathmalana D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521006 - File No. 5126
1823/48 2013-08-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Claiming for claims to Dompe D/S Division - Cad. Map No. 511010 and 18 other Land Parcels
1823/49 2013-08-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Katukurunduwatta, Rathmalana D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521005
1823/50 2013-08-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Suwarapola, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 5210201
1823/51 2013-08-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Watarappala, Rathmalana D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521006 - File No. 4760
1823/52 2013-08-15 Land Acquisition - Pore Athurugiriya and Pore, Kaduwela D/S Division, Colombo District
1823/53 2013-08-15 Ministry of Ports and Highways - Land Acquisition - Compensations for Polangahakumbura, Kauwela D/S Division, Colombo District and Other 62 lands
1823/54 2013-08-15 Divisional Secretariat - Mahiyanganaya - Pilgrims Ordinance (Chapter 362) Esala Festival of Mahiyangana - 2013 Allocated places for the purpose of distributing and selling of food items during the Mahiyangana Esala Festival Season
1823/55 2013-08-15 Land Acquisition - Kalutara North, Kalutara D/S Division and Ingiriya West, Ingiriya D/S Division, Kalutara District - Puwakdandawa, Beliatta D/S Division, Hambanthota District - Amendment for the notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1794/2 of 21.01.2013
1823/56 2013-08-15 Land Acquisition - Mahabuthgamuwa, Kudabuthgamuwa, Kotikawatta, Belagama, Kolonnawa D/S Division, Colombo District - Nagoda, Kalutara D/S Division, Kalutara District - Amendment to the notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1802/12 of 20.03.2013
1823/57 2013-08-15 Land Acquisition - Pepiliyana, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District - Malwala, Ratnapura D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Amendment to the notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1812/7 of 28.05.2013
1823/58 2013-08-15 Land Acquisition - Amendment to the notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1795/36 of 31.01.2013 - Yataththawala, Rambukkana D/S Division, Kegalle District - Talbot Town, Galle Four Gravets D/S Division, Galle District
1823/59 2013-08-15 Department of Elections - Elected Mr. Nambukarage Gunapala as a member of the Baddegama P/S - Elected Mr. Ilandari Deva Wijerathna as a member of the Karandeniya P/S - Elected Mr. Pubudu Thusharaka Kottahachchi as a member of the Bentota P/S - Elected Mr. Thommadura Susantha as a member of the Rajgama P/S
1823/60 2013-08-15 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Order for the arbitration for the Industrial Dispute between Mr. K. H. Sunimal and Road Development Authority - Cancellation of the order and order for the new arbitration for the Industrial Dispute between Mr. K. Premarathne and Ceylon Electricity Board - Order for the arbitration for the Industrial Dispute between Mr. S. H. Hemapala and other 16 employees and Ceylon Electricity Board
1823/61 2013-08-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Welipathayaya, Balangoda D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620003
1823/62 2013-08-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Pahala Makandura, Pannala D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420500
1823/63 2013-08-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Haragama, Kandy Four Gravets and Gangawata Koralaya D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320289
1823/64 2013-08-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Amendments to Kotagoda, Siyambalanduwa D/S Division, Monaragala District - Cad. Map No. 720025, etc.
1823/65 2013-08-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Palliyagodella, Medirigiriya D/S Division, Polonnaruwa District - Cad. Map No. 120063
1823/66 2013-08-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kusumpokuna, Medirigiriya D/S Division, Polonnaruwa District - Cad. Map No. 120040
1823/67 2013-08-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kodayana, Siyambalanduwa D/S Division, Monaragala District - Cad. Map No. 720008
1823/24 2013-08-14 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - The Collective Agreement between Road Development Authroity and the the Sri Lanka Nidahas Sevaka Sangamaya , United Drivers' Union and etc., the collective agreement between Road Development Authority and the Accountant and Auditors, Admin. and Legal Officers Union
1823/07 2013-08-13 Land Acquisition - Devinuwara, D/S Division Devenuwara, Matara Distrct - Elkaduwa, D/S Division Ukuwela, Matale District - Thalapathpitiya D/S Division Maharagama Colombo District - Correction Notice for the Notice published in Gaz. Ex. ord No. 1805/21 of 10.04.2013
1823/08 2013-08-13 Land Acquisition - Kananke, D/S Division Welipitiya, Matara District - MR/PSG/2013/300, MR/PSG/2013/298, MR/PSG/2013/299 of Urubokka, Pasgoda D/S Division, Matara District - Meethirigala, Dompe D/S Division, Gampaha District
1823/09 2013-08-13 Land Acquisition - Dayarabawatta D/S Division Welimada, Badulla District - Uthuwana, D/S Division Mawanella, Kegalle District - Bolagala D/S Division Harispattuwa and Nikahetiya D/S Division Udunuwara, Kandy District - Cancellation of the Order published in Gaz. Ex. Ord No. 1385/27 of 24.03.2005
1823/10 2013-08-13 Land Acquisition - Welegoda D/S Division Matara and Kaduruwana, D/S Division Pitabeddara, Matara District - Correction Notice for the Notice published in Gaz. Expord. No. 1798/20 of 19.01.2013
1823/11 2013-08-13 Land Acquisition - Urubokka D/S Division Pasgoda, Matara District - Pugoda Meniklanda D/S Division Dompe Gampaha District - Kottawa, D/S Division Maharagama, Colombo District - Nammuwawa, Landawatta, Polonthalawa, Kadigawa Rasnayakapura, Kurunegala District - Amendment for the Notice Published in Gaz. Ex.Ord. 1809/24 of 10.05.2013
1823/12 2013-08-13 Land Acquisition - Ilakkadewatta, Beruwala D/S Division and Pellanda, Palinda Nuwara D/S Division, Kalutara District - Godaparagahawatta, Beruwala D/S Division, Kalutara District - Bolagala, Divulapitiya D/S Division, Gampaha District
1823/13 2013-08-13 Land Acquisition - Kalawana, Kalawana D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Correction notice for the Notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1716/21 of 27.07.2011 - Correction Notice for the notice published in Gaz. ex. Ord. No. 233 of 01.10.1976 by Walasmulla D/S Division
1823/14 2013-08-13 Land Acquisition - Paragahakele, Ampara D/S Division, Ampara District - Kotahena East, Colombo D/S Division, Colombo District - Wilpita, Athuraliya D/S Division, Matara District
1823/15 2013-08-13 Land Acquisition - Compensations for 02 lands in Thimbirigasyaya, Thimbirigasyaya D/S Division, Colombo District
1823/16 2013-08-13 Land Acquisition - Notice to rescind the Order No. 287 published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1738/10 of 28.12.2011 - Karaweddi-North, Wadamarachchi South and West, Jaffna District - Manipay, Sandillipai D/S Division, Jaffna District
1823/17 2013-08-13 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Collective Agreement between Ravi Industries Limited and United Tea, Rubber and Local Produce Workers' Union
1823/18 2013-08-13 Road Development Authority -Rambukpotha and Wedigune, Badulla D/S Division, Badulla District
1823/19 2013-08-13 Dept. of Election- Vacating the Office of Member, Mr. Ituwala Kankanamlage Wijerathne of the Thamankaduwa Pradesiya Sabha. Vacating the Office of Member, Mr. Hettiarachchige Nimal Ekanayake Perera of the Puttalam Pradesiya Sabha. Vacating the Office of Member, Mr. Koranees De Koralayalage Sanjeewa Prasanna Kumara of the Udubaddawa Pradesiya Sabha. Vacating the Office of Member, Mr. Ladhdhage Anushka Priyashantha of the Anamaduwa Pradesiya Sabha. Vacating the Office of Member, Mr. Asela Premalal Karunarathna Jaayakodi Arachchilage of the Anamaduwa Pradesiya Sabha.
1823/20 2013-08-13 Road Development Authority - 02 Allotments and 04 Allotments in Nawadagala, Elpitiya D/S Division, Galle District - Mandakanda, Karandeniya D/S Division and Baddegama East, Baddegama D/S Division, Galle District - Kahathuduwa, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District
1823/21 2013-08-13 Road Development Authority - Hiyare, Akmeemana D/S Division, Galle District
1823/22 2013-08-13 Presidential Secretariat - The Land Reform law No. 01 of 1972 of National State Assembly - Order Under Sub-Section (4) of Section 27 A (Regarding the Land of Janatha Estate Development Board & Re-vesing the Land Reform Commission
1823/23 2013-08-13 Road Development Authority - Land Acquisition - Ambathale and Udumulla, Kolonnawa D/S Division, Colombo District - Amendments for the Notices published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1710/18 of 16.06.2011 by Attanagalla D/S Division
1823/01 2013-08-12 Land Acquisition - Amendment Notices for the Notices published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1431/27 of 09.02.2006 and No. 1463/19 of 20.09.2006 by Biyagama D/S Division - Millaniya, Millaniya, Millaniya D/S Division, Kalutara District - Padenigoda, Wariyapola D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Amendment for the Notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1117/7 of 31.01.2000 - Mabole, Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District
1823/02 2013-08-12 Land Acquisition - Madarangoda, Yatinuwara D/S Division, Kandy District - Owala, Yatinuwara D/S Division, Kandy District
1823/03 2013-08-12 Land Acquisition - Dankotuwa, Dankotuwa D/S Division, Puttalam District
1823/04 2013-08-12 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange effective from 12.08.2013 to 18.08.2013
1823/05 2013-08-12 Department of Fiscal Policy - Inland Revenue Act, No. 10 of 2006 - Transfer Pricing Regulations on International Transactions
1823/06 2013-08-12 Ministry of Ports and Highways - Declaration of Colombo-Katunayake Road, Access Road to Ja-Ela Interchange and Access Road to Peliyagoda Interchange as National Highways
1822/23 2013-08-08 Road Development Authority - Land Acquisition - Nambadaluwa and Pinnagolla, Attanagalla D/S Division, Gampaha District
1822/24 2013-08-08 Ministry of Defence and Urban Development - Award of Videsha Seva Paddakkama to Naval Personnel
1822/25 2013-08-08 Land Acquisiton - Katugastota, Kandy Four Gravets and Gangawata Korale, Kandy District - Indigetawela, Angunakolapelassa D/S District, Hambantota District - Gonawa, Weerabugedara D/S Division, Kurunegala District
1822/26 2013-08-08 Land Acquisiton - Brandigampala, Seethawaka (Hanwella) D/S Division, Colombo District
1822/27 2013-08-08 Uva Province - Statute for the Provincial Rent (Amended) No. 2 of 2013 of U/P
1822/09 2013-08-07 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Horethuduwa, D/S Division Panadura, Kalutara District - Cad. Map. No. 530011
1822/10 2013-08-07 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Gurunnahelage Gama, D/S Division Udapalatha Kandy District - Cad. Map. No. 320036
1822/11 2013-08-07 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Gaspe D/S Division Meerigama, Gampaha District - Cad. Map. No. 510213
1822/12 2013-08-07 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Aththidiya North, D/S Division Rathmalana, Colombo District - Cad. Map. No. 521010
1822/13 2013-08-07 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Walahamulla D/S Division Rideegama,Kurunegala District - Cad. Map. No. 420050
1822/14 2013-08-07 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Maligathanna, D/S Division Kandy Four Gravets and Gangawata Koralaya Kandy District - Cad. Map. No.320290
1822/15 2013-08-07 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kalumada D/S Division Divulapitiya, Gampaha District - Cad Map No. 510003
1822/16 2013-08-07 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kosgoda, D/S Division Kuruwita, Rathnapura District - Cad Map No. 620275
1822/17 2013-08-07 Land Title Settlement Dept.- Pahala Makandura D/S Division Pannala, Kurunegala District - Cad Map No. 420500
1822/18 2013-08-07 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Boralesgamuwa West, Werahera North, Katuwawala South D/S Division Kesbewa, Colombo District - Jaliyagoda, Piliyandala D/S Division kesbewa Colombo District
1822/19 2013-08-07 Ministry of Defence and Urban Development - The Sri Lanka Armed Services - Long Service Medical and Clasp for Naval Personnel
1822/20 2013-08-07 Land Acquisiton - 65 Allotments, 46 Allotments, 10 Allotments and 01 Allotments of Dutugemunu, Dehiwela D/S Division, Colombo District
1822/21 2013-08-07 Uva Province - Amendment to the Notice Published in Gaz.Ex.No.1793/6 of 16.01.2013 Appointed Mr. M. P. N. Mohan Wickramasinghe & cancelled the appointment of Mr. R. M. Jayawardena as Asst. Commissioner. Correction Notice to the notice Published in the Gaz. Ex. No. 1807/2 of 22.04.2013 by Southern Provincial Council
1822/22 2013-08-07 Land Acquisiton - Radampala, Dickwella D/S Division, Matara District - Correction Notice for the notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1811/18 of 23.05.2013 by Uvaparanagama D/S Division
1822/05 2013-08-06 Dept. of Elections - Election of members for the C/P Provincial Council from the Administrative Districts of Kandy, Matale and Nuwara Eliya
1822/06 2013-08-06 Dept. of Elections - Election of members for the N/P Provincial Council from the Administrative Districts of Kilinochchi, Mannar, Vavuniya and Mullaitivu
1822/07 2013-08-06 Dept. of Elections - Election of members for the North Western Provincial Council from the Administrative Districts of Kurunegala and Puttalam
1822/08 2013-08-06 Presidential Secretariat - Approval of Relinquishment of the position of the chief of Defence Staff and Retirement from Sri Lanka Air Force of Air Chief Marshal Roshan Goonathilake RWP, VSV, USP, ndc, psc - Relinquishment of the position of the Head of Sri Lanka Army and Appointment of the position of Chief of Defence Staff of General Jagath Jayasuriya - Promotion to the rank of Lieutenant General and Appointment to the Head of the Sri Lanka Army of Major General R. M. Dayaratna Ratnayake RWP, VSV, USP, ndc, psc
1821/44 2013-08-05 Ministry of Defence and Urban Development - Calling Service Personnel
1822/01 2013-08-05 Land Acquisition - Gangodawila, Maharagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Gonawala, Kundasale D/S Division, Kandy District - Hinguraka, Hingurakgoda D/S Division, Polonnaruwa District
1822/02 2013-08-05 Land Acquisition - Soorangal, Kinniya D/S Division, Trincomalee District
1822/03 2013-08-05 Land Acquisition - Mulgampola and Suduhumpola, Kandy Four Gravets and Gangawata Korale D/S Division, Kandy District
1822/04 2013-08-05 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange effect from 05.08.2013 to 11.08.2013
1821/43 2013-08-03 Land Acquisition - Makumbura and Kottawa, Maharagama D/S Division, Colombo District
1821/40 2013-08-02 Import and Export Control Dept. - Controlling the importation and exportation of Dichloro Fluoro methane under Import and Export (Control) Regulations, No. 4 of 2013
1821/41 2013-08-02 Land Acquisition - Compensations for 5 Lots of lands in Pahala Imbulgoda, Gampaha D/S Division, Gampaha District
1821/42 2013-08-02 Land Acquisition - Welata, Kandy Four Gravets and Gangawata Korale D/S Division, Kandy District - Kekanadura, Navimana and Welegoda, Matara D/S Division, Matara District
1821/33 2013-08-01 Department of Census and Statistics - Colombo Consumers' Price Index for the month of July, 2013 - 176.8
1821/34 2013-08-01 Forest Dept. - Order to declare the Tumbikulama Forest in Palugaswewa D/S Division, Anuradhapura District and Waradithacholai, Kitulwewa, Rukamwewa Forests, Eravurpattu D/S Division, Batticaloa District as Reserved Forests
1821/35 2013-08-01 Kaduwela Municipal Council - Newly Named the road as Sandun Uyana. Newly named the road as K.D.Jayaratna Mawatha. Newly named the road as Suwarna Place
1821/36 2013-08-01 Divisional Secretariat - Eravur Pattu - The Prilgrimage Ordinance - Sittandy Sri-Sithira Velayutha Suwamy Temple Festival - 2013
1821/37 2013-08-01 Ministry of Defence & Urban Development - The Urban Development Projects (Special Provisions) Act. No. 2 of 1980 - Order to cancel the notice published in the Gaz. Ex. No. 1550/04 of 21.05.2008 of requiring the Lands for constructing Diyawara Piyasa Environmental Educational Centre Project in Bandaragama
1821/38 2013-08-01 Mediation Boards Commission - Notice Calling for nominations for the Appointments of Mediators for Administrative Districts of Colombo, Kandy, Galle and Trincomalee
1821/39 2013-08-01 Board of Investment - Order under Sub-section (4) of Section 3 of the Strategic Development Projects Act No. 14 of 2008 - UCLAN Lanka (Private) Ltd.
1821/24 2013-07-31 Dept. for Labour - The Cost of Living Index Number for the month of July, 2013 applicable workers in Cocoa and etc. Trade is 176.8 - Special Allowance payable to workers in the Cocoa, Cardamom and Pepper Growing and manufacturing trade will be Rs. 544.04
1821/25 2013-07-31 Central Bank of Sri Lanka - Balance sheet as at 30.06.2013
1821/26 2013-07-31 Land Acquisition - Divitotawela, Welimada D/S Division, Badulla District
1821/27 2013-07-31 Land Title Settlement Department - Calling for claims to property of intestate - Ambana, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510216
1821/28 2013-07-31 Land Title Settlement Department - Magammana, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520003
1821/29 2013-07-31 Cancelled by the Ministry of Sports (Reference No. MS/LAW/26)
1821/30 2013-07-31 Land Acquistion - Seelagama, Imbulpe D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Hawowita, Pitabeddara D/S Division, Matara District - Amendment for the Notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1718/17 of 10.08.2011 by Mahara D/S Division
1821/31 2013-07-31 Ministry of Transport - Regulations made under Sec. 237 of Motor Traffic Act (Chapter 203) The Motor Traffic (Motor Tricycle) Regulations No. 1 of 2013
1821/32 2013-07-31 Dept. of Trade and Investment Policy - Special Commodity Levy Act No. 48 of 2007 - Order under Sec. to impose a Special Commodity Levy in respect of sugar
1821/19 2013-07-30 Dept. of Elections - Elected Mr. Nalin Nilantha Bandara Wijerathne Jayamaha Hitihamilage as a member of the 7th Parliament for the Electoral District No. 15 - Kurunegala to fill the vacancy caused by reason of resignation of Mr. Dayasiri Jayasekara
1821/20 2013-07-30 Land Acquisition - Compensation for the lands Iddamalwatta - Case Nos. SP/3258 and SP/3234 and Guwanhamudawatta, Case No. SP/3255 in Galudupita, Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District
1821/21 2013-07-30 Land Acquisition - Compensations fo the lands Guwanhamudawatta - Case No. SP/3246, Iddamalwatta - Case Nos. SP/3259 and SP/3233 in Galudupita, Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District
1821/22 2013-07-30 Dept. of Elections - Elected Mr. Rubasinge Rajith Priyadarshana as a member of the Tissamaharama P/S
1821/23 2013-07-30 Dept. of Legal Affairs - Finance Act, No. 11 of 1963, order under Sec. 72 to vest in the People's Bank the properties in Kegalle & Ratnapure Districts of Sabaragamuwa Province
1821/01 2013-07-29 Dept. of Fiscal Policy - Excise (Special Provisions) Act No. 13 of 1989 Order under Sec. 3 - Excise Duty on Cigars and etc. of Tobacco or Tobacco Substitutes and Moter Vehicles for the Transport of Goods
1821/02 2013-07-29 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange from 29.07.2013 - 04.08.2013
1821/03 2013-07-29 Dept. of Fiscal Policy - The Excise Ordinance - Excise Notifications No. 958 - Excise Duty on Import/Local Supply of Ethyl Alcohol
1821/04 2013-07-29 Dept. of Fiscal Policy - The Excise Ordinance - Excise Notifications No. 959 - Excise Duty on Molasses and etc. 960 - Excise Duty on Country made foreign spirits and 961 - Exicise Duty on Malt Liquor
1821/05 2013-07-29 Consumer Affairs Authority - Direction No. 44 Consumer Affairs Authority Act No. 09 of 2003 (Direction I/U Sec. 10(i)(b)(ii))
1821/06 2013-07-29 Land Acquisition - Compensation for the Case No. 5 - LA - 00016/13, LA - 00012/13, LA - 00010/13, LA - 00018/13, LA - 00004/13, LA - 00020/13, LA - 00014/13, LA - 00008/13 on Akurana D/S Division, Kandy District
1821/07 2013-07-29 Land Acquisition - Weliwaranagolla, Laggala-Pallegama D/S Division, Matale District - Alawwagama, Moragaswewa, Mahawa D/S Division, Kurunegala District
1821/08 2013-07-29 Ministry of Local Government and Provincial Councils - Termination of the term of the office of the members of the Jaffna M/C from 31.08.2013 - 31.08.2014 under Section 10(2)(b) of M/C Ordinance
1821/09 2013-07-29 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Gazette No. 1714/22 of 05.09.2012 Beliketiya, Balangoda D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620265
1821/10 2013-07-29 Land Title Settlement Department - Pitipana South, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520007
1821/11 2013-07-29 Land Title Settlement Department - Homagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001
1821/12 2013-07-29 Land Title Settlement Department - Amunukole, Eppawala, Kiriamunukola, Konwewa, Nikawewa, Thalawa D/S Division, Anuradhapura District - Cad. Map No. 110005
1821/13 2013-07-29 Land Title Settlement Department - Pitunugama, Udunuwara D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320242
1821/14 2013-07-29 Land Title Settlement Department - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 1766/18 of 11/07/2012, Maligatenna, Kandy Four Gravets Gangawata Koralaya D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320290
1821/15 2013-07-29 Land Title Settlement Department - Sidney Hill Burg Estate, Udapalatha D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320206
1821/16 2013-07-29 Land Title Settlement Department - Panagoda, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520021
1821/17 2013-07-29 Land Title Settlement Department - Indibedda, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520203
1821/18 2013-07-29 Ministry of Finance and Planning - The Revenue Protection Act No. 19 of 1962 - Order Import Duty at the General Rate
1820/26 2013-07-26 Ministry of Health - Declaration of the operation of Sri Lanka Nursing Council established under the Sri Lanka Nursing Council Act No. 19 of 1988
1820/27 2013-07-26 Land Acquisition - Puhulpola, Welimada D/S Division, Badulla District
1820/28 2013-07-26 Forest Department - Order to declare - Dambukanda Forest in Henapola, Mantanigoda, Weweldeniya, Ihalagama, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District as Reserved Forest - Ulugala Minipura Forest in Okkampitiya and Minipura, Buttala D/S Division, Monaragala District as Conservation Forest - Vakaneri Forest, Toppigala Forest, Panichchankerni Forest in Koralepattu North D/S Division and Unnichchei Forest in Maanmunei West D/S Division, Erarurpattu in Batticaloa District as Reserved Forests
1820/29 2013-07-26 Land Acquisition - Panapitiya, Karandeniya D/S Division, Galle District
1820/17 2013-07-25 Land Title Settlement Department - Notice calling for claims to Land Parcels Notice No. 83/0194 Hambanthota District - Cad. Map No. 830085 and 23 other Notices
1820/18 2013-07-25 Land Title Settlement Department - Mawathawewa, Thalawa D/S Division, Anuradhapura District - Cad. Map No. 110174
1820/19 2013-07-25 Land Title Settlement Department - Rawathawaththa, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520201
1820/20 2013-07-25 Land Title Settlement Department - Waragama, Siyambalanduwa D/S Division, Monaragala District - Cad. Map No. 720022
1820/21 2013-07-25 Land Title Settlement Department - Kawdana West, Rathmalana D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521007
1820/22 2013-07-25 Land Title Settlement Department - Kandawala, Rathmalana D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521001
1820/23 2013-07-25 Land Title Settlement Department - Homagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001
1820/24 2013-07-25 Land Title Settlement Department - Rawathawaththa, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520201
1820/25 2013-07-25 Land Acquisition - Pamunuwa, Maharagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Polgasdeka Watta alias Linwalawatta, Kamburupitiya D/S Division, Matara District
1820/07 2013-07-24 Land Acquisition - Dodamgoda, Dodamgoda and Madurawala, Anguruwathota, Madurawala D/S Division, Kalutara District
1820/08 2013-07-24 Land Acquisition - Lemasthota and Ranasinghagama, Diyaluwa, Haldummulla D/S Division, Badulla District - Yakkala, Gampaha D/S Division, Gampaha District - Meemure, Udadumbara D/S Division, Kandy District - Amendment for the notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1807/22 of 26.04.2013
1820/09 2013-07-24 Land Acquisition - Rilawala, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Walasgala, Dickwella D/S Division, Matara District - Lellopitiya, Pelmadulla D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Minneriya, Hingurakgoda D/S Division, Polonnaruwa District - Amendment for the notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1807/7 of 23.04.2013
1820/10 2013-07-24 Land Acquisition - Buruthankanda, Sooriyawewa D/S Division, Hambanthota District - Kondadeniya, Harispattuwa D/S Division, Kandy District - Ginigathhena, Ambagamuwa Korale D/S Division, Nuwara Eliya District - Weraherayagama, Wariyapola D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Amendment for the notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1807/22 of 26.04.2013
1820/11 2013-07-24 Land Acquisition - Hammillewa, Galtabendiwewa, Ethowa and Thanahena, Wariyapola D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Kottawa and Pannipitiya, Maharagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Thihagoda, Thihagoda D/S Division, Matara District - Amendment for the notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1807/22 of 26.04.2013
1820/12 2013-07-24 Land Acquisition - Elagamuwa, Naula D/S Division, Matale District - Menerigama, Ingiriya D/S Division, Kalutara District - Kurugama, Wellawaya D/S Division, Moneragala District - Palliya Idama, Beruwala D/S Division, Kalutara District
1820/13 2013-07-24 Land Acquisition - Werellapathana, Walapane D/S Division, Nuwara Eliya District - Andankulam, Town and Gravets D/S Division, Trincomalee District
1820/14 2013-07-24 Ministry of Defence & Urban Development - Awarding the Prasansaneeya Seva Vibhushanaya, Prasansaneeya Seva Padakkama & Prasansaneeya Seva Clasp to the Naval Personnel
1820/15 2013-07-24 Uva Province - Appointing Mr. R. A. H. A. Samarasinghe Class I Officer of the S.L.A.S.& 14 other Officers
1820/16 2013-07-24 Dept. of Trade and Investment Policy - Order for declaring that the premises of Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport shall be bonded area and its boundaries in Thammennawa Kurudana of Thammennawa, Hambantota D/S Division, Hambantota Distrit, Under Sec. 69 of the Customs Ordinance (Chap. 235)
1820/02 2013-07-23 Dept. of Elections - Appointing the Assistant Returning Officers to assist the Returning Officers in the Central, Northern and North-Western Provincial Councils Election 2013
1820/03 2013-07-23 Land Acquistion - Deiyannewela and Suduhumpola, Kandy and Gangawata Korale D/S Division, Kandy District
1820/04 2013-07-23 Ministry of Public Administration & Home Affairs - Minute of Office Employee's Service - Amendmend No. 1 to the Notice published in Gaz. Ex. No. 1777/35 of 27.09.2012
1820/05 2013-07-23 Land Acquistion - Compensation for lands Weligedarawatte open barren land, Thawalamkotuwawatta, Phillagawawatte City Saw Mill open barren land and Alawatte Kanattawatta of Akurana D/S Division, Kandy District
1820/06 2013-07-23 Dept. of Elections - Vacating the office of member, Mr. Susantha Jayalath of the Trincomalee U/C
1820/01 2013-07-22 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange from 22.07.2013 - 28.07.2013
1819/33 2013-07-19 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kal/Pallewela, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510239
1819/34 2013-07-19 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Moratumulla, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520202
1819/35 2013-07-19 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Nawagamuwa, Attanagalla D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510605
1819/36 2013-07-19 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Ranasiripura, Thissamaharamaya D/S Division, Hambanthota District - Cad. Map No. 830048
1819/37 2013-07-19 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Magammana, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520004
1819/38 2013-07-19 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Walgama North, Matara D/S Division, Matara District - Cad. Map No. 820013
1819/39 2013-07-19 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Panwala, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510250
1819/40 2013-07-19 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Dumunnegedara, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510244
1819/41 2013-07-19 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Mount Lavinia, Rathmalana D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521004
1819/42 2013-07-19 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Homagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001
1819/43 2013-07-19 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Dehipagoda, Udunuwara D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320241
1819/44 2013-07-19 Dept of Inland Revenue - Service Minute of the Inland Revenue Service of Sri Lanka - Amendments to the Gaz. Notification published in the Gaz. Ex. No. 1804/50 of 05.04.2013 by the approval of the public Service Commission. (High Court Case No. 151/2013)
1819/45 2013-07-19 Land Acquisition - Kurunegala, Kurunegala D/S Division, Kurunegala District - FVP 196, Pelmadulla D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Malagamuwa, Ganewatta D/S Division, Kurunegala District
1819/46 2013-07-19 Ministry of Higher Education - Amendment to the Order Establishing the University of Moratuwa Published in Gaz. Ex. No. 1606/26 of 18.06.2009
1819/47 2013-07-19 Central Province - Appoint Mr. R. M. P. S. Ratnayake (S.L.A.S. I) & 14 other officers
1819/48 2013-07-19 Land Acquisition - Hiramadagama, Godakawela D/S Division, Ratnapura District
1819/49 2013-07-19 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Collective Agreement No. 5 of 2013 for the Industrial Dispute between Unilever Sri Lanka Limited and the Ceylon Mercantile Industrial & General Workers' Union
1819/28 2013-07-18 Land Acquisition - Halpe, Ella D/S Division, Badulla District - Matuwagala, Kirella D/S Division, Ratnapura District
1819/29 2013-07-18 Board of Investment - Notification under Sec. 3(2) of the Strategic Development Project Act. No. 14 of the 2008 as amended Lake Leisure Holdings (Pvt.) Ltd. (The Project to set up & Operate & Intergrated Resort)
1819/30 2013-07-18 Board of Investment - Notification under Sec. 3(2) of the Strategic Development Project Act No. 14 of the 2008 as amended Waterfront Properties (Pvt.) Ltd. (The Project for development, construction, equipping etc. use "iconic" Intergrated Resort)
1819/31 2013-07-18 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Wages Board for the Biscuit and Confectionary (including of Labour and Labour Relations)
1819/32 2013-07-18 Import & Export Control Dept. - Rescission of Regulations published on restriction of exportation of paddy & rice in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1764/09 of 27th June 2012. Under Imports & Exports Control Act No. 01 of 1969
1819/10 2013-07-17 Land Acquisition - Mailagasthenna, Haliela D/S Division, Badulla District
1819/11 2013-07-17 Land Acquisition - Meegahajadura, Weliwewa, Sooriyawewa D/S Division, Hambanthota District - Katunayaka, Katana D/S Division, Gampaha District - Belummahara, Gampaha D/S Division, Gampaha District - Kalumuthuketiyawatta, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District
1819/12 2013-07-17 Land Acquisition - Kahaduwa, Elpitiya D/S Division, Galle District - Homagama, Pitipana North, Panagoda and Godagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Aththaragama, Harispattuwa D/S Division, Kandy District
1819/13 2013-07-17 Land Acquisition - Compansation for the lands of Millagahawatta and Millagahawatta Owita, Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District - Compensation for the lands of Madangaha Kumbura, Mulle Kumbura, Mandawela Kumbura, Kolonnawa D/S Division, Colombo District
1819/14 2013-07-17 Land Acquisition - Kothalawala, Hokandara and Hewagama, Kaduwela D/S Division, Colombo District - Amendments for the notices published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. Nos. 1646/14 of 23.03.2010 by Wattala D/S Division and 1817/29 of 03.07.2013 by Kaduwela D/S Division
1819/15 2013-07-17 Land Acquisition - Mullegama, Pujapitiya D/S Division, Kandy District - Amendments for the Notices published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. Nos. 1033/4 of 22.06.1998 by Manmunai North D/S Division and 1411/09 of 21.09.2005 by Mawathagama D/S Division
1819/16 2013-07-17 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Aththidiya North, Rathmalana D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521010
1819/17 2013-07-17 Dept. of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources - Establishing Fisheries Management Committees for East Coast (Batticaloa District)
1819/18 2013-07-17 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Hunnegama, Ehetuwewa D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Settlement Orders No. 1886 (Kurunegala)
1819/19 2013-07-17 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Koongahawela, Naula D/S Division, Mathale District - Settlement Orders No. 250 (Mathale)
1819/20 2013-07-17 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Medagama, Ehetuwewa D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Settlement Orders No. 1889 (Kurunegala)
1819/21 2013-07-17 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Mallanda, Kothmale D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 330300
1819/22 2013-07-17 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Haragama North, Kandy Four Gravets and Gangawata Korale D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320289
1819/23 2013-07-17 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Idibedda, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520203
1819/24 2013-07-17 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Borupana, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520211
1819/25 2013-07-17 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Meerigama, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510200
1819/26 2013-07-17 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Homagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001
1819/27 2013-07-17 Ministry of Higher Education - Amendment to the order establishing the University of Jaffna published in Gaz. Ex. No. 1787/27 of 05.12.2012
1819/05 2013-07-16 Land Acquisition - Andadola, Balapitiya D/S Division, Galle District - Kankanamgoda, Beruwala D/S Division, Kalutara District - Wiharagamawatta, Rattota D/S Division, Matale District - Mount Lavinia, Rathmalana D/S Division, Colombo District
1819/06 2013-07-16 Land Acquisition - Thalangama South, Kaduwela D/S Division, Colombo District - Welideniya Godawaththa, Yakkalamulla D/S Division, Galle District - Amendment Notice for the Notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. 1804/11 of 02.04.2013 by Biyagama D/S Division
1819/07 2013-07-16 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relation - Collective Agreement for the Industrial Dispute between Ceylon Steel Corporation Limited and Inter Companies Employees Union
1819/08 2013-07-16 Ministry of Justice - Incorporation of Redemptorist Fathers Trust under Turst Ordinance
1819/09 2013-07-16 Land Acquisition - Piliyandala, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District - Moragala, Eheliyagoda D/S Division, Ratnapura District
1819/01 2013-07-15 Land Acquisition - Suduwella, Colombo D/S Division, Colombo District - Fort, Colombo D/S Division, Colombo District
1819/02 2013-07-15 Board of Investment of Sri Lanka - Strategic Development Projects Act, No. 14 of 2008 - Order under Sub-Section (4) of Sec. 3 to declare that the relevant informations of a Project to establish a branch campus of University of Lansashire at Meerigama Export Processing Zone
1819/03 2013-07-15 Board of Investment of Sri Lanka - Strategic Development Projects Act, No. 14 of 2008 - Order under Sub-section (4) of Sec. 3 to declare that the Notification of the identified project for development, operation and management of special zone for heavy industries in Sampur Area
1819/04 2013-07-15 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange from 15.07.2013 - 21.07.2013
1714/15 2013-07-13 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Siddamulla, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520020
1818/37 2013-07-12 Ministry of Ports and Highways - Regulations made to give effect to the International Convention on standards of Training, Certification and Watch Keeping for Seafarers under the Merchant Shipping Act
1818/38 2013-07-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Egodauyana, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520217
1818/39 2013-07-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Koralawella, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520215
1818/40 2013-07-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Panagoda, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520021
1818/41 2013-07-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Koralawella, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520215 - Parcel Nos. 245 and 444
1818/42 2013-07-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Pamburana, Mathara D/S Division, Mathara District - Cad. Map No. 820032
1818/43 2013-07-12 Land Title Settlement Department - Homagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001
1818/44 2013-07-12 Land Acquisition - Werellapathana, Walapane D/S Division, Nuwara Eliya District
1818/45 2013-07-12 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Wages Boards for the Rubber Export Trade, the Hosiery Manufacturing Trade and the Garment Manufacturing Trade
1818/20 2013-07-11 Department of Labour - Summon the objections for the proposed Wages Board for the Paddy Hulling Trade
1818/21 2013-07-11 Department of Elections - Calling Nominations for the Provincial Council Elections - 2013 in Central, Nothern and North Western Provincial Councils
1818/22 2013-07-11 Land Title Settlement Department - Meerigama, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510200
1818/23 2013-07-11 Department of Elections - Appointing the Returning Officers for Kandy, Matale, Nuwara-Eliya, Jaffna, Kilinochchi, Mannar, Vavuniya, Mullative, Kurunegala and Puttalam Administrative District for Provincial Council Elections 2013 in Cnetral, Northern and North Western Provincial Councils
1818/24 2013-07-11 Department of Elections - Appointing the Assistant Returning Officers for Kandy, Matale, Nuwara-Eliya, Jaffna, Kilinochchi, Mannar, Vaunia, Mullative, Kurunegala and Puttalam Administrative Districts for Provincial Councils Elections 2013 in Central, Northern and North Western Provincial Councils
1818/25 2013-07-11 Land Title Settlement Department - Suwarapola, Kesbawa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521201
1818/26 2013-07-11 Land Title Settlement Department - Atamune, Mallwapitiya D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420206
1818/27 2013-07-11 Land Title Settlement Department - Kawarakkulama, Nuwaragam Eastern D/S Division, Anuradhapura District - Cad. Map No. 110186
1818/28 2013-07-11 Land Title Settlement Department - Udaludeniya, Udunuwara D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320237
1818/29 2013-07-11 Land Title Settlement Department - Pahala Makandura, Pannala D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420500
1818/30 2013-07-11 Dept. of Fiscal Policy - Regulation made under Part IV of the Finance Act No. 12 of 2012 - Commercial Hub Regulation No. 1 of 2013
1818/31 2013-07-11 Dept. of Elections - Elected Mr. Krishnan Veeravaguthevar and Mr. Subramaniam Suren as Members in Pachchilaipalli Pradeshiya Sabha
1818/32 2013-07-11 Ministry of Construction, Engineering Services, Housing & Common Amenities - Acquisition of a Land in Bopaththenna, Mitiyana, Ududumbara D/S Division, Kandy District for the purpose of being made available for carrying out of any housing objects
1818/33 2013-07-11 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Appointment of Arbitrator for settlement of the Industrial Dispute between Miss R. K. D. B. G. Ranaweera and Marine Environment Protection Authority
1818/34 2013-07-11 Land Acquisition - Niriella, Elapatha D/S Division, Ratnapura District
1818/35 2013-07-11 Ministry of Defence and Urban Development - To Confer the Gallantry Award of Weerodhara Vibhushanaya, Weera Wickrema Vibhushanaya, Rana Wickrema Padakkama and Rana Sura Padakkama
1818/36 2013-07-11 Dept. of Trade & Investment Policy - Special Levy for B'onions under Special Commodity Levy Act No. 48 of 2007
1818/10 2013-07-10 Dept. of Elections - Amendments to the Polling Divisions 'A' - Kaduwela - Polling district Nos. 12, 39-49 and 'O' - Avissawella - Polling District No. 79 of Colombo Electoral District published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1757/18 of 11.05.2012 and the Polling Division 'B" - Harispattuwa - Polling District Nos. 30 and 32 of Kandy Electoral District published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1707/24 of 26.05.2011
1818/11 2013-07-10 Consumers Affairs Authority - Order to rescind order No. 21 published under the powers rested by Sec. 20(5) of consumer Authority Act No. 09 of 2003, in Gaz. Ex. No. 1763/4 of 18.06.2012
1818/12 2013-07-10 Land Acquisition - Boossa, Hikkaduwa D/S Division, Galle District - Thalawakele, Nuwara Eliya D/S Division, Nuwara Eliya District
1818/13 2013-07-10 Land Acquisition - Heraliyawala, Kurunegala D/S Division, Kurunegala District - 02 and 01 Allotments of Welikada, Sri Jayawardhanapura Kotte D/S Division, Colombo District - Baththaramulla, Kaduwela D/S Division, Colombo District - Correction Notice for the notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1809/17 of 09.05.2013 by Ambagamuwa Koralaya D/S Division
1818/14 2013-07-10 Land Acquisition - Kadawatha, Naula D/S Division, Matale District - Bawilagama West and Keeragala, Kuruwita D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Amendment Notice for the notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1792/25 of 10.01.2013 - Correction Notices for Notice of Iginimitiya Water Supply Scheme and Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1269/1 of 30.12.2002
1818/15 2013-07-10 Land Acquisition - Compensations for the lands in Nugegoda, Nawala, Hokandara South, Thalangama South and Thalangama North, New Bazaar, Hulfsdorpf
1818/16 2013-07-10 Ministry of Power & Energy - Acquisition of Lands required for Ihala Kothmale Hydro Power Scheme Thalawakele, N'Eliya D/S Division
1818/17 2013-07-10 Ministry of Labour & Labour Relations - Award - The Industrial Dispute between Mr. Shirley de Silva & Dinagro (Pvt.) Ltd.
1818/18 2013-07-10 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Notice for rejection of the Arbitrator's decision for the Industrial Dispute - Mr. A. P. Premalal and Ceylon Petroleum Storage Terminals Limited
1818/19 2013-07-10 Ministry of Civil Aviation - Regulation made under Sec. 117(q) of Civil Aviation Act No. 14 of 2010
1818/06 2013-07-09 Land Acquisition - Thudawa and Gabadaweediya, Matara D/S Division, Matara District
1818/07 2013-07-09 Ministry of Higher Education - Recognizing the Colombo Internationl Nautical & Engineering College (Pvt.) Ltd. (CINEC) as a Degree awarding Institute for the purpose of devolping higer education
1818/08 2013-07-09 Colombo Municipal Council - Amend the new name of the Gregory Road, published in Ex. Gaz. No. 1816/17 of 26.06.2013 as "Sirimath R. G. Senanayake Mawatha"
1818/09 2013-07-09 Dept. of Elections - Elected Mr. Santhampillai Pathinathan as a Member - Manthai West P/S
1818/01 2013-07-08 Land Acquisition - Kattange, Pelmadulla D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Wettrilaikerney, Vadamarachchi D/S Division, Jaffna District
1818/02 2013-07-08 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Wages Board for the Engineering Trade and the Motor Transport Trade
1818/03 2013-07-08 Sri Lanka Customs / Ministry of Water Supply and Drainage Board - Rates of Exchange from 08.07.2013 to 14.07.2013 - Correction Notice for the Notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1802/06 of 18.03.2013 - Girakaduwa, Pathadumbra D/S Division, Kandy District
1818/04 2013-07-08 Forest Department - Order to declare - Karakolaman Forest in Matale District, Kathiraweli Forest in Batticaloa District, Labunoruwa, Karabankulama and Kadahathawewa, Hinna Forests in Anuradhapura District and Maduhelakanda Forest in Monaragala District - as reserved Forests
1818/05 2013-07-08 Forest Department - Order to declare - Getemawara Forest in Colombo District as Reserved Forests, Pitakanda Forest in Kegalle District as Conservation Forest, Narangamuwa Kanda Forest in Kurunegala District and Vanniyagama Forest in Puttalam District as Reserved Forests
1817/37 2013-07-05 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Rajanganaya Yaya 18 (Block 02), Rajanganaya D/S Division, Anuradhapura District - Cad. Map No. 10185
1817/38 2013-07-05 Central Province - The Central Provincial Council dissolved by the Govenor of the Central Province with effect from midnight July 05, 2013
1817/39 2013-07-05 North Western Province - The North Western Provincial Council dissolved by the Govenor of the North Western Province with effect from midnight July 05, 2013
1817/40 2013-07-05 Civil Aviation Authority of Sri Lanka - Notice under the Air Navigation Regulation 196 of the Application for Air Operater Certificate of Richy Skylark (Pvt.) Ltd.
1817/41 2013-07-05 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Miriswaththa, Divulapitiya D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510083
1817/42 2013-07-05 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Ambana, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510216
1817/43 2013-07-05 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Uduwana, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520002
1817/44 2013-07-05 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Panagoda, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520021
1817/45 2013-07-05 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Pitakanda, Waligepola D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620115
1817/46 2013-07-05 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Pallegama, Siyambalanduwa D/S Division, Monaragala District - Cad. Map No. 720002
1817/47 2013-07-05 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Rohanapura, Thissamaharama D/S Division, Hambanthota District - Cad. Map No. 830071
1817/48 2013-07-05 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kedawalamadiththa, Kandy Four Gravets and Gangawata Koralaya D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320294
1817/49 2013-07-05 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Thalangama, Balangoda D/S Division, Rathnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620070
1817/50 2013-07-05 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Mount Temple, Udapalatha D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320052
1817/51 2013-07-05 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Pallegama, Dambulla D/S Division, Matale District - Cad. Map No. 310011
1817/52 2013-07-05 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Molpe, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520209
1817/53 2013-07-05 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Udawela, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510267
1817/54 2013-07-05 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Amunukola, Eppawala, Nikawewa, Konwewa, Rajanganaya D/S Division, Anuradhapura District - Cad. Map No. 110005
1817/55 2013-07-05 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Panagoda, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520021
1817/56 2013-07-05 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Homagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001
1817/57 2013-07-05 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Watumulla, Rathmalana D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521009
1817/58 2013-07-05 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kamburugamuwa South, Weligama D/S Division, Matara District - Cad. Map No. 820070
1817/59 2013-07-05 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Mottunna, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510245
1817/60 2013-07-05 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Dehigolla, Mahiyanganaya D/S Division, Badulla District - Cad. Map No. 710024
1817/61 2013-07-05 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Ellakkala, Aththanagalla D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510601
1817/62 2013-07-05 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Lunugamwehera New Town, Lunugamwehera D/S Division, Hambanthota District - Cad. Map No. 830023
1817/63 2013-07-05 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Homagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001
1817/64 2013-07-05 Land Acquisition - Pahalagoda, Madurawala D/S Division, Kalutara District
1817/65 2013-07-05 Central Bank of Sri Lanka - Finance Business Act No. 42 of 2011 - Finance Companies (Structural Changes) Direction No.1 of 2013
1817/36 2013-07-04 Land Acquisition - Gepallawa, Kurunegala D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Amendment Notice for the Notice Published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1815/13 of 20.06.2013
1817/28 2013-07-03 Dept. of Elections - Registration of Electors (Special Provisions) Act, No. 27 of 2013, Supplementary List of insertion of Names of Sri Lankan Citizens displaced in North-Eastern Provinces-Electoral District No. 10 - Jaffna and No. 11 - Vanni
1817/29 2013-07-03 Land Acquisition - Hokandara, Kaduwela D/S Division, Colombo District - Thalangama, Kaduwela D/S Division, Colombo District
1817/30 2013-07-03 Northern Province - Northern Provincial Public Service Procedural Regulations Code
1817/31 2013-07-03 Ministry of Defence and Urban Development - Calling Service Personnel
1817/32 2013-07-03 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - The Industrial Disputes Act - Memorandum of settlement No. 1 of 2013, between Singer (Sri Lanka) PLC & the Commercial & Industrial Workers' Union
1817/33 2013-07-03 Ministry of Labour and labour Relations - The Industrial Dispute between Mr. S. S. K. S. Wijewardane and Ceylon Petroleum Storage Terminals Limited
1817/34 2013-07-03 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - The Award for the Industrial Dispute between Mr. J. M. M. S. Jayasundera and People's Bank Head Office
1817/35 2013-07-03 Dept. of Elections - Elected Mr. Ananda Sarath Upali Palihakkara as a Member of the Tangalle P/S - Vacated Mr. Iddamalgoda Dissanayaka Vimal Premachandra of Karandeniya P/S - Mr. Abeysiri Lekamwasam Wasantha Gunawardena of Bentota P/S - Mr. Guniyangodage Leelarathna Gunawardena of Baddegama P/S - Mr. Amarasiri Wakwella Gamage of Rajgama P/S, their offices of member
1817/08 2013-07-02 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Ellagala, Tissamaharama D/S Division, Hambanthota District - Cad. Map No. 830017
1817/09 2013-07-02 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Mahanagapura, Lunugamvehera D/S Division, Hambanthota District - Cad. Map No. 830024
1817/10 2013-07-02 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Rathmalana, Rathmalana D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521003
1817/11 2013-07-02 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Mallanda, Kormale D/S Division, Nuwara Eliya District - Cad. Map No. 330300 (File No. 4671)
1817/12 2013-07-02 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Dihideniya, Udunuwara D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 520269
1817/13 2013-07-02 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Gowindupura, Siyambalanduwa D/S Division, Monaragala District - Cad. Map No. 720003
1817/14 2013-07-02 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Jayamalapura, Udapalatha D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320016
1817/15 2013-07-02 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Mallanda, Kothmale D/S Division, Nuwara Eliya District - Cad. Map No. 330300 (File No. 4742)
1817/16 2013-07-02 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Thelawala, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520208
1817/17 2013-07-02 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Napokuna, Pannala D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420503
1817/18 2013-07-02 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Yaya 12, Rajanganaya D/S Division, Anuradhapura District - Cad. Map No. 110021
1817/19 2013-07-02 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Siddhamulla, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520020
1817/20 2013-07-02 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Mabodala, Minuwangoda D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510401
1817/21 2013-07-02 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Urapana, Divulapitiya D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510066
1817/22 2013-07-02 Land Acquisition - 78 Allotments and 05 Allotments of Handapanagala, Wellawaya D/S Division, Moneragala District - Pitabeddara, Pitabeddara D/S Division, Matara District - Angulana, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District
1817/23 2013-07-02 Land Acquisition - Mavila, Naththandiya D/S Division, Puttalam District - Bevilagama, Kuruwita D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Hiyare, Akmeemana D/S Division, Galle District - Nawadagala, Elpitiya D/S Division, Galle District
1817/24 2013-07-02 Land Acquisition - Udugama, Matale D/S Division, Matale District - Makumbura, Maharagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Pelawatta, Kaduwela D/S Division, Colombo District - Land Redemption Notice - Medagama, Gampaha D/S Division, Gampaha District - Correction Notice for notice published in page 15A of Ex. Gaz. No. 1809/24 of 10.05.2013
1817/25 2013-07-02 Land Acquisition - Wadiguna, Badulla D/S Division, Badulla District - Amendment Notice for notice No. 05-615 published in Ex. Gaz. No. 1809/16 of 09th May, 2013
1817/26 2013-07-02 National Water Supply & Drainage Board - The Provisions of the Voluntary Transfer Scheme Section 61(1) in respect of the Udawela Water Spply undertaking on by the Badulla P/S
1817/27 2013-07-02 Dept. of Fiscal Policy - Mid year Fiscal Position Report - 2013 issued under sec. 10 of the Fiscal Management (Responsbility) Act No. 3 of 2003
1817/01 2013-07-01 Dept. of Census & Statistics - Colombo Consumers' Price Index for the month of June 2013 - 176.5
1817/02 2013-07-01 Ministry of Defence and Urban Development - Order declaring by the President for requiring the Land in Colombo Fort for Multy Storey Car Park Cum Commercial Urban Development Project
1817/03 2013-07-01 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange from 01.07.2013 to 07.07.2013
1817/04 2013-07-01 Land Acquisition - Thihariya and Kalagedihena, Aththanagalla D/S Division, Gampaha District
1817/05 2013-07-01 Dept. of Elections - Elected Mr. Ranthirange Sarath Heman Marasinha as a Member - Padavisiripura P/S
1817/06 2013-07-01 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - The Collective Agreement No. 8 of 2013 between Associated Motorways (Private) Ltd. and the Sri Lankave Freedom General Worker's Union
1817/07 2013-07-01 Land Acquisition - Nagoda, Nagoda D/S Division, Galle District - Thalawatta, Badalkumbura D/S Division, Monaragla District - Ekiriyankumbura, Redeemaliyadda D/S Division, Badulla District
1816/44 2013-06-29 Department of Elections - Registration of Electors (Special Provisions) Act No. 20 of 2013, Supplementary List for internally displaced Sri Lankan Citizens in Electoral Districts No. 10 - Jaffna and No. 11 - Vanni
1816/31 2013-06-28 Land Acquisition - New Town, Thissapura, Kauduluwewa, 2nd Street, Yaya 02 and Suhadapura, Medirigiriya D/S Division, Polonnaruwa District
1816/32 2013-06-28 Ministry of Finance and Planning - Amendment to the Minute of the Sri Lanka Planning Service Published in the Gaz. Ex. Ord. Nos. 1670/32 of 10.09.2010 and 1883/37 of 09.11.2012
1816/33 2013-06-28 Dept. of Labour - Special Allowance payable to workers in the Cocoa, Cardaman & Peper growing & Manufacturing Trade is Rs. 542.83. The Wages Boards Ordinance for the Cocoa, Cardamand & Pepper growing & Manufacturing Trade to declair that the Col. Index No. for the Month of June 2013 is 176.5
1816/34 2013-06-28 Dept of Census & Statistics - The Census Ordinance (Chapter 143) Mr. Don Chandrasiri A. Gunawardena appointed as Superintendent of Census by the President. Appointed the Officers - All Additional Director Generals, All Directors, All Deputy Directors, All Senior Statisticians & All Senior Statisticians Appointed each Officer - (Addition to their own duties)
1816/35 2013-06-28 Dept of Trade and Investment Policy - Order Under Sec. III of the Customs Ordinance to declare the Customs Area of the Port of Colombo
1816/36 2013-06-28 Central Bank of Sri Lanka - Balance Sheet as at 31.05.2013
1816/37 2013-06-28 Marine Environment Protection Authority - Regulations under Sec. 51 of Issuance of Permits for dumping at sea of the Marine Pollution Prevention Act No. 35 of 2008
1816/38 2013-06-28 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relation - Wages Boards Ordinance - Wages Board for the Hotel & Catering Trade. Correction Notice for Wages Board for the Hotel & Catering Trade published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. 1814/57 of 13.06.2013, Mr. Jayatissa Kehelpannala as Jayantissa Kehelpannala. Correction Notice for Wages Board for the Hotel & Catering Trade published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. 1814/57 of 13.06.2013, Ms. Fathima Eshara Naufal as Fathima Ishara Naufal (E & T only)
1816/39 2013-06-28 Presidential Secretariat - Amendment to the Notice published in the Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1795/43 dated Jan. 31, 2013 regarding the Appointment of Ministers by substitution, Hon. Patalee Champika Ranawaka, M.P. Technology & Research, from June 24, 2013
1816/40 2013-06-28 Land Acquisition - Gonawala 47 and 21 Allotments, Galgedawala, Laggala Pallegama D/S Division, Matale District
1816/41 2013-06-28 Land Acquisition - Gangahenwala and Gonawala, Laggala Pallegama D/S Division, Matale District - Udukumblawela, Ella D/S Division, Badulla District
1816/42 2013-06-28 Central Province - The Standard By-laws on Solid Waste Management for Municipal Councils, Urban Councils and Pradeshiya Sabhas
1816/43 2013-06-28 Uva Province - Local Governance Standard By-laws-Section 4(a)
1816/27 2013-06-27 Presidential Secretariat - Appointed Mr. Gamini S. Senarath Chief of Staff to the President as Acting Secretary to the President with effect from 27.06.2013 until Mr. Lalith Weeratunga, Secretary to the President returns to the Island
1816/28 2013-06-27 Land Acquisition - Thennahena, Pitabeddara D/S Division, Matara District - Suriyakanda, Walapane D/S Division, Nuwara Eliya District
1816/29 2013-06-27 Land Acquisition - Gamwasamgama, Haldummulla D/S Division, Badulla District
1816/30 2013-06-27 Ministry of Land & Land Development - Regulations made by the Minister of Lands & Lands Development under sections 155 & 156 of the Land Development Ordinance & Approved by the Parliament under section 157
1816/12 2013-06-26 The Department of Government Printing - The Printing Service Minute of the Government Printing Department
1816/13 2013-06-26 Central Bank of Sri Lanka - Amendment for Monetary Law Act, Regulation 'D', Reserve Requirements made by the Monetary Board and published in Gazette Ex. Ord. No. 1805/39 of 12.04.2013, with effect from 1.7.2013
1816/14 2013-06-26 Land Acquisition - Padukuduirippu, Potkeni, Paddimendu, Koviladi, Kunchadappanthidal, Nayanmarthidal, Nadupiripanthidal and Mulliyadithidal, Thambalagamuwa D/S Division, Trincomalee District
1816/15 2013-06-26 Land Acquisition - Damanegama, Madulla D/S Division, Moneragala District - Kotagala, Nuwaraeliya D/S Division, Nuwaraeliya District - Bedirikka and Pulavely, Mahaoya D/S Division, Ampara District - Mount Lavinia, Ratmala D/S Division, Colombo District
1816/16 2013-06-26 Land Acquisition - Polwaththa, Maharagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Ranna, Tangalla D/S Division, Hambanthota District - Ambathale Malgama, Mulleriyawa and Belagama, Kolonnawa D/S Division, Colombo District - Thalalla South, Devinuwara D/S District, Matara District
1816/17 2013-06-26 Colombo Municipal Council - Gregory Road starts Maitland Crescent, Colombo 7, renamed as 'Sir R. G. Senanayake Mawatha'
1816/18 2013-06-26 Architects Registration Board - New and Renewal Registration of Charted Architects, Architects and Architectural Licentiates for the year 2013/2014
1816/19 2013-06-26 Land Acquisition - Matale Town, Matale D/S Division, Matale District - Liyanagoda, Dodangoda D/S Division, Kalutara District - Bulathsinhala and Pahala Welgama, Bulathsinhala D/S Division, Kalutara District
1816/20 2013-06-26 Land Acquisition - 06 Allotments, 03 Allotments and 45 Allotments in Kuttapitiya, Pelmadulla D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Correction Notice for the notice published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1794/2 of 21.01.2013
1816/21 2013-06-26 Land Acquisition - Naranthanai East and North, Naranthanai North and Northwest, Naranthanai East, Centre and North, Islands North, Kayts D/S Division, Jaffna District
1816/22 2013-06-26 Land Acquisition - Karampon East, Karampon East and Kayts, Kayts, Islands North-Kayts D/S Division, Jaffna District
1816/23 2013-06-26 Land Acquisition - 55 Allotments and 63 Allotments in Dutugemunu, Dehiwala D/S Division, Colombo District - Correction Notices for the notices published in Gazette Ex. Ord. Nos. 1684/15 of 13.12.2010 and 1555/8 of 24.06.2008
1816/24 2013-06-26 Land Acquisition - Mudungoda, Gampaha D/S Division, Gampaha District
1816/25 2013-06-26 Presidential Secretariat - Appointed Mr. Padmasiri Jayamanna as Secretary to the Ministry of Private Transport Service with effect from June 19, 2013
1816/26 2013-06-26 Presidential Secretariat - Appointed a Commission for inquiry of human skeletons found in General Hospital premises in Matale
1816/02 2013-06-25 Dept. of Elections - Redivided the Electoral Divisions of Digamadulla Electorate under the Voters Registration Act No. 44 of 1980
1816/03 2013-06-25 Land Title Settlement Department - Balangoda, Balangoda D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620077
1816/04 2013-06-25 Land Title Settlement Deptartment - Udawalawa, Harispaththuwa D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320319
1816/05 2013-06-25 Land Title Settlement Department - Jayamalapura, Udapalatha D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320016
1816/06 2013-06-25 Land Acquisition - Pothagoda, Pathahewaheta D/S Division, Kandy District - Amendment to Ex. Ord. No. 1809/16 of 09.05.2013, Ganga Ihala Korale D/S Division, Kandy District
1816/07 2013-06-25 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Award Industrial dispute between Jathika Sewaka Sangamaya and the National Film Corproation - Memorandum of Settlement No. 2 of 2013 - Singer (Sri Lanka) PLC, Colombo 2 and Industrial Worker's Union no. 17, Barracks Lane, Colombo 2
1816/08 2013-06-25 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Collective Agreement No. 13 of 2012
1816/09 2013-06-25 Land Acquisition - Compensation of Land in Kerawalapitiya, Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District
1816/10 2013-06-25 Presidential Secretariat - Subjects and Functions of Ministers Amendment to Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1681/3 of 22.11.2010, with effect from 24.06.2013
1816/11 2013-06-25 Import and Export Control Department - Import and Export (Control) Act No. 1 of 1969 - Gazette Notifications passed by the Parliament
1816/01 2013-06-24 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange from 24.06.2013 to 30.06.2013
1815/30 2013-06-22 Department of Elections - Elected Mr. D. K. Nishantha Dasanayake as a Member of Kundasale Pradeshiya Sabha - Mr. Wellahenage Chandrapala vacated and ceased the membership of Weeraketiya Pradeshiya Sabha
1815/31 2013-06-22 Land Acquisition - Puwakpitiya, Seethawaka D/S Division, Colombo District
1815/32 2013-06-22 Land Acquisition - Pelawatta, Walallawita D/S Division, Kalutara District - Maharagama, Maharagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Athul Kotte, Sri Jayawardanepura Kotte D/S Division, Colombo District
1815/21 2013-06-21 Land Acquisition - Hapugasthalawa, Kotmale D/S Division, Nuwara-Eliya District - Paththaduwana, Minuwangoda D/S Division, Gampaha District - Narahenpita, Thimbirigasyaya D/S Division, Colombo District - Cancellation for the Gaz. Ex. No. 1706/05 of 16.05.2011 - Munneswaram, Chilaw D/S Division, Puttalam District
1815/22 2013-06-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Kongasthenna, Weligepola D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620122
1815/23 2013-06-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Godapola, Udunuwara D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320281
1815/24 2013-06-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Ranasiripura, Lunugamvehera D/S Division, Hambanthota District - Cad. Map No. 8300048
1815/25 2013-06-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Kandawala, Rathmalana D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521001
1815/26 2013-06-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Borupana, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520211
1815/27 2013-06-21 Land Title Settlement Department - Pallewela, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510220
1815/28 2013-06-21 Land Acquisition - Polpitiya and Horombawa and Dalupathmulla, Kuliyapitiya (East) D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Amendment to Gaz. Ex. No. 1809/28 of 10.05.2013 for D/S Division Kandy four Gravets and Gangawata Korale
1815/29 2013-06-21 Land Acquisition - Millagaspitiya, Udapalatha D/S Division, Kandy District - Atagahawela, Mawathagama D/S Division, Kurunegala District
1763/17 2013-06-20 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Borupana, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad Map No. 520211
1815/13 2013-06-20 Land Acquisition - Thumbowila and Werahara, Kesbewa D/S Division Colombo District - Amendment Notice for the Notice for the No. 1 - 720 published on 25th January 1974 by Divisional Secretary to Soranathota, Badulla District
1815/14 2013-06-20 Department of Trade and Investment Policy - The Revenue Protection Act No. 19 of 1962 Revenue Protection order No. 1 of 2013
1815/15 2013-06-20 Department of Trade and Investment Policy - The Customs Ordinance (Chapter 235) Order under Sect 10A
1815/16 2013-06-20 Uva Provincial Council - Appointed Hon. Shashindra Rajapaksha as Acting Minister of Youth Affairs Sport, Social Welfare... from 03.06.2013 till the return to Sri Lanka of Hon. Minister M. Sendil Thondaman. Appointed Hon. Shashindra Rajapaksha as Acting Minister of Youth Affairs Sport, Social Welfare... from 30.05.2013 till the return to Sri Lanka of Hon. Minister M. Sendil Thondaman
1815/17 2013-06-20 Land Acquisition - Pundaluoya, Kotmale D/S Division, Nuwaraeliya District
1815/18 2013-06-20 Dept. of Elections - Notice under the Registration of Elections Act No. 44 of 1980 as amended by the Registration of Elections (Special Provisions) Act No. 27 of 2013
1815/19 2013-06-20 Ministry of Water Supply & Drainage - Land Acquisition - Niyabepola, Thumpane D/S Division, Kandy District - Ketawala, Ankendagolla, Kandy D/S Division, Kandy District - Bulugahapitiya, Hanguranketha D/S Division, Kandy District - Panamura, Ambilipitiya D/S Division, Ratnapura District
1815/20 2013-06-20 Land Acquisition - Karagahatenna, Ambanganga Korale D/S Division, Matale District
1815/09 2013-06-19 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Godagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520017
1815/10 2013-06-19 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kalalpitiya, Attanagalla D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510600
1815/11 2013-06-19 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Milidduwa, Galle-Kadawath Sathara D/S Division, Galle District - Cad. Map No. 810018
1815/12 2013-06-19 Secretariat of the Governor - W/P - Order pertaining to assigning the powers of Western Provincial Public Service
1815/06 2013-06-18 Matara Four Grarets D/S Division - Pilgrimage Ordinance, Annual Festival of Mother's Church Matara
1815/07 2013-06-18 Land Acquisition - Undurugoda, Heraliyawala and Ambalangoda, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Block No. 7 and 5
1815/08 2013-06-18 Land Acquisition - Undurugoda (Block No. 5 and 6) and Kirigampamunuwa, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Godigamuwa, Horana D/S Division, Kalutara District
1815/01 2013-06-17 Land Acquisition - Boralesgamuwa, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District
1815/02 2013-06-17 Public Services Commission - Appointed Mrs. V. C. P. R. Abeygunawardhana and 08 other Officers as Senior Assistant Secretaries and Mrs. A. S. M. S. Mahanama and 16 other officers as Additional Secretaries to the Ministries
1815/03 2013-06-17 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Award the Industrial dispute between Mr. S. M. Wijekoon Banda and 2 others and Sri Lanka Telecom Limited
1815/04 2013-06-17 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange from 17.06.2013 to 23.06.2013
1815/05 2013-06-17 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Rejection of the decision of the arbitrator for the Industrial Dispute between C. T. Janaka Pushpakumara and Trelleborg Lanka (Pvt.) Ltd., Published in Gaz. Ex. Ord. No. 1798/63 of 22.02.2013
1814/63 2013-06-14 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Brahmanagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520014
1814/64 2013-06-14 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Lakshapathiya, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520210
1814/65 2013-06-14 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Uyana, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520207
1814/66 2013-06-14 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Udalupola, Rideegama D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420057
1814/67 2013-06-14 Land Acquisition - Kondadeniya, Harispattuwa D/S Division, Kandy District - Plan No. Maha 5851, Plan No. Maha 6257
1814/68 2013-06-14 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Award - Industrial Dispute between Mr. H. A. D. T. N. Happitiya and Sri Jayawardane Hospital, Industrial Dispute between Mr. K. D. Thilakaratna and Land Reform Commission
1814/69 2013-06-14 Dept. of Elections - Mr. Abeysinghe Liyana Arachchige Kumara Rupasinghe has vacated & ceased his membership Tissamaharama P/S
1814/56 2013-06-13 Land Acquisition - Aluthwewa, Nachchaduwa D/S Division, Anuradhapura District - Talawakalle, Nuwara Eliya D/S Division, Nuwara Eliya District - Thebiliyana, Kuruwita D/S Division, Ratnapura District
1814/57 2013-06-13 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Wages Boards - the Hotel and Catering Trade - the Janitorial Service Trade and Nursing Home Trade
1814/58 2013-06-13 Land Acquisition - Kondadeniya, Harispattuwa D/S Division, Kandy District - Ettampitiya, Hali-ela D/S Division, Badulla District
1814/59 2013-06-13 Land Acquisition - Kiriellegama, Soranathota D/S Division, Badulla District
1814/60 2013-06-13 Ministry of Water Supply and Drainage - Acquisition of lands - Rajjammana special business colony village, Matale D/S Division, Matale District for construction Rajjammana Intake and Access Road and construction of Rajjammana Water Treatment Plant of Greater Matale Water Supply Scheme - Mahalewakanda village, Yatawatta D/S Division, Matale District for construction of the Mahalewakanda Water Tank of Greater Matale Water Supply Scheme - Udatenna Village, Ukuwela D/S Division, Matale District for construction of Udatenna New Water Supply Plant
1814/61 2013-06-13 Ministry of Water Supply and Drainage - Acquisition of Lands - In Moragaspitiya Village, Pallepola D/S Division, Matale District for construction of the Walmoruwa Water Tank of Greater Matale Water Supply Scheme - In Rajjammana Village, Matale D/S Division, Matale District for construction of the Rajjammana Water Storage Tank and access road - In Pansalatenna Village, Ukuwela D/S Division, Matale District for construction of the Panalatenna Water Tank - Errata Notice for Sasthrikulam Water Treatment Plant of Vavuniya Water Supply Scheme Notice published in Ex. Gaz. No. 1738/14 of 28.12.2011
1814/62 2013-06-13 Ministry of Water Supply and Drainage - Acquisition of Lands - In Boyagane Village, Kurunegala D/S Division, Kurunegala District for construction of the Regland Watta Water Tank - In Alawwa Village, Alawwa D/S Division, Kurunegala District for the construction of the Ganekanda Water Tank of Polgahawela-Alawwa Water Supply Scheme - In Handapanagala Village, Narammala D/S Division, Kurunegala District for the construction of proposed Impounding Reservoir for Paranagama Area
1814/39 2013-06-12 Central Bank of Sri Lanka - Exchange Control Act (Chapter 423 of the CLE) Permission to Residents for making payments to Acquire Immovable Property Held by Non Residents
1814/40 2013-06-12 Central Bank of Sri Lanka - Exchange Control Act (Chapter 423 of the CLE) Permission for opening & Maintaining Accounts with Banks outside Sri Lanka
1814/41 2013-06-12 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Homagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001 - Homagama South
1814/42 2013-06-12 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Rathmalkatuwa, Dambulla D/S Division, Matale District - Cad. Map No. 310015
1814/43 2013-06-12 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Homagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001- Homagama East
1814/44 2013-06-12 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Balagalla, Divulapitiya D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510006
1814/45 2013-06-12 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Seenimalwaththa, Udapalatha D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320065
1814/46 2013-06-12 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Badullegama, Weligepola D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620167
1814/47 2013-06-12 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Panawala, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510250
1814/48 2013-06-12 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Amendment to Gazette Ex. Ord. No. 1760/38 of 31.05.2012 Divulapitiya D/S Division, Cad. Map No. 510063
1814/49 2013-06-12 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Wewalawewa, Dambulla D/S Division, Matale District - Cad. Map No. 310049 (Block 10)
1814/50 2013-06-12 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Paliyatiyana, Minuwangoda D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510409
1814/51 2013-06-12 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Wewalawewa, Dambulla D/S Division, Matale District - Cad. Map No. 310049 (Block 07)
1814/52 2013-06-12 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Agalegedara, Divulapitiya D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510002
1814/53 2013-06-12 Ministry of Defence & Urban Development - Acquisition of Land in Medawala, Harispaththuwa D/S Division, Kandy District
1814/54 2013-06-12 Ministry of Labour & Labour Relations - Award - Industrial Dispute between Sri Lanka Nidahas Sewaka Sangamaya & Sewanagala Sugar Industries Ltd.
1814/55 2013-06-12 Presidential Secretariat - Promotion of Lieutenant General Jagath Jayasuriya VSV, USP, NDU, PSC to the Rank of General of the Sri Lanka Army w.e.f. 01.06.2013
1814/15 2013-06-11 Ministry of Industry and Commerce - Sri Lanka Export Development Act No. 40 of 1979 - Appointed Advisory Committees
1814/16 2013-06-11 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Parana Halpe, Divulapitiya D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510026
1814/17 2013-06-11 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Ambana, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510216
1814/18 2013-06-11 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kahengama, Kuruwita D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620274
1814/19 2013-06-11 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Hathugoda, Udapalatha D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320226
1814/20 2013-06-11 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kongodamulla, Divulapitiya D/S Division, Gamapha District - Cad. Map No. 510086
1814/21 2013-06-11 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Amendment to Gaz. Ex. No. 1786/12 of 29.11.2012 Siyambalanduwa D/S Division - Cad. Map No. 720022
1814/22 2013-06-11 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Horethuduwa, Panadura D/S Division, Kalutara District - Cad. Map No. 530011
1814/23 2013-06-11 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kalalpitiya, Attanagalla D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510600
1814/24 2013-06-11 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Mabodala, Minuwangoda D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510401
1814/25 2013-06-11 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Habarakada, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001
1814/26 2013-06-11 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Angulana, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520212
1814/27 2013-06-11 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Malwatta, Attanagalla D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510645
1814/28 2013-06-11 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kongasthenna, Weligepola D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620122
1814/29 2013-06-11 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Meerigama, Merrigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510200
1814/30 2013-06-11 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Rawathawaththa, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520201
1814/31 2013-06-11 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Welage, Balangoda D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620069
1814/32 2013-06-11 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Meerigama, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510200
1814/33 2013-06-11 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Borupana, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520211
1814/34 2013-06-11 Land Acquistion - Hunupitiya, Kelaniya D/S Division, Gampaha District
1814/35 2013-06-11 Land Acquisition - Compensation of land in Maththumagala, Kerawalapitiya, Watttala D/S Division, Gampaha District, Lot No. 47, Lot No. 46, Lot No. 17
1814/36 2013-06-11 Dept. of Elections - Elected Mr. A. Perumal as a Member - Nuwaraeliya P/S
1814/37 2013-06-11 Land Acquisition - Kerawalapitiya, Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District Lot No. 15, Lot No. 14, Lot No. 2
1814/38 2013-06-11 Dept. of Labour - Collective Agreement No. 21 of 2012
1814/01 2013-06-10 Land Acquisition - Radaliyedda, Bibila D/S Division, Monaragala District - Bellanthara, Dehiwala, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District - Ampe, Galigamuwa D/S Division, Kegalle District - Ambathale, Kolonnawa D/S Division, Colombo District
1814/02 2013-06-10 Land Acquisition - Yataththawala, Rambukkana D/S Division, Kegalle District - Thalawathugoda, Maharagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Kirinda, Kirinda-Puhulwella D/S Division, Matara District - Welata, Kandy Four Gravets and Gangawata Korale D/S Division, Kandy District - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 1778/8 of 02.10.2012
1814/03 2013-06-10 Ministry of Defence and Urban Development - Acquisition of land in Slave Island in Colombo M/C, Colombo District
1814/04 2013-06-10 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange from 10.06.2013 to 16.06.2013
1814/05 2013-06-10 Land Acquisition - Nagasena, Nuwaraeliya D/S Division, Nuwaraeliya District - Katugasthota, Kandy and Gangawata Korale D/S Division, Kandy District - Hiramadagama, Godakawela D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Pamankada, Colombo D/S Division, Colombo District - Land Redemption Notices - Aththidiya, Dehiwala, Mt. Lavinia D/S Division, Colombo District
1814/06 2013-06-10 Land Acquisition - Compensation of land in Thimbirigasyaya, Thimbirigasyaya D/S Division, Colombo District
1814/07 2013-06-10 Land Acquisition - Urubokka, Pasgoda D/S Division, Matara District - Correction Notice for the Gaz. Ex. No. 1806/6 of 18.04.2013 - Akarahediya, Laggala-Pallegama D/S Division, Mt. Lavinia, Colombo District
1814/08 2013-06-10 Land Acquisition - Kurunduwatta, Balapitiya D/S Division, Galle District - Unapana, Uwaparanagama D/S Division, Badulla District - Wewegedaragama, Uwaparanagama D/S Division, Badulla District
1814/09 2013-06-10 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Katubedda, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520205
1814/10 2013-06-10 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Lakshapathiya, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520210
1814/11 2013-06-10 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Brahmanagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520014
1814/12 2013-06-10 Land Acquisition - Compensation of land in Kerawalapitiya, Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District - Lot No. 92, Lot No. 108, Lot No. 90, Lot No. 89
1814/13 2013-06-10 Land Acquisition - Compensation of land in Kerawalapitiya, Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District - lot no. 88, Lot No. 98, Lot no. 87 - Compensation of land in Heenkenda, Wattala D/S Division, Badulla District
1814/14 2013-06-10 Ministry of Defence & Urban Development - United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1267 (Consolidated list)
1813/24 2013-06-07 Ministry of Finance and Planning (Trade and Tariff) - Special Commodity Levy Act No. 48 of 2007 - A Special Commodity Levy for items: fish, maldive fish, sprats, red onions and etc.
1813/25 2013-06-07 Ministry of Finance and Planning (Trade and Tariff) - Payment and Settlement Systems Act, No. 28 of 2005, Payment Cards and Mobile Payment Systems Regulations No. 1 of 2013
1813/26 2013-06-07 Dept. of Elections - Elected Mr. Uthuwan Pathrannehelage Chandrasoma Saranalal as a Member of the Western Province Provincial Council from the Administrative District of Gampaha
1813/27 2013-06-07 Land Acquisition - Uswetakeiyawa, Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District - Tharumakerny, Pachchilaipalli D/S Division, Kilinochchi District
1813/28 2013-06-07 Land Acquisiton - Compensation for land Watakeyagha Kumbura alias Polongapol Kumbura, Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District
1813/16 2013-06-06 Western Province - Appointed Mr. Thalgamuwe Gedara Lional Weerarathne, and Peduru Arachchige Ariyapala as Members and Mr. Ariyadasa Thanthirige as Chairman of the Co-operative Employees Commission of the Western Province
1813/17 2013-06-06 Department of Inland Revenue - Inland Revenue Act No. 10 of 2006 Notice under Sec. 34 (2) (r) - Villages Identified by virtue of and for the purpose of Paragraph (r)
1813/18 2013-06-06 Land Acquisition - Block No. 2, Lot Nos. 232-257, Block No. 3, Lot Nos. 121-149 - Block No. 7, Lot Nos. 257-270 and Block No. 10, Lot Nos. 174-196 of Dutugemunu Village, Dehiwala D/S Division, Colombo District
1813/19 2013-06-06 Land Acquisition - Pahala Yagoda, Gampaha D/S Division, Gampaha District - Alankulama, Nachchaduwa D/S Division, Anurdhapura District - Urubokka, Pasgoda D/S Division, Matara District
1813/20 2013-06-06 Dept. of Elections - Elected Mr. J. M. Musthafa as a Member - Eravur U/C
1813/21 2013-06-06 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Appointed Mr. S. M. S. Jayawardana for the settlement of dispute between Mr. K. P. Wickramanayake and Kelani Cables Ltd.
1813/22 2013-06-06 Ministry of Labour & Labour Relations - Wages Board for the Cinema Trade Appointed members for a period of three years commencing on 16.02.2013
1813/23 2013-06-06 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations - Wages Board Ordinance - Wages Boards for the Coconut Growing Trade, the Rubber, Plastic and Petroleum Resin Products Manufactuing Trade, the Security Service Trade, the Ceramic Products Manufactuing Trade
1813/09 2013-06-05 The Institute of Chartered Accountants - Sri Lanka Accounting & Auditing Standards Act No. 15 of 1995 [Publication Under Sec 4(2)]
1813/10 2013-06-05 Land Acquisition - Ganegama - East, Baddegama D/S Division, Galle District - Amendment to Gaz. Ex. No. 1718/17 of 10.08.2011 Mahara D/S Division, Gampaha District - Sec 07
1813/11 2013-06-05 Land Acquisition - Velankulam, Vavuniya D/S Division, Vavuniya District - Sec. 38(A)
1813/12 2013-06-05 Land Acquisition - Meegahakivula, Meegahakivula D/S Division, Badulla District - Amendment to Gaz. Ex. No. 1796/15 of 07.02.2013 - Sec.38(A)
1813/13 2013-06-05 Ministry of Labour Relations - The Award - Industrial dispute between Mr. S. R. Gunawardana and Tea small holdings Development Authority
1813/14 2013-06-05 Import and Export Control Dept. - Import & Export (Control) Act No. 1 of 1969. Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 1739/3 of 02.01.2012
1813/15 2013-06-05 Import and Export Control Dept. - Import and Export (Control) Act No. 1 of 1969 - The Exports (Standardization and Quality Control) Regulations
1813/06 2013-06-04 Dept. of Elections - Elected Mr. W. M. Rathnapala as a Member - Badulla M/C
1813/07 2013-06-04 Dept. of Elections - Elected Mr. B. A. Nimal Bamunuarachchi as Chairman - Puttalam P/S
1813/08 2013-06-04 Mediation Boards Commission - The Mediation Boards Act. No. 72 of 1988 - Nominations for Mediation Panel Board
1813/01 2013-06-03 Land Acquisition - Pitabeddara, Pitabeddara D/S Division, Matara District - Paranagampitiya, Ibbagamuwa D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Gangulpitiya, Elapatha D/S Division, Ratnapura District
1813/02 2013-06-03 Ministry of Defence and Urban Development - The Public Security Ordinance (Chapter 40) Call out all members of the Armed Forces. Calling Service Personnel
1813/03 2013-06-03 Dept. of Elections - Elected Mr. A. Ajith Kumara Mannapperuma as M.P. - Electoral District No. 02 - Gampaha
1813/04 2013-06-03 Land Acquisition - Diyatalawa, Haputale D/S Division, Badulla District
1813/05 2013-06-03 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange from 03.06.2013 to 09.06.2013
1812/31 2013-06-01 Dept. of Census & Statistics - Colombo Consumers' Price Index for the month of May 2013 - 173.9
1812/32 2013-06-01 Land Acquisition - Compensation for land in Kirillawala, Mahara D/S Division, Gampaha District
1812/27 2013-05-31 Central Bank of Sri Lanka - Balance Sheet as at 30.04.2013
1812/28 2013-05-31 Ministry of Finance & Planning - Annual Report of Ministry of Finance & Planning - 2012 (Final Budget Position Report)
1812/29 2013-05-31 North Central Provincial Council - Amended Statute of the Education Development Fund - No. 2 of 2012
1812/30 2013-05-31 Ministry of Labour and Labour Relatioans - Cost of Living Index No. (based on 2006/07) for the Month of May 2013 is 173.9 - Special Allowance payable to workers in the Cocoa, Cardamum and Pepper Growing and Manufacturing Trade - Wages Boards Ordinance - Janitorial Service Trade
1812/24 2013-05-30 Consumer Affairs Authority - Consumer Affairs Authority Act No. 09 of 2003 (Maximum Retail Prices for Broiler Chicken Meat)
1812/25 2013-05-30 Land Acquisition - Holiroodwatta, Nuwara Eliya D/S Division, Nuwara Eliya District - Karainagar, Karainagar D/S Division, Jaffna District (No. YA/KRN/2011/121), Karainagar, Karaingar D/S Division, Jaffna District 9no. YA/KRN/2011/74) Karainagar, Karainagar D/S Division, Jaffna District - Karaithivu, Karainagar D/S Division, Jaffna District (No. YA/KRN/2011/120)
1812/26 2013-05-30 Ministry of Public Administration & Home Affairs - The Holidays Act No. 29 of 1971 - The Public and Bank Holidays for the Year 2014
1812/14 2013-05-29 Land Acquisition - Pallebedda, Maha Oya D/S Division, Ampara District - Plan No. Ampara/MHO/2011/151. Plan No. Ampara/MHO/2011/179, Plan No. Ampara/MHO/2011/149, Plan No. Ampara/MHO/2011/195, Plan No Ampara/MHO/2011/244 - Sec. 5
1812/15 2013-05-29 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Lakshapathiya, Moratuwa D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad.Map No. 520210
1812/16 2013-05-29 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Udugama, Mirigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510243
1812/17 2013-05-29 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Weligalla, Udunuwara D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320236
1812/18 2013-05-29 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Amendment to Gazette Ex. Ord. No. 1768/6 of 23.07.2012, Ihala Makadura, Pannala D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420501
1812/19 2013-05-29 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Dehipagoda, Udunuwara D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320241
1812/20 2013-05-29 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 1788/21 of 12.12.2012, Bolankanda, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510283
1812/21 2013-05-29 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 1786/15 of 29.11.2012, Madandura, Pannala D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420500
1812/22 2013-05-29 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kudalunuka (Block 10), Rideemaliyadda D/S Division, Badulla District - Cad. Map No. 710021
1812/23 2013-05-29 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Massana, Balangoda D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620083
1812/05 2013-05-28 Land Acquisition - Pathegama, Bambarenda, Dickwella D/S Division, Matara District - Matugobe, Kotapola D/S Division, Matara District - Dandugama, Ja-Ela D/S Division, Gampaha District
1812/06 2013-05-28 Land Acquisition - Makumbura, Maharagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Padeniya (No. Ma/DMB/2011/67 and No. Ma/DMB/2011/332), Dambulla D/S Division, Matale District - Thiththapaththara, Weke D/S Division, Colombo District
1812/07 2013-05-28 Land Acquisition - Sinharamulla, Kelaniya and Gonawala, Kelaniya and Biyagama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Imaduwa/Paragoda, Imaduwa D/S Division, Galle District - Dandugama, Gangodawila, Maharagama D/S Division & Boralesgamuwa, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District
1812/08 2013-05-28 Land Acquisition - Bellanthara, Kesbewa D/S Division, Colombo District - Land Redemption - Halangoda, Ukuwela D/S Division, Matale District - Land Acquisition - Amendment to Gaz. Ex. No. 1799/30 of 01.03.2013 (Dickwella D/S Division)
1812/09 2013-05-28 Land Acquisition - Maduwegedara, Hiripitiya, Attanagalla D/S Division, Gampaha District - Kalegana, Bope-Poddala D/S Division, Galle District - Mulgama, Doluwa D/S Division, Kandy District
1812/10 2013-05-28 Land Acquisition - Kankasanthurai, Wimankamam, Theiyadi, Palali and Ottapalam, Walikamam D/S Division, Jaffna District
1812/11 2013-05-28 Land Acquisition - Thalawakele, Nuwara Eliya D/S Division, Nuwara Eliya District - Madawala, Thumpane D/S Division, Kandy District - 800-I, Dodangoda D/S Division, Kalutara District
1812/12 2013-05-28 Dept. of Forests - Declaration - The Alagalla Forest, Batakanda Forest, Ambulambe Forest, Wemedilla Forest and Gallengedaragawa Forest as Conservation Forests
1812/13 2013-05-28 Dept. of Forests - Declaration - The Katupotha-Halmilla Forest, Kotukanda Forest, Kalugalekele Forest, Bogahapathana Forest and Pahataarawa Teak Forest as Conservation Forests
1812/01 2013-05-27 Ministry of Public Administration and Home Affairs - The Marriage Registration Rules - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 1371/25 of 16.12.2004, the Kandyan Marriage and Divorce (Fees) Rules 2013, the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 1371/25 of 16.12.2004 - The Births and Deaths Registration Act - amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 1371/25 of 16.12.2004 - Fees (Rule 37)
1812/02 2013-05-27 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange from 27.05.2013 to 02.06.2013
1812/03 2013-05-27 Land Reform Commission - Land Reform Act No. 01 of 1972 Rescinding again the Statutory determination No. 4324 published under Sec.19
1812/04 2013-05-27 Presidential Secretariat - Appointed Mr. Sumith Abeysinghe as Acting Secretary to the President w.e.f. 27.05.2013
1811/10 2013-05-23 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 1779/5 of 08.10.2012 - Meerigama D/S Division
1811/11 2013-05-23 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 1781/35 of 25.10.2012 - Balangoda D/S Division
1811/12 2013-05-23 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 1661/06 of 06.07.2010 - Homagama D/S Division
1811/13 2013-05-23 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Agalegedara, Divulapitiya D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510002
1811/14 2013-05-23 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Makulewa, Thalawa D/S Division, Anuradhapura District - Cad. Map No. 110181 - Notice No. 11/2008
1811/15 2013-05-23 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Siyambalagoda, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520022
1811/16 2013-05-23 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Homagama Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001
1811/17 2013-05-23 Land Acquisition - Compensation land in Kerawalapitiya, Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District - Lot No. 44, Lot No. 02, Land in Welisara, Wattala D/S Division, Gampaha District
1811/18 2013-05-23 Land Acquisition - Kotawera, Uvaparanagama D/S Division, Badulla District - Maningamuwa, Divulapitiya D/S Division, Gampaha District - Dalupathgedara, Divulapitiya D/S Division, Gampaha District (Zone 02) - Dalupathgedara, Divulapitiya D/S Division, Gampaha District (Zone 03)
1811/05 2013-05-22 Elections Dept. - Appointed Assistant Registering Officers for the Electoral Districts - Jaffna and Vanni
1811/06 2013-05-22 Presidential Secretariat - Appointed Provincial Chief Secretaries (Mr. H. P. Kularathna & 04 Others)
1811/07 2013-05-22 Land Acquisition - Ella, Ella D/S Division, Badulla District
1811/08 2013-05-22 Land Acquisition - Miniranketiya & Gonawala, Laggala-Pallegama D/S Division, Badulla District
1811/09 2013-05-22 Uva Provincial Council - Local Authorities (Standard by Laws) Act, No. 6 of 1952. Approval of Draft by Laws made under the Section 2 of the Local Authorities (Standard by Laws) Act, No. 6 of 1952 (Chapter 262) Published in the Gazette Ex. No. 1794/12 of 22.01.2013
1811/04 2013-05-21 Western Province - Inquiry period will be extended from 17th April to 17th July of the single Person Tribunal comprising retired Judge of High Court Hon. Dudly Karunarathne. Inquiry period will be extended from 17th April to 17th July of the single Person Tribunal comprising retired Judge of the Court of appeal Hon. B. L. K. Wimalachandra. Appointed Hon. B. L. K. Wimalachandra to inquire & submit a report
1811/01 2013-05-20 Land Acquisition - Galgamuwa, Arasanwewa, Galgamuwa D/S Division (No. 229/1/4/ii) - Galgamuwa, Arasanwewa, Galgamuwa D/S Division, (No. 229/1/4/iii), Kurunegala District
1811/02 2013-05-20 Sri Lanka Customs - Rates of Exchange from 20.05.2013 to 26.05.2013
1811/03 2013-05-20 Dept. of Elections - Elected Mr. S. I. Sunil Shantha Senanayaka as a member Pelmadulla P/S
1810/45 2013-05-17 Ministry of Civil Aviation - Notice by the Director General of Civil Aviation - Civil Aviation Authority of Sri Lanka
1810/46 2013-05-17 Dept. of Elections - Elected Mr. M. Sumathipala as a member Gampaha P/S - Elected Mr. P. G. Wijegunawardana - Mahara P/S
1810/47 2013-05-17 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kirimetithenna, Balangoda D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620066
1810/48 2013-05-17 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Makandura, Pannala D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420500
1810/49 2013-05-17 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Neligama, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510269
1810/50 2013-05-17 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Adiambalama, Katana D/S Division, Gampaha District - Notice No. 51/0555 Gampaha District
1810/51 2013-05-17 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Yaya - 10, Medirigiriya D/S Division, Polonnaruwa District , Notice No. 12/0152 - Polonnaruwa District
1810/52 2013-05-17 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Eluwaopitiya, Attangalla D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510608
1810/53 2013-05-17 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Homagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001
1810/54 2013-05-17 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 1603/3 of 25.05.2009 (Meerigama D/S Division)
1810/55 2013-05-17 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Rathmalana, Rathmalana D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 521003
1810/56 2013-05-17 Land Acquisition - Gamagoda, Dodangoda D/S Division, Kalutara District - Gorokgahamada, Balangoda D/S Division, Ratnapura District
1810/57 2013-05-17 Land Acquisition - Kotapola, Kotapola D/S Division, Matara District - Magalla, Four Gravets-Galle D/S Division, Galle District - Ellepola, Balangoda D/S Division, Ratnapura District
1810/58 2013-05-17 Ministry of Defence & Urban Development - Award of Parama Weera Vibhushanaya
1810/44 2013-05-16 Land Acquisition - Paragahathota, Balapitiya D/S Division, Galle District - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 1646/14 of 23.03.2010 - (Lot Nos. 77-80) Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 1646/14 of 23.03.2010 - (Lot Nos. 81-84) - Wattala D/S Division, Pahala Hanwella, Seethawaka D/S Division, Colombo District
1810/34 2013-05-15 Uva Province - Mr. Gunadasa Samarasinghe & Other 15 Officers have been appointed by the Governor
1810/35 2013-05-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Rajawaka, Balangoda D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620042
1810/36 2013-05-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Homagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001
1810/37 2013-05-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Muddaragama, Meerigama D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510205
1810/38 2013-05-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Balinduwawa, Balangoda D/S Division, Ratnapura District - Cad. Map No. 620027
1810/39 2013-05-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Pallegama, Dambulla D/S Division, Matale District - Cad. Map No. 310011
1810/40 2013-05-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Uduwana, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520002
1810/41 2013-05-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Weligalla, Udunuwara D/S Division, Kandy District - Cad. Map No. 320036
1810/42 2013-05-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Mabodala, Minuwangoda D/S Division, Gampaha District - Cad. Map No. 510401
1810/43 2013-05-15 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Mawathagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520005
1810/22 2013-05-14 Ministry of Land & Land Development - Appointed Mr. C. Wijedasa Abeysuriya as Acquiring Officer. Appointed Mr. Gamini Kuruppuarachchi as Acquiring Officer
1810/23 2013-05-14 Land Acquistion - Gampolawatta, Colony, Doluwa D/S Division, Kandy Districts - Amendment to the Gaz. Ex. No. 1151/28 of 29.09.2000 - Badulla D/S Division - Sec. 7
1810/24 2013-05-14 Land Acquistion - Bambarenda, Dickwella D/S Division, Matata District - Holombuwa, Galigamuwa D/S Division, Kegalla District - Muppane, Monaragala D/S Division, Monaragla District - Yatawatta Divilla, Yatawatta D/S Division, Matale District - Sec 38(A)
1810/25 2013-05-14 Land Acquistion - Pathingaskotuwa, Matale D/S Divison, Matale District - Kuleepitiya, Polgahawela D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Harangala, Kotmale D/S Division, Nuwaraeliya District - Gonagala, Kotale D/S Division, Nuwaraeliya District - Sec. 38(A)
1810/26 2013-05-14 Land Acquistion - Medakumbura, Kotmale D/S Division, Nuwaraeliya District - Halpola, Kotmale D/S Division, Nuwaraeliya District - Gunnepana, Kundasale D/S Division, Kandy District - Cancellation of the Order No. 100 of 2013 published in Gaz. Ex. No. 1805/23 of 10.04.2013 Sec. 7
1810/27 2013-05-14 Land Acquistion - Rambawewa, Nelawa, Ganewatta D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Rambawewa, Ganewatta D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Rambawewa, Nelawa, Welikada, Ganewatta D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Rambawewa, Nelawa, Ganewatta D/S Division, Kurunegala District (No. KV/GNW/2012/594) - Rambawewa, Nelawa, Ganewatta D/S Division, Kurunegala District (No. KV/GNW/2012/593 Sec. 38(A)
1810/28 2013-05-14 Land Acquistion - Wetasseeyayaya, Ratthota D/S Division, Matale District - Passara, Badulla D/S Division, Badulla District - Hambanthota, Hambanthota D/S Division, Hambanthota District - Puttalam D/S Division, Puttalam District - Urala, Nagoda D/S Division, Galle District Sec. 38 (A)
1810/29 2013-05-14 Ministry of Defence & Urban Development - Award the Karyakshama Seva Padakkama - Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force
1810/30 2013-05-14 Ministry of Defence and Urban Development - Sri Lanka Armed Services Long Service Medal Sri Lanka Armed Services Long Service CLASP
1810/31 2013-05-14 Ministry of Labour & Labour Relation - Wages Boards Ordinance Appointments of Members of the Wages Board for the Tanning, Footwear & Leather Goods Manufacturing Trade
1810/32 2013-05-14 Central Bank of Sri Lanka - Central Bank of Sri Lanka has issued a licence to Indra Finance Ltd., Kandy
1810/33 2013-05-14 Dept of Elections - Revision of Registers of Electors for the Year 2013
1810/01 2013-05-13 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kudawewa, Thambuththegama D/S Division, Anuradhapura District - Cad. Map No.110088
1810/02 2013-05-13 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Pahala Makandura, Pannala D/S Division, Kurunegala District - Cad. Map No. 420500
1810/03 2013-05-13 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Detana, Mahakubukkadawala D/S Division, Puttalam District Plan No. 3390
1810/04 2013-05-13 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Kebithigollewa, Kuchuttu Korale D/S Division, Anuradhapura Distrct Plan No. 1651
1810/05 2013-05-13 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Homagama, Homagama D/S Division, Colombo District - Cad. Map No. 520001
1810/06 2013-05-13 Land Title Settlement Dept. - Balagala, Divulapitiya D/S Division, Gamapaha District - Cad. Map No. 510089